Luna the Teenage Dog-fucking-star Ch. 03

Luna gets her clit tagged and marries her canine lover Owen in a simple (and shamlessly lewd) wedding ceremony

Luna’s knee bounced impatiently as she sat in the waiting room. There were a few other people there, but none who had brought a dog.

“Calm down,” Michael said softly, squeezing her knee in warning.

Luna stilled her knee and turned to her Daddy anxiously.

“What if they don’t let me do it?” she asked.

“We have all the documents here,” Michael told her, holding up the folder.

It contained several formal letters that were essential to Luna’s official mating. According to the law, the human requesting the mating had to prove that they were unable to climax by other means. They had to do several tests to prove they were sound of mind. Then a vet had to verify the health and status of the ‘mate’. There was a doctor’s note saying that Luna had never managed to cum through human intercourse. There was a letter from her counselor and then a letter from the vet. Luna had passed all the interviews, she just needed the registrar to sign the paper!

“Luna Carter?” A chubby balding man called her name.

“Here!” Luna sprung up from her seat eagerly, grabbing Owen’s leash. Owen gave her a big doggy grin, as if he knew what was about to happen!

Luna found herself being ushered into a pale grey room and directed to sit in front of a beige coloured desk. Michael came in behind her, holding her folder.

“It says here you’re applying for an official mating…” The man said, peering down at his papers. He gave Luna a skeptical look over the frame of his glasses. “To this dog, Owen?”

“Yes please!” Luna chirped, uncaring of what the man thought of her extra curricular activities.

“And you have proof that you cannot climax through human intercourse?”

Michael slid the documents across the table then settled into his chair. He squeezed Luna’s shoulder in an encouraging manner.

“Luna here is one of the stars of Dogtube,” he told the officer, leaning forward to read the name on the table, “Mr McDowell, if you looked her up on the website and some of the other websites she’s on, you’ll notice that she’s never cum from human fucking.”

The utter frankness of his words made Mr McDowell go a light pink.

“On the other hand, the moment she’s knotted, it’s gush city down there,” Michael added, grinning when the man looked from Luna, to Owen, then back to Luna again.

Luna could practically see the gears turning in his head.

“You can see all of my clips for free on Dogtube, I livestream everyday, sir.” She clutched Owen’s leash to her chest earnestly.

“Please, all I want is to be Owen’s official canine-mate. We’re approaching our 3rd anniversary soon and I’d like to do that as his proper bitchwife!”

The filthy words made the officer sputter and flush harder.

He pushed his glasses up on his nose and squinted at the letters, reading them carefully. Whatever doubts he had about letting someone as young as Luna legally ‘mate’ a dog went unsaid because obviously couldn’t find anything wrong in her papers.

Mr McDowell pursed his lips, frowned at the forms, but then finally brought out the stamp pad so that Owen could place his paw print on the paper.

“Yes! Thank you!!!” Luna cheered, ecstatic at having gotten her wish granted! She hurriedly signed her name while Michael helped Owen to sign his. Michael put his name down in the witness section, then turned it back over to Mr McDowell.

The officer looked at all of them once more, sighed, and then signed his name.

“Kids nowadays,” he muttered half-heartedly, “Congratulations. Owen is now your legal mate. You may now… uh… smooch the pooch.”

Luna cheered again, hugging Owen tightly.

To most, the license was just a piece of paper. But to Luna, it affirmed the special bond between her and Owen.

Michael shook Mr McDowell’s hand, and then offered his elbow to Luna.

“C’mon, let’s go get your tags!”

Luna blew Mr McDowell a kiss as she left the little office, her heart soaring. Her inner thighs were already soaked from thinking about what was going to happen next!

First of course, was getting her tags. Her mate tags!

Humans wore rings as a sign that they were married, but Luna didn’t want a ring. People might assume she was married to a man! Oh no, she wanted something that would mark her as a bitchwife through and through.

Something like a clit ring!

She had gotten the idea when she saw the pierced cunts of devoted slaves. Almost all of them were pierced through the hood, or around the pussy lips, but Luna wanted something a little bit different.

Which was why she was now at Maxim Piercings and Tattoo Parlor!

Her Daddy found this place for her, saying that the senior piercer did all sorts of naughty piercings and would not object to doing exactly what Luna wanted.

“Hello, we’re here!” Michael called as they stepped into the shop.

A few people turned to look, but most went back to their work.

A tall, heavily tattooed man emerged from the backroom, a little grin on his face.

“Are you Luna Carter?” he asked.

“Yes!” Luna said, excited. She bounced in place a few times, eager to get started.

“I watch your livestreams a lot,” the man said, extending his hand. Luna shook it enthusiastically.

“I’m Maxim, the owner of this place. Now why don’t we head to the backroom and get started?”

Luna followed him to the backroom where she disrobed and sat down in the chair, vibrating with nervous energy. She was completely bare, her nipples hard from the cold air, and her hairless cunt on display. Michael sat to one side, his camera out and filming.

“I’m getting my clit tag!” Luna announced to the camera and pointed down between her legs. She reached down and ruffled Owen’s short fur, giggling when he reached up to lap at her nipples.

Maxim came in with a tray of tools and sat down in his chair.

“Through the glans, you said?” he asked, pulling on his gloves in a business-like manner

Luna nodded enthusiastically.

“Okay then,” he said easily, and grabbed the disinfectant.

Luna gasped then the cold liquid was sprayed onto her teen cunt. The piercer wiped her pussy thoroughly with his cotton pads, making sure to get under her clit hood and around the nub.

“Take a deeeeep breath,” he said.

Luna sucked in some air, handing Owen over to her Daddy. Michael took Owen’s leash and made sure that the studly Doberman had a good view of what was about to happen.

He picked up the clamps and pinched her love button between them, making sure to get a tight grip. Luna whimpered as her clit was manhandled and pulled painfully away from her body. She clutched at the seat.

“I’m doing this for Owen, I’m doing this for Owen,” she whispered to herself. This would mark her as an unrepentant bitch. This meant there was no going back!

“Last chance to back out,” Maxim warned, but Luna shook her head.

“Do it,” she said, sounding more confident than she felt.

Maxim nodded, and brought the needle up to her clit.

With one practiced move, he stabbed it through the bundle of nerves.


Luna screamed as sharp pain lanced through her crotch! Her clit was on fire!

“Oh oh oh oh!” Luna gasped, fingers curling into fists and eyes rolling up into her head. The needle, it was going through her!

The piercer had one arm braced against her pubic bone, keeping her in place while he deftly pushed the silver ring through her clit.

With a tiny little spark of a torch, the man welded it shut so that no one would be able to remove it ever again.

Michael brought the camera closer, zooming in on the nub that was now permanently ringed.

Maxim dabbed at Luna’s poor clit, wiping away the blood. When he was satisfied, he carefully hooked on a small pendant that read ‘Owen’s Mate’ on the front, and bitchwife’ on the back. Maxim welded that shut as well, then handed Luna a mirror.

Luna took it with shaky hands and looked at her brand new clit accessory.

There, hanging from her young little love nub, was a silver ring and a pendant that declared her true nature as a proper dog-fucking knot-loving bitchslut!

It was done. Luna was officially Owen’s mate and wife! She sighed in relief, smiling at Owen then at her Daddy.

Her clit throbbed angrily, but Luna’s heart was full. She couldn’t wear a ring on her finger to signify her relationship to Owen, but this was better. This was much much better. From now on, every step she took would be accompanied by a pull on her clit, the most sensitive part of her body. It would be a constant reminder of who she was even when Owen was not around. Since it was permanent, every single one of her future partners would know exactly who owned her first! Even if she wanted to deny it, she would never be able to!

“Now for my payment,” Maxim said as he unbuckled his belt.

Luna understood immediately. She sank to her knees and opened her mouth wide.

Maxim slapped her cheeks with his dick several times, then rubbed it all over her youthful face. He deliberately smeared her make up and then coated her cheeks in a layer of pre-cum.

“Love teen whores like you,” Maxim groaned, pushing the tip of his cock up against Luna’s nostrils. He rubbed his cock there several times until he gave Luna a pre-cum mustache, “Does my heart good to see teenage girls like you learning your place!”

Luna nodded enthusiastically, smiling widely up at Maxim. He was completely right. Teen sluts like her deserved to be on their knees and serving cock. Her mouth was meant to be a receptacle for cock and everything that came from a cock! Luna was grateful to her Daddy for starting her on this journey and being willing to coach her on how to be a proper dog-wife and bitchslut.

“Your stud-husband is a very lucky dog,” Maxim groaned as he slid his rock hard dick past Luna’s pink lips. He rubbed the head of his cock against the soft insides of her cheeks, marveling at the knowledge that the very same mouth had serviced dog after dog after dog.

He grabbed her blonde hair and started to facefuck her roughly, uncaring if his cock was wrecking her throat!

Luna moaned as her throat was brutally used by the man who just mutilated her poor little clit and put a ring in it. The rough movements rocked her whole body, making her new pendant swing back and forth. Her clit, still sore from the piercing, throbbed fiercely, but it only served to make her wetter than ever.

The pain was a good thing. She loved serving cocks, especially dog-cocks, and if that meant hurting her clit to let everyone know it was true, then so be it!

Off to the side, Owen’s cock was starting to pop out of its sheath, the stud eager to mount his bitch now that he smelled her growing arousal. To him, she was his hole to fuck whenever he pleased, a concept wholeheartedly encouraged by Michael.

Luna, ever conscious of her stud-husband’s needs, noticed his red rocket immediately. She moaned around the cock in her mouth and then raised her ass to fucking height so that Owen could access her fuckholes.

The stud mounted her immediately and slammed his raging hard-on into his preferred fuckport – her puckered shitter.

“MMMGNHPPH!” Luna let out a muffled, her eyes going wide as she choked on the cock in her throat.

Owen’s cock was dripping with his pre-cum, but it wasn’t enough to lube the way into Luna’s dry asshole. She was quite used to dry painal with Owen by now, but this time, it was accompanied by the wild swinging of her new clit pendant, which tugged painfully on the sensitive flesh.

Tears sprung to her eyes.

This was the price she had to pay to be a proper bitch for Owen! Her clit pleasure in exchange for being his mate! Yes! She was trading her pleasure to be his knot-addicted slut!

Luna moaned and whimpered and whined as her throat and shithole were callously abused. Her gushing pussy went untouched as she dedicated her attention to the cocks that were using her body roughly.

She was a teen dog slut, a knot-addicted whore, a bitchwife, and it made her utterly happy to be this way!

Maxim, overcome by the sight of a teenage girl deepthroating his cock while being anally mounted by a large Doberman, didn’t last very long. He groaned as he blew his load into Luna’s eager throat.

“Daaaaamn,” he said in admiration when Luna didn’t pull off immediately after, but instead continued to suckle on his softening dick gently.

“I don’t want to miss the show, but I got to piss,” he said regretfully.

Michael laughed.

“Go ahead!” he said.

“What?” Maxim asked in surprise.

“Luna drinks every single thing that comes out of a cock, including piss!” Michael explained, motioning to Luna, who nodded eagerly. She pressed her lips up against Maxim’s pubic bone and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

Maxim grinned down at her and said, “Don’t mind if I do.”

He let his piss flow in a controlled manner, taking care not to overfill Luna’s mouth. Her gaze went half-lidded in cock-slut bliss as her mouth filled with the hot, strong pee of a virile adult man.

She swallowed eagerly, shivering lightly at the musky taste.

Maxim’s cock twitched valiantly in her mouth, trying to get hard again, but alas, he was not that young anymore.

“Damn,” he said again when Luna eagerly lapped the last drops of pee from the slit of his dick and then proceeded to tongue bath his cock and balls thoroughly with a look of adoration on her face.

“Where are your manners, Luna!” Michael scolded.

Luna blushed.

“Thank you for piercing my clit, sir. Thank you for fucking my throat. Thank you for pissing in my mouth. Thank you for helping me on my journey to becoming a proper bitchwife and cockslut!” Luna punctuated her thanks with kisses all up and down Maxim’s cock and balls, giving them all the attention she could afford while Owen was still ramming his red rocket into her chafing asshole.

“And?” Michael prompted.

“Ooo, and please, please do come to my wedding!” Luna added, panting now that Owen was starting to knot her shitter.

“A wedding?” Maxim asked in surprise.

“Yes, we are holding a proper wedding at Knottingham Kennels in two weeks time,” Luna managed to say as her hole was stretched to its limit. She whimpered in anal pain and moaned.

Maxim couldn’t help but love the sight of her tear and cum stained face, still trying valiantly to smile as she delivered the invitation.

“The wedding ceremony will start at 10 on Saturday morning. Please come if you’re able, I’d love to have you there-oh oh oh!” Luna’s words trailed off into sharp gasps as Owen reminded her who was in charge with brutal stabs of his swollen cock into her hole.

She put her head down on the floor and reached back to grab her ankles, assuming the classic bitchwife breeding position.

“We’d love to have you there,” Michael added as he pulled out a chair to enjoy the sight of Luna being anally bred and fucked by her stud-husband.

“I will,” Maxim promised, taking a seat next to the other man.

Luna could only moan with happiness.


The day of her wedding ceremony dawned bright and early, with clear skies and not a raincloud in sight, the perfect day for taking her vows as a bitch.

“Here, remember your pills!” Aimee said, shaking the bottle and setting it on the table.

Luna dutifully popped the top off and took two. She had been taking the Bitch pills ever since she signed the mating papers. The effects were starting to show and Owen was becoming insatiable. Her asshole had never been so sore!

“This is so exciting!” Harmony exclaimed from beside Luna, bouncing up and down in delight.

Harmony was a year older than Luna but she hadn’t been with her dog for very long since she didn’t have the opportunity to start her bitch journey at a young age like Luna. She flitted around, fixing Luna’s hair and dress.

“How do I look?” Luna asked anxiously. It was an important day and it would be immortalized both in print and on the internet!

“Beautiful,” Harmony assured her, adding another pin to Luna’s curly updo.

“C’mon, the photographer is waiting for us and we have twenty minutes before the ceremony starts!” Harmony prompted Luna.

The two teenage girls giggled and then quickly left the room to go outside.

Knottingham Kennels’ huge grounds had been tastefully decorated with floral arrangements and a simple pastel backdrop that said “Luna & Owen” in cursive letters. Luna headed over there, where the rest of the bitchmaids were waiting.

All of the girls wore light blue underbust corsets that pushed up their bare tits, and flowy knee-length skirts that parted in the front so that every step they took would flash onlookers with a view of their pretty young pussies.

Luna wore a white underbust corset that had floral print on it. Her pert young breasts were topped by nipple clamps that were connected by a lovely gold chain that had daisies woven through it. Her shawl was made out of sheer material so that it wouldn’t obscure any of her beautiful lush skin. Her white flowy ankle-length skirt also did not close in the front and the guests kept catching glimpses of the silver ring behind it.

“I can’t believe you’re getting married,” Rose whispered excitedly. She was a strawberry blonde teen who was just starting out as a full-time DogTube star.

“I can’t believe you got a clit tag!” Bridget added, reaching out to flick the pendant.

Luna squeaked and swatted at Bridget’s hand indignantly. She was still tender down there!

“I think it’s romantic,” Harmony added with a dreamy sigh, “You’re such an inspiration to all the bitchsluts out there. I think I might be brave enough to get my clit tagged too!”

The newest girl, Vicky nodded vehemently in agreement, “You’re such a role model for all the knot addicts out there.”

“I could never give up my clit pleasure,” Bridget said mournfully, “Or at least not yet,” she amended when the others rolled their eyes. Everyone knew that she was head over heels for her dog Shayne!

“Smiles everyone!” The photographer shouted.

The girls quickly gathered around Luna and smiled for the camera. They only had a few minutes to take photos before the studsmen and the stud himself arrived and the ceremony would begin!

“Cunts please!”

The girls opened the front of their skirts, flashing their pretty teen pussies with big smiles.

After a few more photos, the photographer waved them off and looked around.

“Now, where’s the father of the bitch?”

“Here!” Michael came striding across the grounds, dressed in a dapper grey suit. He reached the photobooth and then bent to give Luna a peck on the lips.

“You look positively radiant,” he whispered, and tweaked her clamped nipples to make her moan.

“Side by side please,” the photographer directed them.

Luna was super pleased to have her Daddy with her. They posed first with him pulling her nipple chain, then gently showing off her clit tag. The last photo was of her on her knees, kissing his cock above his pants as thanks for introducing her to this life.

“I think the Stud wants a few photos too,” came an amused voice.

Luna turned around and saw Lionel Wilson standing a little ways off, holding the leashes of all the studsmen. He handed the leashes to the bitchmaids, who went to line up for the wedding procession.

“Owen!” Luna squealed in excitement. The Doberman was wearing a sleek bowtie and his fur was brushed until it was sleek and gleaming. She might be biased, but Luna thought that he was the most handsome dog she had ever seen! He barked loudly twice and sniffed at the air, straining at his leash to get at his favourite set of holes.

“Down boy!” Lionel Wilson’s trainer voice made Owen stop immediately. The dog trainer directed Owen to sit beside Luna for a few photos, then swiftly took the stud with him to the front of the aisle.

“You’ll get him back later!” he said with a laugh when Luna looked a little disappointed.

She cheered up a little knowing that after the ceremony, she could go on a little dog-fucking honeymoon to one of Knottingham’s other mansions, a place where she could fuck to her heart’s content!

Beyond the floral arch, someone rang a bell and wedding music began to play.

With a few excited giggles, the bitchmaids began to walk down the aisle, their respective studsmen trotting beside them. All of the holes of each bitchmaid had been dosed with a heavy load of “Please Knot My Holes”, which was starting to have an effect on the studsmen. As they proceeded down the aisle, their virile canine cocks started to emerge from their sheaths, drooling pre-cum onto the red carpet.

One by one, the bitchmaids reached the front of the aisle and split off onto either side, turning to face the small gathering of guests.

“Are you ready?” Michael asked. He held her by the shoulders and gave her a once over.

Luna nodded.

“You’ve cum so far,” he sighed happily, taking a box out of his pocket. “This is my wedding present to you,” he added.

Luna gasped when he opened the box to show her a pair of earrings shaped like canine cocks with fully expanded knots. There was a tiny shining diamond on the tip of each cock to represent a bead of cum. They were engraved with the words ‘knot addict’ and ‘dog slut’, so that anyone who looked would understand immediately what Luna was.

“Thank you Daddy!” Luna whispered in awe. She swapped out her tiny pearl earrings for them immediately, smiling at the thought of scandalizing people with them in public.

“Now you look perfect,” Michael said affectionately. He smiled at her and then reached down to clip a golden chain to her clit ring.

Luna moaned as the weight of the chain tugged on her sensitive nub. As her Daddy, it was only proper that he walk her down the aisle. Since she was a blushing bitch, it was only fitting that he walked her down the aisle using a leash!

The leash parted the front of her skirt beautifully, showing off her ring and her tag, proof of her commitment to Owen.

The wedding march began to play, and Michael began to walk, holding the clit leash just loose enough that it would swing with every step that Luna took.

She bit back her moans and gasps, holding her shawl around her elbows as daintily as she could as her Daddy clitorally led her down the long red carpet, stepping into puddles of doggie pre-cum as she walked.

The guests murmured and whispered in approval as Luna passed, glad to see that a teen whore was taking her duties seriously. She was pleased to see that all of Knottingham Kennels’ staff was there. There were also quite a few faces she didn’t recognize, but Luna didn’t really mind. Her focus was on Owen, the sweet and handsome and brutal Doberman who was waiting for her at the other end.

At long last, Luna reached the end of the aisle, coming face to face with her stud husband.

“Ladies and gentlemen, studs and bitches,” Aimee began. She smiled and spread her hands wide. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Luna and Owen as official mates.”

Here, the crowd clapped and cheered.

Aimee waited for the noise to die down before continuing.

“Luna arrived here as a young and unsure teen, unwilling to give love a try. But under Michael’s guidance, she discovered her inner dogwhore and sluttiness, thus starting her career as a Dogtube star. We at Knottingham Kennels have had the distinct pleasure of watching her grow into our most popular star, and settle into her identity as a knot-loving girl. And when she met Owen, it was love at first sight. Over the years, she has proven herself a dedicated whore and a loving slut. Now, she stands before us so that we can witness her commit herself, once again, to her beloved stud, Owen, as his proper mated bitchwife.”

Luna felt her face grow hot at those words. The way Aimee presented their story felt so lewd, so depraved, and yet so romantic. Her pussy gushed a little. Owen, having smelled her arousal, growled in anticipation of mounting his bitch.

Aimee turned to Owen.

“Owen, do you take Luna to be your lawfully mated bitchwife, promising to fuck and knot her to the best of your abilities, to use and abuse her holes at any time and place to establish your dominion over her body, satisfy her canine cock addiction, and guide her into becoming a submissive painal dog-slut now and forevermore?”

Owen barked loudly twice, a prompt and decisive yes! Luna felt her heart skip a beat.

“And do you, Luna, take Owen to be your lawfully mated studhusband, promising to offer all your holes for his pleasure whenever and wherever he pleases, to wholly serve his cock and his needs, and to set aside your own pleasure on the journey to become his subservient knot-addicted painal bitchwife now and forevermore?”

Luna moaned at those words, which drew a titter and a round of applause from the crowd.

“Yes, yes I do!” she breathed eagerly, feeling her cheeks heat up.

Aimee smiled at the both of them.

“I now pronounce you stud, and bitch,” Aimee declared with a grin. “You may now mount your bitch!”

The words were like a switch to Luna’s brain. She dropped to all fours immediately, pulling her skirt aside so that Owen could access her holes easily. Owen wasted no time in mounting her, having smelled her arousal and the effects of the Bitch Pills long ago!

Luna moaned and squeaked as her shitter was roughly speared open by her studhusband! Perhaps it was the hormones she was taking. Perhaps it was the cheering live audience who was watching her being assfucked by her lawfully mated studhusband. Perhaps it was the knowledge that she belonged to Owen forever now. Perhaps it was a combination of all three that made Luna’s holes feel all the more sensitive.

“Enjoy your first fuck as stud and bitch,” Michael said affectionately as he squatted down in front of her. He grabbed her clit leash, drew it up between her swinging tits, and then over her shoulder to clip it to Owen’s collar.

Oh, her Daddy had really handed her over now, Luna realized in a daze as her shithole was split wide open by Owen’s thick canine cock. He humped her brutally, intent on breeding his bitchwife despite the many onlookers.

By now, many of the male guests had their cocks out and were jerking off to the sight of Luna in her beautiful white wedding dress, skirt hiked to her waist and eagerly submitting her teen shithole to a brutal canine pounding while her silver clit tag swung wildly between her legs.

Owen, having been denied Luna’s holes the entire morning, was fed up with waiting by now. He knew that this bitch belonged to him and he wasn’t afraid to show her who was boss! His heavy balls slapped against her empty pussy, making her juices splash everywhere while he viciously stabbed his red rocket into her shithole.

His bitch made the best sounds, tiny ‘unngh unngh unngh’s and ‘oh oh oh’s that Owen had long cum to associate with being a good stud. Every time he fucked his bitch like this and bred her hole full of cum, he got lots of treats, praise and cuddles. It never mattered the time and the place. As long as his cock came out, he could force it into one of the bitch’s holes and she would make nice sounds and his master would praise him.

Luna could not stop the moans that fell from her mouth. She felt so delightfully submissive like this, being mounted in front of such a big live audience immediately after vowing to be a proper bitchwife! Owen’s cock scraped against the raw walls of her poor ravaged rectum. The effects of the Bitch Pills were intense and he was horny almost 24/7, fucking her through the night at times! Her asshole tingled even as it ached, as if sensing the difference in her. She wasn’t just a dog slut now. She was mated! She took her vows!

The scrape and drag of Owen’s veiny dog-dick sent tiny zings and zaps of pleasure all throughout Luna’s bowels, making her gasp. Like all the times before, she failed to have a proper orgasm, instead experiencing tiny shivery cums from time to time when Owen pounded into her shithole.

Any other girl would have been frustrated at the lack of a proper orgasm, but Luna didn’t mind. This was part and parcel of her journey to becoming a painal-loving bitch. She was confident that she would one day be able to experience mind-blowing pleasure from painful anal. Until then, she would be satisfied with this!

Luna moaned as Owen’s cock began to swell inside her. Her raw asshole twinged with pain, protesting the stretch.

She felt his cock twitch inside, spewing a load of puppy batter into her bowels. Owen barked softly as if warning her not to move, his doggie dick continuing to pump his cockjuice into her shithole.

The feeling warmed her from the inside out, making Luna feel loved and cherished. She sighed with happiness and looked around.

The bitchmaids had also dropped to their knees, hiking up their skirts to allow each studsman to penetrate their holes.

A flash went off and Luna turned her head, only to see the wedding photographer smiling at them. The man’s cock was out of his pants, but he was still taking photos in between lightly jerking his meat.

“This is really one for the books,” he commented.

What a sight they must have made, Luna thought happily, a row of knot-addicted teen girls all being mounted and pounded by their loving stud partners!

Some of the male guests were standing over the bitchmaids and were jerking off lazily, waiting their turn at sloppy holes. Luna spotted a few other part time Dogtube stars on their knees, eagerly sucking the cocks of the male guests.

It was only befitting for the wedding of a dogslut to turn into an obscene and depraved orgy full of dog fucking! Luna pushed her hips harder onto Owen’s cock, relishing the burn of the stretch and the ache in her shitter as she surveyed a group of men who had pinned down a younger star and was now busy stuffing her airtight. The teen’s outfit had been ripped all the way off but she didn’t seem to care, cumming happily on the cocks that were splitting her ass and cunt open.

Once upon a time, Luna might have envied the girl for being able to cum on human cock, but not anymore. She was secure, knowing that she was a dogwhore through and through. Her pussy could gush for cock, but a knot was the only thing that ever made her cum.

Luna smiled to herself, looking to the side at her Bitch-of-honor. Harmony was moaning loudly, her hips swinging side to side as she tried to get more of her studsman’s knot into her pussy. Perhaps one day, Harmony would be walked by the clit down the aisle as well and she would give herself wholly over to her canine lover like Luna did. Then, the two of them would be bitchwives! Luna moaned at the idea. She couldn’t wait for that day to cum!

Owen’s cock continued to paint Luna’s insides with hot sperm. He was making good on his vows, using and abusing her hole as was his right as a studhusband! Luna could only hope that she was satisfying him as a proper bitchwife should!

She squeezed her rectal muscles gently, massaging his knot even though the motion hurt her shitter. The hurt only served to highlight her debasement, her subservience to him and it made her feel very happy. Luna wanted to serve Owen’s cock as long as she could.

“Congratulations on becoming a bitch,” a guest that Luna didn’t recognize said. The man stood in front of her and jerked his dick roughly.

“Thank you,” Luna panted out. The guest grunted and came over Luna’s face, painting her young features with ropes of cum. She licked her lips and thanked him for his cockjuice.

This quickly became a trend as Luna waited for Owen’s substantial knot to subside. Guests, mostly men, came over and jerked off in front of her with well-wishes.

“All the best on your painal journey,” said a tall young man. He fucked Luna’s throat but then came over her nose.

“Best wishes for your first painalgasm!” said one of the parttime Dogtube stars. She squatted and squirted onto Luna’s face.

“May you serve his cock well,” said a stout and fit middle-aged man. He stripped his cock and came into a large wine glass so that Luna could drink it later.

Luna was touched that so many people came to wish her well. With so many people encouraging her on her bitchwife painal journey, she couldn’t fail!

It was with that thought that she noticed Owen’s knot starting to subside. Luna let out a disappointed sigh. His knot was something visited so much pain upon her shithole, but taking it proved that Luna was wholly dedicated to pleasing him. Embracing the agony it brought was evidence that Luna loved Owen completely. She loved and feared it in equal parts, as a bitchwife should. Michael came over to unhook Luna’s clit leash from Owen’s collar so that the stud could dismount properly.

Cum spurted out of Luna’s gaping hole as Owen’s cock left it. She gasped, but then calmed when she heard the splash of liquid into a container.

“Don’t worry bitch, I’ve got you,” Rose said helpfully. She held the clear dish under Luna’s asshole until the newlybred had pushed out all of Owen’s cum.

“It’s time for the first cum drinking!” Aimee announced.

The guests cheered again and then gathered to watch as Luna daintily brushed aside stray strands of hair. The dish was clear, giving everyone a good view of just how much Owen had pumped into Luna. “Bitchwife Luna” was written on the side of the dish, a loud reminder of what she was.

Luna bent her head to the dish and inhaled the musk of Owen’s cum combined with her own assjuices. Then, she stuck out her tongue and started to lap it all up.

The guests oohed and aahed as she dutifully slurped up all of Owen’s puppy batter and licked the dish clean.

When Luna finally finished, the crowd cheered. She sat back on her haunches, her hole still feeling raw and gaped, and looked up to see her Daddy looking at her with so much pride in his eyes. He gave her a ‘turn around’ gesture. Luna obediently turned around and showed the guests just how wrecked her teen shitter was after taking Owen’s dick.

Some of the guests took the opportunity to stick their fingers into her sore hole and gape it, teasing at her ruined sphincter. Luna moaned, but stayed put. It was only polite to let the guests look their fill!

“Alright alright, the newlybred bitch and her stud have a honeymoon to get to,” Aimee said, shooing off the guests, “The bitchmaids are free for the fucking but let’s give the newlybred sometime to service her husband, okay?”

The guests laughed and then moved aside, allowing Luna to get up. Her white ensemble was completely wrecked by now, but she didn’t care. Michael picked up her clit leash and waited for her to get up.

Owen, pleased at having bred his new bitchwife, panted happily, tongue lolling out to one side. The underside of his belly was completely drenched with Luna’s cunt juices.

“Let’s get you two cleaned up so that you can go on your honeymoon!” Michael said.

Luna waved at the guests and followed her Daddy as he led her away from the reception.

Her hole might have been hurting, but her heart was full, and that was all that mattered.

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