
Beastly passion ch1

Ok, I have never wrote before, all constructive criticism is very welcome just don’t ass rape me with it. I chose Werewolves because of the sheer carnal passion I associate with the myth. This is just the opening and first chapter. If I get positive feed back on it I will keep writing. Thanks everyone Dallas, Texas….Date –Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its perils. Gang members, robbers and rapists prowl these late night streets. But tonight only he stirs. No hookers on the streets on a night like tonight. They all believe in what she is about to know first hand. Its not just an urban legend it is reality. He moves with silence and determination. He can smell her. Not …

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How to train your fratboy: Ch1

In his dream, Brad was naked and aroused. The beautiful sorority girl from Zeta house lay below him semiconscious and helpless. No one from Sigma Nu had ever fucked a girl from the notoriously chilly Zeta Sorority before tonight. But Brad was going to change all that. He’d had expertly separated her from her friends, leading her up to his dorm room as the rufie had begun its work. He felt her weight increase as she began leaning on him at the top of the stairs, his anticipation building as he leaned her against his dresser like a mop, locking the door with a padlock from the inside. He grabbed her by the shoulders, guiding her gently backwards and letting her fall as she passed out, landing heavily into the creaky chair in his dorm …

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Step Daughters’ Desire chapter 5

Step Daughters’ Desire chapter 5 We ended chapter 4 with slave Sandra waiting for punishment for acting like a bitch. Slave Sandra waits in the basement play room naked, kneeling, legs, spread, hands clasp behind her back, forehead pressed on the floor, crying with pain in her heart for disappointing Master Frank and making him angry with her. Her knees hurt from remaining on her knees on the hard floor of the basement for the past hour waiting for the man she loves with all her heart to come and administer her punishment for not obeying a request from her mother, slave Janis, without question or hesitation. Slave Janis, daughters Diann and Angela are getting dressed to go shopping to give Master Frank time and privacy to punish slave Sandra. Over an hour after Master …

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Queen Yavara: Chapter 50

Part Fifteen: Who You’re Meant to Be Chapter Fifty ZANDER “Make way for the queen!” the crier yelled. One goblin rang a bell, another blared a farting trumpet, a third struck a snare with a military cadence, and the crowd roared with laughter. “Make way for the queen!” The crier yelled again. The trifecta of successive noises sounded, and the laughter and jeers answered once more. “Make way, make way, make way!” the crier yelled atop the float, zealous and gleeful with his role. He was dressed in the traditional garb of a Highland officer, though his trousers were missing, and his cold-shrunken cock was bouncing wildly as the wheel beneath him struck the uneven cobblestones. The band that proceeded him were all dressed in a similar mockery of Highland pomp; their hats askew, their …

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hard school

Hard School One part only Hard School Heather was a young teacher in her late twenties. She was a short young woman with long blond hair. She had been a housewife before this year. Her husband was laid off from work and she had to get a job to support them. When she started many of the other teachers said the she looked younger than some of the students. Indeed many of the high school’s students were bigger than her. She didn’t take the job seriously at first, thinking that her husband would be working again in a few months. However, he could not get another job, and the family had become very dependent on her income. She was hopelessly behind in her duties and her classroom was out of control. She didn’t even know …

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