Big Secret
Prisha was a twelve year old Indian girl who lived above the shop owned by her dad in a small …
Prisha was a twelve year old Indian girl who lived above the shop owned by her dad in a small …
A guy on the door to the club gets a lot more than expected I work at a nightclub and …
Sixteen year old Steve was a violent racist thug who many people were very scared of even the local police …
My daughter was filmed having sex with a much older guy, and people decided to stick their noses in. Fuck …
Pia was a twelve year old Bengali girl who had been living in England for just over two years, her …
No When I was a teen I used to hang out and my friend’s house and swim in her in …
Ethan attends a mixer and discovers Aubrie, a painal-loving, deepthroating, piss-guzzling, well-mannered divorcee. A/N: Sorry for the long wait between …
My sister-in-law Hyun and daughter Kalyani were staying with me while Todd her husband had left for overseas the next …
I was just on my way out when Andrew came in, “sorry mate I got a call and had to …
Asif was sitting in is bedroom looking out the window waiting to see who was going to be looking after …