Mercury – 137 (Kingdom of Columbia)

“You blood sucking bitches better suck pussy better, and make us cum, and no fucking biting.”


Calyphelia, the Lamia (upper half-women and lower half-serpent creature), maneuvers the Queen in her serpent’s embrace as she uses her sensitive tail end to fuck the Queen’s pussy. As Calyphelia’s tail thrusts, she begins to tickle the Queen’s clit with her long fork tongue. The Queen orgasms and squirts, and Calyphelia licks at the discharge and says:

“You are a fascinating species My Goddess Queen, and sweet. The Cavowa seek my insight and provide me male sacrifices to breed my daughters to propagate my population. We too are hunted by other djinns. When You removed the dragon Delphyne You caused a power vacuum at the top of the food chain.

You must replace that vacuum with Yourself, or the furies will haunt You to death in answer to Delphyne’s broken oath and the Cavowa’s prayers to Sura [Lovis]. Currently, the higher predators have multiplied by converting Cavowa and other djinns in the absence of Delphyne. The high necro Dragomir Negoitescu is influencing them, especially the undead. He hopes to increase his army and take over Ionia, but he is a fool.

Dragomir Negoitescu cannot be killed, but You can virtually kill him by banishment to another place. You have this power, using Your teleportation linking ability. Take precaution on where You meet the first three of nine higher necras. Once they gain entry, they can return at will in the mist,” says Calyphelia.

The Queen kisses Calyphelia, massaging Calyphelia’s double D breasts and says:

“Okay Calyphelia. I will give you some human men. I will also provide an equivalent deterrent on this continent to Delphyne to keep the power balanced.”

“Yes, My Goddess Queen. I can see into that future, and Your whim will work well, for us all,” says Calyphelia.

Calyphelia and the Queen discuss much more, and then Calyphelia shapeshifts into a human form. The Queen remote teleports a male prisoner from Mr. Torres’s dungeon into Calyphelia’s cavern. The Queen leaves, and Calyphelia seduces the inmate, and he impregnates her. The Lamia are ovoviviparous, and in 45 days Calyphelia will birth her young.

Calyphelia shifts her form back to Lamia, and she bites and drains the inmate’s blood killing him. The hob brownie butchers the meat, and they eat and store the rest.

The next evening three figures approach Camp Transylvania, which is the largest of the Queen’s camps under construction on the continent of Kimmeria. They are carrying a white flag. Camp Transylvania is the closest camp to the coast of Kimmeria, but still on the edge of the dark zone, being 80 miles from the coast.

Vipers approach the three hooded and masked individuals, and the Vipers understand from the translator that they wish to talk to Queen Dianne. Expecting them from Calyphelia’s prophesy, a Zodiac transports them to an enclosed pavilion in a plain between Camp Transylvania and the Kimmeria coast.

They are escorted into the enclosed pavilion and the Queen is sitting on a throne atop a small platform with Elee standing on Her left. The throne is under a solid bubble umbrella fountain of water (only a pipe fixture and advanced diffuser are creating the solid bubble of water). The throne and fountain are in the midst of a small flowing pool. An android declares:


The women remove their masks and hoods and roam randomly away from each other inspecting the pavilion and fixtures. They are rude and offer no greeting or oblation to the Queen. Trandafira seems to be less rude than the others, as she approaches near the throne pool. Trandafira says:

“You have a lot of titles. Should be a large tombstone.”

The Queen does not answer a word, just listens to Her mantas module translator. Valentina finds the wine cart and opens a bottle of Cerulean blood wine made from human blood. She smells, and then drinks from the bottle. Valentina exclaims:

“Tat, you have got to try this shit! Fuck, this is some good wine.”

Tatiana walks over and shares the bottle and exclaims:

“Oh wow! We have got to take one of these bottles back to Dragomir.”

Trandafira steps cautiously closer to the pool and bends down and barely touches the water. She jerks her hand back because it burns, and she says:

“Blessed living water. You are a clever bitch. You avoided inviting us into Your base by using this offsite. Very smart again. You have done some homework on us, but You cannot kill us. Those lesser nosferatu Your troops killed were converts. We are the first three of the nine higher necras of the higher necro Dragomir Negoitescu.”

Trandafira walks around the pool staring at the Queen sitting on Her throne. She is trying to hypnotize Her with her luring and ensnaring ability, but it does not work. The other two necras are drinking the blood wine and walking around and sizing up the Vipers. The necras are cocky as shit. Trandafira continues:

“Your silver bullets and fire weapons will not kill us. Even if you burn us to ash, we will come back. You can hide behind Your waterfall and sunlight fences, but it is merely an inconvenience to us. We will find a way inside eventually. We always do.”

Valentina sets the wine bottle down, and her and Tatiana move so fast it is a blur, and they drop the 100 Vipers in the room, decapitating them. Even though the Vipers fought with their Scorpion zagaglia, the two necras used their mist form to attack through the zagaglia. Valentina picks the bottle back up and drinks. The Queen cannot read their minds, and they cannot read the Queen’s mind either, even though they can use a form of telepathy. Trandafira continues:

“We are here to tell You that we rule this continent, and soon You will be dead. Maybe we will be merciful and convert Your mortal ass to a lesser necra. That is a fine looking Cavowa You have with You. We will definitely convert her and play. Nothing to say? Are You too scared now that Your automatons are destroyed?”

The Queen rises, and steps down, and uses Her psychic shield and walks through the water bubble and Elee follows. They walk on the water and step onto the floor of the pavilion. The necras can use telekinesis, but it is nowhere near as strong as the Queen’s as She forces all three of them against the wall holding them pinned. Valentina dropped her bottle of wine, and it breaks.

The Queen apports their clothing and spreads the naked necras’ arms and legs as they are held against the wall. She walks up and diddles her finger in each of their pussies. They all have the appearance of Caucasian human females in their late 20’s to early 30’s. They all have pale white skin and tattoos to varying degrees. They are all hot seductive looking women.

Trandafira Vladimiri has long black hair and she is 5’ 3” tall and her measurements are 30G-24-34. She is very attractive, and has a tattoo sleeve on her left arm, and some smaller tattoos on her pussy, ass, and right temple. Her pussy is shaved, and the Queen leans in and tastes it by taking it into her mouth and swirling her tongue around in it.

Valentina Ilionescu also has black long hair to the middle of her back, but the sides of her head are buzz cut. She is 5’ 3” tall and her measurements are 34DD-24-36. She is seductively beautiful, and she has a tattoo sleeve on her left arm too, and most of her right. She has tattoos above her pubic mound, the middle of her back, and a tramp stamp. The Queen fingers her shaved pussy and sucks her double D tits.

Tatiana Radacanu has short hair to halfway on her neck, and it is dyed magenta and cute. She is 5’ 6” tall and her measurements are 32G-25-32. She is hot and has a variety of tattoos on her back, thighs, arms, above her breasts, stomach, and ankle. The Queen tongue fucks her shaved pussy for a bit, and then steps back looking at them and says:

“You dumb undead bitches think you cannot die,” and the Queen remote teleports them into orbit, and then brings them back and continues:

“That was orbit around this planet,” and they are in fear and burned from the sunlight and disoriented from the effects of space on their undead form, and they are screaming.

The Queen remote teleports them near the Artalion star and they are burned more, and She brings them back and they are screaming and begging for their lives. They regenerate rather quickly as the burnt ash skin falls away. The Queen says:

“I can put your rude bitch asses into that sun. Dragomir Negoitescu? Who the fuck is he to Me? I know there are 13 of you higher nosferatu, and that you can only produce another one on a blue moon by breeding with each other. However, your population is set at 13, nine necras, and four necros. I will put all 13 of your assess into the Artalion star and be done with the lot of you.”

The Queen moves them from the wall to their hands and knees on the floor. The Queen removes Her attire and has Elee do the same. The Queen steps up to Trandafira and Valentina, and Elee steps up to Tatiana. The Queen releases their heads and says:

“You dumb bitches better start kissing our feet and begging for My forgiveness. You better swear you will serve and protect Me, and I know the furies will hold you accountable if you lie.”

They kiss feet and beg the Queen to spare their undead lives. They swear to serve the Queen, and agree She is their new Master. The mantas translator quits, and they communicate in each other’s understanding. The Queen knows their vow is true as the dwarf bracelet allows direct communication.

The Queen releases them, and they stand. The Queen commands a bed to form, and She takes Elee’s hand and leads her onto it, and they lay back. The Queen says to the necras:

“You blood sucking bitches better suck pussy better, and make us cum, and no fucking biting.”

Trandafira and Valentina double up on the Queen, and Tatiana enters the jungle pussy of Elee mouth first. The Queen pulls Trandafira around and eats her smooth bore pussy as they 69, and Trandafira shares the Queen’s trim hairy pussy with Valentina. Tatiana and Elee end up in a 69 too, and Tatiana thoroughly enjoys the intensity of Elee’s pussy eating passion.

They orgasm, and the Queen and Trandafira double suck Valentina’s cunt until she cums too. The Queen and Elee get up and attire. The Queen apports three mantas module bracelets for the necras and attires them sexy and says:

“These bracelets will obey your voice, and you can configure different outfits. The beauty of these particular brackets is they block sunlight, so you do not have to cover your face, or ass if you want to let it hang out. It also has armor protection and defenses, not that you need it.”

“Mistress, what do You want us to tell Dragomir,” asks Trandafira?

“Tell him he better bend the knee and swear fealty and defense to Me and My kingdom, or he is really going to be dead, and you can testify to the truth of that threat. If he refuses, you better hope one of the other three male necros agree or your higher nosferatu will never replenish. If the other six bitches refuse, then you three get to be the mothers of the next generation of higher nosferatu, if you can convince one of the males to submit,” says the Queen.

The Queen teleports them into Camp Transylvania and welcomes them. Now they can enter by flight, mist, shapeshift, or walk in. The first three of nine necras return to the deep interior of the dark continent (with Cerulean blood wine as a gift), to deliver the Queen’s ultimatum to Dragomir Negoitescu at his castle. The Queen and Elee return to the Queen’s quarters on the Argonaut. Elee asks:

“Mistress, why did you allow them to live if You can kill them. They will just continue to feed on my people, and we will have to continue to sacrifice our people to them.”

“Yes. What you do not know about this world is that your people exist to feed the shadow djinns. It is one of their primary purposes. You can never interact with your people again. You know too much. Your people need to stay simple and continue to exist in their religion the way they always have.

If I destroy the nosferatu, something greater will spawn. The greater entity could wipe out your people too. The gods of this world have conventions that must be followed, if not, then the conventions will be replaced. I will help your people, but they will have to still serve the shadow djinns’ needs too,” explains the Queen.

Six-Three contacts the Queen telepathically, and the Queen reconfigures Her attire and Elee’s to pressure suits, and says to Elee:

“Step close maid of Dianne, this will be a tight fit,” and the helmets form, and they teleport.

They arrive on the HMS Concord in the rear instrument seats of the cockpit and strap in. S-3 dives the Devil Ray Tactical Attack Craft into the atmosphere above the Federated State of Tennessee. Elee screams, and the Queen clinches, as S-3 maneuvers radically to prepare to engage the Stellar Security Force’s Firefly fighter craft. The Queen shouts over the comms:


“They attempted to shoot President Perry and the AhṚddhi spies blocked the shots. Vipers moved in and arrested three sniper teams. Field Marshall Mira green lit the invasion, and she has isolated the government in the capital. The SSF are fighting back, and they are not alone. The Texas Union is attempting to assist, and the Atlantic Gulf Federation too.

The SSF space fleet has been neutralized, but the ground launch sites were decoys. The SSF moved all their Fireflies to the nearby United Agricultural Federation, with most of their ground forces. My Queen, it is a hot war. Bridge me in so I can see the cloaked Fireflies,” says S-3.

The Queen looks and there are a lot of Fireflies, and Scorpions are entering the area too, and both are cloaked. They are going to destroy each other by collisions accidentally. The Queen asks:

“How many missiles do you have?”

“We have 24, but I can switch to cannons,” says S-3.

Elee is screaming and about to be sick, and the Queen is not feeling all that well either from the speed, banking, and maneuvering as S-3 begins firing the missiles and destroying Fireflies. The Queen asks:

“Are you linked to Mira and the Scorpions?”

“Yes, My Queen,” answers S-3.

“Then fuck this,” exclaims the Queen!

The Queen uses navigation sense to map and track what She sees, and then beam emissions and destroys 22 Fireflies. S-3 says:

“That saves missiles, but now Mira is bitching because she does not want You fighting directly. She wants the world to fight Your army, not You, My Queen.”

“Fuck both of you! You want Me to use the dwarf bracelet to see through enemy cloaks so you can shoot them when I can just destroy them myself. I can do that and not be slammed around like a space jockey. Me and Elee are leaving. You made her sick,” says the Queen.

The Queen uses soul transfer into S-3. She then uses technokinesis to bridge into Mira’s network. Now every optic in the androids can see through cloaks. The Queen and Elee teleport to the castle. The Queen tends to Elee laying her in the bed because she feels nauseous. The Queen says:

“You will feel better in a bit Elee. Just rest and I will rub your back,” and the Queen removes Her attire and Elee’s and rubs her.

One of Mira’s doppelgangers enters the bed chambers and says:

“Well, that was ingenious. You just soul shared with S-3, and she linked into the system and tapped into the androids visuals.”

“Not exactly. I had to bridge them using technokinesis to the dwarf bracelet ability. You warmongers made My maid sick, and I don’t feel well either. I could have ended this shit definitively, but you don’t want the world to know of My power. What about the other four federations of the former America, are we going to attack them now too,” asks the Queen?

“Maybe. So far, they have remained on the other side of the border and only assisted logistically. The FST is the strongest of the five, but land wise the smallest. President Perry is trying to get the military to stop resisting. They are suffering heavy casualties, so it is getting easier to convince them by the minute.

The UGK and many other federations are in an uproar. We captured the SSF fleet first after the assassination attempt. We used AhṚddhi and Viper boarding parties. We moved their local fleet to an isolated area. They have not recalled any of the other ships from Jupiter or from mining operations in deep space, not that it would help, and we are also jamming signals.

The biggest threat of retaliation is coming from the Texas Union. They are being warned constantly, but their fighters keep flying closer with each pass. Don’t worry and rest. This will be over in a few hours, at least the heavy fighting. Each time they employ an asset, it is destroyed, so soon they will stop or lose everything,” says Mira and she leaves.

The Queen and Elee fall asleep. Four hours later Iota wakes the Queen:

“My Queen, Mira needs You in the C2,” says Iota.

The Queen leaves Elee sleeping and enters the C2. Mira says:

“Damn baby, the SSF’s three million army is down to two million, and a third of those are not even fighting because they are the fleets, which we have isolated. We have secured the entire government infrastructure. There are no political entities giving orders to the military. They only have short range communications, so it is basically us fighting rogue battalions operating on their own. When one sticks its head out, we wipe it out.

For the most part the military has stayed away from civilian populations, but now that their numbers are dwindling, they are seeking refuge among the civilians. All heavy equipment has been neutralized, so it is becoming a small arms guerrilla fight. There are a few options, and I wanted Your input. We could go door to door in the areas we believe the remaining forces are holed up, or we could shift to our government and just label them as insurgents.

You could appoint President Perry as Chancellor and assume rule. That would make the remaining forces unlawful combatants. We can then shift to counter-insurgency warfare to protect the population, and You can use propaganda to undermine them. You can also use political and economic measures too,” explains Mira and the Queen agrees.

The Queen and Chance Perry address the world press, and She assumes rule of the former Federated State of Tennessee and appoints Mr. Perry Chancellor of the Kingdom of Columbia. The Queen’s forces shift to a border out posture of protection, and an internal insurgency mop-up.

By renaming the territory which used to encompass Tennessee, North Carolina, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia the Kingdom of Columbia, the Queen was letting the other four federations of the former United States know Her aspirations for rule did not stop with the FST. The FST’s military was one of the top five world militaries, and the only one stronger was the United Global Kingdom forces of the Commonwealth.


Calyphelia (TYPE) Lamia which follow lore and are sapient upper half-women and lower half-serpent creatures. Calyphelia is beautiful with small pointy ears, long black hair, and double dangs to compliment her fangs that are supple to the press on the Queen’s chest.

Queen Dianne (AKA) Kyria Ravenstar, (INTRO) 24 yrs. old, 34-26-36, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Sandy Blonde Long, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Light Brown Full Triangular Trimmed, (BODY) Light Complexion Fit Soft & Sexy, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Joey Lynn, (COMMENTS) Small Facial Features, Very Pretty Face, Sexy Legs, Dainty Feet and Toes, No Tattoos or Piercings

Delphyne (TYPE) Female Dragon. Delphyne is a huge fire breathing dragon, dark with scales and two horns and a deep dark bluing as you get to her back, and upper parts of her long neck. Her open wings are a translucent blue in color. Her belly is a light blueish gray mixture, and when she inhales to breath fire her belly turns reddish. (HUMANOID FORM) In her dragonkin humanoid form she is beautiful too, with her two nub horns and auburn hair short to the middle of her neck. The back to the top of her butt, back of her arms, outside of her legs to her ankles, bottom of her neck to the top of her breasts, two stripes on each cheek, and fins from the back of her head covering her human like ears and protruding forward are smooth scales that finish randomly in points. Her scales are primarily a deep dark blue. Delphyne also has a dragon tail the same color as the scales in humanoid form. The areas in the delicate inner areas like breasts, stomach, inner thighs and legs, fingers, palms, feet, and shoulders are a very light blueish gray soft flesh. She has auburn nipples and areola the same color as her hair, and this is the color of the inside of her smooth pussy, mouth, lips, and tongue. She has green eyes, and she is lovely with double D breasts.

Abrant Torres (AKA) Thaumaturgist Abrant Torres, (INTRO) Middle Aged, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 11 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (PUBIC) Trimmed, (PENIS) Avg. Thickness 7 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Average, (ORIENTATION) Pansexual, (COMMENTS) Mr. Torres looks like a creepy Warlock in his den wearing a black robe and walking around barefoot. He is not ugly, just creepy. He is an occultist who works for the Vatican. The Queen actually likes Mr. Torres, and She has taken him into Her confidence as an adviser. He would be at home in a dungeon filled with frogs and newts, as he boiled something in a cast iron pot.

Elee (TYPE) Cavowa, (AKA) Elee Nhee Svalupa, Royal Akitisu, Nhee Svalupa = Sweet Sacrifice, (INTRO) Appears 20 yrs. old but Cavowa are Long Lived Reaching ages of 1,000 years, 34-24-34, Indian Human Appearance, 5 ft 7 in, (HAIR) Long Black Hair usually Weaved in an Immaculate Coiffure, (CUP) 34C Natural – Brown Nipples, (PUBIC) Full Black Hairy Pussy, (BODY) Slim Fit Bronze Caramel Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Nadia Nyce, (COMMENTS) Elee is beautiful with full lips and plenty of exotic allure. To the Queen, she is a dish never sampled in rareness and exceptionality.

Trandafira Vladimiri (TYPE) Higher Nine Necra of the Nosferatu, Royal Vampire, (INTRO) Perfect Age Appearance 30s, Highest of the Biologic Immortal, 30-24-34, Caucasian Human Appearance, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Black Long, (CUP) 30G Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Voluptuous Fit – Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Katrina Jade, (COMMENTS) Trandafira is very attractive, and has a tattoo sleeve on her left arm, and some smaller tattoos on her pussy, ass, and right temple. Dark sexy.

Valentina Ilionescu (TYPE) Higher Nine Necra of the Nosferatu, Royal Vampire, (INTRO) Perfect Age Appearance 30s, Highest of the Biologic Immortal, 34-24-36, Caucasian Human Appearance, 5 ft 3 in, (HAIR) Black Long Sides of Head Shaved, (CUP) 34DD Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Slim Fit – Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Christy Mack, (COMMENTS) Valentina is seductively beautiful, and she has a tattoo sleeve on her left arm too, and most of her right. She has tattoos above her pubic mound, the middle of her back, and a tramp stamp.

Tatiana Radacanu (TYPE) Higher Nine Necra of the Nosferatu, Royal Vampire, (AKA) Tat, Vamp Tramp, ‘Codename’ Knickknack (INTRO) Perfect Age Appearance 30s, Highest of the Biologic Immortal, 32-25-32, Caucasian Human Appearance, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Magenta Short Halfway on Neck, (CUP) 32G Natural – Flesh Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Shaved, (BODY) Slim Fit – Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Anna Bell Peaks, (COMMENTS) Tatiana is hot and has a variety of tattoos on her back, thighs, arms, above her breasts, stomach, and ankle.

Series Six-Three Prime (AKA) Adelaide Remr, ‘Codename’ Switchblade, Jaime Sommers, (INTRO) 17 yrs. old, 34-28-34, Caucasian Human Cyborg, 5 ft 6 in, (HAIR) Brunette/Red Long, (CUP) 34B Natural – Pink Nipples, (PUBIC) Narrow Triangular Hairy Brushfire Brown/Red Bush Shaved Below, (BODY) Sweet Curvy Soft She has a Pale White Complexion, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Arietta Adams, (COMMENTS) Series Six-Three Prime, Adelaide Remr is the daughter of the Royal Stellar Force Commander Denyse Remr. She is cute and sexy, and she has the soft body and hot ass of a milf, but she is a teen.

Chance Perry (AKA) President Chance Perry (INTRO) 50 yrs. old, Caucasian Human, 5 ft 9 in, (HAIR) Brown Short Trim Salt and Pepper Beard, (PUBIC) Trimmed, (PENIS) Thick 6.5 in Length Circumcised, (BODY) Very Fit and Muscular but not Bulky, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) Dirk Caber, (COMMENTS) President Chance Perry probably weighs about 200lbs but is fit. He is handsome and has brown real short hair, and he is kind of a hairy guy with a trimmed salt and pepper beard.

Mialyn Mira Echo W.I.E.I. Ten (INTRO) Mid-20’s yrs. old Biologic Immortal, 36-24-36, Cyborg Alien, 6 ft 0 in, (HAIR) Black Short, (CUP) 36D Natural – Soft Pink Nipples Supple, (PUBIC) Beautiful Black Full Hairy Pussy Pristinely Manicured, (BODY) Athletic Fit, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual Optional Hermaphrodite, (PERSONA) Can Mimic Anyone, (COMMENTS) Perfect Features, Dynamic, Mira’s jet-black head hair never extends below where it would naturally grow on a head; therefore, it is always short on the sides so that her forehead, neck, and ears are always exposed, because she is flawless

Minisculians (General) (AKA) Teenies, Fairies, (General) All of the teeny females have slim waists and exaggerated hourglass figures, with ample thighs for their size, and the cutest legs, feet, and toes. They are all 4 inches or less tall. Whatever length their head hair is on their 16.5 birthday cycle (33rd year) remains their length, and the females do not grow hair anywhere else except their pubic area, and it also stops at that age. If they cut it, it will not grow back, which is why their pubic hair is so neatly trimmed and stays that way. They have ornate bows, barrettes, clasps, ties, and pins to hold their hair.

Iota (Schmidt) (TYPE) See Minisculians (General), (INTRO) 33 yrs. old, Biologic Immortal, White Fairy, 4 in, (HAIR) Blonde Long, (CUP) D Natural – Pale Pink Areola and Small Nipples, (PUBIC) Brown Triangular Hair Trimmed, (BODY) Exaggerated Hourglass Figure, (ORIENTATION) Bisexual, (PORN PERSONA) N/A, (COMMENTS) Iota has Golden Blonde Long Hair in a High Ponytail, and She is Very Cute

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