A Wifes Public Humiliation 4

How far would a wife go to save her husbands career, her house and friends,with me Helen Brooks it was far ,far further than most women would go.

I find myself writing to you dear reader over a year since the last time I was sold at auctioned to pay off my husbands debts and to stop him from losing everything, from our house to his business. My husband has just left my bedroom after brutally abusing me, he is no longer the loving Samuel I had before I humiliated myself and whored myself all for him for on seven different visits to his club.

On my last visit I was auctioned off to a group of his friends who secretly accused Samuel of cheating at the card table,they plied him with drink before the auction,and unbeknown to him they were the highest bidders for my body that night . They took him along with them telling him they were all going to have a good time, who with he did not know and I guess didn’t care.. By the time I was led to the room they occupied my Samuel had been tied tight hand and foot in a chair and as they removed my cloke through his drunken haze he realized to the great delight of his so called friends who the naked woman standing in front of him was his wife..

For several hours he watched as the five of them used and abused me and to humiliate him by making me bend over and hold the arms of his chair while they fucked me, the whole time I had to pretend to be enjoying myself. I had seen what happened to a woman that had failed to show they were enjoying themselves with their paying customers . A woman of around 40 called Anna-Marie had failed to ” amuse ” the man that had won her in the previous auction. Before the next auction she received 50 strokes of the rattan cane , ripping her bottom to shreds and making her pass out because of the pain twice before the punishment was complete. The night I am talking about this was the last day of me paying off Samuels debts , I was not going to fail that night .

I laughed as one of them laid on his back on the floor and I climbed on him as he put his big cock in my bottom one of his friends them began to push his cock in my acunny and as as I screamed out” your killing me ,your killing me” I was soon shut up with another cock being pushed into my mouth.
I looked at Samuel as I slowly got up, his so called friends sperm ran from my cunny my ,ass and covered my face, the look my Samuel gave me was not one that showed any sign of him feeling sorry for what I was going through,it was one of complete disgust for the whore he saw standing before him.

Now when he relieves his sexual urges with me, (we no longer make love) he uses me like I was some cheep whore on the street corner. Samuel no longer visits my bedroom to cuddle and hold me, to tell me he loves me, he is more likely to walk into our front sitting room and order me to bend over the end of our leather couch,. Lifting my skirts over my back he will rip off my underwear and with no goose fat as a lubricant brutally push his penis into my bottom, making me cry out in pain while he slaps me and tells me” to move my fucking ass “.

I sit here remembering everyone of the seven nights I was auctioned off, the humiliation of having to run around the stage naked in front of the Clubs members, my breasts bouncing up and down,or from side to side. The number of times I and the other woman who were to be auctioned off were made to walk along a rough hemp knotted rope,the knotts hurting our vaginas as we went higher and higher up the rope until a knott stopped us from going up or down, cramp in my feet as I stood on tippy toe trying to relieve the pain in my cuny and listening to the members somewhere in the darkness laughing at my predicament.

The absolute humiliation of being strapped to a ” doctor’s bed ” on the stage and having the hair removed from my Mons Venus, then having my legs untied, and pulled up over my head while the male barber who was shaving me ,used a straight razor to removed the blond fluff from between my butt cheeks to the great amusement to the cheering and laughing members of the Colombia Club.

How the first night I was sold I was led across the courtyard naked except for a cloke, and as I stood in front of the door I was expected to enter I was so scared I peed myself,the warm urine running down my leg and pooling on the concrete floor . How that night a handsome man of about 40 years remove my cloke gave me champagne, told me how beautiful I was, before bringing his naked sister out from another room holding her hand , before taking my hand and leading us to a bed, where he ordered me to lay on the bed and open my legs.

He spent the next hour sitting and drinking champagne watching first his sister use her tongue on my cunny and making me climax, and then making me using my tongue on her cunny. I had never done such a thing before and it took me a long time to make her climax ,but eventually she did, and I felt him climb onto the bed and start to fuck me.

I have to go, Samuel is due home at seven this evening,that is in a few minutes. Before he left for work this morning he had come into my bedroom, pulled the covers off my sleeping body and before I was properly awake ,pushed my legs apart and started to roughly fuck me. He did not finish before he had to leave to catch his train, as he climbed off me he told me I was a fucking useless whore.and by the time he got home I had better have learned how to please him.

I don’t know which direction my life is going in , as a woman I have no right to own property, I have no money , and here comes Samuel, be good dear reader, be good.

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