Not for the faint hearted 4

The nightmare that seems to never end for sum

The leader told one of the men find me the horn removal tool, the man disappeared, he looked at Jenny and smiled, he walked over to dad and grabbed his head and pulled it back, look at that cunt on the floor, see her ass is leaking cum out of it, she moaned as my men fucked it, you heard it didnt you, tell me he said, her dad said yes in a low voice, he looked at Jenny and then asked her dad if he thought that Jenny would like to eat the cum out of her mothers leaking asshole, or should Samm eat her ass what do you think pappy,

Samm was dragged and dumped onto her mother with her face up, she was pushed so her head was pushed hard into her mother sew shut cunt, so the her face was just below her mother asshole and the cum was now leaking onto her face, she was tied there, more spikes driven into the floor and more rope cutting into flesh, she could not move and if she did it hurt like hell,

Leader told the men time to fuck mother ass again she seems low on cum, each took there turn and each filled her ass to overflowing, the mother moaned with each load she took, Samms face was covered in cum with each load, she was told to lick the cocks of each men that fucked her mother. she did as told,

He looked at Jenny, and said tell me where the money is and your little sister Tina is, Jenny looked at him when he said her name, he smiled, tell me or Samm learn about pain, Samm shook her head no, Jenny said I dont know anything, the man came back and said they dont have one, he looked at dad and walked past him as he punched him, he walked into the tack room,

The leader came out of the tck room with a wooden box, Jenny knew what was in it, it was he dads fishing gear, he placed it beside Samm, he turned and look right at Jenny and said tell me, Jenny said nothing, he opened the box and took out fishing hooks, he took the barbed hooks and ran one through each of Samms nipples, Samm screamed and pissed herself, with the hook embedded into her he tied fishing line to the hook and ran the line up to hooks in the floor beams on the second floor, he took fishing weights and accatched them to the line and let them drop from his hand, the weights yanked on the line and yanked on the hooks and yanked on her nipples, Samm screamed again and lifted the back as much as she could, this did not help at all,

Jenny could not do a dam thing as she tried to move, Leader laughed at her, he took two more bigger barbed hooks and ran them through Samm cunt lips, and tired the line two her fingers so that if she clinched a fist she would tear the hooks out, with her lips open and out of the way he took another small barbed hook and pierced her hood over her clit and pulled it up with more line, he took a large barbed hook and ran it through her nose and pulled her head forward and tied her clit hood hook to it, she had no choice but to look down her own body or ripe the hook out of her hood, the leader Looked at Jenny again and smiled , he reached into the box and pulled out a pair of long nosed visegrip pliers, he took them and placed Samms clit into the jaws, he adjusted the lock and put pressure on the handle, it closed the jaws onto Samms clit, he looked into Jennys eyes and snapped the lock shut, the scream that Samm let out as unworldly, she screamed till she had no air in her lungs and passed out, the leader left them hanging there.

Jenny was filled with so much rage, she did not cry, she did not make a sound, she plotted her revenge in her mind,

Mother moaned as she hear Samm screams, daddy just looked on, dead in his mind, Leader left them there and told the men to watch them in shifts of two,

Leader walked into the house it was upside down and turned inside out, he went into Tinas room put the bed back in place and laid down for a sleep, it had been a long night and was going to be a longer day, he drifted off to sleep,

Tina woke to Missy rubbing her pussy again, Missy said, Max and Meg want to fuck you, Missy told Tina you will go to the playroom with me and we will have fun, Missy got out of bed and put on a leather corset tall leather boots she told Tina you will be wearing this mask each time we are in the playroom and put int on her, they walked into the play room and Tina seen Meg on all fours on a bench with her ass being fuck hard, Meg moaned and groan and begged for more, she asked please master please fuck me, breed me master, make me your cum dumpster, Max was pounding Megs ass, he was pulling her hips hard into his thrusts, Missy told Tina go suck Megs tits, and she did as told, Missy walked up to her daddy and said daddy i want you to breed Megs cunt she need a load in there too, Max grunted and filled Megs ass, Max pulled out of Meg and Missy sucked his cock, she told them she loved the taste of her ass on her daddys cock, Missy then turned to Meg and told her to push the cum into Tinas mouth for her to eat, Meg moved around and had Tina on her back on the bench and then lowered her ass to her face and told her eat my she you little cunt, Tina started to lick at meg open asshole and cum fell out of her, Tina eat all she could as her face was covered, she put her tongue into Megs ass so many time Meg came from the feeling of her little tongue, Missy had sucked her daddy hard and told him its time to breed Tinaa ass, He lifted her legs up and pinned them to megs back as she was still being eaten, Missy left her daddys cock good and wet with her spit, he took his cock and pushed it into Tinas tight ass, she screamed out as he went in, it hurt but not as much as the first time, Max stopped about half way in and let Tina relax before he pulled back and then pushed into her, she cried out and Max kept pumping his monster into her, she was whimpering and then moaned as she felt the pain give way to pleasure, Tina felt Missy lick her asshole as Max pumped her ass, she licked that and moaned louder, Meg was licking Tinas mouth on her ass as she kept eating her as well, Tina was really getting into the ass fucking and licking she was getting she moaned louder and harder with each stroke, she was feeling her body getting hotter and hotter , she could feel pressure building inside her pussy area, she could not hold the feeling back as she cried out and squired pussy juice all over Maxes belly and on to Missys face, Meg came again from all the noises she heard and could feel, Max grunted about 4 time and then shove all the way int and shot his load into Tinas open ass, Tina shook as she felt his hot cum filled her ass, Max pulled out and Missy eat Tinas ass clean, Missy took Tina back to her room and told them get sleep we will need it

2 hours later Leader is back in the barn, he walks over to daddy and punches him in the guts to wake him up, he looks at the leader, he see he has a case with him, the leader slaps Jenny and she is wake, he kicks mother in the ribs and she cries out, he pulls on the fishing line and rips a hook out of Samms right nipple, he looks at daddy and said well now that all are awake, look what I found, a black case, it seem to be locked, do you know the combo daddy, daddy says nothing, He looks at Jenny, do you know, what about Samm, or mother, does she know, do they know what is in it daddy, Leader grabs his head, do you see all the pain you have caused, this is my money you owe, Daddy said no, it not your money, really whos money is it, he goes the people I work for it there money, Leader smiles,

Leader opens the leg hold trap, places it under a seat with no bottom, tell the men to take daddy and place him in the seat, they do as told, the leader walks up behind him and pushes him down in the seat, his cock and balls touch the trap trigger plate, he gasps as he feels the cold steel, it didnt go off, he thought it was a trick, then the snap he screamed as his balls are crushed in the jaws, his cock is now laying on the floor under him, Jenny sees all this as he screams and passes out,

Leader walks up to Jenny and he opens the case and shows her Gold bars, worth more than a million dollars, he looks at her and tells her, he would have you all dead rather than save your life’s, your mother new as well,

dad wakes up and screams more Leader tell one of the men neck tie, the man walks over pulls the dads head back and cuts him ear to ear and pulls out his tongue out the hole and lease his to drown in his own blood,

Samm cries out, leader takes a 4 inch fence post and pushes it into Samms cunt and then cuts her free of the floor and puts her in the rops that held her dad up, she tied with 10 inches of wood post is in her cunt and if she lets her self down she will have 36 inched of wood post in her, the tie her legs apart so her arms are the only thing saving her,

they move mother to the table, tie her arms and legs to the table legs with barbed wire they full it tight so it cuts into her skin deep , they place her tits on the table and hammer 3 inch barbed fencing staples through her tits into the table top, she is so numb from all the pain she does not react to the newish pain, once her tits are stapled in place two 3inch nails are hammered into her nipples, she is bleeding from her tits and from her nipples, the leader pulls her eye lids open and then snap of the staple gun as he staples her eye lids to her forehead,

Jenny is watching all this going on, she is it to much shock, she is mad, she is scared, she it mind numb, the leader tells the men put her in the truck chained to the walls, she was taken down off the wall and dragged into the cube van, chain in place and left, the leader climbed into the van and asked Jenny, you want to die, she shook her head no, he asked, you want to be sold as a slave, she shook her head no, your daddy sold you into slavery, where did you think the gold came from, Tina was sold as well, your mother and daddy sold Samm as well, she escaped as she did not know at first, but she figured it out

Jenny did not know what to think as the leader told her everything, she asked questions and he told her, she asked what was he going to do with her, he smiled and said sell your ass baby, sell your ass, Jenny looked at him and she knew he was telling her the truth.

The leader made a phone call, Yea found it, all but two, Tina and Jenny, O really Tina is there, ok what do you want me to do, OK nothing it is what about Jenny, right, right, ok copy that, see you there in two days, he looked at Jenny and said looks like it just the two of us, he walked out and shot all of the men he had with him, he placed them all in certain places to make it look like a home invasion gone bad as he placed drug all over the place and guns in each of their hands, he went back into the barn and set it on fire to burn everything,

Jenny woke up and all she could see was scrub bushes and sand, there was the leader sitting and waiting, a group of trucks showed up and the leader just sat there, a fat man got out of one of the truck and walked up to the leader, he was saying words in spanish, they talked and then the men grabbed Jenny and took her to the truck the fatman got out of and pushed her inside, they left in the trucks The leader got into one of the other truck and two other took the van, the van went to opposite way they did,

Hours later Jenny is in a house she is stripped of her clothes by other girl, she left naked and on the floor, a man walks in and yells at her kicks her slaps her till she get up and is herded to one of the empty beds, he slaps her around more and then leaves, she is left on the bed and has nothing to cover up with, one of the other girl walks over to her and slaps her face hard, she is speaking spanish to her she just looks at her, the girl grabs her hair and yanks her to the floor, the girl pulls her face to her cunt and lets loose her piss, she pisses all over her face as Jenny tries to fight she gets kicked in the back by another girl, this one pisses on her too, before she know it all the girls piss on her,

feeding time as she see all of them get in line and wait for the food, she gets up off the floor and stands at the end of the line away from the rest, the time she get to the front no food left, she goes back into the room and sits down on the bed she was herded too, a girl walks over to her grabs her hair and pulls her off the bed and pushes her to the floor, she is left on the floor, this goes on for 4 days, Jenny is tired, stinks like piss, not allow to sleep on a bed, not given any food, and is beaten up by the girls and guards, does not speak any spanish,

O the fifth day Jenny got food, a bun with cheese on it she was so happy, then a girl took it away from her, she snapped, Jenny grabbed the girl by her hair and rammed her face into the wall, once twice three time in a row, she pulled out hand fulls of her hair, one of the other girl stepped in and Jenny punched her in the face and then jumped on her and beat the girls face in, she got off of her and walked over to the girls bed took her food and eat it, then took her bedding and put on the floor took her mattress and put it on her bed frame, then took the bedding and put it on the bed, she walked over to the girl she had shamed her face into the wall and took her clothes off of her, once she was naked and kicked that girl in the back 12 times as hard as she could, you could hear her ribs cracking

Jenny walked into the shower area and showered for the first time in over week, Jenny walked up to one of the smaller girl and pulled her to her own bed, she laid down on the bed and then pointed to her cunt and make licking motions with her tongue and fingers, the girl went between Jennys legs and eat her cunt and she came hard and fast, she squited on the girl face, once Jenny was do she pushed her to the floor, and went to sleep,

Next morning Jenny woke as the guard took both the girl out of the room that Jenny had shit kicked, no one said a word as the guard asked them in spanish what happened, food came and Jenny was first in line, she took what they gave and eat it all,

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