Cops, and Hookers

It all started when my friend and me caught my brother watching porn on the couch…

I held my finger up to make sure she didn’t giggle, then we snuck up behind him to watch over the back of the couch. It turned out to be a Prague Hookup. Apparently, it’s legal there to just walk up to women on the street, and offer them money for sex. These guys take a camera crew with them to film it, but it’s all in Czechoslovakian, so they have subtitles.

Good thing, because he had the sound muted anyway, but finally, he held up enough bills for her to take them. Then, they cut to a park, where she looked back at the camera, then turned around. He pulled her top up, and she reached back to unhook her bra. Then, he played with her boobs until she got his pants open.

She squatted down, and pulled her pants down to rub her crotch while she sucked him hard. It stretched out until it got thicker, and then they had to stop while he got out a rubber. She took it, and unwrapped it, while he kept it hard in his hand, but it wasn’t real big.

I mean for porn, but this is reality porn. So, they don’t have porn stars with enormous cocks, and fake boobs. She had hair on her cunt, and he bent his legs so she could hold it between her’s, and hump it a little while. My brother didn’t whip it right out to beat it right there in the living room, but he had his hand in his lap. Behind the laptop, but that was up on his chest.

So, my friend moved over to get a better look, and her hair fell down off her back.

“Oh, uh!” He closed the laptop, and moved his hand, so I could see his boner in his crotch. “What are you doing here?” I invited her over, because I knew he’d get into the laptop out to watch porn, when he’s supposed to be watching me. While mom, is away at work.

“Watching porn,” she came around the side of the couch, and sat down, but I ducked behind it, so he wouldn’t see me there. I knew she had the hots for him, since 4th grade (He was in 6th) so that’s why I called her. “You have any money?”

“What? No, not on me.”

“Well, your mom, and dad have a monopoly set,” she knew since she came over for game night a few times, “So why don’t you go, and get some out?”

He stood up, and saw me there, behind the couch. Trying not to giggle, but he got mad, and said I set this whole thing up, to get him in trouble?

“No, I set you up with her, because she likes you, and you don’t have a girlfriend, and you’re a virgin, too.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Even better.” She said, “Virgin boys don’t know how to do anything, anyway.”

“Well, I’m not going to fool around with her, with you here.”

“Well, why don’t you call your friend, Mason?” She looked over to see my eyes light up, when she said his name.

“Oh, yeah!” I liked him, and she knew it, because we told each other everything. We’re best friends, so she didn’t even keep her crush on my brother a secret. “He’s got a car.”

“No he doesn’t.” My brother corrected.

“Well, he’s got that go cart thingy, with the lights?” I reached up, “On the rollbar?”

“Oh yeah.” It’s an ATV, since he’s not old enough to drive real cars yet, but he’s got a learner permit, and a little land for him to ride around on dirt bikes, too. “So?”

“So, why don’t you call him, and ask him if he wants to give you a ride out to the cement shed, things. You know, out in the woods, where they keep the road work trucks?”

“Yeah, good idea, they have a little alleyway in between them, with a fence in the back, so that’s perfect.”

“Perfect for what?”

“Playing hookers?”

“Cops and hookers.” I nodded, “Oh yeah, and get the monopoly money first.” Then, before he could make up another excuse, we ran back to my room, and got dressed up slutty. Like hookers, only I didn’t have any high heel boots. Mom wouldn’t never buy me them, no matter how cheap, and marked down they are, but there’s this one pair at Payless I always wanted.

Of course, because she knows why I want them so bad. Our real dad isn’t around, and she’s engaged to her boyfriend, but he’s not our step-dad yet. So, mom does all the judging, whenever I get dressed up to go out, whether or not I have to put on more clothes to cover up my body.

I’m 14, so I don’t exactly have a whole lot to show off. I think my legs are my best part, because they’re long, I keep them shaved smooth, and when I stretch them out. I guess they’re sexy, I like boys, but I sure get a lot of attention when I go out in short shorts, and stretch my legs out.

My friend (not naming any names, since we’re all under-age) she grew out especially in the hips, which makes me jealous. She’s only 13, and even though she’s not any bustier, when she shows off her midriff, and her big hips, that just makes her look bustier up top. So, we got out the scissors and cut off an old top that didn’t fit her. So, it was tight over her bra, and showed off her hips, to make her look even bustier.

Then, I ran in the kitchen to get the butter knife. Stick it in the door to mom, and dad’s room, to wiggle the lock out, and go get her boots out of her closet. Fishnets, too. “Fucking hypocrite.” She got to dress up, and go play stripper for dad, at a party. She’s not a stripper, nor a whore, at least not professionally, but I know what they did, because dad took video of it on his phone. So, she got lots of dollar bills stuck in her bra, and panties, then they went back into a bedroom to count the money, and get pounded on there bed.

“Huh!” I stopped in the doorway, and held on to balance on the stiletto heels. “How do I look?”

“Like a whore.” My friend came out laughing.

“Yeah, that’s the point. Did you call your friend, Mason?”

“Yeah.” He had a power wheels, when he was little, and his dad even put white doors on it, with a big police shield on it, so he could drive around, and pretend to write tickets. Even before we could really read, and write very good, he’d stop you on the sidewalk, for speeding. So, we rode out scooters, bikes, and skates on the sidewalk, just so he could stop us for speeding.

That was years, and years ago, but we all grew up a lot since then. At least I hoped he grew a little hair on his balls, so they weren’t empty, but I couldn’t wait to find out. I know, he’s young, but he’s so cute, especially when he’s trying to be a big man, and “Respect my authoratay!” Like Kartmann only not fat at all, and he’s got a 4 wheeler with 2 seats, instead of a big wheel.

A light bar, with LED lights so they can flash red on 1 side, blue on the other. I bet he’s going to be a real cop, you can tell because most boys change there minds. Not him, he’s always wanted to be a cop since as long as I remember, so it’s not just a phase.

“Uh!” I caught my heel in the dirt road, as soon as we stepped off the end of the sidewalk, but she held me up. Like 2 girls walking home drunk after a night of partying.

“You better take those off until we get there. You’re too tall to hold onto in them anyway.”

“Okay,” if I stick to the trails then hopefully, I won’t find any goat-head thorns in the middle of the dirt, but they unzip down the sides, and I didn’t have to carry them very far.

She held the gates open, so I could duck under the chain. it says [No Trespassing City property] but the city doesn’t bother coming out here in the summer. I pushed them on the inside, but she had to hold her boob with one hand. Then, she pinched her bra on the side to pull it tight, until one got through. She had to pull the other side tight to get that one through, but they’re only B cups. Like mine, only I wear 28 B, while she wears 32 B, and it must be her ribs which are too big to slip through easy.

“Uh! Hear that?” She pointed up in the air, when she got my new crop-top straightened.

“Huh, yeah.” The motor, but it sounds more like a motorcycle then a car, and he had to drive around the back. The dirt roads around the neighborhood, since he can’t drive them on the street. I mean, he could. Lots of his friends drive their dirtbikes on the street all the time, even though they’re not street legal, but because he’s so obsessed with being a traffic cop, he won’t break the law. He’s just afraid that if he gets caught, they won’t let him in the police academy.

Then, my brother hung down from a tree, and shook the fence. Standing on the top of the barbed wire, they only had 3 strings strung around the top. Bent out so you can’t climb over easy, but then they don’t cut the trees around it. So, he could stick his foot out, and step over to one of the roofs.

I don’t know what they keep in there. Maybe salt for the dump-truck, with the snow plow on the front? They can’t both be that, but they’re solid concrete, and there’s no windows. Just 2 doors, but they have metal plates over the locks, so you can’t just pick them with a butter knife.

“Uh!” My friend leaned back up against the fence between them. At the end of the alley, she had a little golf pencil, it was white except the plastic end, and she flicked it like a cigarette before she pretended to take a drag.

“Let me get a hit off that,” I took it, and pinched it like a marijuana joint. Puffed, and held it in, before I passed it back, but I heard my brother drop down in front. He must have stepped on the door handle, because I heard that rattle.

“Hey, ladies.” We straightened up, and turned around, to show off the goods. I put my leg up, so the heel stuck in the fence, but he barely even looked at me. Of course, because I’m his sister, but that’s another good reason to invite Mason.

“How much?” he pulled out the monopoly money, and flipped through the tiny bills. He brought the (20) ones, because those are green like real $20.00s, smart! “What’s this get me?” I decided to go for a walk, around the corner, and wait for Mason to show up. Careful to hold onto the wall, even though they poured concrete between the buildings, or just put them up on the same slab.

“It depends, what you want?” She pulled out the neck of my crop top, so he could tuck one under her bra strap. Just like dad did with mom, after she stripped for all his friends at the party, but she wasn’t the only one. They all got wild, wet and wild, there was a wet teeshirt contest, and everything, but she didn’t compete. She just took off her clothes down to the underwear, and got up to dance on a table, but kept those on. Until dad took her back into the bedroom. He stopped the phone recording before they went any further, but you can guess what happens next.

“Huh!” He sure took the long way around, but finally, he came up to the gate. Cut the motor, and got out, but left the LEDs flashing. “What are you doing in there?”

“Nothing?” I looked back, down the alley, but my brother already had his dick out, and getting it sucked, so I looked away.

“Don’t give me that,” Mason pulled bolt cutters out of the back of his copmobile. “You’re tresspassing, can’t you read the sign?”

“No, of course not. It’s out there, and I’m in here.” I tried to back up, but I forgot I was wearing heels, so I tripped, and fell on my butt. “Uh!”

“TING!” He cut the chain off, and pulled the sides apart. “Oh my God, are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I dusted off my hands, and looked down, but he looked up. Kneeling, right in front of me, his jaw dropped, and he turned his head sideways.

“Is that, your brother?”

“Yeah,” I looked back, but he already had her bent over, hanging onto the fence so she could shake it, while he pounded her from behind. “Didn’t he tell you?”

He shook his head, so I stuck my boot out, and ran it up my pantleg. “He said you’re stuck in the fence.” He looked back, and I laughed.

Carefully rubbing up to his knee, then sticking my leg out, to run it back along his thigh. “No, we’re playing cops, and hookers. You’re the cop.”

“So you must be the hooker.”

“Well, my brother’s playing the John, but yeah. That’s the basic idea.”

“Well, you better come with me.” I put my feet down, and grabbed his arms, so he could help me up. “Turn around.” He pushed me, so I fell over the hot plastic hood, and he raised his voice. Said my name, my full name, out loud. “You’re under arrest, for prostitution.”

“Huh, maybe we can work something out?” I tried to look back over my shoulder, but he held my arm so it was hard to without twisting it further, so I turned to look the other way.

“You have the right to remain silent, do you have any weapons on you?”

“No, where would I hide them?”

“Any drugs, or needles? Razor blades to chop up lines with?”

“No, nothing like, huh!” He touched me with his groin, and the spandex back of my miniskirt pressed right in between my butt cheeks. Then, he started feeling up under my shirt. “You don’t have to twist my arm, I’m not resisting.” I humped back against him, but he let my arm go. “You got your handcuffs?”

“No,” he pulled me up, and turned me around, so he could yank my shirt up, and grab my boobs in both hands. “Huh, you’re so hot.”

“Yeah, but what about the chain? Go and get it.”

“Okay,” he just had to turn around, and bend over, but I scooted up to the windshield, and unhooked my bra. Took my top off so I could slip my hands out, and lean up topless. Put my hands up on the bar, but by the time he came around to the side. he had his pants open, and his dick hanging out.

“Huh!” I closed my eyes, disappointed. Okay, I knew that he was young and little. So, I hoped that I could trust him not to hurt me, but that also ment he was little in the pants, and iDKY i ever imagined him any bigger. Don’t be stupid, he’s barely a teenager, what’s wrong with you?

i had to do that, and it wasn’t the first time he arrested me. Play arrested me, for petty little shit, like parking on the street. Even thought it wasn’t my car, it was just a car on the street, and i could get out of his grey plastic cuff easily, because the keys were fake. You just had to pull the tabs to release them, but I didn’t want to. I liked the way they felt behind my back, so he had to lead me around, and push me in the jail he had set up.

i like bondage, and i have to give into it. Shame, and humiliate myself, when he’s not going to call me names like slut, filthy whore, and cheap cum bucket. Fucked hollow, and dripping jizz from getting fucked by so many guys, i could probably pop a squat, and drop a baby right there on the alley floor without even a grunt.

“That’s not too tight?” I just shook my head, and tried to sink back down, but he snapped me out of it. No, he doesn’t care about you, why should he? You’re nothing but a worthless piece of meat, a filthy fuckhole to be fucked, and thrown away like a dirty rubber.

“Huh! Shit.” I forgot to grab them, while I was in mom and dad’s room. Did he just fuck her bareback?

“Fuck her face.” She held onto the gate, while my brother held his arm around her, then Mason climbed over the windshield.

“Yeah, we can work something out.” He held his nuts, and flopped his little dick with them.

“Suck it, suck it hard!”

“Oomph! Smup!” He slipped right out.

“Suck my balls, no biting. Just suck my nuts, huh yeah!” That’s all it took, to slam me back down, and hold me in this cold dark place. The basement of my subconscious, and i twisted my wrists just to feel the heavy chains around them. They clinked a little even.

“Smup!” Then, they popped out, and ran wet down my chin. i blinked, but now he was hard, and “Oh!” Thank god, he’s a grower, not a shower, but he pushed it down with his thumb, and stuck it in before i could say any more.

“Choke her on it, shove it down her throat until she chokes, yeah. Just the way she likes it.” Of course she knows what i want, and how i like it. Who do you think I learned how to do bondage with? She’s not bisexual, and me neither, but that’s not the point. She knows how to fingerbang as good as the next girl, and we had plenty of bungie chords to strap me down to all kids of stuff.

“SCHLERP! SCHLERP! SCHLERP!” It’s probably a good thing that he wasn’t quite long enough to throat fuck me, so i don’t have to worry about gagging, and maybe throwing up, because that would ruin the mood, and i didn’t want it to end. i just wanted to stay here, chained up, and sucking cock forever, and maybe starve to death, happy to please him, my Master.

“Uh, huh! Fu fun nh!” Fun? Really. He said Fun. Like, instead of fuck, I know he wanted to say fuck, but he’s such a good boy that he couldn’t even say it, while he was pumping his nuts in my mouth.

“Ugh, kugh! CAUGK!”

“Huh!” He fell down, his knees gave out, and he landed on my lap, still shaking, and shooting his jizz up my half naked body. I wasn’t expecting that, even though he got thicker when he got a boner, there wasn’t any hair on him, so when it splashed on the back of my mouth, I gagged, and coughed anyway, but I didn’t puke. It just ran down my chin, and dripped on my chest, but I put my head back, and caught my breath, until he stopped having a conniption fit on my lap.

That’s all right, i didn’t get what i wanted. My first time, but why should i get what i want? I sucked him off, that should be enough, and i’m so fucking worthless, i couldn’t even get that right.

CLINK! I blinked, and shook my head, when he started pulling the chain off, and flipping it over the bar, so I could pull out my hands. “Huh!” I rubbed my shoulders, and then felt the sticky mess all over my body. “That was amazing.”

“Really?” He hopped down, and looked around the windshield.

“Yeah, even better than i imagined.”

“You’re amazing, too I mean. You ever tie another boy up?”

“What? No, I’m not a domme.”

“Is that short for Dominatrix?”

“Yeah,” My friend stepped up, and my brother pulled the gates. “You better let me handle this.”

“No, you?” I looked up. “You can’t.” I love him, she knows that.

She nodded, “Yes, I can, but you can watch me fuck him, if you want.”

“Huh!” i just closed my eyes, sinking back down, and nodded.
