Cousins at Play: Part 3: On the Bare

David finds out whether Sharon will let him take their games to the next level.

If you’ve read Parts 1 & 2 you will already know this is a slow burn. Don’t worry, the cousins will get bolder as they get older.
Here’s the next step in their secret journey.

A week after letting her older cousin pull up her skirt and give her a yummy spanking across her knickers, Sharon was skipping up the stairs to his bedroom. Grinning like a Cheshire Cat and more excited than a 5 year old on Christmas Eve she burst into his room.

She was in a hurry, as her Aunty was about to take her to her first ever dance lesson. She loved dancing, but that wasn’t why she was so full of beans.

She kissed David hello and he prepared to give her two gentle welcoming spanks as usual, but she stopped him, “Wait, I’ve got something to show you.”

She was hopping from one foot to the other with joy as she had grabbed the front of her skirt and pulled it up as far as she could, displaying the knickers that she had been searching for the last time they played together.

“You see. I remembered ti wear them for you! Do you like them? They’re my favourites. Aren’t they lovely?”

They were pink, with little ponies on them. It wasn’t a style that David particularly liked, bit they were his cousins knickers, she was showing them to him and she wanted him to look! She was already making his willy throb.

“Yes, they’re very pretty.”

She kissed him again, “And now you can see the back.”

Flipping up the seat of her skirt, Sharon bent over and assumed the position for the customary spanks that proved how much David loved her.

“Got to go, see you later.” And she was gone, but David didn’t mind. She would be coming back to him after her dance lesson and staying the night.

David played downstairs, while his Daddy watched some boring news stuff on the TV for a couple of hours before Mummy and Sharon returned. When she got back She was even more excited than she had been earlier.

“Can I show you my dance moves.”
“I really want to do more twirlies”.
“Mrs Brown said mine were the best.”
“I love to do twirlies.”
“Mrs Brown says I have to practice them before next week.”
“And my hip swings”
“Can I show you my hip swings.”

“I saw them dear,” said Mummy gently. “They were super, but there isn’t enough room to practice down here. Why don’t you go upstairs and show David what a good little dancer you are?”

We went up to my room.

It was a mixed blessing.
Sharon and I were free to play, out of sight of the grown ups, but Sharon was going to dance and I was going to be made to watch!

I didn’t know whether her dancing was good or not, but she really enjoyed it, even if she did trip over doing her twirlies! The hip swings were more interesting as she shook her bottom in my direction and every now and then I was treated to a glimpse of her little knickers.

At the end of the show I applauded my cousin like she was Ginger Rogers and she fell onto the bed, panting for breath.

“Give me a minute and I’ll do it again,” she offered.

“Oh thank you but, there’s no point in over practicing, it couldn’t be any better. You should save your strength and show your mummy and daddy tomorrow.”

“Awww, I suppose so.
Can I show you my gymnastics? I’m getting really good.”

“Ok.” This was a much better plan.

She started with jumping Jack’s, spreading her arms and legs as she bounced up and down. Smiling away, giggling as her curly brown hair fell out of its clips and tumbled down over her shoulders. Then she turned away from me and I was treated to the sight of her skirt tightening across her jiggling, bouncing bum.

Then it was somersaults and cart wheels. Her skirt covering less and less, with fleeting glimpses of exposed thighs, knickers and buttocks

Then it handstands.
Hooray, the moment I’d been waiting for.
Upside down, supported by her hands, with her feet on the wall taking part of the weight. She held herself up for as long as she could. Fell down. Then did it again.

She was surprisingly strong and agile, but I was more interested in the effect gravity was having on her skirt. Hanging right down it completely covered her chest and belly, but totally revealed her favourite knickers to my hungry gaze.

I gave her another round of applause. “Wow, wonderful. You’re a brilliant gymnast Sharon.”

She dropped to the floor.

“But you are a very naughty girl!”
“I could see your knickers through the whole routine. ”

I gave her a wink, she smiled back. The game was on.

“What these knickers? I thought you liked them.” she smirked, pulling her skirt up her right leg to flash them again.

“All men like knickers, but good girls know to keep them covered up.:

“You can’t keep them covered up when you’re doing gymnastics. It’s impossible!”

I sighed, “What sort of little girls show men their knickers? Good little girls or bad little girls?”

Her fake defiance subsided with a quiet reply. “Bad little girls.”

“So what sort of little girl are you.”

Muttering, “I’m a bad little girl.”

“I can’t hear you.”

Defeated, “I’m a bad little girl, sir.”

The “sir” was her idea and it always excited me in the best way. She was getting really good at these games.

“And what happens to bad girls?”

“They get punished, sir.
Oh, sir please don’t put me over your knee, pull up my skirt and give me a long hard spanking!
Please don’t do that to me, sir!”

I did and I loved it.
Sharon kissed me at the end and said she’d loved it too. We hugged and I told her she was a lovely dancer, a great gymnast and a very very good girl and I loved her very much. (At least one of those was true).

Mummy called us down to supper.
We had milk and biscuits while we watched Frank Spencer on the TV. He was very funny. I sat on the floor, but Sharon sat on a cushion. Then we went up to bed.

We always shared my bed when we had a sleepover at my house and once we had changed into our night clothes we followed our usual ritual.
Sharon kissed me on the cheek saying, I love you.” I took her hand and lowered her gently across my knee. She didn’t wear knickers at night, so her bum felt particularly nice as a placed my hand on the back of her skirt before sending down two tender spanks and telling her I Ioved her too. Then we embraced and climbed into bed.

Once Sharon was asleep I had another secret ritual of my own. I carefully slid my hand down her body, reached round to her bottom and stroked it’s smooth round form through the flimsy fabric of her nightie.

As I took my private pleasure that night I felt like the luckiest boy in the world but, I was a boy and, of course, boys always want more.

I was delighted to spank and touch Sharon’s beautiful bum with her knickers on, but now I really wanted to get them off and see, slap, stoke and squeeze her bare buttocks.


Seven days later Sharon had another dance class and was staying over again.
I was out too, at football practice.

I got home covered in mud. Mummy saw me and rolled her eyes told me I needed a bath, then she said Sharon should have one too as she was all sweaty after her dancing.

We got undressed while Mummy ran the bath. We still took our baths together and being naked in front of each other at bath time was something we had never questioned. We had never played any of our secret games in the bath.

Well, not so far…

Mummy trusted us to be sensible, so we bathed unsupervised. I sat behind Sharon and we both got on with the business of cleaning away the sweat and mud of the day.

I was looking at Sharon’s back, with interest, as though I’d never seen it before. Seeing how her slender neck flowed into her smooth shoulders and the regularly spaced bumps of her backbone emerged from beneath her long hair and descended into the water towards… well, we know what.

I had an idea, not my cleverest one, but it might be good enough.

“Would you like me to wash your back for you Sharon.”

” I think I’ll be okay by myself, thanks.”

“Okay but there are a lot of nasty back bugs around and I wouldn’t want you to get sick. ”

“Back bugs? What are they?”

” They’re nasty little germs that settle on your back and crawl round to your mouth while your sleeping and get inside you.”
“They don’t hurt boys, but three of the girls in my class have been poorly.”

“Ooooh, I didn’t know that. You’d better get me nice and clean in case I’ve got any.”

So I took the soap and lathered up Sharon’s shoulder blades, running my fingers all over them, before rinsing them clean with the sponge.

I worked my way slowly and thoroughly over her back, stopping a few times to assure Sharon that I’d washed one of the horrid bugs off her skin. Eventually I reached water level and asked her to lean forward onto her hands so I could finish the job.

Without hesitation she did as I asked, lofting her lovely, wet, round, naked, bottom out of the soapy water. It was gorgeous.

I knew I mustn’t rush and spoil the illusion, so I continued to work down slowly until the moment came to soap up the object of my desire. There were mo more words, just my heavy breath, as I stroked and caressed soapy suds into the most exciting and forbidden part of Sharon’s body. She fell silent too and I wondered at how her bum looked even better now it was so wet and shiny. I concentrated on smooth round globes and had no interest in the smelly hole her poo came out of, but allowed my fingers to stray into the cleft between her cheeks. Sharon whispered that it tickled. A shushed her and we both became silent once more, conscious of nothing but the sensations of bare hands softly exploring previously untouched flesh. Neither of us could say how long this has gone on until…

There was a whisper, “David”.

“David, have you got all the back bugs?”

“Oh, er, yes, they’ve all gone now.”

“Oh good, thanks. Could I get out of the water please, it’s getting cold.”

We dried off, without a word and dressed for bed. I put on my football themed pyjamas and Sharon wore a knee length yellow nightie with a cute hedgehog on the front. She told me it was new.

Supper was a repeat of last week, except that Sharon didn’t need a cushion this time. Then it was time for bed.

Up in my room we followed our practiced routine. Sharon kissed me on the cheek and told me that she loved me. I took her hand and pulled her gently over my knee. I lay my hand on the seat of her nightie and let it linger there, longer than usual. The room was silent and the atmosphere thick with anticipation.

I has come this far and decided not to turn back. I took a deep breath and pulled up her nightie. I kept pulling until my cousin was bared from her ankles to her waist. It was a glorious sight, one I’d dreamt of for years.

Sharon remained still over my knee, exposed and silent save for her breathing, which was as deep as my own. She was lying there, allowing me to see her nudity, waiting for me to take my next step, knowing that it might hurt but wanting to please me and trusting me to make her feel good.

I reflected on how lucky I was to be a boy, to be in charge, to be the one who would decide what was going to happen and would was certain to enjoy the experience. I was glad I wasn’t a girl, having my body bared, not knowing what was going to happen in me, hoping the boy would be nice and wouldn’t do anything bad . I felt proud that Sharon was giving meher body and her trust. I had to treat her kindly whilst I has my fun.

My fingers, thumbs, palms and hands caressed her bum cheeks once more, circling and squeezing their contours. They felt different now they were dry, but still better than anything else I’d ever touched. My right hand lifted from her flesh and we both held our breath, knowing what would come next.


A clean clap on the right cheek that sounded much better on bare skin.
Sharon jerked and and stifled an “ouch”. It had been hard, but not too hard.
I left my hand in place, enjoying the heat it had created before rubbing the reddened skin to take away the pain.

Then the hand was back in the air. Again we held our breath, until…


A slightly louder collision of skin on skin stung her left buttock.
A slightly bigger jerk in response but again the slap was quietly accepted, without complaint.
My hand played there for longer, caressing, stroking, soothing, enjoying.
I moved my free hand to Sharon’s back and hair, stroking and soothing.
I leant towards her ear and whispered, “I love you too”.

We stayed in position for several minutes. Enjoying the moment and a closeness we had never before felt for any other human being. Eventually I helped Sharon up to sit on my knee. She kissed me lovingly on the lips and I kissed her back. She leaned in and whispered, “Thank you, I really liked that.”

We kissed again and rolled under the sheets into bed. We enjoyed lots of kisses and cuddles that night. Before we fell asleep, in each other’s arms I indulged in my (no longer) secret ritual and slid my hand down Sharon’s nightie, pulling it clear of her bottom and fondling her into the night.

To be continued….

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