A New Bar Was Quite An Experience

I got a text from my girlfriend asking me to meet her at a bar I had ever been to. She wanted to tell me something. She sounded upset. So, I go to this place and it wasn’t the nicest place but, I guess I was safe. Hope so anyway. I go in, she’s not there. I’m waiting and I order a Purple Hooter, then I order a Long Island Ice Tea and I’m waiting on her. I’ve got on a mini dress, heels and my crotchless panties. My ladies are exposed nicely with the help of my shelf bra. I love these. They make you feel so sexy when you wear them. There’s two guys that keep looking at me from across the bar. The one guy must have something to do with this bar because, the waitress keep going up to him for stuff.

I’m looking at the clock, where is she? I give her a call, she doesn’t answer. I send a text, she doesn’t answer. This is odd. Well, I’m feeling this Long Island Iced Tea, that’s for sure.

The two guys got up and went somewhere. It wasn’t but a minute until they came up and one sat down on each side of me. They said, “Hello, and how are you doing tonight?” I said, “Well, I was supposed to meet my girlfriend but she’s not here and I can’t reach her on the phone so, I don’t know what’s going on.”
They ask, “Can we buy you another drink?” I said, “No, thank you, this Long Island is kicking my butt.”
I ask their names and they said, “I’m Paul and this is Sammy.” I said, I’m Katie.” These were two good looking men. And, as par for the course I’m getting horny. They’re talking about my dress especially my titties. Paul reaches over and touches the lowest part that’s showing and that’s right above my nipple. He said, “Those look yummy.” I said, “Thank you.” He sliding his finger down rubbing my nipple. That sent a zinger to my pussy.They were quite busy and it was loud and crowded.

I commented on the aquarium they had on the wall, I thought it was very interesting as well as beautiful.
Sammy said he was the owner, he wanted to show me something about the aquarium, back in his office. So, I went with him and Paul to his office. He showed me this curtain and when he opened it, it was a window that he could see in the bar but, they couldn’t see him. And, the other side was the aquarium, that wasn’t real, even though it looked real. I thought that was pretty cool.

Paul handed me my drink and I said, “Well, we going back out?” Sammy said, “Why don’t we just stay here, it’s not as noisy.” Paul said, “I agree, Sammy.” So, I said, “Sure.” I was really feeling that liquor. I said, “Maybe I shouldn’t have ordered a drink with five shots of liquor in it.” Sammy said, “Well here honey, sit on the couch and rest a bit.” I sat down and they sat down too, one on each side of me.
Sammy said, “How’s your sex life, Katie?” I said, “Very good, my husband and I have a great sex life.” He said, “Do you ever cheat on him?” I said, “I have before.” Sammy said, “Did he find out?” I said, “Yeah, he felt the cum in my pussy so I told him what happened.” They said, “Really?” I said, “Yeah.” Now they’re talking about sex and I’m getting wet. Paul said, “What did he do when he found out?” I said, “We had the best sex of our life, it turned him on.” They said, “Wow, what a man.”

Paul put his arm around me and said, “You know that bra you’ve got on is different than anyone I’ve ever seen.” I said, “It’s a shelf bra.” “It’s like half a bra.” He said, “Can you show us?” I said, “Well, I guess.” So, Sammy unbuttons the front of my dress. He said, “Stand up let us see.” When I stood up my dress slid right down to my knees. I grabbed it and Paul said, “Here honey, let me help you. He pulled it up and finished unbuttoning it, and took it off of me. I said, “Well, you did that wrong.” They laughed.

Sammy reached in between my legs and said, “Crotchless panties?” Then, he took them off. I was turned on by these two.Then they unhooked my bra and said, “Now, that’s better.” Paul took off his pants and so did Sammy. Sammy sat down on the couch and said, “Come over here and sit down on my dick, Katie. I looked at it pointing straight up and got a yearning in my pussy. I said, “I think I’ll have a seat.” I slid down on Sammy’s dick. Ohoo, it felt good. I pumped up and down a few times. Paul stood in front of me then put his dick in my mouth. I’m sucking Paul dick and he starts fucking my mouth by, holding my head. I’m licking his balls and he moans. I sucked one in my mouth and swirl my tongue all around it. Then I do the other ball. He said, “Fuck girl, that a nut cracker.”

Sammy’s bouncing me up and down on his dick. His dick is nice and big. It’s definitely filling my desire to be fucked. Paul said, “You were right Sammy.” I said, “Right about what?” Paul said, “Sammy said, ” She’d be a good fuck.” They fucked me for quite awhile. Sammy’s squeezing my titties and said he’s gonna cum. As he grabs my hips and pulls them down on his dick he spews his cum in my pussy.

Paul’s still fucking my mouth and as Sammy slides his dick around in the deposit he just left in my pussy.
Suddenly, Paul pushes his dick in deep and cums in my mouth. I feel it squirt, squirt, squirt in the back of my throat.
Paul said, “I love your mouth, Katie.” Sammy said, “Wait till you fuck this pussy.” I said, “Thank you gentlemen for the compliment and the sex but, I really have to go.”

Paul said, “Oh no honey, were not finished with you, dear Katie.” Sammy said, “No Katie, were not done yet.” I said, “What’s that mean?” Just as I said that, Sammy took my wrist and Paul grabbed the other one, pulled it behind my back and cuffed them in hand cuffs. I said, “What are you doing?”
Sammy said, “We like to do more than have a quick fuck.” Paul opened a cabinet and pulled out some kind of whip and a butt plug. I said, “Hey guys, I’m not really into that bondage stuff.” “Come on, take the cuffs off, please?”

Paul said, “This bondage stuff makes my dick hard.” as he slaps me across my tits with that whip. I said, “Ouch, that hurts.” He does it again, and again. Sammy has the butt plug and goes around behind me then said, “Bend over.” I said, “No.” Paul comes over and picks me up to expose my ass to Sammy. Sammy inserts the butt plug. I’m yelling, “Stop that, it hurts.” He finally gets it in. I can’t believe this is happening to me.

Paul puts his between my legs. I squeeze my legs together. Then, they laid me down on the couch and Paul starts fingering my pussy. He’s hand fucking me hard. I feel like I’m gonna cum. The butt plug is still hurting. Then Sammy starts again with the whip across my titties and pussy. It’s making me want to cry. I’m saying, “I want to leave guys, come on.” Sammy said, “You can leave when we get done, not until.”

I’ve got red marks all over me. My body feels like it’s burning. Then, Sammy comes and takes the butt plug out of me and Paul stops fingering me. Sammy pulls me on top of him and puts his dick in my pussy. Then, Paul sticks his dick in my ass. I said, “Paul, that hurts.” He said, “You’ll get used to it.”
They start fucking me and I’m in pain. Paul’s slapping my ass and Sammy’s squeezing and sucking my titties. Paul’s got a thing with using that whip on my ass.

It finally stops hurting so bad and I’m able to stand it. Paul said, “How’s this feeling now, Katie?” “You like having your ass fucked?” I said, “It’s not as bad as it was.” Then, he reaches around and starts rubbing my clit. It’s feeling good, so good, I’m gonna cum, please let me cum. Oh, I’m cumming. Oh man, I needed that. I can’t believe I’m liking having my ass and pussy fucked at the same time but, I am. Sammy’s still sucking on my tits. Paul takes the cuffs off while he’s still fucking me. That feels better, at least I can support myself.

Sammy said, he’s cumming and Paul said he’s almost there, too. A few more strokes and Paul cums in my ass. I’m thinking, finally I can go home.
Paul pulls his dick out but, it still feels like something is still in there. I get up off Sammy and I set on the stool because, cum is running out of my body.
I said, “Well, that was totally unexpected, men.” Sammy said, “I hope you ended up enjoying yourself, Katie.” I said, “As a matter of fact, I did.” “Can’t believe it but, I did.”
Paul said, “Would you like to take a souvenir with you?” He hands me the butt plug or whip. I said, “I don’t think that will be necessary, but thank you anyway.” He said, “Would you ever want to do this again?” I said, “Now, that’s something I’d have to think about.”

I was so impressed because the both started dressing me. Paul put my panties on me and Sammy put my bra on me. They helped with my dress and Sammy buttoned it up. I said, “You guys are great.” Thank you for this new experience you gave me.” They said, “Anytime, Katie, we hope you come back.”
Sammy said, “By the way, tell your husband thanks?” I said, “Thanks?” “Thanks for what?” He said, “He called me and ask us to take care of you tonight.” I looked shocked and said, “He set this up?” Paul said, “You don’t think we take a strange women, in our office and treat her like we did you do you?” I said, “Well, I was a little drunk but, I did think it was odd, since you didn’t know me.” I couldn’t believe it.
That’s why I couldn’t reach my girlfriend. I’m sure my husband told her to ignore my text and calls.

Well, I couldn’t wait to get home and see my husband. Then, I said, “Paul, may I have those souvenirs?
He said, “Sure.” I just might be able to use them.

My husband is gonna want a full report of what happened, when I get home. I know he’s at home with a stiff dick, waiting for me to get there. Then, he’ll slide it in my pussy to find somebody’s cum already in there. That’ll make him harder and more excited. I’ll tell him what all was done to me. His dick gets so hard and so big I think it’s gonna explode. It turns me on so much to see how horny it makes him. Then, he cums. I love it.

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