I Swear I Will Do Anything To Get Out Of Debt

Thanks to my stupid husband gambling we owed thousands .After all the tears had been shed I decided I would do anything to get back on my feet again.

I stood in the office of the manager of the private illegal gambling club feeling sick. The room was cool but I felt clammy under my best outfit, the one I wore to weddings ,christenings and funerals. I can’t tell you while I was there,well that sounds silly of course I knew why I was there, to try and save my house, my car, my husband and my sanity, or though three out of the four were worth saving ,the fourth my husband I no longer felt I needed after what he had done to me and what I thought was our happy married life.
After five years of marriage to a guy I thought I knew and loved,I was heartbroken when one day after I got home from work I answered a knock on our front door, I opened it to see two men standing there asking for my husband. I said “sorry Jim won’t be back from work until after 6 pm, ” and one of the guys looked at me rather quizzically, and said ” back from work, where does he work”?. I said ” I am not being rude but I don’t think that matters to you does it ” ?
He smiled at me and said said ” are you Annie Smith his wife” and I said “yes” and he said” well Annie you might want to see this “, and he handed me a small receipt book, and as he did he kind of opened it in the middle and there were the yellow back copies of handwritten receipts with my husband signature at the bottom. I looked at him and he realized I had no idea what I was looking at, and he kindly said “Mrs Smith for the past year your husband has been spending his days at our club,where to put it mildly he has been losing a fortune gambling on anything from baseball,football ,basketball horses, dogs to two f’ing cockroaches climbing a wall.”
He turned a page and I could see a red stamp that read paid on it, he said ” Annie, all these pages are supposed to be stamped paid,he has been promising us he would sell the house and pay us off for three months ,but ” , he hesitated smiled and looked around and said ” I don’t see a For Sale Sign in the yard do you “?
He patted my hand and said ” tell Jim to give us a call will you” and he gave me a card with a name and phone number on it, he laughed and said ” he seems to have forgotten where we are “and they left .
I went slowly back indoors ,leaning on the front door I called Jim on the phone. I said “Jim, where are you “and he said” at work”, and I said “at work where, the gambling club or the distribution center where you worked last year “?
There was silence, I said “Jim,Jim are you there”, and he said ” I can explain “, which is when I went from being mild mannered Annie Smith to a raving lunatic ,screaming down the phone calling my loving husband every name under the sun, before I threw the phone down the hall and slowly slid down the door where an hour later I was still sitting crying when Jim got home.
He tried to explain but every time he opened his mouth it was to say the mortgage had not been paid, and he had signed the house over to the club, the car title was in there possession ,we owed the taxes on the house, the car had no insurance on it, he owed the club thousands even the fucking electricity bill had not been paid for two months. I left him sitting crying in the kitchen and told him not to come and get into bed, and I went upstairs got into bed and cried myself to sleep.
Two days later I was standing in front of a Mr. Benjamin Roberts ,the man whose telephone number was on the card offering to work for him at the club if he had a position for me, I explained that I could work my part time job at the restaurant and work full time for him at the club,then he could deduct a certain amount from my paycheck and put it toward my husband debts .
He kind of looked at me like I was a 5 year old child telling her parents that when she grows up she wants to be an astronaut. He said ” Mrs Smith I admire your,” then he hesitated and said ” whats the word I am looking for” , and I said ” Mr. Roberts, you have the title to my house in your possession, you have the title to my car and I need them both because if I lose them now I will have nothing, so please have you got a job I can do in your company “?.
He said “Annie unless your an accountant and I am assuming your not , then I really don’t have anything “, and as I sat there looking at him I could feel the big tears slowly rolling down my cheeks and then taste of salty tears was in my mouth and I burst out crying, for what seemed like the thousandth time in the last three days .
He sat looking at me in silence ,I apologised for being silly and he smiled, I tried one last time and I said ” I will do anything,” and he laughed said” now you be careful,a pretty woman like you could get into some serious trouble saying that. ” I kind of laughed and sobbed at the same time, and said ” what type of trouble “, and he sat looking at me, and said ” I have a very dear friend, she runs a very successful sort of party planning business, and her girls earn a lot more money than anyone would working for me “, and he gave me a sly smile .
I said “what kind of money do they earn” and he laughed, he said “well it’s the after party, party where the money is earned,” and I said “so it’s all about sex, “and he smiled and said ” kind of.” I said ” what kind of money could a woman like me earn” and he said ” I don’t really know but in your case certainly a few hundred bucks a night after all your willing to do anything “, and we both kind of laughed
It took me the drive home in Dave the car I loved, that my stupid husband had put up as security against his debts, a bottle of cheap wine that I drank in the park a hundred yards from our home, Jim getting off the couch to ask me “where I had been” and when I told him ” to mind his own fucking business ” he pushed my drunk ass over the arm of the couch ripped my panties off and fucked me shouting at me ” to remember who fucking owned me ” , a headache, and a few cups of black coffee the next morning for me to make my mind up, so while I was at work I called Mr. Roberts ad said “could you get me an interview with your friend” , he said” are you sure”, and I said “yes”, so he said “OK,when do you want to see Gloria”? and I said “yesterday”.
He called me back a couple of hours later said “can you make it by six”,and I gulped and said
“sure”, here replied ” good,come on over here and I will drive you down there myself, save you looking for the place “so at ten minutes past six I was sitting in the front seat of Mr Roberts , (call me Ben ) Bentley driving out of the club parking lot and heading for someone called Gloria.

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