Edged by my step-sister

Yeah, she promised me a blow-job and instead tortured my cock for nearly 2 hours.

I’m 13 years old and my 16 year old step-sister lured me in to her bedroom with the promise of a blow-job.

I was horny and so excited to be having my first blow-job, she told me to take off all my clothes and get on the bed, I was naked and laying down within a matter of seconds, I was faster than The Flash, I laid down fondling my cock and balls waking it up and getting it hard, which didn’t take much effort if I’m honest.

She told me to put a blindfold on because she didn’t want me to see her sucking on my cock, so I put it on and waited, next thing I knew she had grabbed both my wrists and she tied my hands together and over my head, tying them to the headboard railing, I couldn’t move.

I was confused at first but then I felt her playing with my cock and I just relaxed and enjoyed her fingers tickling my balls, then I felt the inside of her warm wet mouth slurping on my shaft, I was so happy, it was the greatest moment of my life, until she stopped…..

She poured cold liquid over my cock, I’m guessing it was lube, and she rubbed my cock a few times but kept stopping just before I was about to ejaculate, the blow-job was a lie, she brought me in here to cock torture me.

Over the next half hour she edged me, which basically consisted of her tugging and sucking on my cock until I almost came, then she’d quickly stop, preventing me from ejaculating, she repeated this process every 15-20 seconds, always stopping just before I came.

She made my balls ache and my poor cock was in agony, I could feel my spunk building in my shaft, it was right at the tip ready to squirt but I couldn’t grab my cock to give it that final tug it needed in order to shoot it out, it was fucking torture!

After nearly an hour and her leaving my cock to settle for 5 minutes with no contact what-so-ever, she began to suck me off again and vigorously tugged on my cock, this time she let me come and Jesus did I fucking come.

My spunk exploded from my cock, I felt it all firing off and landing all over my stomach and chest, there was so much spunk it actually hurt when it came out.

When she untied me I ripped off the blindfold, called her a psycho, picked up my clothes and hurried out of the room, my cock was stinging so badly, I couldn’t jerk myself off again until the following night, at once point I had to get an ice-pack from the freezer and hold it to my balls.

Crazy torturous bitch!