A Wifes Public Humiliation (part 3)

How far would a wife go to save her husband’s business, her house, her friends, with me, Helen Brooks it was far far further than most women would go.

I had said little to my husband since he had arrived home the night I was to be taken to his club to be used as nothing more than a whore. Eventually as the clock struck seven he came into my bedroom and looked at me weakly smiled and said ” we should be gone “.

Outside standing on the sidewalk my husband hailed a hansom cab and as we left from our house I looked at it, smiled a little, and said to myself I am doing this for you little house, this weekend is for you.,and I blew it an imaginary kiss. The Colombia Club our destination that night was actually a huge collection of buildings occupying land between Front Street and South Street by the East River.
Upon our arrival my husband announced to the man who was opening and closing the gate the name of the occuments of the cab. The gate swung open and the cab drew up in front of a large five story building , which I learned later were once used as offices by a shipping company, but now the home of the Columbia Club, one of the most exclusive Gentlemen’s Clubs in the New World..

It became evident to me at a later date that the whole two story building that occupied the south side of the square consisted of majestic accommodation for members staying in the city ,some just for a night of debauchery ,others almost living there for many weeks at a time. Over the coming visits, in the time it took my husband and I to pay off his gambling debts I spent evenings being nothing more than a toy for members and guests of the Columbia Club. My time in those rooms was normally spent having just to please one gentleman member of the club, doing the things he craved and could not get at home in his wifes loving arms, but occasionally I would be the plaything of a woman, a members wife with more male tendencies than even her husband, waking up alone after she had left wondering who the more evil were ,was it the males or females of our species ?

Occasionally, and thank God it was only occasionally, when I was unlucky enough to be called to the auction block I would be purchased by a group of half drunk members celebrating a birthday or a win at the tables. I have been used by as many as four men in one night , and the drunker they got the more pain I suffered. Once they are in the room all they really want to do is to have sex in one form or another with me, but not used to performing in front of each other they would normally make me humiliate myself first, call it Dutch Courage if you like. I would be made to take the cape off I had worn while being delivered to their room, standing naked just in stockings and my button up boots they would almost every time make me play with my breasts, or crawl around the floor before someone would say ” put your finger in your cunny and fuck yourself “, after I did that it would not be long before one of them would undo the buttons on his pants and take his cock out for me to suck ,holding the back of my head he would try and make me gag to show his friends what a big cock he had. Very soon after that I would be on my hands and knees on the bed being spit roasted, someone fucking me like I was a bitch dog in heat from behind while trying to suck the sperm from the cock in my mouth.

On some occasions I was forced to take three men at the same time, me laying on my belly on top of one of the pigs with his cock in my cunny, while one forced his penis into my bottom, and the third shouting at me to open my fucking mouth and suck his cock, then when they were spent they would either leave me laying in a heap on the floor with their sperm running from every orifice in my body and run home to their loving wives or just throw me out while they themselves slept the sleep of the dead with no feelings for the hell they had put me through.

On the north side of the square was another two story building once used for offices but now comprised of a ball room, and various other rooms where if there was no Helen Brooks to amuse members , prostitutes would be employed to keep the Club members happy. It was to this side of the courtyard I was taken when we arrived that night. A woman came out of a door and called for Samuel to bring me over to where she stood. It was there in the twilight that I clumsily kissed Samuel goodbye, he was trying to tell me to be brave , but he must have felt me shaking as the woman took my hand and almost pulled me away from him. I snapped at her rather rudely , I am saying goodbye to my husband, now wait I said trying to put some authority in my voice ,but she saw through my act, smiled, nodded and pulled me away from my husband.

I had tears in my eyes as Samuel pulled away from me, I clung onto him like baby but he removed my hands from his jacket and hurried away towards the main entrance of the club , leaving me to the mercy of this wicked woman. She almost marched me to a small room where two other women awaited my arrival, ” take your clothes off or I will take them off for you ” she said nastily. I said ” are you going to leave ” and she looked at me and laughed. ” Shy are we dear ” she said beginning to undo the buttons on my blouse, I tried to push her away but suddenly the three of them closed in on me.
” Wait, wait ” I said trying not to burst into tears , “I will do it ,I will do it, ” and they let me go. One of them stood with her back against the door,the other two lent against the wall as I slowly with a burning red embarrassed face began to remove my clothes folding the items up and placing them on the only chair in the room, Standing only in my knickers I looked at them ,” can I keep these on ” I asked timidly , the laugh I got as a reply gave me my answer . I finally stood naked, one arm covering my breasts ,the other arm hung down the front of my body my hand covering my cunny .

They stood looking at me grinning at each other, ” poor little lady” said one of them, ” she doesn’t want us to see what her husband has donated to the club “, and they all laughed. One of them opened the door and they escorted me as if I was a prison inmate going to the gallows, down a corridor and into another room almost totally in darkness and lit only by one small newfangled light worked by electricity coming from Mr Edison’s power station on Pearl Street, I began to panic as I was laid on my back and my wrists and ankles were fitted with leather cuffs which were were then chained to the four corners of what I thought was a doctors leather examination table . I could hear myself begging them not to hurt me, but they disappeared into the darkness leaving me with tears in my eyes . I was almost out of control ,I wanted to scream that I wanted to go home when suddenly the room was bathed in bright light and maybe as many as 20 people all standing around the walls laughing and giggling at my plight .

Someone somewhere announced,” Ladies and Gentlemen may I present for you,the lovely Mrs Helen Brooks, ” there was a polite round of applause and the voice said, ” Mr Barber our guest requires a haircut and a shave please. ” I laid there horrified as a man came to the side of the bed I was laying on and began to apply wet soap to under my arms before running a razor over the hair there and removing it all from each armpit . He moved down the side of the examination table and he began to brush my pubic hair with a stiff brush, before producing a comb and scissors ,holding them high in the air for the watching crowd to see he began to roughly comb me down there . I was so ashamed, and those watching laughed every time I cried out when his comb caught in one of my dark brown curls as he roughly tried to comb the curl out . Tears ran down the side of my face and I could feel them pooling in my ears and around the back of my neck.

Yet a worse humiliation was to follow, when I watched as he took the bar of soap dipping it into a bowl of warm water that was on a stand by where I lay he began rubbing the warm wet soap over my private area, I could see him looking at me and laughing, then when he had covered me with soap he put his hand in the warm water and ran it over the area that were to be shaved, then taking his straight razor he began to remove all my remaining hair and stubble, making me look more like I was at twelve year old schoolgirl than I did a grown woman of twenty -two. The Barber wiped what was left of the soap from my mons pubis,then worked the towel between my cunny lips, going to such a private part of my body that I screamed out for him to leave me alone,which bought great merriment to the members and guests watching me get plucked.,I sobbed as they laughed then suddenly I could feel my ankles being untied ,two of the women that had watched me undress took hold of an ankle each and began to lift my legs into the air, then moving backwards towards my head, and as I squealed that it was hurting me , and I could not breath I watched looking up through my open legs and shaved cunnie as the Barber put a hooks through the chains of both my ankles . When women let my legs go I could not move ,my ankles were connected to a rope and then to the wall behind me.

Suddenly I jumped and squealed , the Barber was rubbing my bottom with soap, not on my cheeks but the area between my cheeks around the hole where I do my business. The people watching were laughing as he started pulling first one cheek and then the other open telling the guests watching how he was removing the little blond hairs I had growing there, making fun of my bottom saying what a lovely bottom it was for spanking, or more, what he meant by more I did not know,but I would find out sooner rather than later ? With a flourish and the waving of the razor and the towel he ,bowed to his audience and announced ” I was now fully plucked and ready to be fucked “, the laughter filled the room with noise, and all at my expense.

I was untied, gingerly I got off the bed, my tears were wiped away and powder and rouge was applied to my face . The two women handed me some black stocking to put on, they had pretty red ribbons at the top which one of the women tightened around my legs and tied as a bow ,they then handed me my button up boots, which I put on. Standing up they placed a black coat around my shoulders, there were no buttons to do it up,so even just moving a little meant the front wood open exposing my nakedness to anyone who cared to look. ” Come on Mrs Helen Brooks let’s go ” said one of the women, ” there are plenty of members and guests just dying to see you ” , she laughed and said ” all of you ” and gently pushed me towards the door.

The Final Part of this story to follow.

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