Cousins at Play: Part 5: Boobies!

Sharon is growing up and David gets to help out.

My cousin-girlfriend and I were the epitome of love’s young dream, except that we didn’t want anyone to know about us and we couldn’t get together very often.

When we could get together, we were still sneaking around to keep our games a secret from our parents.

The dads weren’t too difficult. They both worked away a lot – my dad was a salesman and Sharon’s drove a lorry – so we didn’t see them that much. The mums were more tricky though. They were almost always at home to look after us. But microwaves, ready meals and self – cleaning ovens hadn’t been invented yet and my mum didn’t even have a freezer, so they were very busy being housewives and sometimes we could get an hour or so away from them.

This was one of those days.


It was the long school holidays and we hadn’t seen each other for ages.

I’d been to Wales with Mum and Dad. We’d camped because Dad said holidays were, “a waste of money”.

As soon as we got back, Sharon’s parents took her to Spain for ages! She sent me postcard with a picture of the hotel. I missed my cousin, girlfriend and playmate. But now they were back.

Our mums had gone into the back garden to share a bottle of duty free Spanish wine and Sharon has found me at the bottom of the stairs. She had a new idea for our welcoming kiss and spank ritual – she said the old one was getting boring – we had been doing it for 4 years!

So, we kissed at the bottom of the staircase. Sharon put her right foot on the lowest step and stuck out her right buttock. I slapped it and she took another step, sticking her out her left buttock to receive the same treatment.

She started to climb slowly then increased her speed, wiggling her way up the stairs with me chasing behind and meeting each wiggle with a playful swat.

It was great fun. We were both laughing like drains when I caught her at the top. I scooped her up and carried her to my bed. I threw her down on her back ..

“Stop! No, wait. I have to show you something.”

She was as excited as I’d ever seen her. She jumped up and stood in front of me as I lay on the bed, wondering why she had interrupted our fun. Quick as a flash she pulled her jumper up, over her head and threw it to the floor.

“Surprise! What do you think? Isn’t it great?”

“It” was a small cream coloured garment covering her chest. Two triangles of fabric, held in place by an arrangement of straps circling her back and shoulders.

Sharon spoke so quickly, she barely caught her breath.

“It’s a trainy bra, I had these pains in my chest and Mummy thought it was something I’d eaten but it wasn’t and she took me to the shops and the lady measured me and Mummy bought me two of these, she didn’t need one till she was 12 and I’m not even 10, the shop lady said I was very young, so they should grow bigger than Mummy’s – I hope they get as big as those ladies in
Daddy’s newspapers but you’ll have to help me”

I was beginning to understand and not understand at the same time, but didn’t get the chance to speak.

“You need to look at them, Mummy says I mustn’t let the boys at school see them, but you’re not at my school and you’re my boyfriend and anyway you’ve seen my bum bum lots of times and haven’t told anyone, they’re really pretty and you’ll have to see them if you’re going to make them big!”

She pushed the bra up towards her chin revealing two small bumps that hadn’t been there before.

It was my turn to speak.

“They are very pretty aren’t they? What do you call them.” I had a pretty good idea what they were, but I’d heard the bigger boys using lots of new words, lately and wasn’t sure what they all meant. I didn’t want to look silly.

“Mummy and the shop lady called them busts, I think the posh name is, erm brest, me and my friends call them boobs and I know the boys call them tits and nockers, but that’s swearing.”

“I think I’ll call them boobies. That’s a nice word.”

“Boobies? Oh I like that. Boobies, boobies, boobies, she sang to the tune of the “Conga”.

“Do you want to touch them?” She pushed her chest out in invitation.

I took one in each hand, stroking and squeezing gently.

“That feels funny. I like it though. Do you like it? Mummy says all the boys like to touch boobies but sometimes they’re too rough and they hurt them. That’s why I mustn’t let them see .”

“They do feel nice. Soft and squishy. How big will they get?”

She held her hands in front of her as if they were cupping her full grown breasts.

“Well Mummy’s are like this, but the ladies in Daddy’s newspaper are out here. They’re pretty, I want to look like them when I grow up.Have you seen their pictures?”

“No, my dad doesn’t buy a newspaper, he says they’re “a waste of money when there’s news on the telly”.”

“Oh, I’ll have to bring you Daddy’s. Some of the ladies are really beautiful. I hope I get my picture on the paper one day.”

“Anyway they won’t get big unless you kiss them.”

“What? I’ve never heard that before.”

Sharon puffed up with pride. She new something that her older cousin didn’t.

“Claire Philpott says her brother Stephen told her that the best way to get big boobies is if a boy kisses them every day
And he’s at big school, so he’ll know”

(I never met young Master Philpott, but he was my instant hero. I expect he grew up to have a successful career as a used car salesman or politician). I was sure this story was just as bogus as the “backbugs” tale I’d invented to get my hands on Sharon’s bum, but that wasn’t going to stop me from taking advantage of the situation.

“Well I can’t kiss them every day, can I? I suppose I’ll have to give them extra big kisses whenever I see you.”

“That what I thought too. Come on let’s get started.”

She stuck them out again and I leant in, puckered up and gave each boobie lots of little kisses on the pink circle that marked their peak and then all over the surrounding flesh. Sharon giggled, saying it tickled and gave her nice feelings deep down.

It made my dick feel good too, but I kept that a secret.

“Have the kisses made Claire’s boobies grow nice and big?”

” Oh yes. She was the first girl in our class to get them and they’re still the biggest, but no one else has got any yet and I’m going to catch her up. I can feel them growing already. Thanks.”

She started her “conga” song again, dancing around the room.

“Have you seen my boobies,
I’ve got brand new boobies,
David kissed my boobies,
I’ll have great big boobies,
Lovely, lovely boobies,
Have you seen my boobies…

It’s a wonder our mothers didn’t her.


Her boobies did get bigger over the coming weeks, so we knew the kisses were working!

“Are they as big Claire’s yet?” I asked.

“No, I don’t think so, but Julie Byrom says she’s heard Claire’s padding her bra, so she might be cheating.”

“Well I think we can beat her.
I’ve been reading about it and although boys kisses do help boobies to grow, it says sucking them is even better.”

“Oh, I bet Claire doesn’t know that. Will you suck my boobies for me please David.”

It was my pleasure. I soon found that I could take a whole tit in my mouth while I squeezed the other. It was great.

It has quite an effect on my cousin too, “Oh, oh, oh David, that feels so…. No one’s ever made me feel like that…”

“Can you feel them growing?”

“Yes, yes I can feel them stretching. I’ll be big enough to get my picture in one Daddy’s newspapers soon.”

“I don’t think they’ll let you until your a grown up. We could practice though.”

“Yeah, let’s.”

And a new game was born.

Part 5 : Bonus Content: The Photographer Game

I’m going to present this section separately, as it doesn’t follow the chronology as the rest of series. I hope you enjoy.

We played this game many times. We’d been practicing for about six months when the following tale took place.


I’d given snake-hipped Sharon’s butt a good slapping as she wiggled her way up the stairs. We were about to enter my bedroom when she said words that were music to my ears, “I’ve got my new underwear on, it’s the best yet, you’ll love it. Can we play the photographer game?”

The question was purely rhetorical, she knew I would want to play. “Of course, knock on my door when you’re ready. ”

It was always exciting to see her new underwear and she was needing a lot of it as her burgeoning boobs and bum outgrew each previous set.

I readied my room, pulling out my desk to resemble an office and placing my photo album on top of it alongside one of Mum’s old mail-order catalogues and some newspapers that Sharon had liberated from her dad’s waste paper bin. There was also a pad of note paper and, of course my camera – sadly without any film in it.

In the meantime Sharon was in the bathroom making her own preparations. She would be doing her hair, using the old makeup that my mum let her play with and adjusting her dress to make herself look even more beautiful than usual.

She knocked on my door.

“Come in, I’ll see you now.”

She was in the same clothes I had seen her wearing earlier. A cream blouse, under red v-neck sweater, teamed with knee length black skirt, matching tights and court shoes. With her face made up, her hair tied back and standing tall and straight she looked older than her years.

“Good morning Miss Sharon.” I looked at pad, pretending to read it. ” I see you are interested in becoming a photographic model. Have you done any modelling before?”

She giggled sweetly, “Well just in the mirror, or showing off new clothes for my boyfriend, if that counts?”

“All good practice, but you’ve never been in a professional studio or out on photoshoot?”

“No, but I’d love to. It sounds so exciting.”

“Good, well you’d better stand up and let me take a look at. Unfortunately not every pretty girl can be a model.”

She stood, I looked closely at her face, fiddled with her hair, she bit her lip, suppressing a laugh.
I moved back behind my desk.

“Smile for me. Really happy – like you’ve just won the football pools. Now angry. Use your whole body – just your face. Now surprised. A nice surprise, that’s good. Now a nasty one…

Sharon gurned away following my instructions.

“Slip your sweater off, Sharon, it’s not cold in here. Good girl, that’s better.”

“That’s enough for now. Please take a seat. You have great bone structure and real potential You could do well, if you are prepared to work hard.

“Oh yes I am Sir. I’m a very hard worker. You can ask anyone. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“Well most of my girls start with catalogues work like this” I opened the mail order catalogue at the ladies daywear section. ” Would that be something you’d interested in.”

“Well I suppose I have to start somewhere.”

“Well actually we start by putting a portfolio together.” I patted my photo album. “I make a collection of pictures of you in different outfits and poses, put them all in here show then to my clients to convince them that you are the girl they need.”

“And when can we do that?”

“Well, we can start right now. Those clothes are fine. Let’s get on with it.”

“Let’s start all cure and innocent, like “the girl next door”.

Sharon put her hands together like a shy little schoolgirl, swinging her shoulders, so demure.

Click, click, click went the camera.

“Oh yes Baby that’s great, perfect, look up, super, that’s it. Now bring your head up, ace, shoulders back. Wow, you’re a natural.”

“Ok new pose. Bad girl this time.”

Her hands went to her hipd, she thrust her pelvis forward and stick her tongue out. How rude.

“That’s feisty. My clients are gonna love this. Have never seen such a good first audition.”

“Better lose those tights. They’ll want to see your legs. I bet you’ve got a lovely set of pins.” Click, click. “Oh yes, yes, yes. Even better than I thought.”

“Ok, relax for a moment. That was very good. ”

“Really do you think so? Does it pay well, I could really do with the money”

” I have to be honest. The money for daywear like this is pretty basic.There is better pay for lingerie modelling,” I turn to the relevant pages in the catalogue, ” but some girls don’t have the figure for it and others just don’t want to.”

“I’m not sure, it might be a bit embarrassing, but if the money is better.”

“We can just give it a try if you like. Are you wearing clean underwear?”

Nervously, “Yes…”

“Well why don’t you just come out of your skirt and blouse, I’ll take a few photographs and we can throw them away of you don’t like them.”

“Ok, as long as you promise to throw them away. And just my blouse.”
She pulled it over her head, like she’d never done it in front of a man before and put her hand across her chest.

Sternly, ” Look miss, I don’t work with amateurs. If you don’t want to do this just pick up your clothes and leave, but if you seriously want to earn a living as a model them pose properly and show me that bra. I’ll count to three… One, Two, good that’s better. You look great I don’t know what all the fuss was about. I’ve got loads of models that would love to have tits like yours. You’re real sexy. The camera loves you. Do you feel sexy? You do, don’t you, go on, say it, “I feel sexy, I am sexy.”

Sharon went for it, sticking her chest out, cupping her boobs, pushing them up, as though they were overflowing her brasserie, “I feel sexy, I am sexy!” and she was!

“Now get rid of the skirt.”

There was no hesitation. She turned her back and lowered the zip, wiggling her bum as it fell to floor.

At last I could see the matching underwear set that she wanted to show me. She was right, it was the best she had ever had – navy blue, lacy and delicate, but firm and supportive, the bra pushing her tits together to accentuate the cleavage and the knickers cut high to elongate her legs and show of the shape of her bubble butt. They were clearly designed to excite any man lucky enough to see them on a beautiful girl.

I gave her time to pose and she used it well. We were both turned on. It was time to push further.

“Of course, we don’t just do catalogue work. The big money is in glamour modeling.”

“Oh really, what’s that?” she asked playing innocent in a sing song voice.

Our mutual excitement grew, as the game approached it’s inevitable climax.

“You know, newspapers and stuff.”

“What like?

“Take a look” I showed her her dad”s newspapers. All open at the pages with the most revealing pictures.

“Oooh, those girls have got their boobies out and you can see the bum on that one.”

“But they are beautiful, aren’t they, and their figures aren’t even as nice as yours. They earn thousands of pounds. You could do that too.”

“Do you really think so?” My boyfriend says I’m beautiful but, he’s just trying to get me into bed”.

“Just look in the mirror. What do you see? Isn’t that the most beautiful woman you ever saw? Let me take your picture so the whole world can see how pretty you are.”

Sharon thought for a moment shifting position assess her body from different angles, “Ok, just a few pictures to see what it feels like”

She unsnapped the bra and threw it away with a nervous giggle, posing uncertainty and then copying the girls in her favourite pictures.

I clicked away, shouting encouragement as my girlfriend cavorted in nothing but her sexiest knickers, for my viewing pleasure. “Squeeze them together… stick them out… arch your back…. rub the nipples… bend over.” She did whatever I asked.

“That’s outstanding miss just slip your panties down now so I can take a few of your bare arse. It looks gorgeous.”

“Pervert!” she mocked, but did it anyway.
She was putting on a great show and we were almost done.

“Now stand and face me.” She obeyed, without question, modestly putting her hands over her crotch.

“That’s sweet. Now put your arms and legs out and do a star jump for me.”

“No Sir. You’ll see my fairy.”

“Go on, just for me.”

“No. Don’t want to.”

“I’ll tell you what, if you jump, I’ll close my eyes.”

“Aw okay. Do you promise.”


She jumped, the watched, she landed I clicked and then closed my eyes.

He got a good natured slap, “You cheat!”

“All the girls fall for that one”, I laughed. “That’s enough for now. Sit down and get your breath back while we sort out the paperwork. You can put a dressing gown on, if you like.”

“Huh, there’s not much point in that is there? You’ve already seen everything haven’t you?”
She was right and the image was engrained in my memory.

“Ok, so that was a brilliant session, I’ve got some great photos. I’ll develop them, print the best ones and make a start on your portfolio.
I just need your cheque.”

“Pardon, what cheque?”

“The £100 first installment to cover the costs of your portfolio and client introductions.”

“I don’t know anything about that.”

“Of course you do.” I ficked through my pad and pointed to a page, “Look it’s right here in the contract that you signed.”

“I didn’t see that. It’s printed in very small letters.”

“Well paper is expensive isn’t? I try to my costs down, so I don’t have to charge you girls too much.”

“Well I haven’t got a cheque or £100. I might have it next month but I’ve told you I’m short of money. ”

“Next month is too late. My clients will have chosen all the girls they need for the rest of the year by then.”

“Could you let me off this timr and I’ll pay you next month?

“That’s what all the girls say, then they have no money the next month or the next month. They never learn that they have to pay their way. If you want to earn a living in this industry I think I need to teach you that lesson right now.”

“That sounds fair, Sir. Like I said I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“Then bend over my desk.”

“Er, okay, are you going to take more pictures?”

“I’m going to spank your arse.”

I spanked long and hard until Sharon sank onto the desk and signalled the game was over.

Panting, we stumbled back to my bed and hugged – Sharon still naked.

“You spanked hard.”

“It was okay wasn’t it?”

“It was very okay” she sighed.

“You earned it. Your posing was really hot.”

“And you said some filthy things, you bad man,” giving me one of her playful slaps, “I wonder if that’s what it’s really like between a model and a photographer. I’d like to think our game’s realistic.”

“Well, I could put some film in the camera next time!”

That suggestion earned me another slap!


Thanks for reading to the end. I didn’t expect it be so long.

Part 6 will follow soon

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅