Goat Mama’s Hyper Cream Pie / An Undertale Fanfiction

So Toriel id one of my waifus and I thought I can do a milf story on her. Can’t wait to write about her gaping delicious butterscotch cream pie.

Hello my dears. My name is Toriel and ever since we left the monster caves with my child, we had a new life in the world above. I began my new life as a teacher for both human and monsters and I live a comfortable life with my new son Frisk. He is a good boy and he would always do the right. He sometimes do weird things though like how he at times flirt with me. Still I love him no matter what.

Besides my child it’s been lonely at times. Sure I can talk to Sans and I know he likes me but I feel he’s too shy to ask me for a date. I feel as as if every time he sees me he must be shaking to where his bones rattle. Oh that was corny. At the time I didn’t know if he would ever ask me out so I chose to just stay home at times.

Then suddenly within a few weeks ago, some personal things happened. I was in the kitchen making my butterscotch pie and Frisk was out with a friend named Muffet. She is usually a sweet heart for my child and she has given him many things like a job at her store or some help in our family. So when they were gone I would do my own things thus the pie I talked about. After I was finished with the creation of the pie I put it on the oven and waited while I read my book.

I chose a book from the school library and it’s called Brave New World from Auduxs Huxley and it’s about a dystopian world that is based on both cloning and conditioning of the human mind. When I began to read the book I was hooked by both the ideas and the thoughts that was executed well by the author. I however reached one chapter based on john where it became kinda….how should I say this….romantic. When I read this part on Lenena and John on how she striped her clothes off in front of him I felt something I haven’t felt a long time ago. Soon I began having some perverted thoughts and my mind started going to places. My heart was pounding, my body felt weird, and my vagina felt like fire for some reason.

Then suddenly my phone went off and it signalled me that my butterscotch pie was finished. After I got it out and let it cool off my phone kept buzzing by the alarm. My lust started to mess with me and I just felt powerless to my desires. It gotten so bad that I couldn’t take it anymore. I took my phone and ran to my room with intent. I then started to strip down from my noble robes to my undergarments. My breasts we at a cup size of DD so I had a hard time trying to take them off, after that I took of my panties, seeing how it was covered by my juices.

I was fully naked and I felt so dirty on what I wanted to do. My phone was set to vibrate and I inserted the poor device into my pussy. Now to keep in mind, before I was married to Asgore and gave birth to my first born, I use to have a tight pussy. Now even after the divorce from a long time ago, I’ve been quiet loose with my insides since my ex husband used his horse cock to stretch me to his size.

For over 30 minutes the phone help stimulate my lust for some compassion but my desires grew more and more. I wanted something bigger. I wanted something like Asgore. Oh the needs inside me. My thoughts were as wild as can be and many ideas popped out inside me. Soon I had the idea of fisting myself with my fat arms to feel like how my ex fucks me. I then took the phone out and stuff my arm inside me. I don’t do any lewd action back then but I didn’t have some sexual pleasure for many years. I maybe beautifully old but my son flirts with how young and sexy I looked even from the first day I found him. I know that’s weird but it’s from how my child tends to be.

So back to the fisting I felt fulfilled and yet I wanted more. I went deeper and deeper from my fist and I was moaning in orgasms galore. After I finally came I pasted out only remembering the Climax I’ve made.

I woke up in the middle of the night and I found myself covered in sweat and the juices I have made. I felt ashamed for how dirty I was but I still felt happy with finding myself once more. I then try to cover myself with a blanket to see if Frisk was home in his room. Like the good son that he is he was laying in bed fast asleep. The then decided to take a bath after all of that and I just felt looser. My pussy was sucking in the hot water while pulsating and I believed it wanted more from fisting myself. Even though I was still horny I didn’t want to do that again late at night. I however did think about Sans and how that skeletal joke maker makes me happy. I soon thought up a plan on catching that man in a date.

The next day, I called Sans up and asking him to come over once Frisk leaves the house to visit Muffet again. He said yes and we waited until Frisk left. Soon he came over and I had the house ready with everything cleaned up and a nice dinner, from there we had a good time together. Near the end of our dinner I then asked why he didn’t ask me out before. He then told me that he felt worried if I would reject him. I soon laughed asking why he would think of some things. Knowing Sans I know he is a bit sad at times but I know that he’s a good person. After all I trusted him when he looked after my child in the monster caves and he not only did that but became a father figure for him. I then asked him to come to my room.

When we enter my room as he joked about himself. What he didn’t realize that I was going to do something….drastic you must say. As he went to use the bath room I locked the door and decided to take my panties and bra off while putting the robe back on me. He came out and we sat on my bed. We then told jokes to each other and talked about how Frisk was doing, but my urges and my lust started to get hold of me more and more. I then suddenly ask him while getting close if he liked me even before we truly knew each other from both sides of the monster gate. In all honesty he said that he has been for a long time. I then whispered where his ears are supposed to be saying please take me.

I then striped of my robes showing my nakedness to him as he starred in aww as if he was both shocked and surprised to see my body. “T-Tori” he yelled. “I don’t know if you want to do this? I know I want you b-but this quick, I thought you wanted be take things slow? I didn’t knew y-you were into horny acts?”. “I’m not my funny bone, but just yesterday I rediscovered myself that I forgot this feeling” I said in intent. “Please Sansy, please take my pie darling and fill it with cream. I know with your big bone Sans you can please me” I said as if I was a whore while grabbing his blue shorts seeing a blue dick. When you have a skeleton for sex you would expect them to have no genitals but no, he had a big blue horse cock that was bigger than Asgore.

I then presented myself as I laid on the bed presenting my gaping pussy to him. I was worried that I was going too far so I began to have second thoughts. He however began to have one of his eyes glow as he became reluctant to my desires. I knew he wanted me. What I didn’t expect was him to be so thirsty for me as he inserted himself into my slit. The feeling, the emotions, the magnificent pleasure, I truly became a slut over this as he kept going.

He was gentle as first but I kept begging for more and he went in harder and harder. Him stretching my pussy was the best form of sex I ever have. It soon became weird when it became on of those animes that Alphys always watch. A long time ago she told me an inside joke about tentacles and I didn’t get it. So….I do know now since Sans went blue tentacles crazy. He shoved them with his dick inside of me and I screamed high from my lungs. It was too much, I couldn’t control it. He made me cum so many times that I felt like I was about to die. I past out soon after he came and we both laid asleep on out cum soaked bed.

We woke up at night like how I did yesterday and he was worried if he harmed me in some way. I told him I was alright and that I love it. He then checked my pussy and it looks even more loose than before. He was so sweet trying to make things better but he already has with what he gave me. Soon we gained a gaping pussy fetish and both me and Sans started dating more. I became more dirty and horny and I’ve been having him do me more and more. I love him, I felt happy with him, and I’m grateful that he feels the same way. In the end of all of this I hope that like me, you can enjoy some loose yet loving flavors of a butterscotch cream pie. Thank you for reading.

Hi guys, the Pussy Gaper here. I hope you enjoyed this fanfiction. Even though I feel happy with completing this and love what I made, It was fucking hell trying to write this. I spent a day and a half writing to try and give it as much thought as possible with how much I love this game. I also know you guys wanted a good story so I wanted to do my best for all of you like how I did with my Halo fanfiction. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed. If you want to make a request for a story then let me know here on the site but if you want some gaping pussy training then please notify me here and send you email. Thank you all for reading and We’ll see you later.

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