Heavenly Bods

The moon was nearly full, but before it rose, I crossed Messier 6, and 7 off my list. It was right after 10PM when the trucks started pulling up.

Well, the headlights didn’t really add much more light pollution, but I was already digging out the lenscaps, and I didn’t worry about turning on my redlight. To preserve my night vision, but when I looked up. It looked like a bunch of rednecks getting out, I assumed to make some sort of bonfire, until I noticed the odd configuration of their parking.

1 truck, with the other three pointing their headlights at it, and a woman pulled out. “What the?” I pulled off the lenscaps, and squinted in the binoculars. With 63mm aperture, and 7mm exit pupils, they’re just about perfect for light gathering. Which made them too bright for 6 headlights, even pointed away.

Roughy picking up the woman, who’s tied up, with a rag around her mouth, and struggling. It looked like, until she got her feet on the tailgate, and stopped kicking. Screaming? IDK, because they’re down at the bottom of the hill. It would have been muffled if she had, but then she stood up.

Waiting patiently while 2 of the guys climbed in over the wheel wells, and started helping her lay down.

“Huh!” If it was a kidnapping, and let’s face it torture/gangrape, she sure was cooperating. Can’t see if she’s smiling, but I have to pack up the Orions (Mini Giant 9×63 Astronomical 🔞Life Selector🔥 Interactive porn game, start playing now!🕹