A Mother’s Love, written by lofwyrkp

We just finished voting for a challenge for my Girlfriend. So as you read this it’s from another author but soon we’ll talk about the Challenge.

Mary slowly stretched out under the duvet, taking a few moments to

appreciate the snug warmth, before she had to get up. As she lay there, she

couldn’t help but smile, because today was a very special day, a very

special day indeed. For today it was her birthday, and her Mom had promised

her that now she was almost a woman it was time for a whole new wardrobe to


She couldn’t wait until she got the to mall, and got to explore all the

wonderful shops that catered to the younger crowd, no longer would she have

to wear what her mother deemed as appropriate, which to her much younger

mind seemed terribly old fashioned. No longer the plain blouses, the

straight skirts, and blushing slightly as she thought of them, her plain,

boring white smalls. Soon she’d have a suitable wardrobe to go off to

university with.

When she arrived at university, she’d be like a butterfly coming out of its

cocoon. She’d be transformed from the plain, dowdy Mary that her classmates

made fun of behind her back into sexy, exciting Mary, a Mary that just

“might” find a boyfriend.

She languidly slid a hand back under the covers, and let her fingers tap

against her white panties, teasing herself. Her mind was wondering what it’d

be like to kiss a boy, to feel his breath mingling with hers.

That wasn’t all though, she wondered what a penis would feel like, was it as

good to feel as she’d heard? Was is good to feel one sliding into her? Her

friends told her that it was way better than the handle of a hairbrush, and

when he came, Oh the feeling of hot cum filling you up was to die for.

Not that she actually knew, her mother had kept her on a strict curfew all

her life, and it was way past the time she struck out on her own.

She couldn’t blame her Mom though, she knew that her mother had had her

young, that she’d been taken advantage by the school hunk, and then he’d

abandoned her to raise their child alone. She knew the sacrifices her mother

had made to raise her, and whilst she couldn’t wait to strike out on her

own, she understood why her Mom had been so strict about boys.

Reluctantly she withdrew her hand from its explorations and her daydreams

when she hear d her Mom call. She’d been so close, so close to a glorious

orgasm, but she was needed, and today, well her orgasm could wait. She had

much better things to do.

Quickly she dressed, thinking that this would be the last time she’d have to

wear such old maids clothes, soon she’d be dressed just like any other

young woman who was off to university.

Her time in the mall just flew by, there was so much to see and to choose

from, she couldn’t believe it. The colours, the cuts, the styles, so many

choices at once were almost too overwhelming for her.

Every time she tried on a new outfit, she couldn’t help but notice that the

assistants kept giving her an apprising look. Each new look seemed to bring

a nod of approval from them, and she felt so wonderful, so alive. She had

never thought she could look so good.

Mary was aware that her Mom wasn’t too happy about some of her choices,

buther Mom put a brave face on it, and tried her best to approve of her

daughters outfits, even if it was obvious that she thought some of them were

way too revealing.

It was only on their way back did she understand her mother’s distracted


Her Mom told her that whilst she’d been trying out her new clothes, she’d

received a reminder from the clinic that Mary was due in for a check-up.

So instead of heading out for a family meal, here they were, heading off to

the gynaecologists for her annual check up.

Instead of the normal route, her Mom took a slightly different one, telling

her that since Dr Mackenzie was on holiday, he’d referred her to a locum.

As they drew up outside, her Mom patted her on the arm, and told her that

she’d wait for her, and that they could have her birthday meal later, if she

still wanted to. “Of course Mom, that’d be great!” Mary reassured her as she

left the car.

Once inside the clinic, the receptionist took her name, and gave her a look,

a look Mary that Mary had a hard time interpreting. She couldn’t decided

whether it was predatory or pitying, and told her where to go for her check


Slightly unnerved by the strange behaviour by the receptionist, Mary opened

to door to the suite, and was pleasantly surprised to see that her Doctor

was female and looked pretty young, almost too young to have qualified.

Still it was much better than old Dr McKenzie. Not that Dr Mac as she called

him was bad, it was just that he was the only man to have ever seen her most

intimate parts, and that made her feel just a little uncomfortable.

The doctor welcomed her in with a “Hi, you can call me Steph” and pointed

to a seat by her desk. Mary quickly sat down and waited for the inevitable

barrage of questions, which she duly answered, honestly and openly. Sue

seemed quite pleased by the answers, only pausing occasionally to remark

that Dr Mackenzie had kept excellent notes.

The next part was the bit that Mary usually dreaded, the examination on the

gyno table. She always felt so exposed lying there, her legs held open by the

stirrups, whilst Dr Mac sat looking into her most private part. Just the

memory of him, caused her to blush slightly.

This time Mary felt much more relaxed, and she just knew that a woman would

be more sympathetic, more understanding than any man could be.

As she wriggled a little, trying to get comfortable, Steph, quietly and

efficiently worked around her, attaching straps to her thighs, her calves,

and around her hips. When Mary questioned the need, Steph replied with that

during this exam she’d be needing to make some delicate measurements, she

couldn’t afford to have Mary move around too much and spoil the readings.

Somewhat mollified, Mary settled down, and with a start realised that

somehow, being held helpless like this was a little scary, but also a little

sexy. She realised that she was like a helpless princess awaiting the

attentions of a prince to awaken her.

She blushed, deeper this time as she hoped that she wasn’t getting too

moist, that her naughty thoughts weren’t having too great an effect on her

pussy, as it would be mortifying for that nice Dr Steph to see her like this.

Steph though just smiled down at her, and patted her on the arm, and with a

knowing smile told her that a great many women had a similar reaction when

the straps were tightened.

With that Steph briefly disappeared and returned with a cloth covered table,

something that Dr Mac had never done. As she sat down between her

widespread thighs, she told her that she was going to perform some different

tests, tests that Dr Mac had probably never done on her.

Mary leant up and watched as Steph uncovered the table, and see was a little

surprised to see that the cover his what looked like a man’s penis on some

sort of robotic arm. Steph noticed her interest, and with a smile told her

that yes, it was exactly what her mind was telling her.

“If you didn’t know, Mary” Steph told her, “There are special devices to

help girls receive pleasure, that they didn’t need to just use hairbrush


If she could Mary thought she’d curl up an die with embarrassment,

how could she know that that was her favourite way off getting off whilst she

was dreaming about her first boyfriend, and that special moment when he took

her for the very first time.

Her mind was brought back to the present when she felt Stephs latex covered

hand brush against her pubic hair. With a deep blush, she felt her lower lips

part slightly, exposing her intimate folds.

“That’s a good girl” Steph reassured her, seeming to take no notice of her

arousal as she continued to gently stroke Mary’s mons, all the while lining

up the phallic device with her open vagina.

Mary couldn’t look, it was too embarrassing, here she was, tied down, whilst

her doctor stroked her where nobody had ever stroked her and to make matters

worse, she was getting turned on!

She tried to move away when she felt the tip of the device press against

her, but Steph just continued to stroke her, and the feel of her touch was

relaxing enough to enable the phallic intruder to slip into her, almost

without her noticing.

She made a small face when she felt the tip of the intruder press against

her cervix, and Steph carefully moved it back a little. “Comfortable?” she

asked, and Mary nodded a yes.

Steph stopped her stroking, and became all businesslike again, “I’d like you

to grip the phallus” she asked, as we need to know just how well you’ve

developed your vaginal muscles. Not many women take enough care, and we

need to know what your baseline readings are.

Mary did as she was requested and tried to grip the device as hard as she

could, bearing down, holding it as tight as she could manage. Steph was busy

looking at the readings on her laptop, and told her in an amazed voice,

you’re doing great. Not many women have such well developed muscles there,

you must really take care.

This praise threw Mary a little, as she knew she hadn’t ever done anything to

improve herself “down there”

Stephs’ voice brought her back from her musings, and she had to ask her to

repeat herself. “I’m going to turn it on now, and I want you to relax and

enjoy it” Steph repeated.

“OMG” Mary thought, Dr Steph wants me to cum, here, now, and she turned her

face to the wall, trying to cover up her spreading blush. Mary bit down on

her lip when the phallus started to slowly vibrate, sending surprising

feelings trough her.

The pain in her lip, and the pleasurable sensations from the intruder mixed

together, and she realised that she was indeed getting turned on. Steph’s

touch, when it came, somehow didn’t surprise her, in fact she sort of

expected the doctor to press and rub her latex hand against her mons,

repeating what she’d been doing earlier.

Mary found she couldn’t really move her hips at all, and the damned device

wouldn’t move, instead it just throbbed away inside her, sending shivering

ripples through her. Although Mary had thought her first time with another

would have been with her first boyfriend, she strangely didn’t mind that it

was Dr Steph.

Her breathing got ragged as she neared her first shared orgasm, and Dr Steph

reacted by changing her rubbing action to one of tracing her fingertips up

and down her fully engorged labia. This change of touch was all she needed

and with a low, drawn out groan, she felt herself clench the intruder

tighter than she had before.

The feeling of the slightly yielding phallic invader felt so huge inside

her, she thought she’s never stop cumming, it was that intense.

She’d made it like she’d never had before, and all her spinning mind could think


well if that’s what its like with a toy, what would a real mans penis feel like?

And with those thoughts, Mary let herself drift of into a light post

orgasmic slumber. She was barely aware as Steph slowly removed the intruder,

and left the room.

Mary awoke, momentarily lost as she tried to make sense of the restrained

feeling, but Stephs kind voice gently reassured her, and told her that they

just needed one more reading and they’d be done.

Just the memory of her orgasm, there in front of Steph, caused Mary a moment

of slight embarrassment, but she quickly got over it. If this last test was as good

as the previous, well, it would make a birthday for her to remember.

She was almost looking forward to the device, and found enough nerve to ask

Dr Steph was they were actually called, she couldn’t help herself colouring

just a little at the question, but she thought that now she was going to

uni, she ought to splash out on something like these, just in case finding

a boy took longer than she thought.

Steph told her that the technical terms were a dildo, for the non vibrating

one, a vibrator for the other. “Dildo, vibrator” these names rattled around

her mind as she watched Steph line up another device with her vagina.

Seeing Mary’s curiosity, Steph informed her that she was going to use a

dildo again on her, as she needed to reaffirm the results.

This time Mary noticed that it was a little larger in girth than the first,

but Steph calmed her worries, telling her that it’ll feel just as good as

the first one, if not better, and Mary hoped that she was right.

As the dildo slipped into her, Mary felt her body respond, her pussy started

to moisten, and her labia puffed up again, getting nice and thick. She could

feel the throb of her clit as the blood rushed into it, demanding her


Mary relaxed when Steph started to rub her mons again, sending fresh shivers

through her. As she tensed up, she could feel the larger dildo filling her,

making her feel ever so aroused. Again Steph slowly drew her latex covered

fingertips up and down, along her engorged labia, teasing her, and Mary

could feel another great orgasm swelling up within her.

Just as she tightened up, just as the first wave of orgasmic contractions

swept though her, she felt a sharp pricking deep within her pussy, but

Stephs touch and the nearness of her orgasm just mixed up the pain signals,

driving her to a shattering orgasm.

This time though, after she’d came, she found that her pussy wouldn’t relax,

wouldn’t go back to normal. She could feel the walls of her pussy still

tightly gripping the dildo.

“Steph?” Mary asked worriedly, “My pussy, there’s something wrong with my

pussy, it’s all cramped tight”

“Don’t worry” Steph reassured her, it’s a perfectly natural reaction to the

injection of Botox that you’ve just received.

Mary’s head spun injection? Botox? what was Steph talking about? It didn’t

make sense to her, but Steph ignored the girls weak protests and carried on

about her business as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

As Steph slowly withdrew the dildo, Mary thought she’d be turned inside out,

she was gripping it so tight. The slight speckles of blood she saw as it

slowly slipped from her just added to her consternation.

Once it was safely out of the way, Steph, settled on her seat, and looking

up between Mary’s still widespread thighs, let out sigh, and said it was a

shame, but her mothers instructions had been very clear.

Mary was totally confused now, what had her mother to do with any of this,

wasn’t this a normal gyno exam? And more worryingly, what exactly

did Steph mean by it all.

She didn’t have long to wait to find out, as she watched as Steph lent in

close, and slowly blew across her exposed mound. The feel of the hot, damp

breath on her exposed and still throbbing clit sent a fresh shiver through

her, relaxing her a little.

Steph then took a bottle of lube from the table, and generously coated both

of her hands, rubbing them together with s squeaky, squishing sound.

Mary was in total shook as she felt Stephs fingers expertly probe her still

puffy labia, and start to slip into her waiting pussy. To start with they

felt a little like the dildo, but as they continued to press she could feel

first two, then three and eventually all four finger start to slip into her.

Whilst all that was happening, Steph head was lowering closer and closer to

her clit, the feel of her breath was getting harder and harder, still

managing to arouse her, even as a part of her mind worried about what

exactly her fingers were doing.

Steph timed the moment perfectly, the moment she started to introduce her

thumb was the moment her lips made contact with Mary’s labia. Mary couldn’t

help but release another soft moan, the feel of Steph’s moist lips on her

lower lips was surprisingly nice, and she momentarily forgot about he hand

that was almost inside her.

As Steph teased her, almost but not quite making contact with her engorged

clit, she could feel her vaginal walls give, the tight clamped feeling was

replaced with a series of little popping sensations and pangs of pain

as her muscles were stretched beyond their limit.

The feeling of her innermost muscles as they gave way to Stephs insistent

hand started to feel good, especially when combined with her excellent

tongue and lips. She could feel herself trying to lift her hips, trying to

get Steph to kiss her on her throbbing clit, but the hip strap prevented all


She was gasping, in a heady mix of pain and pleasure as Steph slowly formed

a fist, deep within her. The feel of her knuckles and thumb as it slowly

slid deep into her, rasping against the engorged nodules of her g-spot. Taught

ligaments and muscles frozen in place with botox fighting the intruder.

Eventually she was so deep that she felt a nudge on her cervix.

“Look” Steph told her, momentarily moving her head, allowing her to see

Stephs arm buried deep in her with a mirror. Stephs forearm was halfway inside

her, slowly sliding back out, the knuckles of the fist stretching, scraping along

her most sensitive walls.

Mary couldn’t help but think that looked sooo wrong, but felt so right as

Steph continued to slowly fist her aching pussy. Steph lowered her head

again and started to tease and torment her clit with the promise of a most

intimate kiss as she started to twist her wrist inside her.

Mary could feel her pussy muscles, stretching, then snap, releasing

exquisitely intense masochistic pain, as the fist

expertly probed all the deep recesses of her cunt. in the back of her mind

she was aware that the Botox had paralysed her muscles, causing them to

remain inflexible and tightened, and that Stephs hand was tearing them,

ripping them, not just at the ligaments, but causing stretching trauma, millions

of micro tears throughout, ruining them, making them useless, forever. She

would have panicked, but she was so overcome with feeling she could barely


But somehow it didn’t matter. All that mattered was the incredible feelings

that the invading hand and her mouth were doing to her.

Steph paused momentarily, and relaxed the hand, letting it open inside her,

as she placed her other arm alongside the first.

As she started to slide the first fingers of her other hand alongside the

first, Steph took Mary’s little bud into her mouth, and gently ran her

teeth along the sensitive tip.

Mary’s mind closed down as the incredible feelings of Steph’s fisting

and gentle nibbling on her clit sent an orgasmic shiver though her. Almost, but

not quite enough. She could feel herself right on the brink of a shattering

orgasm, but Steph released her trapped clit, letting her come of the edge.

Whilst she had been distracted with her almost orgasm, Steph had finished

sliding her other hand into her, so that when she told Mary to look, she

could only see Stephs two wrists gripped tight by her well stretched labia.

As Steph started to close her hands, forming a pair of fists deep inside

her, stretching, tearing muscle fibres, snapping and loosening ligaments,

destroying elasticity, ripping hundreds of small micro-tears that couldn’t be

counted, pulverising the her young cunt walls, turning them to soggy soft mush.

The bruising tomorrow would prevent her from walking.

The trauma of repeated births in seconds not hours, and with botox

unlikely to wear off any time soon, removing any hope of doing kegel exercises

to recover.

She lowered her head again, and started to flick her moist tongue over Mary’s

exposed clit. The shock and intimacy of Stephs expert mouth sent Mary

straight to the edge of an orgasm, before tipping her over. As she started to

cum, she could feel the two fists being forced deep into her, now moving fast,

then very fast, then ruthlessly, punching, harder, harder, faster. It made wet

smacking noises. Loud sucking squelching noises, like a boot stirred in thick


Now she was churning her fists hard, using her entire body weight for leverage,

grunting with effort like a wrestler.

The ‘Dr’ did her best to remove what little tone her mushy cunt muscles still

held. Mary was cumming, and cumming, one orgasm after another as the fists

and tongue expertly played with her. The feel of Stephs mouth teasing and

toying with her clit, the feel of the fists as they scrapped against her G spot,

kept Mary locked in an orgasmic spasm in her whole body – she couldn’t feel

her cunt contracting though. There was nothing left of her former youthful pussy

muscles, they were stretched beyond usefulness, ruined, probably forever. All

she could feel was the throbbing in her clit and the feel of the invading hands

violating her insides as they played with and stretched the sensitive walls

of her pussy more and more. Still in went on, seemingly for hours.

Steph was being brutal and systematic.

Finally, the orgasms stopped, and Steph, slowly pulled her hands from deep

within her with a slopping sound.

Mary was dazed, she was totally spent, it’d felt like she’d played a full

game of netball, she felt that tired. She could barely hold her head up when

Steph produced a mirror, one like they used at the hairdressers, and told her

to have look at her pussy.

Even though her mind was barely working, from sheer exhaustion and cumming

so much, she couldn’t stop a small tear forming at the corner of her eye as she

saw her ravaged teenage pussy. It looked like a whores pussy. It still gaped

open as wide as when both fists had just exited together, a deep, angry red,

dark cavern, not closed up, neat, nice and tight as it should be – as it was

before. It was as if she’d just given birth, except the trauma to her vagina was


Steph, then in he best doctors voice told her that this what her

mother had wanted for her. She didn’t want Mary to make the same mistakes

she had when she was young, and with a stretched, enlarged, loose pussy like

this, no boy or man would want to fuck it. At least, not once they got her in the

bedroom and felt how used it was. She could attract them with her pretty face

and nice body, to get favours, but only a man who really loved her would put up

with her ruined cunt muscles.

Her Mother did this so that she could avoid bad boyfriends who weren’t caring

and focus on her studies instead of being a silly slut at parties like her Mom

had been in her youth – her mothers ability to milk cocks with her tight pussy

muscles had become famous, guys had insisted on experiencing it bareback,

and the rest was history – young single Mom. Well it wouldn’t happen like that

to her daughter Mary now.

Thanks to her Mom, her university career was safe. As long as she stayed

shy about her pussy, avoided casual sex, focused on passing those exams, and

found a virgin nerd or somebody to marry, some luckless rich dope who doesn’t

believe in sex before marriage.

Unfortunately the plan massively backfired and Mary wasn’t a great student and

became a fisting whore for a biker gang and ended up giving birth to a whole

litter of different men’s babies. At least every delivery was smooth. The babies

just fell out, with no pushing required. Mary could at least thank her Mother for


The end.

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