Grandmother the Nurse

Billy’s grandmother nurses him to health

I had prepared the room as the hospital had advised and most of the furniture had been issued by them. The adjustable bed the overhead hoist, wheelchair in the corner to give the poor child hope, a washbasin and the embarrisingly but nescessary comode
The room was airy at the top floor of my house. I live alone since my husband passed away so being to big it was ideal for him to come for recuperation if that was possible.

Tommy was 13 and as you can imagine as his grandmother and as they say a late sterter more like a great grandmother to the child at 75 But needs must. His parents were away and there was nobody else
The day came and the paramedics settled him in gave me his medication and last minute instructions and left telling me he would stay sedated for another hour. So here we were Tommy and me for at least 6 months so they tell me

I adjusted his bed so that he could sit up a little, I fumbled inexpertly “down there” holding his penis in the urine bottle. It stiffened a little then gushed so I had been right about that at least! He did have pyjamas on but I couldn’t see the sense of the bottoms with his two legs in plaster, nor the jacket with his two arms the same so I took them off and soon he was naked apart from his plasters

He was a well built boy understanderbly as he had participated in sports Obviously being his age he had nor real facial hair so that was another job I didn’t have But he still have to be washed so I set to with a basin soap and cloth around his chest underarms and down round his genitals,as I reached his penis I realised he did have genital hair more fluff than anything else so decided to remove it later As I washed felt it twitch that was a wonderful sign that it was only his legs
I thought why not give him a little pleasure and using the soap slowly masturbated him.He stayed stiff and eventually his body gave a little spasm and he softened. I was so happy that there was a sign of a full recovery. The next day I realise what I had taken on. There was just me and a 13 year old boy
I took up his breakfast and sat beside his bed Billy is there anything you would like to talk about? He shook his head
Do you mind being here with your old granny?
“No I’ve always liked you gran just you never took much notice of me!”
Well I’m taking notice of you now so what would you like todo
“I’d like to see your breasts Gran”
Well you cheeky thing why would you want that
“Well they seem big and I’ve never seen big ones”
Well i suppose if you don’t tellanyone as it’s a bit naughty
“I won’t Gran I promise”
So hardly thinking of what I was doing I unbuttoned and slipped off my top and turned away from him to unclip my bra turning back to bend and release them out of the cups. Standing up they were large very large and pear shaped resting on the waistband of my skirt. The areola had spread over the years and the nipples lengthened and darkened
“Gosh Gran wish I could touch ”
No No dear its time for you to get to sleep how about tomorrow if your good

When i went to his room the next day I thought what the hell he’s seen them and it feels comfortableso I entered toplass.He gasped
“Can I Gran?” I leant over the bed and I cupped them too his mouth there suck them have a good suckle as you can’t feel
He took it between his lips I felt the wrinkles smoothing as he sucked,I was shivering as he sucked No No thats enough dear
“Didn’t I do it right Gran?”
Oh yes dear very right we’ll do some more later
Later couldn’t come quick enough I knew what I wanted just had to work out how to doi it

I worked it outI didn’t want to frighten him so set to shaving my cunt smooth When I went into the room told him I’m going to give you something else to suck let me show you,
I turned away from him wriggled off my skirt, I was bare from the waist down therefore completely naked I hauled myself up on the bed and steadying myself with the hoist lowered my smooth cunt onto his lips suck darling lick it. he soon got the idea especially when I wriggle my ass reached down with one hand to open one of the cunt lips

All of a sudden I wanted sex with him I wante all kinds of sex and he was laying helpless so I needed control I needed a little slave a cherub faced little sex slave.
Every day for over a week I would come in he would suck my udders lick and suck my cunt and asshole and I would suck his penis before taking the whole of his genitals in my mouth But I wanted cum I wanted streams of cum until I dropped on the next best thing. He was still useing his urine buttle in fact i had to hold it making sure his penis was in so throwing the bed clothes back taking his penis in my mouth I had his wonderful warm yellow urine.

It must have been years siince I ejaculated but now everyday I wanted to so much not just being wet which i was every time in his room but a real dirty cum him licking didn’t do it, I dribbled ended up soaking wet but I knew what I wanted, complete control mistress and slave was all that would do

The next Doctors visit I asked if there could be any improvement in his movement Maybe his hands or one limb he asked would I accept a compromise, one week free of his arm plasters if I take reponsibiities of his physio He promised to come back the following day with the equipment to remove he plaster. I had a plan for that day. God knows if it would workbut I was prepared to try after all who could blame a silly old woman.
When he came I was wearing a silk robe and excused myself saying I had just got out of the shower. He was showing the kind of saw thing when I stumbled he had no alternative to catch me, my gown was empty and he caught my breast, to stop myself faling my hand had pushed against his crotch. Feigning embaresment I apologised and strightened myself up tying my gown around me.

His eyes twinkled
“It happens my dear but I think we had better look you over see if there are no bones broken”
He guided me to an armchair and sat me dow moving behind it to reach over to gently squeeze my breasts I was quivering as he asked my size
“Ah EE you say I like a good health udder nothing wrong there”
Moving around to the front he hooked my legs over the arms of the chair exposing my smooth cunt and wrinkled ass.
“My word what a lovely site Certainly nothing wrong there!!!!”
He fingered me expertly cunt and arse I began to juice
“Thats right my near plenty of lubricant so many of my old ladies are dry”
He stepped back and stripped I gasped in horror it’s enormous
He knelt and guided the cock head towards my soaking wet cunt
“Guide it in my dear if you don’t I’ll spank your bottom”
I held it adjusted my hips and took the head
“Good girl now I’ll do the rest”
With one thrust he was in It was rape but a wonderfull It was over quickly but then he put his hand under my hips adjusted my butocks and thrust the member up my ass I looked down and there it was bulging out of my body
I felt a black mist my body was spasming I thought I was going to die I felt my belly reucing and saw him looking down at me

“Well? do we move onto the next stage?”
What stage?
“Oh I see how you look at the boy what fun we coul have”
“Just imagine having a young slave to share”

We entere his bedroom both of us naked his cock still stiff my cunt dripping with cum from both of us. Yhr legs plasters were soon off. We had his ankles in the stirrups of the hoist pulling hom high his legs wide buttock and genitals exposed the Doctor retrieved a crop from his bag and passed it to mr. All the frustrations of the past weeks boiled over and I slashed his buttocks stoke after stroke the welts colouring and raising
“Now his balls see they are dangling”
My eyes were gleaming as I punished him ven more
We lowered hi down the Doctor spoke
“Unless you obey every command you will b punished every day understand?”
He was weeping but managed to nod
His legs out of the hoist I pushed pillows under his belly to raise his buttocks as the Doctor lowered himself onto him his cock hed forcing its way into his asshole
Slowly working himself into a frenzy he raped his ass eventually the boy collapsed unconcious
Is he dead? I asked
“No he will be alrigh the’s got a long way to go yet and so have you”he smiled wickedley
Just you wait and see what comes next

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅