Abusing Power 1 – Sheila’s important presentation

I found a mysterious ring that allows me to manipulate time. I abuse my power to expose and torment my prude unsuspecting wife Sheila.

Sheila, 44 years old executive at a large corporation, was in bed going over her slides for tomorrow’s meeting. ” I don’t know why I even bother” she blurted, “this new marketing team are a bunch of idiots, they won’t understand half of what I say”. That’s classic Sheila for you, always thinking she is smarter than everybody else in the room. For her defense, this was indeed the case usually, combine this with her arrogant attitude and you can easily see how she won the “official” office evil bitch position. She didn’t care one bit though, she was not there to make friends, Sheila was success driven and would not let anyone stand in her way. Both the men and women in her office feared her and tried to stay out of her line of fire.

The next morning she woke up early to get ready for her big day. We have been married for 15 years and I am still unable to take my eyes off her when she gets naked. You see, Sheila is short with MASSIVE tits and a Fat ass. She looks like one of those fertility goddess statues you find at archeological digs. She is chubby and self conscious about her weight and has pale white skin and dark brown hair reaching her neck.

“Why don’t you wear a dress today” I say to her as I see her reaching to her pants suite. “No way” she answers, “I want the board members to take me seriously. If I wear a dress all they do is stare at my cleavage and ass and not listen to a word I say”. She puts on a white button down blouse, a jacket and black pants.

“Wish me luck hon’” she said, “Knock them dead baby”. That was my usual come back, but all I could really think of was, GAME ON!


What Sheila didn’t know is that last week I came across something that would change both of our lives forever. One if my pet peeves is foreign flea markets so I would make sure to find one whenever I travel on business. I found this particular one by mistake and even though I didn’t have much time before my next meeting, couldn’t resist taking a peek. The weird silver ring with the roller drew my attention in a pile of trinkets. I negotiated a 50 dollar deal and took it to the meeting with me thinking nothing of it.

My meeting was boring as hell and I found my self fidgeting with the ring in my pocket. The little roller on top felt much like a computer mouse roller, I rolled it back and forth and it had a nice calming low clicking sound. Then I decided to press on it … and the world stopped!

I freaked out, I clicked again and the meeting went on as usual, no one seemed to notice. Playing with my new toy I quickly learned that by rolling the button I am able to not only freeze and unfreeze time but also to manipulate it back and forth in a “”frame by frame” manner. I wore the ring securely on my finger and started planning my next steps.


Being the pervert that I am, I had no doubt that my new power will be used for my sexual satisfaction. Today I was going to have my first go and the target of choice was my sexy wife!

I took the bag I prepared earlier and followed Sheila to work. As you can imagine, getting past security with my new ability was easy. Sheila and her colleagues were already sitting in the meeting room waiting for the board members to arrive. I went in, put the bag behind a small table in the back, and started executing my plan.

Approaching time-frozen Sheila, I unbuttoned her shirt and replaced it with another one. The new shirt was similar in cut and color but it was a size smaller and made out of a more see-through fabric. I put her jacket back on and lay low behind the table in the back to unfreeze time.

Sheila did not seem to notice anything and continued the idol chat she was engaged in with her colleagues.

The board members walked in and Sheila was about to start her presentation.

I froze time just as she was leaning in to get up and go to the podium, repositioned her coffee cup in a way that will make it spill and stain her jacket. She was pissed, this is not how she wanted to start off, but being the goal driven person she is I knew she will not waste energy on this mishap. She turned her back to the table and headed to the podium while taking off the jacket. I froze time again unbuttoned the see-through blouse, took off her bra and put the shirt back on. Sheila threw her jacket on a nearby chair, climbed up on the podium and turned around.

To be honest, I did not account for the speaker spotlight being so bright. Sheila’s huge breasts were completely visible in her see-through-tight blouse. The spotlight also served to blind her making her completely unaware to what she was showing and the way her audience stared at her exposed udders.

Bu she was not her usual self, one bit. You see, with those huge breasts Sheila was never braless and after two minutes she started to feel that something was wrong. On the other hand she couldn’t just stop and check her tits in the middle. Her distress was growing visible. Eventually she couldn’t take it any more, “apologies but I will need a short bio break” she said calmly, “is everything OK?” asked the senior board member “you look stressed”. No no” said Sheila “all is good, everybody take five”. She bolted out of the room, or at least tried to, as she was reaching for the door I froze time again replaced her bra and changed her shirt back to normal. She was checking her self on the way, confused to learn that nothing is wrong. WTF, she mumbled as she felt so embarrassed for making a scene in front if the board members. She freshened up her make up in the ladies, took a deep breath and returned to the meeting room. I used the ring the second she opened the door tool off her bra and replaced her shirt with the see through one. When time was restored I could see her flinch, she stopped and stood in the doorway confused for a second, this can’t be right she thought , I just checked I just….Sheila! The head of the board said in a stern voice. Are you going to continue with the presentation? Everyone is waiting for you. Sheila immediately snapped out and regained composure. “Yes sir, sorry for this delay, had some lady issues to attend to”. She hated pulling the lady card, this was so degrading.
Sheila regained her composure and went back on the podium, with her braless tits exposed for all to see she kept presenting for 45 minutes until the designated break in the schedule, but her mind was not there. She kept looking down in disbelief and even reaching out to feel her breasts several times during the presentation. It seemed like all her colleagues enjoyed the show, seeing her degraded and out of focus was a refreshing change from her usual demeanor. When break was finally called Sheila rushed to the ladies room, just to find out again that everything is normal, her bra is on and her shirt is not see through.

Back from the break Sheila could again feel her tits hanging free rubbing against the light fabric of her blouse just as she set foot in the meeting room. “I’m fucking loosing my mind” she thought, I am going to ignore it!


Now that I got her to question her own perception of reality it was time to move on to the next phase of my plan. Sheila was seated back at her seat with her tits exposed listening to the board member presenting next quarter commercial strategy. No one dared comment on her exposure but they were all sneaking glances from time to time as her hanging udders swayed from side to side when she moved. I paused time and approached her with a grin, this part is going to be fun. I pulled down her pants and replaced her underwear for remote controlled vibrating panties. Crank to the max and…Action.
(ON-MAX) Confused she jumps out of her chair. (OFF) Everyone is looking at her, “What now Sheila?” Says the board member, can I please finish my presentation without you constantly interrupting!?” “Yes sir, sorry sir” I thought I heard something. She sits back down. (ON-LOW) her eyes open wide, but she sits there trying to understand whats going on. (Increasing slowly ON-MEDIUM) “excuse me I will be right back” she gets up and stumbles to the door, the vibration intensifies as she walks down the corridor. She storms the bathroom to find…nothing…”please not again?”

Defeated, Sheila walks back to the meeting room and takes a sit. The once arrogant office bitch now sits with her head down staring at the floor questioning her own sanity. The “imaginary” vibrations on her clit are relentless and Sheila’s mind is wandering off. With her guards down her body starts reacting to the stimuli. Her juices are flowing and contractions start building up, oh my god no, I cant have an orgasm now, she is thinking, but it is almost inevitable…”Sheila! Please pay attention! It is your time to present next quarter strategy” (OFF)

Sheila stumbles back to the podium. A large visible foamy stain on the front of her black pants is the only remnant of a missed orgasm. The vibration stopped but her cunt and clit are still very sensitive. “Get it together girl, few more slides and I’ll call it a day”.


I open the jar of Vaporub and inhaled. Wow! this stuff was stronger than I thought, I got it from a speciality store for professional athletes and the sales person promised that it is the most potent one out there. I almost felt sorry for her as I calmly approached the frozen curvy figure on the podium. She was already on the edge and I was about to give her the final push.

With one swift pull I lowered her pants and underwear and scooped a generous portion of Vaporub right onto her cunt and asshole. Spreading her lips open and retracting the clit hood I made sure to rub some more ointment directly on the clit and under it’s hood.

She was doing great for the first few seconds, later she started stuttering, and repeating her sentence. Her forehead glistened with sweat and she was crossing her legs uncomfortably. Then, all hell broke loose.

Holding her crotch Sheila dropped rolling on to the floor in a fetal position. “Oh my god! It hurts so bad! I can’t take it!” Everyone rushed in to help including employees from other rooms. “What’s wrong Sheila? What hurts?”
“Its…its my Vagina” Sheila sobbed “it’s burning so much, please help me I can’t take it anymore”

“Take her pants off! Quick! Can’t you see the poor women is suffering” that was actually me, shouting from the shadows in back of the room, I figured that in the chaos that was created no one will even notice that I do not belong.

Sheila was stripped butt naked, two female colleagues held her legs open while one of the guys had the brilliant idea of pouring ice water on her tortured cunt. “Yesss! This feels SO good! Thank you! Please don’t stop” I heard Sheila whimper as the guys kept bringing more ice water pitchers from around the office.

Many people were now huddled around her but most actually looked more amused than worried for her faith, winking at each other and hiding their smiles. I guess I underestimated how unpopular she was. I felt obligated to give them all one last unplanned curtain call. I found the perfect ending chord in the broom closet.

I replaced the ice water in the pitcher they used with pure Alcohol they keep to clean the whiteboards. Then I repositioned the hands of the two ladies holding her legs apart in such a way that they will now spread her pussy lips open.

I heard her screaming were all the way to the front door as I was casually making my way out.

The psychiatrist said it was probably a panic attack. She prescribed Sheila Xanax and recommended she took a nice long vacation. At first Sheila was reluctant to comply, this changed quickly when the first videos surfaced. Apparently several of her colleagues saw it fit to document and share her degradation with the world wide web.

I booked us a nice vacation by the sea side and started planning our next adventure together.

To be continued!

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