Lilly the stowaway elf

Lilly stowsaway in Santa’s sleigh to give a special present, but ends up giving the family a very different kind of present.

Lilly popped her head out of the large red bag she had been hiding in. The cold air whipped around her face. It blew the few strands of blonde hair that peaked out from under her cap around her face. She had to squint against the blowing snow and the world slowly came into focus. She could see the sleigh was parked on a snow covered roof in some small suburban neighborhood. In the dark she could make out the reindeer in the front patiently waiting for the signal to go. To her left she saw the red brick chimney her hero had just used to get into the house and deliver all the presents that would bring this family joy.
Lilly had dreamed about this moment for as long as she could remember. She, like all the other elves at the north pole, worshiped santa. He was their entire world. Lilly, however took it one step further. Unlike her fellow elves she didn’t just want to help make and wrap presents. No, Lilly ‘s dream was to deliver a present. To actually see her work get to it’s recipient and if she was really lucky actually see the little boy or girl who would receive it. Unfortunately though since elves couldn’t leave the north pole she needed a plan. That was when she decided that she was going to stowaway on Santa’s sleigh and deliver at least one present in person.
Lilly gripped the little package tightly against her chest. It was a toy robot she had built herself. It was meant for a child named Tyler. She slipped quietly and nimbly out of the bag and off the sled. The wind whipped her dress around. It clung tight to her small body. She was only a little over 4 feet. She was still a young elf technically she was still in training. She had thin scrawny limbs and as the dress clung to her it showed that she had just started to develop some curves. Other than the dress she had red boots that came up just below the knee, and her hair which normally fell just below her shoulders was done up tight and tucked away under her cap. As the wind blew it also exposed her candy cane striped panties. They were red and white with a frilly red border. Despite only wearing the short green dress that all elves wore she wasn’t cold. Elves were built for such weather. She crept over to the chimney. She stood next to it. Her head barely reached the top of it. With great effort she managed to clamber up on top of the chimney. She stood for a second straddling the opening bellow.
“Alright” Lilly said to herself “just shimmy down like Santa, place the present and then get back to the sleigh. Easy as cake.”
Despite saying that Lilly really didn’t believe herself. She lowered herself into the chimney. She pressed her back against one wall and her feet against another. For a second it actually worked. But her leg slipped and she fell. She hit the bottom with a loud thud. The world was a swirl of black dust she coughed and waited for the cloud to clear. When it did she could see right in front of her Santa was standing with a bemused look on his face. Lilly ‘s heart sank. She had been caught. Now he wouldn’t let her deliver her present. He would probably yell at her and then take her back to the north pole where she would be assigned to shovel out reindeer stalls for the next 20 years.
“Well what do we have here?” Santa said with a jolly laugh. ” Looks like we have a little lost present.”
Lilly pushed herself to her feet and held out her present looking down at the floor. Santa came over, picked it up and placed it under the tree. He came back over and placed his hand under her chin gently turning her face to look at him.
“Well thank you my dear but I wasn’t talking about the robot” he said gently
Lilly looked at him with confusion then looked around her feet. Was there one in the chimney she had missed? Did she crush it, she thought with panic. She would feel awful if she had broken some poor child’s gift.
“No my dear the present isn’t in the chimney” Santa said with a laugh ” the present by little sweet Lilly is you.”
Lilly again screwed up her face in confusion. How could I be the present? Before Lilly could come to a conclusion Santa grabbed her small body with a smooth motion lifting her effortlessly off her feet. Lilly let out a little yelp of surprise. Then with one wave of his hand wrapping paper began to swirl around Lilly . She could feel it pulling and tugging her body around. It was much stronger than normal wrapping paper. It bound her thighs together with her feet down by her butt with her legs spread wide open. He arms were also bound to her feet the result was so that when he placed her down she rocked on to her back with her butt in the air her legs spread out. She could see her body and face were still exposed and she could see her dress hanging down exposing her candy cane striped panties to the world.
“Santa” Lilly said with panic building in her voice “you can’t just leave me here?”
“Well of course I can my dear, after all didn’t you want to give a gift to this house?” Santa said moving close and kneeling down to be face to face with her. “Now you get to experience the full joy of seeing someone get and use a present as only a present truly can.” He gave her a little boop on the noise and then with a wave of his arm he disappeared back up the chimney.
Lilly sat tied under the tree in the dark room trying to process what had just happened. How could she be a present? What would they do with her? Was she going to make toys for them? That was her only real skill. They weren’t going to eat her were they? She was pretty sure humans didn’t eat elf’s but she had never met one and couldn’t be sure. There was one glimmer of good in this scenario however, at least she would be able to see how Tyler liked her gift and maybe even get thanked. The thought calmed her after all this family was on the nice list so how bad could they be maybe they would even make her some hot chocolate. She drifted off to sleep with the thought of hot chocolate on her mind.
She woke up sometime later to the sound of footsteps. The room was still dark. It must still be night, she thought. Her heart rate increased alright now is the time for truth to see what the humans would do with her. She saw movement from across the room. A man in his early 30s holding a bundle of presents in his arms arrived in the room. He was tall. Even taller than Santa, probably 6 foot or so, and muscular. He had thick black hair with bright blue eyes. He was handsome with a bit of stubble growing on his face. He was wearing a pair of flannel sweats and a plain white T-shirt.
“Well it looks like Santa has already been here,” he said, scanning the room.
Lilly stayed silent hoping he would see her. The man crossed the room to the tree about halfway he locked eyes with Lilly and took a step back in shock.
“Well what is this?” he said with a confused look.
Lilly thought frantically trying to think about what to say
“Um..I’m Lilly I’m an elf” Lilly stammered “Santa said I was your present.” Lilly was trying hard to keep her composure. She was scared but she didn’t want to upset the human; she didn’t know what he would do.
He looked at her curiously; there was something in his face Lilly hadn’t seen before. It looked like a kind of hunger.
“Please don’t eat me” she blurted out
The man started laughing. “Don’t worry Lilly ” he said, coming over to her. “I’m not going to eat you, at least not in the way that you think”
What on earth did that mean Lilly thought, but before she could figure it out he bent down and picked her up like she weighed nothing.
“Hey put me down!” Lilly said braver than she felt.
“I don’t think so” he said “you are my present and I will use you how I feel”
He placed her on the couch and then kneeled In Front of her.
“What are you going to do to me?” Lilly stammered.
He didn’t reply, he just lowered his head between her legs. She felt him pull aside her panties then she felt something warm and wet slide inside of her. It must be his tongue she thought. But what was he doing? She had never heard of anything like this. A feeling started to build up inside of her.
“Hey stop that!” She said “it’s making me feel weird.”
It felt good! Really good she felt a pleasure like she had never felt before building inside of her she felt like she was losing control of her body it was all to much.
“Please….stop…I..can’t…think..what..are…you..doing!” Lilly stammered though moans.
He didn’t stop if anything he just went fast, the pleasure built and built until it started to crash over her like waves blocking out all other thoughts. By the time he was done she was trembling, drenched in sweat and breathing hard.
At least that was over she thought.
“Well I can see you enjoyed it” he said standing up. He moved her so her back was against the arm rest and then knelt in front of her. And unbuttoned his pants. He pulled something larger and skin colored out of his pants. “Now it’s my turn” he said.
What did that mean Lilly thought? He moved closer, lining his thing up with her slit. He isn’t going to put that thing inside of me is he Lilly thought with panic.
“No you can’t put that in me!” She screamed “please no it will kill me!”
The man just laughed.
His thing pressed against her. Slowly she felt it enter her. She could feel it stretch her small body apart. It hurt and she started to cry
“please! Please! Take it out!” She sobbed.
That’s enough out of you he said and he snatched her hat off her head and shoved it in her mouth. It muffled her cries and screams.
He continued to press himself into her. She stretched what seemed like an impossible amount to fit him. Eventually he managed to get his entire thing inside of her. Lilly looked at it in horror. What was happening, she thought .
“Holy fuck you feel so good” the man said making some kind of strange face.
Lilly let out a muffled cry and moved against her restraints. Then he pulled out slightly and began to thrust himself back and forth inside her. Lilly threw her head back and started sobbing. The pain was intense but underneath it she felt the same pleasure from earlier building up. The combination was too much to handle. She just wanted it to stop. He kept hammering her small body; his hands moved up one on her waist, which allowed him to thrust inside of her even faster, moving her tiny body back and forth on his massive cock. The other slid up her dress and began to squeeze her tiny breast. Her nipples started to harden into his hand.
“Oh I can see you’re enjoying this” he said with a cruel laugh
Lilly shook her head and tried to scream out a muffled no
He moved his hand back down and now with both hands on her hips began to mercilessly drive her small body back and forth against his cock. She could feel his cock bulging right behind her tummy. She felt like she was going to pass out. The mixture of pleasure and pain was so intense. She let out a muffled scream as her body began to twitch and twist. The man twisted his face and let out a low groan. He began to pick up the pace until he thrust himself as far in as he could with one final thrust. Lilly felt something warm fill her insides. The man leaned down and kissed Lilly ‘s forehead.
“That was amazing, the best Christmas gift ever!” He said as he slid off of her. And then everything went black.
Lilly woke up sometime later to more footsteps. They were small and fast; they sounded like a stampede. Two small figures burst into the dark room. It was two boys around 13. They looked almost identical, lilly guessed they must be twins. They both had the same blue eyes and dark hair as the man. But unlike the man they were long and lanky. Their hair was also fluffier and thicker than the man’s. They were wearing their pj’s. One had a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, the other was in shorts and a tank top. Lilly recognized one of them. The one in the tank top was Tyler. Lilly felt a flash of hope. Tyler wouldn’t hurt or do things to her she was sure. He had been on the nice list Lilly had read his file. He was a kind and gentle boy. He would help her for sure. Lily let out a muffled yell to get his attention.
“What was that?” The other boy asked Tyler.
“I don’t know, Zack” Tyler replied “sounded like it was coming from under the tree.”
Zack and Tyler looked over towards the tree. Zack’s eyes fell on Lilly first.
“What the hell is that?” He asked, pointing over to her.
“It looks like a little girl or something,” Tyler replied. “Something is strange though, look at her ears.”
The twins came over to her and bent down to inspect her.
“Hey there is a note with her!” Tyler said as he bent down to grab the ribbon and note that had been tied to her foot. He read it out loud
“Have fun make sure to get food use out of her, from Santa”
“Well I can think of a way to use her!” Zack said with a laugh. He moved his hand between her legs and gently started poking and rubbing her crotch.
” Don’t be a perv” Tyler said
“Come on, you know you want to!” Zack Replied “it feels amazing ”
With a look of reluctants Tyler reached out and slid his hands to her chest. He grabbed her small boobs in his hands and began to gently rub them.
“Oh wow they’re so soft” Tyler said.
“I know right! I wonder what she feels like inside!” Zack slid her panties aside and slipped his finger inside her.
“It’s so warm and wet” he drew his finger out and tasted it. ” She tastes just like candy canes so weird,” Zack said with a laugh.
“Let me try” Tyler moved his head between her legs and exuberantly began to lick her.
Lilly’s heart sank. Neither one was going to help her they were going to use her just like their dad did. The pleasure from earlier began to build up. It moved through her like electricity. She arched and twisted her body against the restraints. She let out muffled moans of pleasure. Not this again please she thought. She couldn’t take it anymore; it was too much.
“I have an idea,” Zack said, “help me move her to the coffee table.”
The two lifted her up and moved her to the coffee table Tyler In front of her crotch and zack above her head.
“There, now both of us have a hole to use!” Zack said as he pulled down his pants revealing his completely erect cock. It wasn’t as big as the man’s but it was still sizable. He pressed it against her face. It stunk. He removed her hat from her mouth. Lilly took in a deep breath, but it was short lived as soon as her mouth opened Zack shoved his cock into it. His cock filled her throat. She gagged and coughed, her eyes watering.
“She feels amazing when she gags it like it tightens up.” Zack said ” you should totally stick it in her I bet her pussy is even better!”
Lilly felt her panties being pulled away and something hard pressed against her. Tyler slowly pressed his cock inside of her. It didn’t hurt like the dad’s had. It fit her a lot better. His cock eased it’s way in filling her up.
She heard him let out a soft moan. Her pulled back and began to gently thrust in and out. He moved one hand right at the top and rubbed something. She felt pleasure shoot through her like a jolt. This was way more intense than it had ever been. The feeling of the twin cocks pounding her and Tyler playing with her was too much. Her tiny body convulsed and twisted. She let out muffled moans around Zacks cock. All thoughts left her head. It was blank except the pleasure and the feeling of the cocks violating her. She felt Zack jerk. He gripped her head tight and thrust inside her. Something shot out of his cock. It filled her throat and she coughed and gagged. It was salty and bitter. He pulled out and she threw up the remaining bit on her chest. The sight caused Tyler to jeck as well and as he pulled out she felt hot sticky juice spray on her legs. Everything started to go black. Right before she passed out she heard Zack say “oh shit I hope we didn’t break her”

I hope you enjoyed the story if you want to hear more. I might be able to squeeze in a part 2 in this holiday season, so let me know what you think. Don’t forget to comment and rate down below! And thanks to Daddy-gary for helping me refine the first draft.

I also love feedback so please let me know what you thought

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