Amy Tale/s – SB-03 (Whose Your Mama)

…Bethany stammers, that is the biggest cock I have ever seen. I say, it’s going to be the biggest cock you ever felt in a few minutes.

Aunt Bethany arrives almost precisely at 10am, like she was keeping an appointment. After Bethany tells Paige to be good and to listen; me, Clair and Paige leave, and as we are going Bethany says, have fun shopping. I hold up my hands and make air quotes and say, “we will have fun shopping.” I drive around the loop and come back. Ethan and Emma arrive, and 10 minutes later Janet and Carla (aka Less Than Beautiful) arrive. Paige wants to know what we are doing? I said, this is part of becoming a Queen, you need to learn to play the game to win.

We sneak back into the apartment, and I walk down the hall and they do not even have the door shut. Damn, Aunt Bethany is drawn and quartered. She is on her back on the bed and her hands are cuffed in leather cuffs with cords attached to the headboard, and her feet are tied to cords at the bottom of the bed with leather cuffs around her ankles. Ken is kissing on her tits, and Greg is eating her pussy. I walk in and Bethany sees me and shouts, what did you do with Paige? Paige walks in and says, hey mother, and she sits on the edge of the bed. Bethany gets mad and tells Ken and Greg to unite her, and I tell them no, and they better get back. They stop and move off the bed. Bethany is flailing around trying to get loose and I say, you are tied aren’t you. Bethany is screaming and hollering to be let go.

For Ken and Greg, Aunt Bethany is the fantasy that all fantasies are based on. So, anything I do only enhances their imagination. Bethany is so mad, and fussing at Paige, that Paige says, you sure are fit to be tied mother, it’s a good thing you are. The rest of my posse are in the doorway now watching, and Janet is laughing and grinning so much that the corners of her mouth are touching her ears. I would gamble and say this is probably the best one of Janet’s, “see a new thing” that she has ever experienced. Bethany is a hot milf, with a manicured hairy pussy (triangular) and probably waxed beneath. Her body is very nice and curves just right, and she appears to spend money to keep it groomed with nice nails and hair, and her makeup is really good. Bethany has perfect breasts, too perfect.

I remove my shoes and step up on the bed, and I straddle Bethany’s midsection and she continues to bellow. I take my shirt and bra off, and I remove my skirt and I am naked. I sit with my knees on either side of her, and I get close to her breasts and I push them up, and there it is, small scars. I say, I have never sucked fake tits before, and I lean in and suck her tits. They feel good and I ask, does that feel good Aunt Bethany? She says, you need to get my daughter out of here. I look over at Paige who is grinning, and she stands and takes her clothes off. Bethany begins to scream at her daughter wanting to know what she is doing? Paige circles her mother’s breasts with her finger and kisses her on the cheek and says, don’t worry mother, I am not going to fuck you.

I reach behind me and run my finger through Bethany’s pussy, and she is wet, and I lick my finger. I stand and step over Bethany’s arms, and I sit on her breasts and I slid back with my legs around her arms. I kiss Bethany, and I sit back up with my pussy in her face, and I say, you ready to sample me, sweety? Bethany is still enraged, even trying to bite me. I say, that’s okay sweety, I brought professional help to get you in the mood. I tell Carla to eat Bethany’s pussy, and she goes to work with her awesome technique. Bethany’s fussing tapers off more and more, and she begins to sigh and moan, and she says, damn, that feels fucking good. I rube my pussy in her face and she starts to kiss it and lick it. I pull her head up into my pussy and she sinks her whole mouth in and eats my pussy.

Paige is fingering herself sitting naked on one side of the bed, where her mother can see her. I tell Ethan to get undress, and to kneel near Bethany on the other side, where she can see his thick 12” big black cock. I tell Ken and Greg to get Ethan hard and they start sucking his dick. Clair, Janet, and Emma are naked now, and watching and fingering each other near the bottom of the bed. Bethany sees Ethan’s cock, and she sees Ken and Greg sucking it and Bethany stammers, that is the biggest cock I have ever seen. I say, it’s going to be the biggest cock you ever felt in a few minutes. I am going to have him fuck you so hard you scream after Carla finishes eating your pussy. Five minutes later, Less Than Beautiful makes Bethany orgasm; but she does not stop. Carla runs her big long finger up in Bethany’s pussy, and she keeps eating her pussy and fingering her “G” spot. I tell Clair to get towels and we prepare.

Bethany is totally exposed; she cannot even contract her limbs in pleasure as she shakes. I cannot even imagine the sensual exhaustion she is experiencing from this, and I almost want to try it myself. Carla is dialed in, and the cascade orgasms start, and the finger fucking and rubbing the spot are stimulating Bethany intensely. Bethany is biting my inner thigh from the ordeal, and it feels so good. Carla keeps Bethany tumbling down the orgasm hill for 3 minutes, and Bethany pisses (not squirt) all over Carla’s face and mouth, and Carla just keeps eating her pussy. Carla would have keep going, but Bethany was about to pass out, and I stopped Carla.

Carla goes and showers, and the girls towel and wet wipe Bethany, and after about 10 minutes, Bethany has come to her senses again. I slide back down and kiss her and say, how was that. Bethany says, where did you find that girl, she is ugly as shit, but she is the best pussy eater I have ever felt. I kiss Bethany again and I say, now for the biggest cock you have ever felt, and could you please bite my other thigh this time? I tell Ethan to hop to it, and he better fuck her as good as Carla did. Ethan just barely starts, and Bethany is grunting. Ethan pushes in more, and more, and he is having trouble with the last 3 or 4 inches. I tell Clair and Janet to roll Bethany’s hips up, and for Ethan to grab them and get his whole cock in her pussy, and pound hard, and pound deep, and he better cum and drive her backbone out.

Bethany is screaming in rhythm to Ethan AAAH…AAAH…AHHH…AHHH, FUCK…FUCK…FUCK, and she is feeling the pressure. Ethan pounds the shit out of Bethany for 15 minutes as she screams, moans, and grunts, and then he cums and drives that thick 12” big black cock deep. Ethan pulls Bethany’s hips in and she screams in a stream and shakes on his dick and pisses again. I say, leave it in deep Ethan, and I lean back down and Bethany gasps for air, and I say, did you like that sweety? Bethany says, I did sweety, I have never been fucked this hard. Paige gets up and grabs Greg by the hand and lays him down next to her mom and starts sucking his dick.

I had not counted on this, but Bethany is hoarse, and she is trying to stop Paige, but Paige ignores her. Paige gets Greg hard and cowgirls her way down on his 9” cock, and she starts to squeal herself. Bethany is almost crying and rasping at Paige to stop. Janet stops Paige, and she lifts her up and puts a condom on Greg (Janet is always thinking about that). Paige resumes, and squeals some more and almost has all of Greg’s cock in her pussy. After 15 minutes of this, Greg cums, and he grabs Paige by the waist. He pulls her down on his cock hard, and she screams and shakes and must have had a small orgasm. Paige says, I know why you like Greg’s dick so much mama. Bethany is physically and emotionally drained, and she cannot even close herself up because she is quartered by the restraints.

I move Bethany’s head some and I say, it’s not over, and I straddle her mouth and rub my pussy on her lips, and she is so tired that she hardly even tries to lick me. The urge hits, and I pee all over Bethany’s face and mouth. When I am finished, I stand up, and look at Janet, Clair, Emma, and Carla, and I say, you all do what I just did, and all the girls except Paige straddled Bethany and rubbed their pussies on her mouth and peed on Bethany. When they were done, I French kissed Bethany, and I said, did you like this? Bethany is so tied, but she nods her head and says, yes, yes, I hate you, and I love you; can you please untie me because my limbs are numb. We untie Bethany, and me and Carla help her into the shower, and we wash her and douche Ethan’s cum out of her pussy.

Janet, Emma, Ken, and Greg rolled the bedding and wet towels up in the protective covering for the cleaning service (the shit they have seen here). Everyone that needs to shower, and we do Bethany’s hair as she rests on a stool. We eventually get her dressed and everyone is in the living room, and we come in and she hugs Paige and cries. There are a lot of, “I’m sorry, and I did not want you to see that, and I knew you were doing it anyway mama,” and Bethany wants Paige to leave with her. I was hoping Paige would go, but she wanted to stay, and they bickered until Paige won the argument by blackmail, the apprenticeship program, and just because she did not want to leave.

Aunt Bethany went home telling me to take care of Paige, and I kissed her and said, I will. Everybody sighed and talked about what happened, and Janet came up to me and said, that was the wildest fuck I have seen. Janet said, it topped you fucking Anthony and that other black guy at the same time and they shot cum in your ass and pussy, and you told your husband to eat it, and he walked out on you. Janet said, I am going to have to find something to play with you now. Janet kissed me and said, I love you baby, and I said, I love you too.

We still have all of Sunday evening left so stick around. I am going to work tomorrow, and Paige still has a month to go on her summer break, this is just the third day. The Paige arc is just beginning, so continue reading, Amy Tale/s – SB-04 (Delicacy of Queens’) for what happens next.

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