Cum and Save Me

“Scream all you want,” one boy said “Nobody can hear you.”

I saw my brother Andrew put down his gun out in the hall. He got it for Christmas, and he loved it, because it made real machinegun noises when he pulled the trigger, and he invited more boys over to show it off.

They brought their guns too, but they were just little pistols. A western revolvers, and cop’s automatic, but he had a full sized M-16, and it looked ridiculous. He was so small, and the gun was so big in his arms, he couldn’t even hold it by the handle up to his shoulder. He had to hold it under his arm and by the barrel to pull the trigger. Sweeping it back and forth, making realistic machinegun noises to mow down the bad guys.

So, the other boys were the badguys, and they kidnapped me. Tied me up, so Andy could “Save me! Help help, somebody please save me!” I was the oldest, so mom, and dad left me in charge, and I’m the one that decided to let his friends come over. They played games like army men, cops, and robbers, before. I’d even been “Kidnapped,” and tied up before. Usually, it was knights, so I could play a princess, and Sir Andrew the Knight in Shining Armor came to save me, only it was swords and shields instead guns.

“See? I told you, nobody is coming to save you.”

I bit my lip, when Andy stuck his hand down his pants. Then, he unbuttoned them, and pulled his underwear down, but not to pee. He had an erection, and he played with himself, right behind the bad guys in the hall.

“What’s so funny?” I shook my head, but I couldn’t stop giggling. Finally, Andy stopped playing with himself, and fixed up his pants. He picked up his gun, and yelled “Freeze! Stop right there!” Then, he pulled the trigger, and swung it back and forth.

“Argh!” They dropped their guns.

“He got me!” Rolled around on the floor, dying so he could come in, and untie me from the foot of the bed. Mom, and dad’s bed, they had a 4 poster, with a headboard, and a foot board. Nice posts sticking up on all 4 corners, to tie a little girl to.

Oh yeah, and ropes, a paddle, a sort of whip thingy, but really short with way more than 9 tails in their toybox at the foot of their bed, but no dildos, or anything. I was vaguely aware that mommy, and daddy played games in bed at night, but I’d never seen them. I thought one of them might be called “Bad girl,” because daddy called mommy that when he spanked her, but I had no idea what she might have done wrong.

They had a lock on it, but they didn’t hide the key very well. I found it in mommy’s jewelry box, and I went looking for the lock that went with it. We’re kids, I don’t know maybe about 10 when I found mommy, and daddy’s toybox, so Andy had to be about 6, or 7? I found out later that Andy caught daddy playing with mommy. She was tied up on the bed naked, and daddy had a boner, but that’s all he saw, before daddy closed the door.

They put some clothes on, and tried to tell him what he saw, but the rated G version of X rated sex game. So, “We’re just playing a game, and he wasn’t hurting me.” Mommy said when he untied her so she could get dressed. “He was just pretending.” So, he couldn’t tell me what she’d done wrong to deserve being punished like that either.

So, after the bad guys died, he untied me, and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. “My hero.” That was the end of the game, so I went in the kitchen to make the boys lunch. They ran around shooting each other, but it was all “Pew Pew!”

“You missed!”

“Nu uh! I shot you right between the eyes.” Boy games. I was used to them, because I watched Andy, and he had boys over to play all the time, but I’d never seen anyone play with himself before. I’d heard about it, even seen grown men go through the motions. Pumping their fists in front of their bellies, laughing, and telling dirty jokes.

So, I knew grownups did it, but I didn’t know how, until I saw Andy in the door with his pants open, and his hard little dick in his hand. Finally, when the boys went home, I told him that I saw him playing with himself. “Don’t tell mom, and dad!”

“Well?” I hadn’t made up my mind yet, but I didn’t want to get him in trouble. “What did you do that for, behind their backs? You’re supposed to be the good guy, and goodguys don’t do bad things, like play with themselves behind the other boys backs?”

“I don’t know, it was hard, and that’s how you take care of it, when it gets hard.”

“Who told you that?”

“Daddy.” So, he told me about the 1 time, he saw mom, and dad naked, and dad had an erection, of course. So after mom told him that she was okay, and not really in any trouble, dad had to explain why his dick got hard, tying mommy to the bed, naked. “I just saw you tied up like mommy, and my dick got hard, so I had to get rid of it before the other boys saw it.”

I giggled when he said Dick, because it was a naughty word, we weren’t supposed to say, and some of the adults even hushed each other for saying it around the kids. Like shit, fuck, and ass, but I knew ass was just a dirty word for butt.

“Your dick?” I shook my head.

“Yeah,” he pointed down, “What did you think a dick was?”

“I don’t know, your penis?” I guessed, because he only had one, and he had 2 balls, but not any hair on them. He was still shooting blanks too, but I ended up not telling mom, and dad, because he said he was sorry. That filled in a few blanks, when it came to sex and kinky games, but not all of them. I didn’t even think it was gay of him to whip it out behind the other boy’s backs, but I realized that he got an erection looking at me.

Tied up like mommy, only not naked, and with a couple other boys in the room. I don’t even remember which boys exactly, there were so many of them, because my brother was really popular, but they didn’t all show up at once.

Oh, now I remember Cody brought his revolver, because it was one of those old fashioned wild west cowboy revolvers, so he always wanted to play cowboys. (And I usually wound up tied to railroad tracks, once they set them down in the back yard, but it was just a ladder.) He had the holster, the hat, and the hard plastic boots to go with it, but he outgrew the boots, so his little sister started borrowing them to play cowgirl.

I had girls over to play girl games too, but boys didn’t want to play with dolls, stuffed animals, and pretend to drink tea at the table. They wanted to run around, and try to kill each other, but when they came over. Most of the games I could play with my brother, and the boys ended up with me being kidnapped, because that’s how badguys convinced the goodguys to come to their lair for the big fight at the end.

So then, I forgot all about it for a few years, and he never did it again. Even when the other boys kidnapped me, and tied me up for him to come and save me, if he got hard again, he had the good sense to play with himself in private, instead of the hall.

Then, a girl went missing, and then her body turned up, so the police came by the cafeteria with Stranger Danger, and McGruff the Crime Dog to talk about Bad Guys. I was just starting puberty, but there were little kids at the assembly, so we got the rated G version. Not the real Stranger Danger, of course, she was just a cop with her hair pinned up to fit under the hat, and the collar pulled up on her tenchcoat to hide her face.

McGruff chased her around, and you couldn’t even tell it was a woman, lurking around the shadows on the stage. (The cafeteria had a stage for plays, and assemblies. It also had basketball goals folded up in the rafters, because we used it as a gym for PE, too.) So then, the Sheriff asked if anyone had any questions, and kids started raising their hands to ask them.

I got the rated PG-13 (For violence, mild language, and strong sexual content) version, because I got up, and followed Stranger Danger, and McGruff off the stage. They didn’t have dressing rooms up there, just emergency exits in case of fire, but that’s how I found out they were both women. McGruff was played by a Social Worker in a dog suit, but Stranger Danger was played by a real live police officer in a fedora, and a trench coat.

Like Carmen Sandiego, only all black instead of all red, but there was all this mystery. From the adults not talking about uncomfortable subjects, and the kids asking tough questions which they couldn’t answer with kindergarteners around, because honestly. There’s no rated G version of kidnapping children, raping them, and strangling her so she can’t tell the police who did it.

“I’m gonna take a shower.” MacGruff took off her mascot suit, and went in the girl’s locker room, because it was too hot to run around onstage with all the lights on, in a fur suit. Officer Kathy took off her hat, and trench coat, let her hair down (Short enough so it was off her collar) then sat down with me to answer some tough questions.

“Was she sexually molested?”

“It’s still an open case, so I can’t discus the particulars, but.” She made a face, “Yes, there were signs of sexual.” She frowned even deeper, choosing her words wisely. “Assault.” This all came after I’ve never seen a police woman before, and do you get to carry a gun? Have you ever shot anybody, which was a no, but yes, she gets to arrest people all the time.

So that was neat, and I went through an I want to be a cop when I grow up, to shoot the badguys phase. A long story short, “Signs of Sexual Assault” may include: Torn clothing, missing underwear, and fluids in private areas.

“What kinds of private areas, you mean her bedroom, or the bathroom?”

“Private areas of her body.”

“Oh, you mean her Private Parts. So, you mean he touched her there, and then he got an hard-on, so he could have sex with her, and that’s how he left fluids in her?” Her face changed from sadness, and disgust to shock when I started to make Her uncomfortable. “Did he tie her up?”

So, I finally had to tell her about my mom, and dad playing “Bad girl,” I nodded, “It’s like cops, and robbers, only instead of kidnapping her, he ties her up to the bed, and spanks her, so they can have sex.”

“Huh, that’s. Okay, that’s not a crime. What husbands and wives do in their own bedroom is none of our business, but yes. Sometimes adults play adult games, and sometimes those games can get a little. Kinky?”

“What’s kinky?”

“It means playing sexual games, between a husband and wife. Like pretending to be other people dressing up, and yes also rough sex like bondage, and SM.” I’m not going to repeat the whole conversation, because you guys probably already know all this stuff, and you can’t wait to get on with the kinky sex, but that’s how I found out what you call things. Like Kinky sex, Bondage, and SM. Or S&M for Sadism and Masochism (SM is Sado-masochism between switches) but from what little she told me, I could go to the book store, and read books about stuff they wouldn’t let me buy, because they were adult, and I was just barely a tweenager.

They had SM-101, it was brand new, because it was 1996. So, Megan’s Law was already in effect, and they were just starting to organize Amber Alerts, but both of those systems were brand new too. But, they were still making cops, and social workers dress up as McGruff the Crime Dog, and Stranger Danger to teach us that it’s probably a creepy man dressed up like Carmen Sandiego, Inspector Gadget, or Spy vs Spy, and not your priest, teacher, or uncle molesting you.

So then, I started acting out at home alone, but I still had to watch my little brother. When there weren’t any other boys around, I stripped down to my bra, and panties, then tied myself to a chair. “Help, Andy? Come and help me, please?”

I left the door open, so when he came in, he saw me, and ran over. “Oh my god, are you all right?” He looked around the kitchen, “Did they take anything?” Pulling at the bungee chords wrapped tight around my arms.

“Huh, no. We weren’t broken into, I did this to myself.” I never cut myself, because I don’t like pain, but discomfort? I just let go of the hooks, I was holding with my thumbs, to pull the bungee chords tight around me, with my arms crossed behind my back. “I’m not even tied up, see?” I held them up to show him.

“Oh, ha ha. Very funny.”

“It’s not a practical joke, but don’t you think I’m sexy, tied up in my underwear?” I followed him out to the living room.

“No, you’re my sister.” So, we’d seen each other naked and in our underwear, for years. Quite honestly, I didn’t have a whole lot of a body, to fill up the bra for example, but I was starting to get sexual feelings. Just from hooking up the bra behind me, and the tight straps around my ribs. It was uncomfortable, for any girl, that’s why we wear training bras for years to get used to them, but for me, it was starting to feel sexual.

I was always into bondage with the boys, because it was our favorite games to play. The only games I could play with boys involved bad guys kidnapping me, starting as a princess, and then all the way up to when I found out why most men kidnap little girls. I mean, of course most men don’t kidnap little girls, but a lot of you think about it. A special kind of pervert, not just pedophiles, and child molesters, but kidnappers, rapists, and stranglers. I’m even turned on by the idea of a man having sex with my dead body after he strangles me.

So, I guess that’s why I started to be attracted to child molesters, kidnappers, rapists, and murderers. Especially stranglers, but my brother wasn’t a bad guy. He was a good guy, so he wouldn’t play dirty incest games with me. He wouldn’t even beat off looking at me tied up naked, or in the sexiest underwear I could get my hands on. I got a corset, without any bra cups so my tits stuck out, even with the laces pulled so tight I could barely breathe.

Of course, that made my waist real narrow, so my tits, hips, and ass stuck out to look even bigger, and broader. So then, the weather changed, and I talked mom into buying me a trench coat. A broad brimmed hat like Carmen Sandiego, but not like Stranger Danger. Then, Andy got a police uniform in his size to play Cops and Robbers.

Just because they came with Handcuffs. He wouldn’t touch me, sexually, but he would tie me up, and handcuff me. I’m sure he went off to play with himself, but not in front of me. I thought of him, when he was a little boy, and frantically jerking off in the doorway to get rid of his boner so he could get his gun and save me. Kissing him on the cheek, and calling him “My hero,” but it didn’t take long to find other boys to come play with me.

I already knew them, I just had to get rid of Andy so they would tie me up, molest me, and jerk off in front of me. All over me, but one at a time, because they didn’t want the other boys to know about playing kinky games with me. Even though the other boys were having kinky sex with me too, but they kept the secret, because honestly they were ashamed of themselves. When they should have been proud of having sex with a teenager, in middle school, but they didn’t even brag about it.

So, we got away with it for years until I got pregnant, and I had to tell them who the father was, when the answer was “I don’t know.” So, I had to get all the boys to take a Paternity test to see who won the lottery, and the hot ticket was me. It turned out that Cody was the one, that got to marry me, when he was 12. I didn’t even know that you could marry a 12 year old boy, but I’m kinda glad he was the one.

Honestly? He’s really good with a lasso, and he got even better with practice. He got so good that he could ride a bike one handed, so I could run, and he could catch me like a wild horse. Like a cowboy, and when he got older, he started looking good in crotchless chaps. A black leather vest with snaps, and cowboy boots, of course. A black stetson, and even a long pencil thin mustache he could twirl, laughing evily.

Now, the only problem is getting away, to play our kinky sex games, where the kids can’t see us.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅