I Had To Force Her 3

She wasn’t interested in men, but I didn’t care, I was going to kidnap, rape, and breed her.

My whole life I was taught that girls were mine to kidnap and rape. When I was little my father and uncle encouraged me to tie up and gag my cousin.
She always hated it, but she didn’t have a choice. They told her she may as well get used to it, since I had permission to tie her up any time I wanted to.
I think that made her hate it even more. When we were older and getting ready to leave for College, Jane said she was never coming back.
When I asked her why, she replied, “I will never stay in a place where women are so openly disrespected! You are literally being taught that it’s ok to kidnap and rape women!”
“It’s a mans right to fuck and breed with any woman he chooses, women just have to accept this fact!” I retorted.
“Men are so disgusting! The only head you men think with is the one between your legs!” She snapped. “We use both heads to make women submit to our will.” I replied smugly.
“This is why I’m never coming back! All you men care about is sticking your disgusting cocks into womens pussies, and forcing them into submitting to your will!
I despise that old geezer, and his barbaric ways! The sooner I get out of this wretched place, the better off I’ll be!
I just wish I could take Grandma with me when I go, then she wouldn’t have to spend her days being mistreated by that nasty old codger we call our Grandfather!” She said tersely.
“That old crone brought it upon herself! Grandpa gave her a chance to live a normal life, he took her home and let her go!
He thought he was done with her, but discovered years later that she had become obsessed with revenge against him! She came here with the intention of bringing Grandpa down!
He had no choice but to kidnap her again, if it weren’t for Grandpas great legacy of the men, kidnapping and raping women, you and I wouldn’t even exist, and you know that Jane!” I chided her sternly.
“That doesn’t make it right Jake! The fact that you fail to see how wrong it all is just proves my point of how horrible men are!
That wretched old geezer has you believing that you can just force women to abandon their own ambitions in life, and conform to being tied up, raped, and bred.
If they refuse to conform, then they’re no longer considered worthy of being raped by humans, and intead are raped by dogs and treated like one!
Grandma doesn’t deserve to be treated in such a disrespectful manner! The way that old codger is treating her is absolutely horrid!” She yelled in disgust.
“If that old crone hadn’t behaved like a bitch in the first place, Grandpa would never have treated her like one!” I replied coldly.
“You mean because she refused to have anything to do with the kids she never even wanted to have in the first place, she’s suddenly not worthy of being treated like a human being?!” She shouted enraged.
“That’s right! A womans only purpose in life is to be fucked and impregnated by the man who has selected her to be the mother of his children!
After she has given birth to his kids it is then her duty to love and care for them! Since the old crone refused to do her duty, Grandpa has decided to treat her like the bitch she is!” I said fiercely.
“Do you even hear yourself?! You men are horrid! I will never allow a man to even touch me!” She yelled angrily.
“I think you’ll find that when the time comes, you won’t have any say in the matter, my dear cousin.” I said sardonically.
“We’ll just see about that Jake!” She snapped furiously as she stormed out. She refused to have anything to do with me until after we arrived at College.
It wasn’t long after I arrived at College that I met my roommate Tido, who would soon become like a brother to me.
He and I have a lot in common, from our height, eye color, and apparently, the size of our cocks. We met each other outside our dorm room door, we introduced ourselves and went inside.
First thing Tido says is “Ok whoever has the biggest cock gets to make the rules of the room.” So we got out a measuring tape and measured them. Both were 18in 36cm which we thought was pretty cool. Fortunately we both had the same rules in mind, so everything worked out, especially since we were both in the same classes together, so working out the sleep schedule was a cinch.
I learned that he shared my love of tying women up, and that he also has a cousin that he has been tying up since childhood.
Her name is Seta, and much to her resentment, her parents, Aron and Nora, didn’t care if he tied her up, so long as he didn’t fuck her, he could tie her up any time he wanted to, and his parents, Anuz and Zuna, fully supported his passion for tying up women to the extent that they bought him the rope he used to tie up Seta.
Their families had lived together in this big old house with two cars that belonged to their parents, a Ford Mustang, that belonged to Tidos parents, and a 4 seated Ford Thunderbird, which belonged to Setas parents.
Tragically both Tido and Setas parents were killed in a car wreck on the night of their High School Graduation.
The festivities had started off with the family having dinner at their favorite restaurant, then they went to see the latest James Bond movie at the theaters.
After the movie, Tido asked his Dad if he and Seta could borrow the Mustang so that they could stop by the store to pick up a few things on their way home.
He gave them permission, and after telling them to drive safe, and requesting that they pick up some milk while they where at the store, he handed Tido the keys to the Mustang.
They embraced their parents, told them they loved them, and that they would see them when they got home.
Then Tido and Seta headed to the store in the Mustang, while Anuz and Zuna headed home in the Thunderbird with Aron and Nora.
They were waiting for a red light to change at an intersection, not far from their home, when some drunk rear ended them at full speed, effectively launching them right into the path of an oncoming semi-truck.
Tido and Seta had passed by the horrific scene on their way home from the store. He said there wasn’t anything left of the car, there was blood everywhere, and the bodies had already been covered so they didn’t even know that it was their parents lying there as they drove by.
They started to get worried when they got home and their parents weren’t there. Tido and Seta were still trying to contact them on their cellphones when police came and informed them that their parents had been in an accident and that they had been killed on impact. When they were told where the accident occurred, they were horrified to realize that it was their parents they had driven by on their way home, and they both broke down and cried.
Before they left for College, they decided to sell the house their families had shared. It was too big a house with too many memories, and neither of them wanted to live there anymore.
He had just received a notification informing him that the house had been sold, and that the money from the selling of the house had been transferred to his account when Tido told me about this.
Upon hearing about their tragic past, I embraced him and told him that he and Seta were always welcome to come to my place during our breaks, holidays, birthdays, or anytime they just needed to talk with a friend.
He returned my embrace and thanked me, saying that he would gladly accept my invitation, Seta however would most likely decline.
I asked him why, and he replied that just before they had left for College, He and Seta had gotten into a huge argument.
Seta had said she wouldn’t let him tie her up anymore, she hated it, she had always hated it, and didn’t want to have anything to do with men who loved tying up women.
He became angry with her, saying that basically she was saying she didn’t want anything to do with him anymore, to which she agreed, and then said that she was better off avoiding men altogether.
He told her she couldn’t avoid having a man in her life if she wanted to have kids, and that it would be impossible to conceive a child without a man.
She scoffed and said that’s what sperm donors were for, so women could have children without getting involved with the men who sired them.
She stormed out and avoided him until they left for College. Even then she refused to speak to him, and her eyes remained glued to her phone for the entire journey.
I told him about the argument Jane and I had before we left for College. We both agreed that our cousins needed to be taught to have more respect for men, especially men who tie them up.
As it turns out Seta and Jane were also roommates, we discovered this after they had pulled what proved to be the first of many humiliating pranks that they would pull on us as payback for all the times we tied them up.
We also found out they were in the same classes together, which only made it that much easier for them to date each other.
They knew that we found them sexually attractive, so this was their way of telling us that we couldn’t have them.
Seta and Jane wanted nothing to do with us, outside of relentlessly pranking us that is. It really irked them to know that the fact we’re related to them was obvious to everyone.
They really hated the fact that they look just like us, which is probably the reason why Tido and I found it rather amusing that everyone seemed to think that Seta and I were twins, the same with Tido and Jane.
I could easily see why they would make that assumption, since Seta and I have the same blond hair, Tido and Jane have the same red hair, and all four of us have dark blue eyes, combine that with the fact that our cousins are the same height as us at 6,6 only seemed to give credence to their assumption.
It was quite entertaining to watch Jane and Seta getting all worked up when they went to correct people on this, as they couldn’t stand the thought of anyone thinking of us as being anything more then just cousins, and even having to admit that we’re cousins seemed to vex them.
We couldn’t understand why they were making such a big deal about it. It’s not like being mistaken for our twins was a bad thing.
In fact it actually made it easier for them to pull off some of their more embarrassing shenanigans, like sneaking into the mens showers while Tido and I were using them and putting hot pink hair dye in our shampoo bottles.
That was the stunt they pulled on us on the last day of our third year, fortunately we were able to conceal our hair by wearing base ball caps until we were able to dye our hair back to our natural hair colors.
Regardless of that, we were growing tired of their childish antics, and decided it was time to teach our cousins a lesson.
So Tido and I started forming a plan. Once we decided on our course of action, we began making preparations to get everything ready.
Tido and I discussed our plan with my Grandfather, who fully supported it and even had the brilliant idea of luring our cousins into a trap.
He had the perfect location in mind, and was willing to help set everything up, and provide us with the supplies we would need for our plan.
During our breaks we worked with Grandpa to get everything ready before Graduation day, for that’s when Tido and I had decided to implement our plan.
Our cousins of course never stopped pranking us, and the more humiliation we had to endure from them, the more it hardened our resolve.
It was the day of our Graduation, Tido and I were busy making sure everything was ready, and seeing to it that the supplies we needed were in my car.
Grandpa sent us a key, and informed us that our cousins had received their Graduation present from ‘Grandma’, which meant everything was ready.
At the end of the ceremony everyone was invited to attend a huge farewell party for the students who had Graduated.
The party was being hosted on campus at the quad, and would begin around 10:00p.m., and was expected to last until dawn, or until everyone passed out, whichever came first.
For those of you who don’t know, the quad is a central courtyard where students like to gather and mingle, this makes it a very popular place to host an on campus party, it also eliminates any excuse for being late since it’s nearby and everyone knows were it is.
When Tido and I arrived at the appointed time, the party it was already in full swing, so we joined in and had some fun. The food was great, and so were the drinks.
Since the party was on campus, no alcoholic beverages were being served, but that didn’t stop people from bringing their own, so things were still expected to get a little crazy.
When we saw the girls, they were wearing the ugliest dresses we had ever seen, they were both wearing a spring dress that had been made with a drab dark brown fabric. We told them their outfits looked absolutely horrid.
They were glad we didn’t like them, in fact the whole reason they had bought them in the first place was because they knew we would hate them.
Then they started laughing and said that at least what they were wearing was considered the latest fashion unlike the outfits we had worn yesterday.
They were referring to the latest stunt they had pulled on us the day before Graduation. The two of them once again had snuck into the mens showers, only this time they swapped our clothes out for a couple of womens dresses.
We’re not talking about just any kind of dresses mind you, oh no, we’re talking about hot pink, full length, princess costume dresses.
You can imagine how humiliating it is for two muscular guys to be running around in such frilly frocks while chasing down their cousins to get their clothes back.
You’re probably wondering why we would even put them on in the first place, well it just so happens that our College has a very strict policy about not showing too much skin on campus.
So to get our clothes back, we had no other choice except to swallow our pride, and put on those wretched dresses, just so we could chase down those mischievious bitches that we call our cousins.
We finally got our clothes back, but not before they made certain that absolutely everyone on campus had seen us wearing those dresses.
Those bitches had succeeded in making us look utterly ridiculous in front of everyone, which had been their goal to begin with.
They stood there laughing like a pair of hyenas while they pointed out how ridiculous we looked and made fun of us.
Oh yeah, those bitches were definitely going to pay for that one, one way or another, we’re going to make them regret they ever messed with us. It was time to set our plan in motion.
We had to leave early since it was a great distance to where we were going, and we had to make sure we got there before the girls did.
Our cousins had told anyone who would listen that they were leaving the party around 11:55p.m. since ‘nothing good happens after midnight’, and would be going straight to the house ‘Grandma’ had given them for graduation.
So we left around 11:33p.m. to make sure we had plenty of time to get ourselves situated for what we planned to do when the girls arrived.
Once we got there I hid my car by parking in the place Grandpa had recommended, and like he said it was completely out of sight from the house.
Once we got to the house we used the key we had received to get inside and got ready. It wasn’t long before we heard our cousins pull up, and we quickly concealed ourselves.
We could hear them talking as they walked through the door. “Can you believe my Grandma gave us her old house to live in!?” Jane asked enthusiastically.
“It almost seems like it’s too good to be true Jane.” Seta stated cautiously as they came inside. “Don’t be such a wet blanket Seta, this is the perfect place for us to start our lives together!” Jane gushed excitedly.
“I’m not saying it isn’t, I just think it’s a little suspicious that we’ve been given the exact same house that you said your Grandma was kidnapped from.” Seta said skeptically.
That’s when we grabbed them, in a flash Tido and I had shoved a handkerchief into their mouths, keeping our hands clamped firmly in place over their mouths while we each grabbed another one to tightly tie their gags securely in place.
The girls put up one hell of a fight, they were strong, I’ll give them that, but Tido and I were stronger and more agile, so it didn’t take too much effort to overpower them.
We grabbed their arms and forced them behind their backs as we tightly bound them with their hands touching their elbows, then we tightly tied a rope around their arms and chests, pinning their arms to their backs, their relentless struggles aiding us in tightening the ropes.
As we forced them down, Tido gloated happily, “You bitches had this coming for a long time, a lot of planning went into this, and we should be sure to thank Grandpa for his part in the plan, he was the one who thought of using this house as bait to lure you bitches into a trap.
He even got that old bitch to write the letter that convinced you two to take the bait, and now, you bitches belong to us!” We tightly bound their ankles and knees as he spoke.
Then we pushed their knees to their chests and tightly tied a rope around their shins and backs, taking great pleasure in hearing the muffled grunts they made when we firmly pulled the ropes tight before securely tying them behind their backs. We were getting hard just from tying them up, this was evident from the bulge showing in our pants.
We took a moment to admire what we had done, with them lying helplessly on their sides, as they continued to struggle desperately against the ropes that bound them, in their futile efforts to free themselves.
It was quite satisfying to know that we had them completely at our mercy, and we had no intention of showing them any.
“We’ve been waiting a long time for this. We’re going to shove our cocks deep inside your pussies, and fuck you bitches so hard you won’t be able to stand!
I suggest you brace yourselves, because this is really going to hurt, and we’re going to enjoy making you bitches suffer!” I gloated gleefully.
Our cousins glared at us with absolute hatred burning in their eyes. Almost as if they somehow thought, that if they glared at us like that, we would somehow change our minds about raping them.
“You can glare at us all you want, it won’t change the fact that we will be taking your virginities, and now that you two are helplessly bound and gagged, there’s absolutely nothing you bitches can do to prevent us from raping you.” Tido stated smugly.
While he spoke, we took off our clothes, rolled the girls onto their knees, ripped a hole into their nylons, and cut off their underwear with our scissors.
Then we lined our cocks up with their pussies, and when he told them they were powerless to stop us from raping them, we slammed into them hard, taking their virginities with one great, powerful trust.
Their muffled screams as we broke through their hyman was like music to our ears as we pounded away mercilessly.
We felt no remorse nor pity for them, after all they put us through, it gave us great pleasure in knowing that we were the cause of their pain.
So we slammed into their pussies as hard as we could, brutally pounding away with a vengeance. The room was filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, our satisfied grunts, and the muffled cries of the girls as we relentlessly raped them.
I felt myself getting ready to ejaculate and I knew Tido had to be close as well, we slammed into them even harder pushing as deep inside of them as we could go and releasing a torrent of sperm deep inside their unprotected wombs.
We collapsed on top of them, too exhausted to move and not caring that we were still balls deep inside of them. We awoke sometime later to the girls futile efforts to get us off of them.
“We hope you bitches enjoy the feeling of our cocks balls deep inside your pussies, because every time we rape you, that’s where we plan on keeping them!” I said cheerfully.
“Let’s stay inside them while we cut the rest of their clothes off, they won’t be needing them anymore.” Tido said with a smirk.
The girls clearly didn’t want us to stay balls deep inside them, nor for us to finish cutting their clothes off as they shook their heads vehemently, and gave muffled cries of protest, which we blissfully ignored.
Still balls deep inside their pussies, we picked up our scissors and began methodically cutting off their extremely ugly dresses.
Then we snipped off their bras. “Hey, check it out! Your cousin has a 44DD cup!” Tido said excitedly. “Yeah, your cousin does too!” I replied happily.
After we finished cutting off their nylons, we rocked back and forth inside their pussies to make ourselves hard again, and once more, mercilessly raped them as we pounded away like pistons.
Once we finished ejaculating inside them again, we decided to take a moment to rest while balls deep inside their pussies.
After we finished resting, we pulled out of their pussies, put our clothes back on, then shoved our cousins, along with the remnants of their clothes, into the large sacks we had brought.
Then we tied the sacks shut, threw them over our shoulders, walked out of the house and locked the door.
We quickly made our way to my car where we put the girls inside the trunk, and then began the long journey to the Cabin.
That is where we’ll be living while we continue to rape our cousins. It’s also where our kids will be born. Tido and I spent the journey discussing about how we planned to raise our kids once they were born.
“I’m hoping for a son so I can teach him how to carry on Grandpas legacy of kidnapping, raping, and breeding women.” I said with pride.
“I hope for a daughter then, so she can be the one who is kidnapped, raped, and bred by your son.” Tido said wistfully. “I would absolutely love that!” I replied with a smile. “I guess we better hurry and knock these bitches up!” Tido said cheerfully.
We arrived at the cabin and was greeted by my Grandpa. Tido and I greeted Grandpa with a warm embrace.
“Thank you Grandpa, your idea of luring the girls to home of that old bitch worked out perfectly, and we’ve finally kidnapped our cousins.” I said happily.
Grandpa smiled at us proudly.
“You’re quite welcome lads, though I merely provided you with the proper bait, you were the ones who succeeded in kidnapping them.
We have a lot to celebrate today, you two Graduating from College, and your wonderful success in kidnapping those bitches!
Now let’s get them inside so you two can get back to raping them, after all, the sooner you get them knocked up, the sooner I get to meet my great grandchildren!” He said warmly.
We went to the trunk of my car and grabbed the girls, we then followed Grandpa inside. Once inside he locked the door, then led us to the cellar.
Grandpa is the only one with the keys to the cabin, the cellar, and the guest house. You could even say he holds the keys to our happiness, for without Grandpa, non of this would even be possible.
I remember Grandpa remodeling the cellar when we were 10, he’s the only one who lives at the cabin with the old crone and the dogs, so when our families came to visit him, Dad and Uncle Kane would tie up Mom and Aunt Kate on the mattresses that had been brought up to the living room, and then go see what they could do to help Grandpa with the remodeling.
I would tie Jane up on the couch hide-a-bed and see if there was anything I could do to help, even if it was something simple like getting them a drink or fixing lunch. It took quite a while, but eventually Grandpa finished remodeling the cellar.
Before Grandpa had done the remodeling, there had been only one bathroom and two mattresses, now it had two bathrooms, one on each side, and two Queen sized beds, one near each bathroom.
Grandpa is the only one who got a degree in architecture, and is a genius in remodeling, among other talents.
He even remodeled the main part of the cabin by joining the bedroom and bathroom together, making it so that the only way to get into the bathroom now is by going through what is now the master bedroom.
“You two go ahead and get yourselves settled in while I start on breakfast.” He said cheerfully, locking the door as he left.
I took the bed on the left and Tido took the bed on the right. We placed the girls on the beds and untied the sacks, then we removed the ungrateful bitches from the sacks, and dumped the rest of the contents into the trash.
We untied their legs, forced them to the bathrooms, helped them to releave themselves and cleaned them up. We then forced them back onto the beds and tied them up.
Grandpa joined us in the cellar and handed us both a bottle of fertility pills. “You’ll need to force them to take one each day every morning, go ahead and make them take one now, and then we’ll go eat breakfast.” He instructed, smiling as he handed us each a bottle of water.
We removed their gags and forced them both to take the pill with the water. After we had forced them to take the pill, Seta cried out, “We don’t want to have your kids! Let us go!”
We shoved the gags back into their mouths and tightly secured them in place as I replied, “That’s too bad! Tido and I have decided that you two will give birth to our children, and that’s all that matters!
You will give birth to mine, Jane will give birth to Tidos, and we’re going to continue raping you bitches until we’ve knocked you up!” I said harshly. That being said, Tido and I went to join Grandpa for breakfast.
“I’m proud of you lads, your real men now. I have a Graduation gift for each of you, something that will help you two feel more comfortable while you rape the girls.” He said proudly as he handed each of us a package. We opened them to find dark blue robes and house slippers.
“Your very own Rape Robes. It gets a bit chilly down in the cellar, so you’ll need these to help you keep warm in between rapings. I want my grandsons to be comfortable after all.” He said warmly.
“Thanks Grandpa!” We both said greatfully.
Grandpa has always considered Tido as one of the family from the moment they first met, I’ll never forget that moment, Tido shook his hand and politely greeted him saying “Hello sir.”
Grandpa smiled, gave him a warm hug, and said, “You can call me Grandpa!” Much to Grandpas great delight, Tido did call him Grandpa, and he’s been calling him that ever since.
Delighted with the gifts Grandpa had given us, we went to the bedroom to change out of our clothes, and into our robes and slippers.
Then we went back to the kitchen to sit down and eat our breakfast with Grandpa. Once we finished eating, Grandpa asked if we could help feed breakfast to Mom and Aunt Kate who were tied up in the guest house. Dad and Uncle Kane hadn’t come back yet from taking Janes car to the local chop shop. Grandpa had received a call from them, while we were changing into our robes, saying that they had to grab breakfast at a local restaurant, and asked Grandpa if he could see to it that Mom and Aunt Kate were fed.
So Tido and I agreed to help and cooked breakfast for Mom and Aunt Kate. After we finished making their food, Grandpa led us to the guest house and unlocked the door, upon entering we set the food down and went to untie the legs of Mom and Aunt Kate so we could help them relieve themselves and clean them up, since Dad and Uncle Kane couldn’t be there to do that for them.
I took care of Mom and Tido took care of Aunt Kate. Once we tied them up again, we fed them the food we had made for them.
After they finished eating we gagged them again, then joined Grandpa as he explained to them that we were filling in for Dad and Uncle Kane since they were taking care of something important and couldn’t make it back in time to take care of them this morning.
They nodded their heads indicating that they understood, so we left the guest house and waited for Grandpa to lock the door before heading back to the Cabin to make breakfast for the girls.
Once the food was ready, we took the food to the girls on trays. Once we finished feeding them, we removed the trays from the beds.
“You can’t force us to have your kids! Untie us right now!” Jane shouted angrily. We roughly shoved the gags back into their mouths and tightly secured them in place.
“I guess you bitches weren’t listening when this was discussed earlier, so listen up, because I don’t like repeating myself, you two don’t have a choice in the matter!
We can and will force you to have our children, you bitches will be ruthlessly raped until you’re pregnant with our kids, and I suggest you two get used to being tied up, because that’s how you bitches deserve to be kept as we rape you!” Tido said scornfully.
With that we removed our robes, rolled them onto their knees and aggressively thrust our cocks hard into their pussies. We pulled them up so that their backs were forced against our chests, allowing us to thrust even deeper inside them.
We pounded away viciously, enjoying their muffled cries of pain caused by our punishing rhythm. You may think we’re sadistic and cruel, but this is the least of what these bitches so richly deserve.
We prolonged it as long as we could, I knew I was getting close which ment Tido was close also as our thrusts got harder and harder, after a few sharp thrusts we rammed our cocks as deep inside them as we could go and shot wave after wave of cum deep inside their fertile wombs.
We collapsed on top of them completely exhausted and passed out balls deep inside their pussies. We woke up when Grandpa came to get us for lunch.
We pulled out of the girls pussies, put on our robes, and went up to join Grandpa in the kitchen. Grandpa was waiting for us with Dad and Uncle Kane, who had just recently got back and looked really tired.
They thanked us for taking care of Mom and Aunt Kate and asked how they were doing in the guest house, Tido and I told them that they seemed happy and were really comfortable tied up in the guest house.
The guest house was an underground bomb shelter Grandpa had stumbled across a little ways from the cabin.
The entrance to the bomb shelter was conealed by a Weeping Willow tree. Fortunately the key to the cellar was also the key to the bomb shelter.
Grandpa had wasted no time in remodeling the bomb shelter in the exact same way he did the cellar, turning it into a guest house where Dad and Uncle Kane can keep Mom and Aunt Kate tied up when they come to visit.
Mom and Aunt Kate both went through a serious bout of depression after they both lost their uterus as a result of ovarian cancer.
Jane and I were almost 5 years old when they were diagnosed with it. Dad told us that they had started complaining that they were experiencing pain during sex, and feeling a pain in their lower back. They had also stopped eating for lack of appetite.
Knowing that these were signs of ovarian cancer, they took Mom and Aunt Kate to the Hospital to have them checked out.
They confirmed that they did indeed have advanced stages of ovarian cancer and began to discuss their options for treatment.
Their options were chemotherapy or a hysterectomy, and since Mom and Aunt Kate wanted more kids they opted to go through chemotherapy, a form of treatment that has varying results.
There wasn’t even a way to guarantee that undergoing chemotherapy would even help them, and after a whole year of treatment with no signs of improvement for either of them, they were left with no other option except to get a hysterectomy.
Fortunately they were able to remove all of the cancerous cells from both of them, and they made a full recovery.
I remember when they were released from the
Hospital they looked like they had been crying. I asked Dad why they were so sad, weren’t they happy the cancer was gone? He said they were happy the cancer was gone, but so was their ability to have more kids.
Mom and Aunt Kate had come to accept and fully embrace their purpose in life of being tied up, gagged, and bred by Dad and Uncle Kane, now that they couldn’t be bred anymore they were despondent.
Being good mothers to Jane and I gave them a new purpose and it helped to cheer them up a little. However after we left for College, their depression came back full force.
They had thought that with Jane and I in College, Dad and Uncle Kane wouldn’t want them anymore. Since they couldn’t give birth to any more children for them, they had thought that they would end up like the old crone.
Grandpa had kept his word about picking the horniest male pup from the last litter sired by Buck. He named the pup Thor, who soon replaced Buck as Grandpas stud breeding dog.
Like his father before him he got to enjoy raping my Grandmother when he wasn’t breeding. When the time came for Thor to retire, Grandpa took the only male pup from his last litter and named him Boner. A very appropriate name considering he’s the horniest pup Grandpa ever had.
We had finished eating lunch, so Grandpa brought the old bitch out so Boner could rape her, while Boner was raping her, he was giving some love and affection to Beula so she wouldn’t get jealous.
Grandpa petted Boner on the head after he knotted the old bitch and gave him his favorite dog treat as a reward for raping her.
He gave one to Beula for being a good girl while Boner was raping the old bitch. Just so you know, Beula is a breeding bitch that Grandpa bought for Boner.
She was the only bitch pup born in the last litter of a champion breeding dog.
The owners of the dams, or mama dogs, were close friends who wanted their dogs pups to be born together, so that when they selected the pups they wanted for breeding, they would already be familiar with each other.
Grandpa had been present for the birthing of the pups so he could select which male pup he wanted. At first it seemed like Thors last litter was all girls, and the champions last litter was all boys.
With 8 pups having already been born to each litter, everyone thought that was it, since the average litter size is 6-8 pups for a Great Dane.
Of the pups already born, the first pup born in both litters, had been born with a solid steel blue coat. These were the pups the breeders had selected to keep for breeding.
Then they noticed the dams weren’t done yet, they were still panting and pushing to deliver another pup. Some time later, after a great deal of effort, they both pushed out the last pup of their litters, thoroughly exhausted, with just barely enough energy to clean the pup they had just birthed.
The first thing everyone noticed about the pups was how much bigger they were, compared to the rest of the pups.
The second thing everyone noticed about the pups is that just like the first pups of the litters, they had a solid steel blue coat.
The third thing everyone noticed about the pups is that they were definitely not the same gender as the rest of their litter mates.
Grandpa finally had his male pup, Boner. Then he took a great interest in the only bitch pup of the other litter, Beula, and decided he wanted her too, so he paid for her and went home to wait for the pups to be old enough to leave their mother.
All the other pups had been sold and taken home by their new owners when Grandpa came to collect Boner and Beula, the breeders however, tried to pull a fast one on him.
They tried to pass off the two pups they had selected as Boner and Beula. Grandpa had seen the striking resemblance between his pups and theirs.
Which is why Grandpa had discreetly marked Boner and Beula on the back of their heads with purple food coloring, so there wouldn’t be any mix-ups.
They insisted that these were his pups, that they were indeed the very pups he had selected for himself 6 months ago.
Grandpa knew they were lying to him, so he pulled out a dog whistle and blew on it. Instantly from the back of the house, puppy barking could be heard.
Grandpa followed the sound of puppy barking to the master bedroom where the sound was coming from. He tried to open the door, but it was locked.
Grandpa told them to unlock the door, or he would break it down. They reluctantly unlocked the door and let the pups out.
Grandpa collected Boner and Beula, putting their collars and leashes on, and as he was leaving, informed the breeders that he would be informing the breeding community of what they’d tried to do.
They begged him not to, saying that it wouldn’t happen again, and Grandpa replied saying, “You’re right, it won’t happen again, because once I inform the breeding community of the stunt you tried to pull, no one will ever do business with you again.”
He loaded Boner and Beula into his car and then made a few calls to inform the breeding community of what went down.
They thanked him for informing them, some agreed with Grandpa, and said they would never do any business with them again.
Others said they were willing to give them another chance, but it would be the only one they’d get, if they ever tried pulling a stunt like that again, they’d be finished in the dog breeding world.
When he got back to the Cabin with the pups, Grandpa first introduced the pups to Thor, then he introduced them to the old bitch known as my Grandmother.
Grandpa said to her, “Look at your future master, you dumb bitch. His name is Boner, when he is older, he’ll be the one raping you, and this lovely canine is Beula, his breeding bitch.”
Grandpa waited until they were both 2 years of age before he allowed Boner and Beula to mate. Not long after, Beula got pregnant with their first litter of pups, giving birth to two extremely horny male pups named Bruce and Bruno.
Grandpa makes sure the dogs are fed their favorite moist dog food three times a day. Grandpa always feeds them before starting each meal, so they wouldn’t be trying to steal our food while he was making it.
Their food and water dishes sit within easy reach on a small table Grandpa had bought just for the dogs. The old crone was never allowed to use this table for eating or drinking.
Her hands and arms are always securely bound behind her back, her mouth is remains gagged when she’s not being fed, and a collar was fastened around her neck like a choker, on the collar is a tag that says Boners Bitch on it.
She was forced to sleep in the dog house, while Boner and Beula share a massive dog bed in the master bedroom, she was also forced to eat dry dog food, and drink water, from a food dish and water dish on the floor, which gave Boner easy access to rape her, which he does frequently.
Every morning and evening, Grandpa walked her outside on a leash and made her squat down over a hole in the ground to relieve herself.
Once she was done Grandpa filled in the hole, and then cleaned her up by spraying her down with the garden hose.
Suffice it to say, Grandpa treated the dogs way better then he treated that old bitch, it’s not like she didn’t deserve to be treated like that, because believe me she more then deserved it.
I refuse to even acknowledge that bitch as my Grandmother, even though that’s what she is biologically, I will never address her as such.
That Jane even loves that old crone is something I’ll never understand, especially since she’s never shown any love to her or me.
Mom and Aunt Kate on the other hand, have been outstanding mothers, and wonderful partners for Dad and Uncle Kane.
I could easily understand why they would dread ending up like the old bitch, but Dad and Uncle Kane reassured them that they would never be treated like that old bitch was, and would instead be well taken care of as they had done their duty, and deserved to be rewarded.
Recently Grandpa has been nicer to that old crone, not because he’s changed his mind about her, but because that was what he promised her, in exchange for writing the letter that had lured our cousins into our trap, he promised to treat her like a human being.
Grandpa still forces her to get into position so that Boner can rape her, that’s never going to change, at least not until his son from his last litter takes over, then she’ll be raped by him, she still has to wear her collar, the only thing that will change about that is the tag that says whose bitch she is.
That being said, she no longer has to sleep in the dog house, she is now sleeping on a cot in the Master bedroom.
Grandpa now takes the old crone to the bathroom to relieve herself and cleans her up afterwards, and she no longer has to eat dry dog food or drink water from bowls on the floor.
She’s the last one to be fed, but at least she’s being given the exact same thing to eat and drink as the rest of us.
I watched Grandpa giving the dogs their treats and praising Boner for raping the old bitch as I spoke to Dad.
“You and Uncle Kane must really be tired after such a long trip, if you’d like, Tido and I can make lunch for Mom and Aunt Kate.” I offered as we finished eating.
“That’s mighty thoughtful of you son, but don’t you two need to focus on making lunch for your own girls?” Dad asked.
“Don’t worry Dad, the girls can wait until we make lunch for Mom and Aunt Kate, then we’ll make lunch for them.” I replied cheerfully.
Tido and I quickly made lunch for Mom and Aunt Kate, which we gave to Dad and Uncle Kane, they thanked us and took their food to the guest house to feed them.
Then we made lunch for our cousins. Once we were done making their food we placed it on the trays and took it to the girls.
As soon we finished feeding them we gagged and raped them. We thrust our cocks in hard and hammered away like pistons, never once relenting or slowing down.
After we ejaculated our sperm deep inside their fertile wombs, we collapsed on top of them and passed out balls deep inside their pussies.
Grandpa came and roused us for dinner. “There is nothing more satisfying then falling asleep balls deep inside the pussy of the woman you’re raping.” Grandpa said with a knowing smile.
“We couldn’t agree more Grandpa!” Tido replied happily. “We especially love it because we know they hate it!” I said smirking at our cousins, who could only glower in response.
“You girls may as well get used to this, because this is your life from now on! That lesbian nonsense is over! It was never an option to begin with! Women belong to men, and mens cocks belong in womens pussies!
You girls belong to the men who raped you, and their cocks belong inside your pussies! The sooner you two accept these facts, the better off you’ll be!” Grandpa lectured them coldly.
The girls shared a look of despair and defeat as the reality of their situation finally sank in. They were finally realizing that their opinions didn’t matter, and that it was useless for them to continue resisting our rightful domination over their lives.
With a smug expression of elation and triumph on our faces, we pulled out of their pussies, pulled our robes on, and went to join Grandpa for dinner.
I didn’t think our respect for Grandpa could get any higher. We marveled at what he had said, and realized that truer words have never been spoken.
When we arrived in the kitchen, Dad and Uncle Kane were already at the table. We joined them and started discussing recent events while Grandpa served up dinner.
He had made his famous Chicken Taco salad with Honey Mustard sause, which was a family favorite. Once Grandpa joined us, we thanked him for dinner and began eating.
We had just finished eating dinner when Dad and Uncle Kanes phones started ringing. Dad and Uncle Kane are Obstetrician/Gynecologists.
They make sure a woman can get pregnant, and then takes care of them while they’re pregnant up to the point where they help deliver the baby.
As soon as they hung up their phones, Dad and Uncle Kane said they had to go, two of their patients were going into labor at the same time, and they needed to leave right away if they were going to be in time to help with delivering the babies.
We told Dad and Uncle Kane not to worry, we would make sure Mom and Aunt Kate were taken care of. They thanked us and hurried out the door.
We put together some Chicken Taco salad with Honey Mustard sause for Mom and Aunt Kate, and placed their food on the trays and went with Grandpa to the guest house.
Once Grandpa unlocked the door for us, we brought the food to Mom and Aunt Kate. We removed their gags and fed them, and as soon as we finished feeding them, we gagged them again.
Then we untied their legs so we could take Mom and Aunt Kate to the bathrooms and help them relieve themselves.
After they had relieved themselves we cleaned them up, took them back to the beds and tied them up. We told Mom and Aunt Kate that Dad and Uncle Kane had been called in, and would hopefully be back in an hour.
They nodded their heads, indicating that they understood. Now that we had finished taking care of Mom and Aunt Kate, we went with Grandpa back to the Cabin to get dinner for our cousins.
We served up the some of the Chicken Taco salad with Honey Mustard sause on the trays along with glasses of milk, and brought them to the cellar to feed the girls.
Once we had fed them and they had finished their milk, we gagged them, untied their legs, forced them to the bathrooms and helped them releave themselves.
When they were finished we cleaned them up, then we forced them back onto the beds and tied them up. Once we finished tying them up, we rolled them onto their knees, and without any hesitation or warning, we thrust our cocks into their pussies and hammered them hard.
After we finished ejaculating deep inside their fertile wombs, we collapsed on top of them, still balls deep inside their pussies, we made ourselves comfortable, and fell asleep.
We woke when Grandpa came to get us for breakfast, he had with him two bottles of water that he gave to us so that we could force the girls to take their fertility pill.
After we forced them to take their pill, we gagged them, pulled out of their pussies, took them to the bathrooms so they could relieve themselves and cleaned them up, then we forced back on the beds and tied them up, then we joined Grandpa for breakfast.
Dad and Uncle Kane were already at the table. They thanked us again for taking care of Mom and Aunt Kate for them.
They told us that the deliveries went well, their patients both had fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, which isn’t too surprising since both the mothers and the fathers of the children were identical twins.
The boys were born first, and 44 minutes later the girls were born. Each boy looked exactly like their father, and each girl looked exactly like their mother.
There were no complications, the mothers are doing fine, and the fathers couldn’t be happier.
With their patients set to be discharged the next day, Dad and Uncle Kane arrived back at the guest house roughly 9 hours after they had left, feeling extremely tired yet happy.
Dad once told me of how Grandpa had mistakenly thought that you only had to be a Gynecologist to know how to deliver a baby.
He didn’t know that Gynecologists take care of a womans ability to have children, and that you have to be an Obstetrician to know how to safely deliver a baby.
When Jane and I were born, Dad and Uncle Kane thought they knew what to do because they had studied to be Gynecologists like Grandpa said they should.
When they realized they didn’t know what to do, Grandpa got on the phone with an Obstetrician, who talked them through what needed to be done for a safe delivery.
Fortunately all went well, and Jane and I came into the world without a hitch. Then the Obstetrician talked them through the process of safely removing the placentas, or as they’re more commonly known as, the after birth.
Grandpa felt so bad about getting the two professions mixed up that he fully paid for them to return to College so they could study to become Obstetricians, and looked after the four of us while they were away.
After they had graduated College again, there was a huge celebration, I was told that after Jane and I had fallen asleep, the festivities continued until midnight.
It was six months later when Mom and Aunt Kate started to have symptoms of ovarian cancer. Once the cancer was removed, everyone realized that Grandpas mistake was a blessing in disguise.
For it was the information they had gained while studying to be Gynecologists that helped them recognize the warning signs of ovarian cancer.
Which helped them to get Mom and Aunt Kate the treatment they needed in order to recover from the cancer before it was too late.
That is why I went after a double major so I could study to be a Gynecologist and an Obstetrician at the same time. Coincidentally, so did Tido, which is why we were in the same classes together.
He thought it would be cool to have a job where he gets paid to look at a womans vagina, he also loved the idea of helping women safely deliver their babies, since it would require him to look between the legs of a woman, and he couldn’t get in trouble for it.
He didn’t know which major he should choose first, then he learned he could do both with a double major, and he jumped at the opportunity.
Our cousins had decided to become teachers and had gone after their Bachelor degrees, not that any of that matters, now that we’ve kidnapped them.
They’re our breeding bitches now, and ours to do with as we please. Anything they planned to do with their lives is irrelevant now.
Once we’ve knocked them up, the only thing they’ll have to look forward to is giving birth to our children, and raising them with love and care.
We had just finished eating our breakfast, Tido and I chatted with Grandpa while Dad and Uncle Kane made breakfast for Mom and Aunt Kate.
Once they were done, Grandpa went with Dad and Uncle Kane to unlock the guest house door for them, while we made breakfast for Seta and Jane.
We had just finished making their food when Grandpa came back from the guest house and unlocked the cellar door for us.
Before he locked the door again, Grandpa told us he was going back to the kitchen to make that dumb bitch her breakfast.
After we finished feeding the girls, we gagged and raped them, once again passing out balls deep inside their pussies.
It seemed like no time had passed before Grandpa came to get us for lunch, so we pulled out of our cousins pussies, put on our robes, and joined Grandpa for lunch.
Boner was once again raping the old bitch, Grandpa was praising him for raping her, and giving Boner and Beula their treats after he knotted her.
You can always tell when he knots her, because she winces in pain when he does, and the best part is, she has to wait a whole half hour before Boner can pull out of her.
I couldn’t help but think that this might very well be the future of Seta and Jane, if their attitudes don’t change, they just might end up being raped by Bruce and Bruno.
After we finished eating, we discussed this with Grandpa, while Dad and Uncle Kane made lunch for Mom and Aunt Kate.
Once they were done Grandpa went with them to unlock the guest house for them while Tido and I made lunch for our cousins.
We had just finished making their lunch, when Grandpa came back from the guest house and unlocked the cellar for us.
After we finished feeding them, we gagged and raped them, forcing ourselves into them with the same speed and ferocity as before, ruthlessly pounding into them until we ejaculated deep inside their pussies, and collapsed on top of them, passing out while still balls deep inside of them.
Grandpa came and got us for dinner, so we pulled out of the girls pussies, put on our robes, and went to the kitchen with Grandpa.
After we had finished eating, we continued our discussion with Grandpa about our plans for the girls if their attitudes didn’t improve by the time our kids were born.
While we were having this discussion with Grandpa, Dad and Uncle Kane were busy making dinner for Mom and Aunt Kate.
They’re going to be very busy getting all their things packed later on tonight for their journey home early in the morning.
They were only here for the weekend, because Dad and Uncle Kane are scheduled for work at the clinic during the week days.
Mom and Aunt Kate love coming to the Cabin on the weekends, because it’s the only time and place they can truly enjoy being tied up.
Once Dad and Uncle Kane were making dinner for Mom and Aunt Kate, Tido and I got to work making dinner for the girls.
After we finished making the food, we took it to our cousins and fed it to them. Once we were done feeding them, we gagged them, untied their legs, and forced them to the bathrooms and helped them releave themselves.
When they were done we cleaned them up, forced them back onto the bed, and tied them up. Then we rolled them onto their knees, pulled them up so that their backs were pressed against our chests, and thrust straight up into their pussies, holding them in place as we hammered away like pistons. Once we ejaculated our sperm into their wombs, we fell asleep balls deep inside their pussies.
The days seemed to fly by, each day following the same routine, with the only difference being on the weekends when Dad and Mom, along with my Uncle Kane and Aunt Kate, came to visit.
Even then the days were pretty much routine. Each morning Grandpa wakes us, and brings us each a water bottle so we can force our cousins to take their pill, then we untie their legs, force them to the bathrooms, and help them relieve themselves.
Then we clean them up, force them back onto the beds and tie them up. Join Grandpa and eat breakfast. We make them breakfast and feed it to them.
Then we gag them, rape them, ejaculate inside them, pass out balls deep inside their pussies, Grandpa wakes us and we join him to eat lunch. As we finish eating lunch we watch the old bitch get raped by Boner.
We make lunch for our cousins, feed it to them, we gag them, rape them, ejaculate inside them, pass out balls deep inside their pussies.
Grandpa wakes us and we join him and eat dinner. We make dinner for the girls and feed it to them. Then we gag them, untie their legs, force them to the bathrooms and help them relieve themselves.
Once they finished we cleaned them up, forced them back the beds and tied them up. Then we raped them, ejaculated inside them, and passed out balls deep inside their pussies.
It was the morning after we had forced them to take the last of their fertility pills, we woke to find the girls in a great deal of distress.
We removed their gags to find out what the problem was, and they promptly threw up in the buckets beside the beds.
With the mixed feelings of excitement and apprehension coursing through our bodiesand I retrieved the pregnancy tests Grandpa had purchased for us, forced the girls to the bathrooms to make them pee on the tests.
We waited for the results while our cousins finished relieving themselves. Once they were done, we cleaned them up, forced back onto the beds and tied them up.
Once we finished tying them up, we went to check the results of the pregnancy tests. When I saw the results, I whooped and hollered for joy.
Since I could hear Tido doing the same thing, I knew it meant his test results were the same as mine, positive.
Grandpa came to see what all ruckus was about, and upon learning the girls were pregnant, he joined us in the celebrations.
Then he handed us each a bottle of pre-natal pills, and a bottle of water and told us to make the girls take one, once we did that, we joined Grandpa to eat breakfast while we discussed the food we would need to feed them while they’re pregnant.
Once we finished eating, we prepared breakfast for our cousins and fed it to them.
When they were finished, we covered them with a blanket, and went to have some bonding time with our dogs, Bruce and Bruno.
That’s right, Grandpa gave them to us when we told him what we planned to do with those insufferable bitches if they didn’t change their attitudes by the time our kids are born.
Bruce is my dog, which means Bruno is Tidos dog. We spent our time going over their training, and giving them lots of love and affection.
Lunch time came around, Grandpa came and fed the dogs before getting started on lunch. We offered to help him, but he said he didn’t need any assistance.
So while he was making lunch, we occupied ourselves with coming up with names for our kids while keeping Grandpa company.
Once lunch was ready, we joined Grandpa to eat. As we were eating, Grandpa said he wanted to get Bruce and Bruno accustomed to raping women.
“Once Boner is done raping that dumb bitch during lunch today, I want to let Bruce and Bruno have their way with her.” Grandpa said seriously.
So while we finished eating lunch, Tido and I prepared ourselves for what we considered to be a triple feature, the old bitch being raped by Boner, the old bitch being raped by Bruce, and the old bitch being raped by Bruno.
Afterwards we prepared lunch for our cousins and fed it to them. When they finished eating we joined Grandpa, helping him with tidying up the Cabin, and taking care of the dogs.
Dinner time came, Grandpa fed the dogs, and then made dinner while Tido and I kept him company, as we discussed what we would have to do as the girls pregnancies progressed.
When dinner was ready and we sat down to eat, Grandpa informed us, that we would have to start increasing the amount of food we would have to feed the girls to keep them, and the babies healthy.
He gave us a list of foods to avoid, and of foods less likely to be rejected by bodies. We also would have to monitor how their bodies reacted to the beverages we gave them.
After we finished eating, we went over the lists Grandpa gave us, and realized that we were already feeding them what they needed to be eating.
So we prepared dinner for them and fed it to them. Then we untied their legs, carefully forced them to the bathrooms so they could relieve themselves.
When they were done we cleaned them up, then carefully forced them back onto the beds and tied them up.
The girls refused to say anything to us, even though their mouths were no longer gagged, they were completely silent.
Making sure the girls were laying on the sides of the beds that was closest to the bathrooms, Tido and I lay down beside them, and went to sleep.
Once again, our lives settled into a comfortable routine. Each morning, Grandpa would rouse us and give us each a water bottle so we could force the girls to take their pre-natal pill.
Then we would carefully forced them to the bathrooms so they could relieve themselves. After they were done, we cleaned them up, then we carefully forced them back onto the beds, and tied them up.
Then we joined Grandpa for breakfast. When we finished eating, we made breakfast for the girls, fed the girls their breakfast.
After we did that, we would spend time with Grandpa and the dogs until lunch time. Grandpa would feed the dogs,and make lunch.
While eating lunch, we’d watch the old bitch get raped in triplicate by Boner, Bruce, and Bruno. After we finished eating, we make lunch for our cousins and feed it to them.
Then we spend time with Grandpa and the dogs until dinner time. Grandpa feeds the dogs and makes dinner while we keep him company.
When we finish eating dinner we make dinner for the girls and feed it to them. After they finish eating, we untied their legs, carefully forced them to the bathrooms so they could relieve themselves.
Once they were done we cleaned them up, then we forced them back onto the beds, and tied them up. Then Tido and I climbed into the beds on the same sides as before.
Not much changed in our routine in the passing days, except for the increase in the amount of food we had to feed the girls, and the number of times we had assist them in relieving themselves and cleaning them up afterwards.
It was the morning after we had forced our cousins to take the last of their pre-natal pills. We woke up to a rather unpleasant sensation.
The bedding was soaking wet! At first we thought the girls had wet the beds and were seriously grossed out, until we realized it wasn’t urine that soaked the beds.
Their water had broke, the babies were coming!
Tido and I quickly untied their legs so we could spread them apart for an easier delivery of the babies. The moment we had waited for had finally come!
Grandpa came down as we were getting ready. When he realized the babies were coming, he went to get Dad and Uncle Kane.
It was Sunday after all, and they were here for their weekend visit. Which was very fortunate since Tido and I had never done this before.
Yes, Tido and I had studied for this, however, we had no real world experience in delivering babies, so we would be assisting Dad and Uncle Kane in delivering our children.
It was a difficult labor, after 9 grueling hours, our children were finally born, weighing in at a whopping 10 pounds 10 ounces each.
My son Nate, and Tidos daughter Neta. Dad and Uncle Kane delivered the after births, while Tido and I checked the vitals of our children.
The kids were fine, however Dad and Uncle Kane were very concerned about the well being of their mothers as they had lost consciousness after the placentas had been removed.
We untied our cousins, put some clothes on them, then wrapped the infants in blankets and placed them in the car seats Grandpa had placed in the back of my car, while Dad and Uncle Kane placed their mothers carefully in the back of their car and took off for the Hospital.
We followed them in my car, while Grandpa stayed behind to take care of Mom and Aunt Kate. When we arrived at the Hospital, Jane and Seta were quickly brought inside.
We had to explain we were into bondage when they asked about the marks on their wrists. It was the truth after all.
After hearing that they had lost consciousness soon after giving birth, the doctors decided to run some scans, and came back with disturbing news.
The girls both had to undergo an emergency operation if they were to have any chance at all of surviving this. We had known the labor had been hard on them, I guess we just never fully realized the extent of the damage done to them as a result of giving birth to our children.
It was some time later when we were finally updated on the girls condition. Since we needed those girls to provide nourishment for our children, we hoped to hear good news.
There had been a considerable amount of damage done to their uteruses, and unfortunately they could not be repaired, so they had no choice but to perform a hysterectomy on both of them.
However the surgery went well and they could be released in a couple of days. Of course Tido and I will be staying by their sides to assist them with nursing our children until they are discharged.
The girls never said anything the entire time they were in the Hospital. They didn’t even try to communicate with anyone.
I mean Tido and I were drinking milk from one of their nipples at the same time our kids did, just because we wanted to, and still they said nothing. They wouldn’t even hold them while they were breastfeeding.
We stopped drinking from the nipples when our kids did. After all someone had to burp the little tykes, and their mothers weren’t even trying.
Thankfully the doctors believed us when we told them our cousins had to be suffering from depression as a result of them both losing their uterus.
The truth is, they never wanted to have our kids, and just like the old bitch before them, they were refusing to have anything to do with them.
Once the birth certificates were signed, and babies and their mothers were given a clean bill of health and discharged from the Hospital.
We put our cousins In Dad and Uncle Kanes car, and the children in their car seats in my car, and headed back to the Cabin.
We waited until we were a good distance from town before Dad and Uncle Kane pulled over to the side and we did the same.
Dad and Uncle Kane opened the back doors, pulled the girls out, gagged them, and held them while we stripped them of their clothes, tying them up the same way we had and tied them up before.
Once we were done, Dad and Uncle Kane produced two large sacks, helped us shove our cousins into them, tie them shut, and put those bitches in the trunk of their car.
After that was accomplished, we got back into cars, and drove on to the Cabin. It had become clear to us that our cousins had no interest in being good mothers.
Once we arrived back at the Cabin, Tido and I brought the children inside were Grandpa could keep an eye on them while we brought in their mothers.
After we got those bitches out of the trunk of Dad and Uncle Kanes car, they came inside to say goodbye to everyone before heading home to Mom and Aunt Kate.
Hopefully they’ll be able to spend some time with Mom and Aunt Kate before they have to leave for work at the clinic.
We couldn’t wait to see them again on the weekends. Grandpa unlocked the cellar for us so we could take the bitches back to their beds.
Once we got them there, we untied their sacks, and pulled them out onto the beds. Then we untied their legs and forced them to bathrooms to relieve themselves.
After they were finished we cleaned them up, forced them back onto the beds and tied them up. We had just finished tying them up when the kids started crying.
Grandpa was waiting for us at the door as we went to our kids and gently picked them up, and brought them to their mothers to feed them.
We nursed right alongside our kids, sucking on the nipples they weren’t using. We considered it a special bonding moment with our kids.
Plus the girls really hate it when we do that. They never said so, but you could really see it in their eyes. So of course, we had to do it, just to piss them off, and bond with our kids.
Once Nate and Neta were done, we burped them, then we changed their diapers, and held them in our arms as they fell asleep.
It is amazing how fast time seems to fly when your taking care of your child, especially when you have to take care their mother too.
Before we knew it, 9 months had passed. The day after Nate and Neta turned 9 months old, was the day we washed our hands of those ungrateful bitches.
Grandpa came and forced them both to take a pill that would dry up their milk, we had formula if we needed it, and plenty of baby food, but our goal was to get Nate and Neta to start eating solid food soon.
Then Grandpa put choker like collars around their necks, with name tags that said whose bitch they were. Seta is Bruces bitch, and Jane is Brunos bitch.
We actually enjoyed watching those bitches trying to resist Grandpa when he attached the leashes to their collars and forced them out to their new home in the dog house.
That’s right, they were now apart of our family entertainment. Being raped and treated like dogs. It serves them right for being lousy mothers.
Not once, from the moment our children were born, did those wretched bitches even try to have anything to do with Nate and Neta.
It was like they were trying to pretend that our kids had never been born. Well now we get to pretend that they aren’t human, while raising our children.
Tido and I can hardly wait until the day comes when Nate will be ready to claim and rape Neta. We’ll be teaching him to tie her up in the meantime.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅