My Outing – 1 – Journey with Boys

Its long time, since I slipped away from you. Actually my husband Ravi had a planned office project in a remote location. Hence he asked me to accompany him. I too needed a relief, after sharing a lot of my story with all of you. I readily accepted, and left a small note to all of you. Even on my mail box I just set an automatic reply. I had absolutely no plans, as Ravi told me that his remote location is in the midst of greenery, and we will get a guest house to stay. I thought of Eat, shit and sleep all the day, with no gadgets around. But things took a different turn, when Ravi told me that he had chosen 12 young boys, most around 18 years in age. He told me that the boys are well trained, but he worried, that they should not miss out, as this remote location do not offer them any means of entertainment. He told me that the boys will be picked up in a separate van, while we will travel by taxi. Without my knowledge, my mind probably started hatching a plan.

I told Ravi, “It is a long journey of more than 18 hours, and only we two travelling would be boring, why not we all go together, why don’t you arrange a 16 seater luxury bus for all of us, if we are with the boys from the beginning, there would be good cohesion”. Ravi accepted my words, and he went with the bus to pick the guys, to make sure that they won’t miss out, while he sent a taxi to pick me from home. We need to meet in a restaurant in the outskirts of city from where we planned to travel together. On the day of travelling I decided to wear pair of shorts, which are high enough to expose my entire thighs, while it is also being low waist to expose my belly button. My top was short enough to barely cover my belly.

As I got out from my taxi near the restaurant, all 12 pairs of eyes were locked with my sexy appearance. With such a marvelous attention, I walked in with my hips turning in all direction. Even my boobs were dancing with each step of cat walk. Well before any of those boys catch me, Ravi intruded in between, clutching me in his arms, kissing me on my lips in front of those preying eyes, introduced me to all of them as “Boss of entire team”. Saying so he let me talk to all the boys, and went inside for lunch arrangement. As I walked towards the boys whose eyes almost stuck with my exposed thighs, arms and cleavage, one among them came forward extending his arm to shake hands with me. But I went a step ahead, after shaking hands with him, I hugged him, putting my left arm around his neck, pulling him down and lifted my head. Before I could crash my bosom to his chest, I made sure to twist his right hand so that our right hands shaking each other would come below our waist. While his hand was touching my pussy behind the shorts, my hand was pressing his cock behind the pants.

Guy sensed my need and clutched me in his arms and pressed me against him. As his head bent down, our lips kissed each other. I ensured to press his cock with my right hand at same time triggering a sexual desire in him. Now all boys were in queue to hug and kiss me. I came to know all this hugging and kissing is a first experience to all of them. Poor boys, their cock was telling this story to me with its unexpected shock of getting pressed by a girl. No sooner Ravi intervened in between, and as we settle down for the dinner, Ravi pulled me to his lap, and started playing with my private parts, in front of all those boys. While caressing my waist his hands went up to press my boobs. His other hand caressing my thighs, went really deep inside my shorts pricking the tip of my pussy. My arousal was full and I was smooching him badly in front of all. Boys must be really at inconvenience watching this public erotic live porn show, even though I am still dressed. As the pawn comes to our table, I took one piece and put it in my mouth and offered the same to Ravi. He almost byte my entire mouth and took it directly from my lips.

Boys are now really triggered and one boy demanded “why not the same for us”. I know how much the boys must have suffered so far watching mutely my flirting with my husband. I took the pawn box, and went to boys. I sat on each boy’s lap, with pawn in my lips, offering them to take it directly from there. Boys thrilled for this opportunity to give a deep kiss to me, sucking the pawn from my mouth. As the last piece of pawn remaining in the box, now there is a competition, for who would feed it to me. One boy took the initiative, took the pawn out and kissed it with his lips. Other boys followed him and all of them kissed that one pawn, and passed it to Ravi. As Ravi hold it in his lips, I just kept my mouth closed playing game with him. I was now sitting on his lap, with his arm around my waist. Ravi suddenly moved his hands up, and grabbed my boobs, and pressed it really hard. With my boobs squeezed in front of so many boys, I opened my mouth in the shock. Immediately he pushed the pawn in to my mouth. Pulling hands away from my boobs, I jumped out of his lap and forced everyone to board the bus.

Girls really like getting teased in public. Myself I love such public display of love and flirting. Ravi knows it and flirts with me openly. But other guys who join me dating, always be very cautious about their image and try to flirt with me only between four walls. That is where a dating with such guys is boring for me. I can’t understand why do guys are so much worried about their image even in a place, where no one would be knowing them. Do you also behave like that, please comment down or message me