Journal of a Slave Trainer 01

As a veteran slave trainer observes and helps to break in the new batch of slaves, one in particular – Asian-734 – catches his eye.

11 Jan

Got a new crop of slaves today. Twenty-seven of them to be precise. I feel kind of conflicted about it. I don’t think there’s a man in this place who’s upset about seeing more beautiful women being brought in and turned into submissive sluts, but I do think that our facility is understaffed right now.

If I’m tasked with training a slave, I want to do it right, you know? No half-assing of slave training. That’s how people get hurt.

Since Greyson was out sick, I had the pleasure of putting the cum inhibitors on their clits. No matter how tough the bitch acts, they all crumble when I’ve got their sensitive nub between my clamps and I’m locking the orgasm control band around the base of their clit. Hahaha!

It’s truly a thing of beauty, technology nowadays. It makes it so much easier to control a slave’s pleasure. With the band secured at the base of their clits and another chip behind their shoulders, us trainers can control how horny they are at any given time, and how sensitive they get. We also get to control if they cum at all. Which is to say, never.

Attaching the bands takes practice. I’ve done at least a hundred slaves by now. I take the tiny pincer clamps and pull back the hood all the way, then pull their clits up and away from their bodies. This is when the screaming usually starts. I heat up the band – it’s a nasty looking thing with spikes on the inside, and then wrap it snugly around the base of the clit and solder it shut. It sounds simple, but it takes some getting used to because clits are pretty small.

The feisty blonde that tried to bite Roger screamed like hell when I did hers. I might have made it a little tighter than necessary. Boss is going to reprimand me for potentially damaging the goods but whatever, it’s not like she’ll be using the stupid thing in the future. Our stock is trained specifically for oweners who never let them cum, and bratty slaves like her usually end up with their clits cut out so I don’t see what the big deal is if her nub gets tortured a lot more now.

I got put in charge of the two european looking blondes including the bratty one, the redhead with humongous tits, an English brunette, and an Asian girl.

Hmm, the Asian girl. She made quite an impression on me today.

She begged me to let her prepare herself after she watched the banding happen to the other slaves before her. I know I’m not supposed to, but I gave her a moment to calm down and take a deep breath before I put on the band. She surprised me by taking the pain like a champ. She bit her lip and moaned, but she didn’t scream and she didn’t beg for me to let her go. She’s definitely going to be an interesting one.

I wonder how she’s going to fare on the rape machines.


15 Jan

Three days of nonstop machine rape is usually enough to show a trainer what kind of slave a girl is going to be.

After the orgasm inhibition bands go on, we usually put the slaves straight onto the communal rape machines. I get them all strapped in, straddling the devices and then start up the whole lot. I usually start them off with the usual standard dildo size we use, about 8 inches long, and 4 around. The machines pump lube into their holes every 20 minutes, just enough time for the previous dose of lube to dry out a little and start to get uncomfortable, but not enough time for the friction to damage their holes.

While they’ll eventually get their very own rape machine in their tiny cells, they spend the first few days on the ones in a large room, getting fucked together. It builds character in a way, helps them realize just what is happening.

This goes on for three solid days. Three full days, a complete 72 hours of silicone cock sliding in and out of their sore pussies and assholes. Sometimes, I go in there and just watch them writhe on the cocks, squirming and screaming for help that will never come.

I love the communal rape machines. They’re a thing of beauty, upgraded from the smaller fuck machines used in porn. They go for hours and hours, compatible with all sorts of devices that we use to train holes.

We used to have to rape them ourselves. At first, it was kind of fun, sinking my cock into unwilling holes and making the girls scream. But it’s impossible to rape five girls into submission in three days by myself. Not at the rate these machines can. They really cut training time in half, making it easier for us to train slaves. It used to take us eighteen months to train a slave fully, but nowadays, all the tech means the process takes only about five to six months. Eight if the slave is stubborn or stupid.

It’s not just the physical aspect of being fucked nonstop for 72 hours, it’s the psychological aspect too. Being immobilized on an uncaring machine that pummels holes for hours and hours and hours without respite, it usually reduces the time it takes for the girls to break. Especially if the trainers don’t even bother to look in on them, and dedicate their time to training other slaves.

I like to peek in every few hours and snap photos of my trainees. At the end of three days, you can really see the difference between a freshly caught slave and one that has been raped raw by a soulless machine.

Most of the slaves that are brought in are still crying at this stage. They think there’s still a chance they’re going to be saved or rescued from our facility. Most of them keep begging, asking us to let them go. But the thing is, most girls that are brought in are either girls that aren’t going to be missed, taken off the streets, or girls who pissed off some powerful people in their social circle. Either way, no one is going to be looking for them. The ones who still have a little hope usually take about six months to train, and end up as average slaves.

There’s always a fighty, angry one in every batch, the one that goes “Oh when I get out of here I’m going to kill you!”. Those usually end up losing their clits by the second month of training if they don’t calm down. Clit removal is the still fastest way to get a slave to pipe down.

Then there’s the softly crying, but mostly calm ones. These are the most rare. I’ve only seen two others in my career as a slave trainer, but I’ve never trained one myself. I think Roger has seen a couple as well. They resign themselves to their fate and require little to no forceful training methods most of the time. It’s as if they accept their situation completely and then decide to make the best of it. It’s fascinating and they usually end up fully trained by the fourth month.

Asian-734 was like this when I went to take the new crop down from their rape stations.

Blonde-830 screamed at me hoarsely, demanding to be let down. I ramped up her rape machine for another hour while I tended to the others. The others were more polite, but they still begged to be let go, promised not to tell anyone, offered sex in return for freedom.

Three days of nonstop rape had left them weak so I unchained them from the machines and collared them all together to take them to their respective cells.

Only Asian-734 was quiet. She looked at me with tear-filled eyes but she didn’t beg. She didn’t offer anything. She knew that her past life was gone.

I couldn’t help but take extra care with her when I helped her off the machine. She was so soft and small in my arms. She didn’t struggle when I put the collar on, and she didn’t protest or resist when I led the whole lot away.


16 Jan

Can’t stop thinking about Asian-734. She didn’t kick up a fuss when I showed her the cage yesterday. She just crawled in and curled up quietly, tears still running down her face.

I caged the other girls then circled back to Asian-734.

She only hesitated for a bare second when I told her to show me her pussy.

She whimpered and cried when I fingered her slit roughly. I played with the cum remote for a bit, took her to the edge of orgasm repeatedly and then used a ribbed vibrator to torture her ass, but she didn’t protest. There was a little bit of hesitation each time I ordered her to present her holes, but she never talked back, just obeyed silently.

We specialize in training cum-free slaves, slaves who will never orgasm again as long as their owners say they cannot. It’s a wretched existence, but most of them manage to survive and find peace in it. Other’s eventually go mad.

Watching Asian-734’s quiet suffering made me sure that she would make a great cum-free slave.

I put some ointment in her pussy and asshole after today’s rape session, to make up for being extra mean yesterday. She looked grateful, but she didn’t say a word. That’s fine. She can be a word-free slave too. They don’t need to speak, just need to be good at sucking cock.


18 Jan
Introduced all the new slaves to the fuck-and-grubstations today. The fuck-and-grubstations are really horrifying to behold if you’re a slave that has to eat from it. See, based on years of research, slave trainees adapt faster to constant cock-servitude if they associate cocks with ‘positive’ things, like a full belly.

The stations were invented by this lesbian domme from Germany. Basically, there’s a giant tub mounted on a wall. On the tub is a hollow dildo that acts as a teat. Ground up food or slave-mash is dumped into the tub and the slaves have to suck out the food. This method helps slaves associate the feeling of a cock in their mouth with eating. Our stations have an additional two cocks mounted in front of the tub so that the slaves can also associate being fucked in either hole with food.

It might not have been so bad if the food, visible through the clear tubs, didn’t look like a pile of sloppy, disgusting, greying, goo. It’s not really something for the faint of heart.

Predictably, a lot of crying and begging and protests from all the rest when I led them to their assigned stations. I think the sight of a hundred other slaves quietly and enthusiastically sucking on their cock shaped teats as they bounced their holes on large dildos really scared them.

Well, all except Asian-734.

She looked around at all the other slaves who were fucking and sucking hard, then she looked at her station.

She was really tiny so I started her off on the 8 inch dildos. I was being mean again so I chose the ones with nubs. Tears came up in her eyes, but without a single prompt from me, she crawled over to her station and swung her leg over the dildos. She squatted down and whimpered as the two rods sunk into her sore holes.

Trainees are usually kept sore to help them get used to their future lives, but I was used to having to force them down onto their fuck stations one by one.

I was stupefied when Asian-734 timidly gave herself a little bounce on the dildoes and then opened her mouth to suck at the teat.

She made a hilarious face when the taste of the slave mash hit her tongue, but she bravely swallowed. It was another thing that amazed me. Most trainees gag or complain or willingly starve for a few more days until they can’t take it anymore before finally giving in. But here Asian-734 was, suckling slowly on the cock-shaped teat, grimacing but swallowing every gulp of disgusting slave mash.

“What’s in that?” Red-560 asked fearfully, pointing at the tub of mash.

I turned to give her a sadistic smirk.

“Fortified oats soaked in piss and cum from the stables and kennels,” I said.

Brunette-889 immediately turned and gagged violently. Blonde-830 went into an enraged tirade, screaming and shouting about how disgusting it was to put animal fluids in food. I ignored her, my attention wholly focused on Asian-734.

Asian-734 stayed frozen for a moment. She stared at the grey goo in the tub for what felt like forever. Then, her eyes slid shut and tears slid down her cheeks. Her cheeks hollowed and her throat worked.

She was sucking.

She heard exactly what was in the ‘food’ we were giving them, and still she chose to suck.


I went about taking care of the rest of the slaves, chaining them at their respective stations before circling back to Asian-734. I didn’t care if they ate or not. They could make their own decisions and everyone gave in eventually.

Asian-734 was crying silently as she sucked. She attempted to move her hips on the dildoes when she noticed I was coming up to her, but I didn’t fault her for not knowing how. She had time to learn.

“Take it easy,” I told her gruffly, squatting behind her to help her keep her balance. I grabbed her hips and moved them for her, showing her the correct motion to bounce on cocks.

Asian-734 pulled her mouth off the teat, panting as she tried to concentrate on replicating the movement of my hands.

“No, back on,” I warned her. She put her mouth back immediately, eyes wide with fear.

“Just focus on sucking right now,” I told her, “You can practice the movements later.”

Maybe it was hunger, or maybe Asian-734 was really just suited to the slave life. She polished off half of the tub before she pulled off with a tired huff. Very few slaves ate that much on their first go. I could hear most of the other newbies gagging as they tried to drink the disgusting slop.

I looked down at Asian-734’s petite frame and decided to give her a reward.

She hesitated again, but then her mouth slowly slid open and she leaned forward to take my cock into her mouth.

I rarely praised a slave so early into their journey, but I couldn’t resist petting her soft curls and telling her she was being a very ‘good girl’.

Slaves are only allowed to receive food and fluids from cocks or cock-shaped items like the teats on the stations. I would have given her a drink of water, but since that wasn’t allowed, this was the next best thing.

I pushed my cock all the way to the back of her soft mouth and told her ‘swallow’, then started to piss.

Asian-734’s eyes went wide with betrayal and began to water again. But I repeated my command and she obeyed. I stroked her hair as I pissed, relishing the look of emotional hurt on her face. Slaves could trust no one. It was a lesson she had to learn. She had to expect humiliation and hurt at every turn and I would gladly teach her that.

I made her lick the tip clean and kiss my cock all over before I tucked myself away and let her get up from her impalement. She cried all the while, but again, she said nothing.

She fascinates me.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅