I Swear I Will Do Anything Ro Get Out Of Debt (Part 2) I decided I would do anything to get back on

Thanks to my stupid husbands gambling debts we owed thousands, After all the tears, I decided I would do anything to get back on my feet again.

I have never been in a car like a Bentley before, Dave my five year old Ford ,which I paid 200 bucks a month for out of my tip money from my restaurant job was my dream car, until about 30 seconds after I sat in a $200,000 dollar + car .
I was scared to move incase I ripped the seat or something. One of the reasons I was even in this car was because I wanted Dave back, I had only finished paying for him like a month ago and then my stupid husband gave the title to the damn club to hold as collateral until he paid off some of his debt , the way he was losing money that could have been maybe like in the year 2055 or even later.
We had driven in silence for a couple of minutes and Mr Roberts (call me Ben) said “your quiet, not changing your mind are you.” I kind of laughed and said ” no, I was just thinking what a great car this is,I feel like a Princess” and he laughed . I sat watching the car wizz past everyone on the freeway ,and he said “thinking again” I said ” I know this job I am going to see about involves sex ” I was wondering what if I get the job it would be like to have sex with another man”, and he said “or woman” and I kind of laughed and squealed at the same time and said ,”your joking right”. He said ” do you want me to turn the car around ” ,and I kind of whispered ” no keep going” but I must admit I was kind of having little second thoughts,until I felt his and on my knee.
” I bet your good in bed ” he said laughing, ” well you will never know will you ” I said giggling like some teenage girl on her first date. I could feel his hand slowly rubbing up and down my leg from my knee to the hem of my fairly short skirt. ” Lady” he said with a smile on his face, “you really underestimate me, I get what I want and if I want you,I will have you,anytime, anywhere “, and for a second I kind of felt very vulnerable.
Gloria lived in this huge house by the Lake just north of the University, A very handsome young man opened the door and showed us to a sitting room where she was sitting at her desk writing . I didn’t really know what I thought she would look like, she turned out to be an attractive older lady maybe in her late 50’s and she welcomed Ben with a big hug, shook my hand and said “so your Annie the lady Ben was telling me about, sit down sit down my dear ” she said ” let’s have a chit chat “.
She made me feel so welcome I liked this woman so much and I had only known her for a minute , she said ” OK my dear let me explain in simple terms what my girls do” .
“We supply catering staff ,serving staff ,etc etc to clients homes for parties, and when the party is over then a lot of my clients enjoy having what we call a party after the party, and that is where you would come in “. She hesitated for a second ,looked at me and said ” please don’t be offended but can I ask your age”, and I said ” thirty two ” . She smiled and said ” your very pretty , have you had children” , I said “no” and she went on saying “your a little older than most of the girls who I send out to parties” and I guess she saw the disappointment in my face when I thought she was going to reject me, so she got up put her hands out to pull me off the couch, and said there is nothing wrong with that, lots of my clients want a more mature woman,they don’t all like little teeny boppers “, and we both kind of giggled when she said teeny boppers.
She said ” Benjamin help yourself to a drink,I will see you down there ” and pointed to anaray of bottles and glasses on a table, she kept hold of my hand and said “come with my dear “, and we went into the entrance hall to an elevator which went down a flight into what I assumed was the basement, exited the elevator and went into a big room, which as she turned the light on was nothing but mirrored wardrobe doors.
“What size are you ” she asked and I said ” I normally buy a 10 ,I am 36 up top ” , and she laughed and said ” lucky you.” She went to a wardrobe door and slid the glass ,”get undressed honey ” she said. OH NO this was it, no turning back now I thought ,so taking off my little jacket, blouse and slid my shoes off , sliding my skirt down to the floor I picked it up and put it with my other clothes on the chair. She looked at me and smiled, she said “were all friends here , everything please honey, and what size shoes do you wear ” ?
I didn’t know whether I should take my bra or panties off first, last time I undressed for someone was when I was like 7 years ago at the gynocologists and I was so scared I might have something wrong with me down there I didn’t care who saw me naked,. Here it felt different it felt sort of funny, so I undid my bra and folded it in half put it on the chair and put my hands in the elastic of my panties, felt myself take a deep breath, and almost laughed when I felt myself do it ,and pulled them down,stepped out of them and put them underneath my blouse, I didn’t want her to see them, they were a bit granny like.
Gloria came back holding a darling pale blue and white corset on a hanger with g string attached, with white stockings and pale blue ankle strap shoes in her other hand. She handed them to me then stood looking at me , I could feel my face turning red as she stood there looking at me . “Put your hands up over your head ” she said ” and I hesitated because I felt so silly standing there my arms full of clothes so I didn’t move just stood there looking at her.
‘Annie’ she said slowly, ‘I am going to say this once and once only, when I give someone directions I expect them to follow them , and if they don’t then they are no longer my friend, and no longer work for me, now are you going to be my friend or not ” ?
Oh God I felt horrible, I felt I had let Gloria down, and fuck I didn’t even know the woman 30 minutes ago, I lifted my arms into the air with the clothes and shoes in my hand and she took a step closer to me. She started gently running her hands over my breasts, I look down and saw my nipples had gone hard, Gloria noticed at the same time and said “I didn’t realize it was cold in here and started laughing.
“Get dressed honey” she said, “then come through here and we will see what were going to do with you ” , and with that she walked out of a door on the other side of the room leaving me alone to get dressed.
It had been a while, maybe 3 years since Jim had bought me anything sexy to wear in bed, I sat on my clothes to put the heels on ,stood up and everywhere I looked in the room I could see my reflection in the wardrobe mirrors and I pranced around the room looking in the mirrors and laughing, there was me everywhere and you know what I looked good.
I went through the door that Gloria had left through ,I could not believe what I saw, the room I went into was huge, the first thing I saw was Ben playing a game of pool, well more like just lackadaisicaly knocking the balls around the table while he appeared to be waiting for Gloria to finish speaking on her phone and, beyond him was a what looked like a table with someone laying on it , but the group of naked women standing around it. blocked my view.
I walked slowly towards the pool table, Gloria saw me and smiled, Ben must have seen her smile and he turned too looked at me. I knew my face was burning red, and I kind of felt silly, he gave a soft wolf whistle and said come here. He put his arm around my shoulder and as Gloria said goodbye to ever she was talking to, and Ben said to Gloria ” if I want to have a party after my party tonight what will this little lady cost me “, and his hand slowly slid down my back until it was resting on my butt and he gently squeezed it .
” Mr. Roberts ” said Gloria seriously, “this lady may be” she said emphasising the words ” MAY BE, the newest member of my inner circle, but so far she seems to have a problem following my directions, so if you would be kind enough to release the lady from your grubby little paws I wish her to accompany me for little while . Ben laughed out loud and bowed towards Gloria, “begging your pardon Ma’am ” he said in a funny English type off accent, and he gently smacked my bare bottom cheek as I began to walk away.
Gloria took hold of my hand and we walked towards the group of girls who I had seen when I first came in the room., they parted and smiled at us. Half laying ,half sitting not on a table but on a medical chair her wrists chained to the side of the chair and her legs from the back of her knees to almost her ankles laying in the stirrups with black leather belts holding them firmly in place was a young girl , she looked to me to be about 20, ,her body was covered in sweat her hair disheveled . As soon as she saw Gloria and started crying , ” I am sorry, I am sorry ” , she wailed ,” I will never do it again I promise” and she began crying, something her red eyes showed she had been doing a lot of recently.
Gloria let go of my hand and went and stood by the girls head, she bent down and kissed the sobbing girls trembling lips ,then she started to kiss her tears. Softly she said “Maria, Maria, Maria , I hope your learning your lesson tonight “, and she turned to look at the five girls. ” How many are we up to Silvia ” she said, the girl Silvia laughed and said ” five Ma’am but there getting harder and harder to get out of her,” and all the laughed.
Gloria put her hand on the crying girls forehead, “Oh dear ” she said to no one in particular ” were only halfway there, whose turn is it girls “. ” Mine” said a pretty blond girl, “shall I start ” the girl asked ? Gloria said nothing but began to run her fingernails down the young girls small perky breasts making her scream out loud She continued running her nails down the girls body, down her tummy as she slowly walked down the length of the chair.
I was looking at the girls hairless pussy, it was bright red ,her outer pussy lips looked as if they were swollen and as Glorias fingers slowly crept down the girls Mons Venus the girl began to beg and plead for Gloria to stop, but a wry smile came on to Glorias face as her fingernails began to run down the girls pussy lips.
I don’t know where the poor girl got the strength but she was trying to sit up the veins on her neck were standing out as she lifted her back off the chair and screamed one long scream that would have woke the dead if there had been any dead around. The girls and Gloria all started to laugh, “go on Blondie “said Gloria “,do your worst “, and the blond haired girl fell onto her knees on a small padded stool and dropped her mouth onto the tied girls cunt, who let out a huge sob and a big groan at the same time.
Gloria looked at me and said ” Maria was a naughty girl last night. when one of my oldest dearest clients wanted to lick Maria’s pussy after her husband had filled it with cum, Maria deliberately got up and went to the bathroom, and while she was there she washed ,so robbing my friend of one of her few enjoyments in her life.” “My friend Sonja said Maria complained she was sore , so tonight she is being shown what sore is.” ” When she has climaxed TEN times she will be allowed to get up and go home, if she can walk ” Gloria said laughing “and at the moment she is only half way through, there working on climax number six , and look at the fuss she is making”,and she took my hand and we started to walk towards an area that looked more like my front room than my front room did.
Expensive leather chairs and couches were set up in a large semi circle, a bar with a barman stood in one corner. We walked over to it and the man poured us two glasses of champagne. Gloria said something to him, took my hand we walked to the where a couch was and stood beside it. A light came on and there was a part naked man tied to a St Andrews Cross , I must have held Glorias hand tighter than I had been when I saw the man, she looked at me and laughed.
” He has been a naughty boy as well ” she said laughing, ” but just ignore him, it’s you were here for tonight not him ,but I found it hard not to be able to take my eyes off the man stretched out on the big X. He was dressed completely in what looked like a leather bodysuit , his head was covered with a leather hood ,he just had two holes for his eyes to see through and his nose poked through another hole.The only other part of him that was visible was his hard cock and his balls but they were not that visible because a woman knelt at his feet, her hand around his cock gently rubbing it backwards and forwards and then putting it in her mouth to suck it ,before looking up and smiling at Gloria.
Ben came and sat on the couch , Gloria took the glass from my hand and gave it to Ben,” I hope you have learned since you have been here that I am not one to be trifled with “said Gloria rather sternley , I just gave her a weak smile and nodded yes. She said ” we will see, get on your knees Annie “.
I dropped to my knees and she said ” back strait ” and I watched as she slowly and very erotically began to pull the hem of her dress further and further up her legs. I don’t know why ,but I expected her to stop but she didn’t and soon her cunt came into view, showing she had no undies on, and as she bunched her skirt up around her waist she took a step towards me opened her legs and said ” kiss my cunt lips like you would kiss a lover’s mouth”.
I wash shocked , I was struggling to get my head around what was happening but I moved my knees slightly forward and tilted my head back a little, I was only inches from her cunt,I could smell a sweet smell of something like violets and my mouth touched her pussy lips and my hands went around the back of her bottom to hold her tight and I started kissing her like I used to kiss Jim when we were first married and we loved each other oh so much.
I continued kissing her moving my head around a little before I felt her hands go on my head, and she whispered “use your tongue, push it in me.” I did as I was told and as my tongue slipped into her love canal I heard her sigh, before she suddenly pulled backwards stepped over to where Ben sat , and she sat down on his lap with her back to his chest,opened her legs wide and said “come here Annie and finish what you have started. ”
As I crawled over to her I could see Ben undoing the buttons on her blouse ,my fingers pulled her cunt lips apart and my mouth went back onto her cunt, my tongue found her clitoris and I licked her pussy like my life depended on it until a few minutes later I felt her lifting her ass off of Ben’s lap and she started saying ” Benjamin Benjamin fuck your Mommy fuck Mommy Benjamin,” and she climaxed grabbing my hair and forcing my mouth onto her cunt until I thought she was going to break my nose,as wave after wave of her climax washed over her.
Kneeling there with my eyes closed I felt two strong hands begin to lift me off my knees, I looked up and it was the bar man helping me up,he slowly walked me towards the man on the X, putting his hand on the back of my head he started to bend me over saying ” hold of his legs” my head was inches from the mans hard cock. I felt the guy behind me tapping my ankle with his foot to get me to open my legs, then his fingers were pulling my G string to one side, and seconds later I felt the head of his cock entering my cunt. Oh God he was big ,my cunt closed around his cock as if it never wanted to let him go and for how long I don’t know he fucked me, the only sound was his cock going in an out of my soaking wet cunt, and some small bird like squeaks coming from the man on the cross. I climaxed at least twice,God I had never felt anything so big in me before, I felt I was in heaven.
What happened next shook me to the core,I was suddenly in a world I could have never imagined even excisted, let alone I would be part of it.

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