My wife seduced my friend

Hi Jalel with fuck story of my wife, she will tell you how she had seduced my friend Ashok, read in her own words…
Once my husband send some items from Ajman with his friend Ashok and told me by phone. When he brings the items I fancied him I shall enjoy with him and I saw him straight away I took a liking to him, made up my mind to fuck him. I said to him to stay as it’s late and his place is far away but he said he has to go. My mother in law asked him can you get to your house today, he said no, then you better stay here and leave early morning, he said he will stay in a lodge at town. She said no you stay here take this as your mother’s request and you are like my son. So he agreed, my mother in law told me to show him my brother’s room. I was glad to hear that because it’s upstairs and my room is also upstairs. I after showing him the room I showed him my room and said this is your friend’s room and he said did you hear what your mother in law said, yes that you are also her son, then it means it’s my room too, I said no problem, he smiled and said then there is one more thing I have to tell you and if I tell you you may get angry. I said no feel free to speak out. He looked at me smiling and said then there is one more thing and is it means you are my wife too, I told him to freshen up and come for dinner. Are you angry he asks me, smiling I said no and went downstairs. After food some chit chat then mother in law told him to go to sleep. He looking at me smiling and go’s up. I went to clean the dishes then go up, he was at the room which I showed him. As his room door was open looking at him I said why is my husband not sleeping in my room, he looks at me says are you sure you want me to sleep there. I said yes that’s if you like your wife for the night. He comes to my room sitting on the bed says my husband told him to take every thing in here as his own but didn’t expect this much and pulled me to him and kissed me hard on the lips, pressed my boobs over the blouse.