Ghazal’s dream gang bang

Ghazal’s dream begins with the lounge of an apartment. Where Ghazal was sitting on a sofa talking to her cousin Dawood.
Dawood “Ghazal baji please. Just once.”
Ghazal۔ “No, Dawood. That’s wrong.”
Dawood “Ghazal baji, nothing happens. No one will know.”
Ghazal۔ “Dawood, be ashamed. I am your cousin. I am like your sisters.”
Dawood “Ghazal baji, if you don’t give me a hug, I’ll die.”
Dawood is trying his best to get Ghazal’s consent. But she answer is no. He starts begging her to get her pussy. But Ghazal was explaining to Dawood that they are both cousins, like siblings. She cannot commit this sin. Dawood becomes so impatient that he falls at Ghazal’s feet and starts screaming for her pussy. Ghazal feels sorry for Dawood but how could she be unfaithful to her husband. Her pussy belonged to her husband Waheed.
Meanwhile, Dawood is stubborn like a child and starts crying. Ghazal was very confused. She knew it was a dream, not a reality. She could not even think of a man in her dreams except her husband. But Dawood’s anguish was forcing her. Finally, Ghazal lied to entertain Dawood. “Dawood, don’t cry. I can do as you wish, but not in the hall here. I won’t do it here on the sofa. Look, all the rooms are locked. I can’t do this in the open.”
Ghazal agreed to Dawood’s persuasion. Hearing yes from Ghazal’s mouth, a smile of happiness appeared on Dawood’s face. His purpose was fulfilled.
Dawood said getting up from the floor. “Just a minute of ghazal baji.”
Dawood-1 started knocking on the door of a room in which Dawood-2 was sleeping.
Dawood-1 asked Dawood-2 to vacate the room because he wanted to spend some time with ghazal. Ghazal was very scared because she was very sensitive in the matter of intercourse. She knew in that look that her pussy was too small and narrow, and now she was saying yes to a wolf like Dawood-1. Dawood-2 was looking at ghazal with complaining eyes and Dawood-1 was taking ghazal by the hand and taking her to the room. Dawood-1 took Ghazal to the room and locked the door. Ghazal was scared but her pussy left water and wet her panties.
Dawood 1 made Ghazal sit next to him on the bed and started kissing her cheek with love. Dawood 1 started kissing and licking the mole on Ghazal’s lips. He had one hand on her back and the other on her huge boobs filled with milk. Suddenly Dawood 1 stood up and took off his underwear. Now he was standing naked in front of Ghazal with his 12 inch long and 4 inch thick cock. There was a solid cock in front of Ghazal. His cock was standing and erect in front of her. Ghazal’s eyes widened in surprise. She may think that a man can have such a big cock. Dawood 1’s cock was as long and thick as Ghazal’s arm.
Dawood 1 pushed Ghazal on the bed and climbed on top of her. He started kissing her lips and cheeks like crazy and started touching his cock in her thighs and abdomen. Dawood 1 began to undress Ghazal. He took off her shirt and then freed Ghazal’s two large watermelons from the closure of bra. As soon as they get freedom, Ghazal’s big boobs will jump out.
Dawood 1 put the nipple of Ghazal’s boobs in his mouth and started drinking milk. He was sucking Ghazal’s boobs one after another. After the boobs, Dawood 1 passed through Ghazala’s stomach and reached her pussy. He started taking off her shalwar. Ghazal picked up her ass and helped Dawood 1 in this task. After shalwar, Ghazal’s panties were also taken off.
Now Ghazal was completely naked. Her naked body was not seen by anyone except her husband. Seeing Ghazal’s beautiful body, Dawood 1 went crazy. He started kissing her. After a while, Dawood 1 started sucking and licking Ghazal’s pussy while sucking her thick juicy thighs. Then Dawood 1 gave his cock in her hands. It was too big. Ghazal could measure it up to her wrist by placing it on her elbow. Ghazala was scared of this but her pussy was starting to release semen.
Ghazala opened her mouth as much as she could. And started sucking Dawood 1’s cock. She had wet his cock with her saliva. Dawood 1 made Ghazal lie down and grabbed her thick thighs and made her pussy close to his cock. And began to rub his cock on this little pussy. Then Dawood 1 tried to put his cock in Ghazal’s pussy but her pussy was too small for his cock. Dawood 1 licked Ghazal’s pussy again and started spitting on it and throwing one on his cock and rubbed.
Now Dawood1 was about to make another attempt. He lifted Ghazal on both shoulders and climbed on top of her. Both of Ghazal’s feet will reach to her ears. Dawood 1 hit Ghazal on her pussy and the tip of Dawood 1’s cock went into Ghazal’s pussy. Dawood 1 felt as if he had found heaven. After two shorts, Dawood 1’s entire cock was in Ghazal’s pussy. Ghazal screamed in pain. She had never been in so much pain. She was moaning and crying badly from the pain. Dawood 1 was enjoying at Ghazal’s condition and was pounding his cock hard in her pussy.
Dawood 1 was fucking Ghazal in a missionary style. After many cruel shocks, Ghazal’s pain had subsided and now she was enjoying fucking. Seeing Ghazal enjoying, Dawood 1 started fucking Ghazal with even more enthusiasm. Ghazal was happy with Dawood 1’s enthusiasm and performance. She ejaculated during this time. Dawood 1 once fucked Ghazal in a doggy style, sitting on top of him and in many ways. During this time, Ghazal ejaculated several times. Her pussy was constantly releasing semen for Dawood’s cock.
Ghazal’s anus was swollen after an hour of fierce fucking. But her pussy wanted to satisfy Dawood 1’s cock. At last that time has come. Dawood sprayed his hot and thick seeds into Ghazal’s pussy. Dawood 1 started filling Ghazal’s uterus with seeds from his pump. Ghazal was on Dawood 1’s cock at that time and she fell on his chest anyway. Finally, Dawood 1’s cock came loose and came out of Ghazala’s pussy. Her pussy was spitting Dawood 1’s seed.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Please open the door. I have something to take.”
Ghazal had no idea what to do. Ghazal was naked with Dawood 1. Dawood 1 opened the door. He was Dawood 2. When Dawood 2 saw Ghazal naked, he smiled. The focus of Dawood 2 was the seed of Dawood 1 dripping from Ghazal’s pussy.
Dawood 1 said to Dawood 2. “Take what you have to take and keep going.”
But Dawood 2 grabbed Dawood 1 by the arms and led him out of the room. The two of them were arguing over something. After a while, Dawood entered the room naked. This cock was hard again.
But Ghazal could recognize that it was not Dawood 1 but Dawood 2. Because his cock was a little thinner than Dawood 1’s but longer. Dawood 2 put his cock in front of Ghazal’s mouth. Ghazal now had to suck Dawood 2’s cock too.
After a while, Ghazal’s screams and groans were coming out of the room. Dawood 2 further injured Ghazal’s swollen pussy. Dawood 2 fucked her in different ways for about an hour. During this time, Ghazal ejaculated several times. Dawood 2 also left all his seed in Ghazal’s womb. Two wolf-like Dawoods had transferred cum of their testicles to Ghazal’s womb. Ghazal’s uterus was overflowing with cum, which caused her uterus to swell. Ghazal’s stomach was also feeling enlarged due to the swelling of the uterus.
Ghazala was very tired, she wanted to sleep, but it was dirty in the room with Ghazal’s semen and Dawood’s cum. Ghazal also came out of the room naked with Dawood 2. When Ghazal came out, she was astonished. Not one Dawood or two Dawoods but five Dawoods were sitting there.
All Dawoods welcomed Ghazal and gave her a place to sit on the sofa. Ghazal was now sitting naked on the sofa between two Dawoods. Three Dawoods were sitting on the carpet in front of her. They were all gossiping. Ghazal felt that they would no longer fuck it. Ghazal wanted to get dressed but all Dawoods forced her to stop. While chatting, Dawoods started asking for tea. At his request, Ghazal went to the kitchen to make tea. Everyone ordered that they drink milky tea, tea should not contain water.
Ghazal came to the kitchen, it was a modern and spirited kitchen. Ghazal took out tea leaves and sugar from the counter. The teapot and cup were neatly washed on one side. But when Ghazal opened the fridge, there was no milk in it. Disappointed, Ghazal came out of the kitchen and reported the bad news to all Dawoods. “Sorry brothers there is no milk” On hearing Ghazal’s words, everyone started laughing.
Ghazal said in surprise. “Why are you all laughing. I’m telling the truth, the milk is finished.”
Dawood 5 laughed and answered. “Ghazal Baji can’t finish milk with you.”
Dawood. “Why keep milk in the fridge when you have your own cow at home?”
Ghazal: “I don’t understand what you mean.”
Upon hearing Ghazal’s words, all Dawoods would get up from their seats and take Ghazal to the kitchen.
Ghazal was standing on one side. Dawood 2 opened a counter and took out a machine and placed it on the table.
Ghazal asked in surprise, “What kind of machine is this?”
“Dawood 1.” Ghazal Baji. This is a machine that extracts milk from the udder of a cow.”
Ghazal: “Where is the cow?”
Dawood 3. Put the hoods of the machine on the big and delicate nipples of Ghazala and turn on the machine.
The hood of the machine started sucking Ghazal’s nipples hard. The machine began to draw milk from Ghazal’s boobs and fill a one-liter jar. Ghazal was having pain and pleasure from sucking her nipple with extreme pressure. After a while, the liter jar was filled with milk. The machine was turned off and some Ghazal’s milk was taken out of the jar and poured into the cauldron. Now the tea is ready. Dawood 3 pressed Ghazala’s boobs like an expert and announced that Ghazal’s boobs still have enough milk. So all Dawood decided that they would take out all the milk of Ghazal’s breasts today, then they would never get another chance.
Now a large 5 liter jar was attached to the machine. He hooked Ghazal’s breasts and turned on the machine. By the time the tea was ready, everyone picked up their cups and walked back to the lounge and everyone put Dawood 3 on duty to take care of Ghazal Baji and operate the machine. Dawood 3 was probably an expert in this work. Dawood 3 and Ghazal started drinking the same tea. Ghazal tasted her milk thicker and sweeter than cow’s milk.
Ghazal tried to talk to Dawood 3 but he did not talk much. He was constantly standing behind her, looking at the cracks in her buttocks full of thick fat. Dawood 3’s cock was erect. He moved towards Ghazal’s ass and started chewing his thick long cock in Ghazal’s ass. Ghazal was shocked, Dawood 3 started rubbing his cock in the crack of Ghazal’s ass. She tried to avoid him but Dawood 3 dealt harshly with her body. Ghazal understood that Dawood 3 was also rude and evil minded.
Dawood 3 sat on his knees and started playing with Ghazal’s ass. He started rubbing Ghazal’s thick anal cheeks with both hands. He would open Ghazal’s ass and look at her anus. Ghazal’s small sealed anus was driving him crazy. Ghazal was ashamed of Dawood 3’s move. She closed both her cheeks tightly. A strong slap fell on Ghazal’s ass, she had to loosen the grip of her ass.
Dawood 3 put his mouth between the cheeks of Ghazal’s buttocks and started licking her anus. Ghazal liked Dawood 3’s anal licking like this. Ghazal was realizing how a woman could knock a man down with her weapons. Lust can enslave a man to a woman so that he can do such a dirty deed. She put one of her legs on the counter to open her ass. Now Dawood 3 started licking Ghazal’s anus and started inserting finger but Dawood 3’s finger was not going into it.
Dawood 3 got up and ordered ghazal to stay in this position. He took out a pouch of mayonnaise from the fridge, opened the lid, put the mouth of the pouch in Ghazal’s anus and dipped the pouch. Mayonnaise went into her anus a little less than a pound. Ghazala felt a strange pressure inside her which created a sensation in her ass. Now Dawood 3 was patting Ghazal’s thick ass with love. Ghazala’s anus was now quite lubricated. As soon as the packet was taken out, mayonnaise started flowing from her ass. Dawood 3 lubricated his cock with mayonnaise flowing from Ghazal’s anus.
When Dawood 3 aimed his cock, Ghazal understood what he wanted. Dawood 3 pushes Ghazal’s mayonnaise-filled ass with his cock. Dawood 3’s half cock landed in her anus. A loud scream came out of Ghazal’s mouth. But Dawood 3 was not paying attention to her. Dawood 3 pushed his whole cock inside with two or four strong pushes. Ghazal was screaming loudly and calling the rest of Dawoods for help but no one came to help her. Ghazal’s ass had exploded. Dawood’s cock had found a new way in Ghazal’s ass. Ghazal’s anus was no longer virgin. Blood was flowing in Ghazal’s thighs. The mayonnaise coming out of her ass was reddened by the blood.
But Dawood 3 was constantly pounding into Ghazal’s ass. Five minutes later, Ghazal’s anus was opened after Dawood 3’s cock jerked. Ghazal was now relieved from the pain. She was beginning to enjoy anal sex. Ghazal noticed that the milk in the jar was filling up fast. More than half the jar was full. Ghazal’s ass was sticking to Dawood 3’s thick cock. When Dawood 3 pushed inside, Ghazal’s ass would shrink inwards and when he pulled out, Ghazal’s ass would come out wrapped around Dawood 3’s cock.
Ghazal’s pussy began to ejaculate again. Ghazal was enjoying it but she couldn’t describe it. She had not felt this pleasure till today. Ghazal could not think that this forbidden fruit is so delicious.
Meanwhile, Dawood 5 came to keep cups in kitchens. When he saw Dawood 3’s cock in Ghazal’s ass, he screamed with joy. “Our lion tore this nakhreli too.” All Dawoods had named Ghazala’s pussy as ‘Sharmili’ and ass as ‘Nakhreli’. Dawood 5 placed the cup and removed the hood of the machine from Ghazal’s nipples as the five liter jar was almost full. This also made it easier for Dawood 3 to fuck.
After Dawood 5 left, Dawood 3 laid Ghazal upright on the counter. He was looking at her anus which was opened round according to the thickness of Dawood 3’s cock. But Ghazal’s anus was injured. Dawood 3 took a bag of mayonnaise and put the rest of the mayonnaise in her ass. A kilo of mayonnaise had been poured into Ghazal’s ass. At the same time he put his cock in Ghazal’s ass again. Now both legs of Ghazal were on Dawood’s chest and her face and breast were in front of him. Ghazal’s nipples would turn red and swell due to the pressure of the machine. Her nipples would have swelled like a cow’s nipples. Ghazal’s boobs were a little puffy because they were empty of milk.
Dawood continued to fuck Ghazal in the same manner for twenty minutes. Ghazal put her finger in her pussy and started masturbating. Thus Ghazal ejaculated several times from front and back. Dawood 3 made Ghazal a bitch on the floor and from behind he put his cock in her ass again and started fucking in doggy style. This time Dawood 3 was fucking so hard it seemed like he was about to finish. Ghazal’s ass was burning inside. She could no longer bear Dawood 3’s cock in her ass. Ghazal was lying on the floor with every jolt. Finally she lay upside down. Dawood 3 also lay upside down on her. After a while, a strong storm of cum came in Ghazal’s ass. Ghazal started moaning loudly again And Dawood 3 ejaculated in Ghazal’s ass hole.
After a while, when the two came out of the kitchen, they were welcomed like a newly married couple. Everyone was congratulating Dawood 3 on opening a new path. Dawood 3 had wiped Ghazala’s legs and ass with tissue paper in kitchens. But now the cum of Dawood 3 and the cum of Dawood 1 and Dawood 2 were flowing from her both holes. Ghazal was so tired she wanted to rest. Especially after being fucked by Dawood 3, it seemed that his hip bones were broken.
Ghazal’s words were very offensive to Dawood 4 and Dawood 5. Dawood 4 and Dawood 5 move towards Ghazal. Dawood 4 picked up ghazal and sat down on the sofa himself and put her on his lap. Ghazal’s pussy had burst and now it was so open that Dawood 4’s cock easily went into her pussy. Ghazal’s face was towards Dawood 4. Her ass was open and free. Dawood 5 put his cock in her cracked ass. It was an interesting experience for Ghazal. She was enjoying and started getting wet from both sides.
Both Dawoods were rapidly digging Ghazal’s holes. Instead of changing their position, they changed the direction of Ghazal. Now Ghazal’s back was towards Dawood 4 and he was pounding her ass. Dawood 5 had toward her boobs and he was fucking her pussy. At the end of 45 minutes, both of them will ejaculate in Ghazal’s pussy and ass.
With the addition of more cum, Ghazal’s uterine and intestinal pressure increased further. Her condition worsened after intense and frequent fuck. Something was about to happen to her. All Dawoods was now feeling sorry for their cousin. After all, she was their ghazal baji. Dawood 3 picked up Ghazal and laid her down on the bed of the new and master room. Ghazal’s abdomen was swollen like a six-month-pregnant woman. Her pussy and ass were hurting. Ghazal’s hands and feet were numb. She was so tired that she fell asleep.
Ghazal screamed and woke up. She was not on the master bed. She was in her room at home.
“What happened, Ghazal? What happened?”
It was the voice of her beloved husband Waheed. Ghazal quickly put her hand on her stomach, she was not bloated. She began to cry in distress.
Waheed: “Ghazal, my love, what happened? Come to me. You seem to have had a nightmare. Come and sleep in my arms.”
Ghazal got up, hugged Waheed and lay down. She was wondering what had happened to her. What a cruel dream. After a while, Waheed fell asleep again. Ghazal moved away from him and lay down on her side. Ghazal’s stomach was not swollen. Her pussy was in its first condition and her anus was still sealed. Ghazal checked and was satisfied.
Ghazal began to think about her cousin Dawood, how innocent he looked in appearance and in a dream came in five forms and fucked her. Ghazal thought it was not a nightmare, it was just an erotic dream. Thinking this, she fell asleep again.
When Ghazal’s eyes opened again, she was lying on the master bed in Dawood’s flat. Her abdomen was still swollen like a pregnant woman’s. She was still cum bucket for all Dawoods. Now the pain in Ghazal’s pussy and ass was less. She opened her thighs and examined her pussy’s lips and anus were still cracked. Cum was constantly flowing through both of her holes. Suddenly the door opened and the five Dawoods entered. They were all naked, their cocks hanging down to their knees. They had different plates in their hands. They were coming from Ghazal like a polite servants.
First, Dawood 4 offered Ghazal water and a towel to freshen up. Then Dawood 5 presented roses to her. Dawood 2 and Dawood 1 offered her for breakfast and lastly Dawood 3 offered Ghazal tea which she knew the taste of milk because it was Ghazala’s own milk.
The morning light was about to break in the window. All of Dawood’s faces showed signs of distress. Ghazal could sensed the distress on the faces of her cousins ​​and brothers. It was morning and Ghazal was about to get up to send her children to school. If Ghazal woke up in real life, she would be gone from the world of dreams. She got up from the bed and sat on her knees and started kissing Dawood’s cocks in turn. All cocks would stand up again.
Ghazal knew time was short. She quickly started sucking and wetting all cocks.
Dawood 2. “Ghazal baji time is very short.”
Ghazal “No matter, like before, fuck me on both sides at once and one should fuck my mouth.”
Dawood 3 quickly lay down on the bed. Ghazal sat on his cock and took it inside her pussy. And Dawood 2 put his cock in Ghazal’s anus. Ghazal had become a sandwich between the two Dawoods. Ghazal’s pussy and ass hole would open so much that Dawood’s cocks would disappear immediately.
Dawood 1 put his cock in Ghazal’s mouth. She started sucking him. Ghazal grabbed the cocks of Dawood 4 and Dawood 5 by hand. All together they were fucking Ghazal. It was a classical gang bang. Fifteen minutes will pass like this. Time was running out. Ghazal was about to wake up in the real world. But Dawood 4 and Dawood 5 were still far from ejaculation. Dawood 4 and Dawood 5 looked at each other and made an important decision in their eyes and freed their cock from the grip of Ghazal.
Dawood 4 came in front of Dawood 2 and put his cock in Ghazal’s ass. Ghazal moaned in pain and pleasure. Now in her ass were the cocks of two Dawoods. Dawood 5 attached his cock with Dawood 3’s cock and put it in Ghazal’s pussy. It was an exciting moment for her. Ghazal became hot with this move of Dawoods and milk started flowing from her breasts again. Drops of Ghazal’s milk were falling on Dawood 3’s chest. Four hard and hot cocks were flying like fat snakes in her holes. Every Dawood were fucking Ghazala very hard and fast and Dawood 1 was taking his thick and long cock down her throat. Finally, the climax of Dawoods and Ghazal came together. All Dawood started filling Ghazal like a bucket of cum again.
The morning alarm was ringing. When Ghazal woke up, her whole body was aching. There was no life in her legs. Waheed was asleep in her side but she had to get up and send her children to school. Ghazal got up from bed with courage. She immediately went to the washroom. Now there was a slight pain in her pussy and ass. Ghazal felt something flowing from her pelvis. She quickly took off her shalwar and looked. She was dizzy. Drops of Dawoods cum were flowing from her pussy and ass.