Abusing Power 2 – Sheila’s Beach Vacation

I found a mysterious ring that allows me to manipulate time. I abuse my power to expose and torture my prude unsuspecting curvy wife Sheila.

Please read part 1 for the background story.

Sheila was mentally shaken after her ordeal at the office. What worried her most was the feeling she could no longer trust her own perception of reality. The psychiatrist said it was probably a severe panic attack snd prescribed Sheila some Xanax. She also suggested that if at any time Sheila experiences another episode, she should immediately seek someone she trusts and share her feelings. This person will be her “reality anchor” and help her make sense of the situation. “You are a hard working women Sheila, why don’t you and your husband take some time off away from work and go on a nice vacation? You need the rest and it will give you time to heal”.

And just like that I found myself booking us a nice beachfront suite in a Tijuana hotel. I had a lot of planning to do in only two weeks.

Hurry up and get dressed dear, we have to leave soon, our taxi to the airport is arriving in 30 minutes.

Hon, don’t you think this dress is too revealing?” Sheila asked holding up the short, white sundress I bought her for the trip.

Nonsense you look great in it. I replied, and besides, it is hot as hell in Tijuana you will be so thankful for wearing something light. Remember what the shrink said, “stop over-thinking and try to relax” I winked and blew her a kiss.

The taxi driver was honking his horn outside and we were ready to leave. I decided this would be a perfect opportunity to test our new setup. (CLICK) I used the ring to freeze time, removed her panties and put it in my pocket. (Click/ UNFREEZE)
Suddenly feeling a light breeze across her freshly shaven pussy lips, Sheila gasped and stopped short.

Come on honey the driver is waiting, I said.

I can’t…something is wrong, Sheila whispered.

OK dear, remember what the doctor said? take a deep breath, calm down and tell me what you think is wrong.

Sheila gave me a miserable look. Honey, I think I am not wearing any underwear.

Well, I said, I clearly remember you putting a pair on this morning, did you take it off?

No…I don’t think so…

So in this case I think it is safe to assume you are in-fact still wearing them right? After all underwear don’t just disappear into thin air.

I guess you are right, she said quietly.

Would you like to go back inside and check for yourself?

NO, I trust you, she replied in a stern voice. No need to check, underwear don’t just disappear.

Good girl! I said, I think you are in the right mindset for our adventure I smiled. Now can you please keep my camera bag between your legs in the taxi? I already have my backpack to worry about and would hate if something happened to the camera.

The driver could barely keep his eyes on the road. In his rearview mirror he had a perfect view of Sheila sitting in the back seat forced to keep her legs spread to protect my precious camera. We were lucky to reach the airport in one piece.


Exhausted from the long flight we checked into our hotel and called it a day. When we woke up it was hot as hades and we decided to go to the beach. Sheila put on her one piece bathing suite and off we went. This bathing suite was my nemesis! Sheila was always extremely self conscious about the way she looked at the beach. Her huge tits and ass drew unwanted male attention and she was embarrassed by the by the extra weight she gained along the years. She usually wore conservative bathing suites, but this one was a fortress. All covering and no chance to catch even a glimpse of flesh.

I chose a spot for us next to a large group of young local men and headed in the water. “Come on in dear, I yelled, the water is great!”

I could see how all eyes were focused on her big butt wiggling as she made her way into the surf.

Now close your eyes and float on your back dear, it will help you forget your troubles.

I placed one hand under Sheila’s shoulder blades, the other on her lower back and supported her weight. She was now floating with half her body completely out of the water. Lets finally say goodbye to this horrid bathing suit, I thought to myself. Two clicks on my special ring, freezing then replaying time, and her bathing suite was securely tucked away in my swim trunk back pocket.

Sheila’s eyes opened with a visible look of PANIC.

Hon? Are you OK? Are you experiencing another episode? I asked calmly.

Yes, she said with a cracked voice.

Do you want tell me what you think is going on?

It’s my bathing suite, I feel like it disappeared. I can actually see my pale white tits floating freely and the ripples caressing my shaved cunt. Please, please tell me that I am wrong, she pleaded.

Of course you are wrong dear, unfortunetly from where I am standing, I am looking at a beautiful yet fully covered lady with a great rack. Now why do’t you try closing your eyes and relax a little, after all this is what we are here for.

OK hon, I trust you. bathing suites don’t just disappear…She closed her eyes and repeated this mantra several times.

…Ok dear, I interrupted her daydream after a few minutes , I’ve had enough swimming for now, lets go absorb some vitamin D on the beach.
Sheila was walking in front of me as we were getting out of the water and approaching the crowded beach. “Bathing suits don’t just disappear, bating suits don’t just disappear” I heard her repeating this mantra as if it was a magic spell protecting her from harm. “Remember who you are Sheila”, I grabbed her shoulders and whispered in her ear, ” you are a strong independent women snd you do not take shit from anybody!” This seemed to cheer her up as she stepped out, bare-naked with her wet, hanging udders dangling from side to side. The people on the beach stared in shock. While nudity was not against the law it was highly uncommon in non-designated beaches. Sheila noticed the the group of local men as we got closer to our seat.

“Why are they staring at me?” She asked.

Because you are the sexiest woman on this beach honey. They are not used to seeing top tier chicks like you here.

Oh, keep sweet talking me like this silver-tongue and you might get lucky tonight, she smiled and winked at me.

Why don’t we give them something to look at, I said and twirled her around like a ballerina. By the time we got to our chair Sheila looked completely confident that everything is normal. She smiled at the group of men sitting next to us and lay back spreading her arms an legs like a starfish to bath her body in the warm sun.

She eventually dosed off and from the corner of my eyes I noticed the men pulled their cellphones out to save a memory from this unexpected show.
I decided to walk over and say hello.

“Hi guys” can I bum a cigaret?

The men were surprised, they saw me watching them take out their phones and thought I came to pick a fight.

Sure Ese, here you go, enjoy!

Do you mind if I smoke with you? I heard that smoking alone is bad luck. They laughed and invited me to sit.

Beautiful wife you have there Ese, one of them finally let out the elephant in the room.

Wife? What wife? I said

They pointed at naked Sheila sprawled open on the chair.

Oh my god, thats not my wife. This is some cheap whore I found on a sex app. I brought her here with me to have some fun. She will do anything for a few bucks. I pulled out her bathing suite from my pocket. You see, for 10 dollars she agreed to strip completely naked and tease you guys.

The men were all excited now. “Do you think she can have some fun with us also? We have some money.”

Sure I don’t see why not, unless she has something against Mexicans. When she was swimming she did laugh and say that Mexican have a small dicks, but you can try asking her yourself. Not yet though, I added, I am still not done with her but I can bring her over to you when I am done. Where do you hang out in the evening?

The men gave me a name of a club they loved to visit and I noticed Sheila waking up. Ok guys, see you later I said and headed mack to my chair.

What was that all about? She asked.

Oh, nothing much, I think I made some local friends. They even gave me a recommendation for a nice club in town. We should go there later.

Whatever Hon, just make sure they don’t steal your wallet… or your kidney. I don’t like the looks of them ,they all look like criminals to me. Anyway, I am going in for a dip, care to join?

No you go ahead and cool off, I will go get us a drink. Do me a favor though.


Smile and give a thumbs-up to my new friends on your way in. They’ll appreciate the gesture.

The white sand was getting hot and Sheila quickly realized she has to run from our shaded spot to the water. Her massive udders were flying as she run past the group of men and gave them a thumbs up. They responded with cat calls in Spanish which she did’t understand.


Sheila was in the water for close to 30 minuted when I realized that without me next to her she must have had another panic attack. After all the feeling of being naked was SO REAL that she had to fight very hard to tale her mind of it.

I was getting too hot and figured she would probably need some assistant to muscle the courage to come back out.

The beach was split in half by a fishing dock stretching into the shallow water. On one side if it you had the swimmers and the other side was the fisherman’s playground. Standing with their backs to the swimmers.
(CLICK) I stopped time and went to have a closer look on the fishermen. One guy caught my attention. He was a big guy with professional fishing gear. His fishing rod was fitted with a triple monofilament fishing line rated for 200 lb fish. I got in the water and followed his line to the hook. It was a vicious stainless steel Mustad demon perfect circle hook. I grabbed the hook and made my way back to the dock carefully avoiding the sharp tip. When I reached the wooden dock I dove under and crossed to the swimmers section. Sheila was floating face down in the still water.

Reaching under I found her right tit. I stretched her nipple downwards and skewered it with the sharp hook.

I went back to the fishing dock, sat down next to the fishermen and pressed play (CLICK)

Sheila’s calm floating was interrupted by a sudden sharp pain in her right nipple. “Ouch! What the hell!? Something is biting me!!!’” she started saying as she tried to pull away from the source of pain.

On the other end of the line Domingo the fisherman felt a fish pulling on his bait. His reflexes kicked in and the battle he enjoyed so much started.

Sheila was terrified, something was pulling her nipple attempting to drag her under the water. She tried fighting it but it was relentless. She could barely breathe, let alone scream. She focused her efforts in staying alive and each breath was agonizing as she was propelled, tit-forward, through the water.

Domingo was in ecstasy. Everyone on the dock dropped everything and came for his assistance. Two guys held and tugged his fishing rod while he kept the line tight. Oh my god, he thought, this was going to be the biggest catch of my life!

You can imagine his (and everyone else’s surprise) when instead of a fish he pulled a 44 year old naked women with the biggest tits he had ever seen.

Sheila whimpered as the fishermen did their best to remove the vicious hook with minimal damage. I wrapped her up in a towel and took her back to the hotel. On the way I used the ring to put her bathing suite back on.


“What a freak accident” I said rubbing antiseptic balm on Sheila’s recently pierced nipple in our hotel room. How the hell did get in this mess, did you cross to the fishermen side?

I don’t..I am not sure… I was having another panic attack so I put my head down in the water and just floated away to calm my self down.

Well, it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you are ok. Why don’t you go take a nice hot shower? It will do you good.

Yes, I think I will.

Hon, Sheila peaked out of the shower door holding a bowling-pin shaped bottle, who’s shampoo bottle is this?

Oh, thats mine. It was on sale and I liked the way it looks. Just put it on the floor, I plan to use it later.

Will do!

I have known Sheila long enough to know why she loved long showers. Secretly watching her for years I learned that after she cleans up she would lean her back against the wall bend her knees and point the jet of warm water on her clit until she is overcome by a stress relieving orgasm. This time was no different. I listened carefully at the door and waited for the telltale panting she foes to indicate approaching climax.

It was at this split second that I paused time again and entered the bathroom (CLICK)

Sheila ‘s mouth was open her eyes rolled up her bent legs barely supporting her weight. She used her left hand to spread her cunt lips apart exposing her sensitive clit to the direct stimuli of the warm water jet.

Reaching out behind her I turned the water temperature all the way to the max. Then I took a bottle of body lotion and spread a generous slippery coat all over the bathroom floor.

Using the roller function on the ring l watched frame-by-frame at her face contorted with the pain of near boiling water hitting her clit. She immediately jerked away from the painful stimuli but the squatting position she was in and the slippery floor made her loose her balance and fall ass first on the floor.

The 8 inch, bowling-pin shaped , shampoo bottle was purchased one week prior our trip and it was about to fill its purpose. I used the ring roller to track Sheila’s fall frame by frame, constantly adjusting the location and angulation of the bottle on the floor. Unlucky Sheila ended up impaling herself on the bottle. It did not go all the way in at first. I had to make her slip and fall two more times before the tapered bottle was finally lodged firmly in her tight cunt.

Sheila was sitting on the shower floor gasping for air. She felt the huge bottle filling her up pressing against her cervix. She tried to push it out but since the bowling-pin shape made it impossible. Desperate, she called me with a shattered voice.

Hon? Can you please come? I had an accident…

I rushed in and picked her up to the bed.

Honey, what happened to you? Why did you push this huge bottle inside yourself? Honestly, iI am getting worried about you, are you TRYING to hurt yourself?

The more she tried to explain what happened the less reliable the story was sounding. Eventually she gave up. Please just take it out, it hurts so much.

I did my best but due to the shape of the bottle I also couldn’t get a solid grip.

I’m sorry but I have to call the medics, I said.

OK, honey, just ask them to be swift. It hurts do much.

Sure, I am calling right now!

—10 days before —

Looking online I found UKGYN.com, a website for people with medical gynecology fetish. It was surprisingly easy to coordinate 3 guys to role play as paramedics and practice foreign object removal. They were told that Sheila is aware and this is all part of a consenting role play. The promised to not break character, no matter what.

—Present time—

Honey, the medics are finally here, I tell her. I explained to them what happened and they brought the equipment to perform the procedure right her .

Mam, can you please tell us what happened. Said one of the “medics”

Well I fell in the shower and…

MAM! Please don’t lie! We mist know the truth if we are to help. Did you shove this object inside? This size of object would have never fit without lube, did you use any lube?

No… no lube but I… I was wet from masturbating, said Sheila all humiliated.

Very well then, we will start with the procedure.

First step was trying to make her “give birth” to the bottle. One guy pressed on her belly and Sheila was asked to push hard. After this failed they tried to use forceps. Those guys had no idea what they were doing, Sheila was whimpering as they tried to force metal thongs into her already full cunt. They each gave it a few tries with no success.

Ok MAM, there is one last procedure we can try. If this will not work we are talking major surgery so I suggest you put everything you’ve got into this.

Please stand on all fours.

Sheila complied

Here is the plan, we will use intra-anal manipulation to apply pressure. While we are doing this, you have to stimulate yourself to orgasm.

WHAT!? Sheila’s eyes almost popped

Yes, the natural vaginal lubrication combined with wall contraction may provide the needed force to push out the object. Or do you prefer to be cut open?

No! No.. I will do anything, she said.

The 3 men started working on her ass, first with their fingers than with a large but plug they had. Sheila was instructed to bury her face in the pillow so she was not able to see whats going on behind.

Do not cum until we tell you! It is critical to time the orgasm with the anal manipulation.

Sheila nodded

Now that her asshole was loose from the butt plug the first “medic” mounted her and started fucking her in the ass.

Can I cum please? Asked Sheila
Not yet!

After the second and third guy had their turn and came in her ass they pulled from their bag a huge black dildo.

Ok Sheila, you are going to fell a lot of pressure now, you can cum as we use this last instrument. Remember this is your last chance, make it count.

Sheila’s juices were flowing as the “medic” rammed the black dildo and started pushing.

Cum for us now Sheila! The medic yelled in urgency, and Sheila did just that.

The bottle was pushed out of her vagina and she collapsed on the bed.

Two hours later the video was uploaded to UKGYN with the guys thanking Sheila on a wonderful role play session.

To be continued

On the next chapter, Sheila and I pay a visit to my new friends from the beach.

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