Freedom In The Woods

First, I’m not a big fan of camping, at least not when we first arrive at the campsite. It takes me a day or so to get into the spirit of it. Until then, I’m whiny, crabby, and bratty. I appreciate that our campsite is on some we own, decorated by nature with a plethora of trees, a spring-fed creek, soft grass, wild berry bushes, and wildlife; we are the only people there. Nonetheless, I complain about absolutely everything.

My Lion, however, devised a brilliant way to speed things up a bit. We set up the camper – yes, a camper, not a tent – with our supplies. The camper is actually a semi-permanent fixture close to the creek. Then Lion stripped off his clothing. I watched, fascinated and drooling. His body is magnificent. Toned, but not too toned. Tanned, but not too tanned. Hairy, but not too hairy. I got wet immediately.

He ordered me to do the same. Naturally, I did so. What I hadn’t expected was for him to lock our clothes – all of our clothes, even the ones in the suitcase – into the closet of the camper, then hung the key around his neck. I started at him, shocked, then yelled at him.

He just stood there and grinned until I finished my tirade. Once I had calmed down, Lion grabbed me by the hand and walked me to a tree. He pressed my hands against the tree and pushed my feet back so that my back was parallel to the ground and my ass was sticking out. I heard him shuffling around then the whistle of a switch. I yelped but didn’t move position. I did, at least, know better than that!

“Naked. All week. No back talk. No complaining. No hesitating. Understand?” He said each command punctuated with a swish of the switch. It stung like hell, but he wasn’t putting his back into it. He wanted to reinforce what he was saying, not really punish me.

“Yes!” I squealed. “Yes. I understand.”

Then, He stepped behind me and pressed his cock into my dripping pussy. “You seem to like the idea,” he noted.

“Oh yes, yes,” I answered. And I did.

The punishment had helped change my mindset and calm my anxiety. Plus, the idea, let alone the reality, of having full access to his incredible body for an entire week was worth the initial discomfort of being forced into nudity. I exploded, creaming his cock. He laughed and slapped my ass. “Good, because every day I’m going to fuck you at least three times. Your ass, your pussy, your mouth. Every day I’m going to spank you, whip you, mark your body for my own pleasure,” he promised, his voice deep as the ocean and strong as steel. Hell, he’s gotten me to come with just his voice before!

“YES!” I screamed. “Please, yes, please, yes,” I babbled and came again.

“Disobey, and your punishment will be immediate,” he promised. His fingers dug into my hips and he too unleased himself inside of me. I tightened my muscles, milking his cock. I wanted every single drop.

That afternoon, Lion built a campfire and filled two buckets with water. I set up the inside of the camper and fired up the generator. We didn’t need a lot of electricity, but we did want our food, stored in the mini-fridge, to be safe! I couldn’t help but glance at the closet where not only our clothes were stored, but also all of Lion’s tools.

In the evening, I cooked our meal of grilled veggies and rice over the campfire. This was a tricky and frightening operation due to the lack of clothing. Lion kept a close eye on me and, when he saw my fear, allowed me to don a heavy apron covering the front of my body. Naturally, I had to thank him for it.

I knelt between his splayed needs and slid my mouth down his cock. I gagged once but relaxed my throat so that I could take him balls deep. Up and down I bobbed my head, keeping one hand fisted over the exposed part of his cock and the other massaging his balls.

“You know each time I grant you a boon, you’ll need to thank me,” he stated quietly.

I quivered with delight.

“That’s good. Really, really good, Darla. I know this week is a challenge for you,” he continued in his soothing voice, “but this is where you are totally free, isn’t it?”

I didn’t answer since my mouth was full, but I moaned and nodded my head. He was right. I love being Lion’s submissive for multiple reasons, but one major reason was that I could release all of my responsibilities and decisions. The only decision I needed to make was Yes or No to his commands.

He grasped my hair in his fists and his balls tightened. He shot his load of sweetness down my throat and I worked to swallow it all. Unfortunately, some dribbled down my chin.

“Tsk, tsk,” he murmured. “You know better. Finish dinner and after we eat I’ll give you your consequence.”

Gulping, I nodded. Yes, I could have said No, but I didn’t want to. I wanted the consequence. I wanted to be a thing of nature, to live in the moment, to be free of social norms.

“I thought you said my punishments would be immediate,” I asked quietly.

He laughed, kissed me, then answered, “And you think making you wait and worry isn’t part of that punishment!”

After dinner and clean up, Lion had me bend over one of the vintage metal lawn chairs. He spread my cheeks and inserted a greasy lube quickly followed by a medium-sized plug.


“There. Keep that in until I take it out. Any complaints will be met with a switch,” he warned. “I know it’s uncomfortable, but it will remind you that whatever I put in you, you keep inside of you unless told otherwise.”

That first night, I slept in his arms, replete from the orgasm he gave me by eating my cunt, his plug in my ass, my bottom slightly marked from the first switch.

I was free.

We fell into a routine for the week. Suck Lion’s cock immediately upon waking. Swallow. Bathe in the creek then fill two buckets with water for the day. Start the fire again and boil the water while preparing breakfast. After that, Lion would mark my body. This was not a consequence, but rather a love token. I found myself getting wet just thinking about it. We would take short hikes and fuck. He’d hand me the apron, I’d suck him. Sometimes he came again, sometimes not. He was mercilessly observant of any mistakes I made so that he could quickly issue a consequence.

Most nights, I slept with a plug in my ass which he removed every morning only to replace it with his cock after I had sucked on him long enough to get him hard again after his first orgasm. Of course, this meant that he would stay hard for a long, long time. Only after I begged him for mercy from the endless orgasms would he relent and allow the short walk to the creek for a bath.

After lunch, he would use my pussy. At night, he ate me out. I stopped counting the number of orgasms I had each day.

I felt invincible, powerful, sexy, and free from all stress. I wanted to live like this forever.

The afternoon of Day seven arrived before I realized. I had completely lost track of the days in my stupor of pleasure. I was lying on the bed, my mind a fog from the orgasmic paradise he had just led me to, when he said, “So, after you’ve rested, we need to pack up and head back to the house. We both have work tomorrow.”

I moaned and burrowed into his chest.

He laughed then said, “I know. I don’t want to go either. I am curious, though, what was your favorite part of this week?”

I thought for a minute. Was it the constant attention? The orgasm exhaustion? The uninhibited availability of a sexual encounter at any moment? The lack of other people?

“I think,” I answered, “that my favorite part is being able to just be. To be who I want to be without the prying eyes of society telling me I’m a traitor to my sex or that I’ve been indoctrinated into being your slave.”

He sat up at looked at me thoughtfully. “My slave?”

“Kind of, yes. Submissive might be a better term since I can always say no to you,” I amended.

He nodded and said, “Absolutely you can.”

“The thing is, I feel free when I’m being submissive. I’m free to love you, to be taken care of by you, to be who I am deep inside when I’m with you. No one is judging me. No one is condemning my choices.”

Lion ruffled my hair and said, “True enough. I feel the same. So, even with those markings on your ass and the new ones on your breasts from this morning’s whipping, marking you as mine, you still feel free?”

I looked down. Three red welts decorated each breast. I ran my fingers over them lovingly, causing my nipples to darken and tighten. This morning, after Lion again took my ass for his and my pleasure, I had stood with my back to a small birch tree, my hands clasped behind the trunk while he used his pocket knife to smooth down a thin branch of a whippoorwill tree. With a flick of his wrist, he had given me the day’s mark. My pussy began to drip honey with each flick of his wrist.

“I’m completely sure,” I answered, looking up at him and smiling. “So sure, that I have a request.”

He raised his eyebrows.

“I need more of this, Lion. I know we both get crazy busy with home and work and such, but I really need you to be super dominant more often,” I stated shyly.

His face softened. “Well, if that’s what you need, what kind of a dominant would I be if I denied you that simple request?”

Slowly, we gathered our belongings, emptied the fridge, and put the campsite to rest. Reluctantly, we donned our clothing. Lion drove the ten miles back home, and we unloaded the car.

When I came out of the bathroom after a shower wearing a robe, he was leaning against the kitchen counter.

“I’ve been thinking. How about if every weekend, from the time you get home from work on Friday until the time you leave for work on Monday morning, you are my slave, with, of course, the caveat of having the duty to tell me no if you need to?”

I jumped into his arms and kissed him. When I came up for air, he laughed and set me down, yanking the robe off my body.

“We still have tonight, Darla. No clothes,” he stated.

Happily, I nodded. My life had just become a lot more free and beautiful.