Fucked By My Dad
He pulled me over his legs and started to spank me. After about 20 hits my butt was bright red …
He pulled me over his legs and started to spank me. After about 20 hits my butt was bright red …
She tugged on the ropes half heartedly. The rough material chafed at her wrists turning them a raw red. She …
The real life possibilities of me becoming a slave for an older man. It’s 7:00am which means it’s time to …
Domitian kept his promise , Senter’s wouldn’t be tortured , there Wives and Daughters would be, he was determined to …
The Tyrants voices in his head, begin filling the Members of the Senate with fear as they watch their wives …
I had no idea why my husband wanted to play Jesus for Halloween… But, he set up a sort of …
two boys and an older friend, have the best time ever, This actually happened, years ago i had just turned …
The most evil Emperor Roman has ever had shows why he is a hated man. Domitian,woke with a start,he lay …
I grew up in a bad area. Dad was never around. Mom was an addict. I got my attention from …
Domitian, the cruelest ,sickest Emperor Rome ever had. How much was Domitian hated as the Emperor of Rome, even his …