For the Ds.

A couple boys got held back, so they were in my class, and I was getting straight As. So, they asked me if I could help them get their grades up…

It wasn’t Sex Education, they’re still teaching “Abstinence Only,” which is basically don’t worry about it until you get married. Of course, I wanted premarital sex anyway, because I was horny, almost a teenager, and some of the boys at school were starting to look pretty good to me.

Middle school boys, so just starting puberty, their voices are changing, and they’s getting uncomfortable boners to hide in class, or ask to go to the bathroom where they can masturbate in peace. I do it too, but it’s distracting, so now I’m worried about my grades slipping, but they didn’t say anything about sex.

They just wanted help with their homework, to lure me over to their houses after school, and spend time with me. I thought they were friends, and they thought I was friend-zoning them, but I guess they were shy and nervous about making the first move. Honestly, I was so self conscious about being a nerd that I didn’t think they liked me that way, they just wanted me for my brain.

I know, it’s childish, and naive now. They didn’t invite me to their New Years Even parties, but then they texted me, and asked me if I could help them “Bone up” on some things before the next semester started. Of course, that was a thinly veiled sexual entendre, but they’re middle school boys. So, they tell dirty jokes, and slip little things into the conversation like that, to see if you’re interested. Honestly, they’d been doing it for months, but they sent me the address, and when I got there.

They set up the office like a school room. It was an empty office, and one of their parents got the keys for some business reason. I don’t know, and honestly, I don’t even care. They managed to get their hands on some school desks, the school threw out to replace them, and since it was an office, it came with a big desk.

The teacher’s desk, there was a whiteboard behind it, and a computer chair with arm rests for them to tape my hands to it. They were planning on raping me, but it turned into more of a willing sexual role play thing, where I was playing the teacher. First, they sat down on opposite sides of the front row. (Don’t ask me how they got so many desks all the way to the office park from the school. Neither one of them was old enough to drive.)

“Boys,” I didn’t have to say their names, “Can I see you after class?” They told me that was my line, when I agreed to play Teacher, but we improvised from there. They came around the desks on both sides, and I pulled my mask up under the safety glasses they made me put on too. A lab coat, because they wanted me to play “Chemistry” teacher.

“Huh!” I pushed the glasses up, because they were heavy. Practically goggles, and big enough to wear over prescription glasses if you need to. (I don’t, I have 20/20 vision.) “I know that you’ve been working hard,” they’re not the only ones playing the sexual innuendo game, “But I honestly can’t do any better than a D?”

I looked up, but they weren’t even trying to hide the bulges in their pants. It was just the three of us, and the one on my left had it sticking down his pant leg. So, the head printed through the corduroy, and I wanted to touch him so badly. Not just in a bad way. He was my friend, and I was just waiting for him to make the first move, but I was so distracted that I didn’t notice his friend getting out the tape, until he pulled it loudly.

“Huh?” I shook my head, but he grabbed my arm, and held it down to the arm of the chair.

“You can do better than that. A D?” My other arm was held down. “I’ll give you a fucking D.”

“Yeah,” I felt a hard one rub over my knuckles, and they straddled the arms to hold them between their legs. “Me too.” Passing the tape over, once my right arm was secured, they wrapped the roll around to tape the other side, before they got off. Rolled me back to the white board, so they could grab my legs, and figure out how to tape them to the base of the chair.

Unfortunately, it was one of those computer chairs, with 5 legs, and a piston to raise, and lower it? I spread my legs, and closed my eyes. Licking my lips, and remembering the way their crotches felt, humping the backs of my hands with their balls rolling around in their pants, but I was excited that they finally made a move, and in a way it was better than I ever dreamed about.

It was always when I got home from tutoring one or the other. So I daydreamed about one them scooting over, putting their arm around me, and kissing me? First one, then the other, depending on who I was tutoring that afternoon. But it was always one or the other, I never dreamed that they both liked me, let alone that they would conspire to a threesome.

The bondage was just like the Chemistry Teacher getup to me. The lab coat, and the safety glasses. It turns out they both had the typical teacher/student fantasy, but one of them. (I’m not saying any names, because we’re all well beneath the Age of Consent here, and Consent is the issue at play.) He also had a doctor with a hot nurse. A budding medical fetish, and neither one of them was sure whether I would consent or not.

So, they didn’t ask, and I didn’t say no. I didn’t fight back, honestly I was getting hotter, and wetter by the minute, just knowing that it was finally going to happen. I was losing my virginity that day, and the best part is I didn’t have to chose one or the other. I could have both, they could take turns brutally penetrating me. Slamming open the door to womanhood, and pounding me to sexual ecstacy.

I don’t mean that literally. I have fingers, and I got creative with things around the house that were the right size, and shape to penetrate myself. The actual physical freshness seal was long gone, but I hadn’t done anything with anyone else. Neither one of them had even tried to kiss me yet. I just thought about it, masturbating.

Speaking of which, the first time, they just beat off on my face. I mean, they felt me up all over, and took my clothes off as far as they could with my hands, and feet taped to the chair. Pulled up my top, and bra, my skirt to stuff their hands down the front of my underwear, and their fingers roughly inside me.

“Uh, okay, an A! You both get a big A plus! A hundred, oh! Oh my god, yes!”

“Huh, you hear that?” When the orgasm finally came over me, whoever had his fingers inside me pulled out of my twitching vulva.

“Hu, yeah. I heard she wants it in the A.”

“Uh!” My sphincter was still spazming from my climax, which hadn’t even started dying down, but his fingers were still wet from vaginal juices, and I think I peed a little. “Yeah, in. Mhn my. Ass, fuck me in the ass oh! Oh god!” I thought I could get another orgasm just from his finger wiggling inside me.

“She’s so tight.”

“Yeah I know.” The other one slipped his hand in next to the wrist, deep inside my underwear.

“NGH!” Then, they were double penetrating me.

“2 in the pink?” He pulled out of my dripping hungry baby hole, and stuffed another finger in with the first one.

“Yeah, and one in the stink. She likes it up her tight virgin ass, don’t you?”

“Yes, fuck me, fuck me more, ah gah nh! Neah fuck yeah!”

“Huh!” they pulled out, and left me panting there, but their fingers were wet, and dirty on my chest. They switched hands, so they could pinch and pull their hard little peckers right in front of my face. My orgasmic spasms finally dies down to a deep throb of pleasure all over my body, so I could open my eyes. Look back, and forth, and even form coherent words besides moans, and yeah.

I never said yeah before. I always said yes, and no, I never even said nope. I’m such a stickler for proper English, but I was too breathless to even finish the word yes, before they let me finish the most powerful, and satisfying orgasm in my life.

Then it was their turn, but the glasses. They turned out to be an even better idea than they intended. It was just part of the costume, so they could live out their fantasy of raping their chemistry teacher (When their grades weren’t good enough to take chemistry, which they didn’t even teach in middle school, either. I supposed it made them feel smart, or less self conscious about me being smarter than they wanted to admit consciously.)

The upshot of this was that I didn’t have to close my eyes, or worry about it getting in them. I could watch their penises twitching, the red glans flaring, and the white gobs splash out all over the lens right in front of my eyes. The covid mask, and my hair done up in a bun for the role play.

“Huh!” I just let my head fall back, and closed my eyes when they finished. They pulled up their pants, which had fallen down, and got out pocket knives to unfold, and cut the tape with.

Not my throat, they way they had planned. I didn’t find that part out, until years later, when they finally confessed to me out of guilt, but by then we even escalated to much more risky, and abusive sex games. Knife play, with real kitchen knives in the kitchen, but we made sure to grind the edges off so they weren’t sharp enough to cut me.

If I hadn’t been so willing, they were even planning to murder me. Clean up the body in the mop sink, in the janitor closet, and that’s why they made me wear so much PPE. The lab coat, masks, and glasses were supposed to make it easier to get rid of any evidence. They even brought nail clippers to cut those off, just in case I fought back, and managed to scratch one of them.

To this day, I can’t be sure whether or not they could have gone through with it, and murdered me. Honestly, that scares me so much that I don’t want to leave them, either one of them. I don’t have a favorite, I love them both, even though they compete to see who can come up with better ways to “Abuse” me, and “Torture” me.

Of course, because that fear, and worrying about what they’ll do to me next is the biggest turn-on of all. I look over my shoulder all the time just to see if one of them is following me. So, I can lead them off down a dark alley where the other one is waiting with the van to grab me. Kidnap me, and drive me off to wherever they have planned to “Rape” me.

They don’t have to rape me. You can’t rape the willing, and I’m willing to be whoever they want to rape so badly. Them, and anyone else they can get to pay to gangbang me anonymously for money. Oh yes, I’m their whore too, and I love it.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅