Pay your debt or this Bank will take your wife away. part 4

Mathew James stood against the shed wall smoking the last of his cigar and watching one of his overseer’s coming up the path from the slave quarters with three big bellied pregnant slaves chained together with iron collars around there necks. The overseer was walking quickly ,his long legs making the women almost trot, all three were holding there milk filled breasts to stop them bouncing up and down. ” Evening Mr James” said the overseer seeing him stand there,” good evening Paul” said Mathews, “what have we got here ” ?
” Mr. Bernard told me to bring them in case any of them boys in there need a bit of fluffing up to make sure there not going to take for ever to shoot there load in them women getting bred” ,said the overseer. “Oh “said Mathew James , “before you go in I want you to take these three back down the path away, make them let go of their tits and I want to see you make them run back here with their titties bouncing, you got that.”said Mathews?
“Yes Sir” said the overseer, pulling the chain he and the women jogged back down the path 50 yards or so, he told the women he would whip the tits of the first woman to touch them and said run. He sat off a fast pace the women running behind him ,there big milk filled tits flying up and down and side to side causing them great pain ,but the thought of having there tits whipped prevented any one of the three from touching there hurting udders.
The overseer stopped in front of Mathew, “thats better he said I like to see pregnant women suffer don’t you Paul” ? “Yes Sir said the overseer , “I loves seeing them big titties swinging like that ” he said chuckling to himself. “OK” said Mathews “take them inside lets see what Bernard has got planed for us tonight.”
The inside of the shed was lit by a oil lamps laps, it was as bright as day, the women to be bred were chained to one wall there heads had been covered with sacks so they could not see any of the males who were going to breed with them, and chained to the wall opposite were the male slaves, there heads covered by sacks as well. Bernard arrived by Mathews side, ” them’s heads all covered none of them can’t see anything , nothing worse than a fucking nigger bitch seeing who fucked her ,when her belly starts getting big, next thing you know they is wanting to get married and live together, then we have to build more huts” ,he said laughing”
“Mr James” he said suddenly a serious tone in his voice ,” a couple of quick questions Sir, one of my boys said you don’t want any of these niggers to get their cunts splashed with goose grease is that true, and another said your thinking of sending Miss Elizabeth to the sales in New Orleans “. His voice trailed off and Mathew James looked at him with a smile on his face, “you think they need a splash of goose fat Bernard he said “, “well Sir four of them’s first timers, Doc said today it didn’t even look as if they had ever had a candle in there let alone a cock, there going to hurt like hell when them big dicked blackies fuck ’em ”
“Good said James, thats what I want , I want to see the cunts suffer ,thats the mood I am in, and as regards to Miss Elizabeth you will get the first turn at fucking her I promise, like I said to one of your boys, as long as she can walk to the block from the cart to be sold I don’t give two fucks what you do to her, now take the two that have been bread before to the stocks I need some entertainment in my life.
While the two women were being unchained from the wall and slowly led blindfolded to the stocks, Mathew James took his place seated next to Elizabeth and his other guests who were sitting next to the stocks . I hope your all very comfortable he said to anyone who was listening, he got no answer from John Jefferson or Michael Davis, the ball gags that had been inserted earlier when they had been stripped naked and tied into the chairs they were now sitting in glaring at Jame’s saw to that.
“Are you comfortable he said to his wife , the look on her face told him she wasn’t, and what about you Daisy and you Amy how are you, happy to be here I hope” ?.
All three women were sitting on wooden chairs and each chair had an 8 inch wooden penis sticking up through the seat and into their honeypots. Chains attached to leather cuffs around there ankles and wrists made sure they were going no where.
“Why have you done this to me” said Elizabeth, “why have you made me one of them,” she said with a tone of disgust” in her voice. He looked at her kindly well he said “because you are one of them, and then he spat in her face”. “You and your stinking self righteous attitude is making me sick, your a fucking nigger but you seem to have forgotten that” . Well Elizabeth I am going to remind you who and what you are ,by this time next week you would have stood naked on the block in chains at the auction in New Orleans, where I first found you and I think I will get a good price for you, and I must remember to tell the buyer that you put a lot more effort into fucking after a few strokes of the Cat of Nine Tails has been laid across your ass”.
He shouted at Bernard to get on with it, turning he could see one of the pregnant women working hard with her mouth to keep one of the slaves cocks hard ,he looked at Elizabeth and was going to say something but the tears rolling down her face stopped him in his tracks, Oh God he thought now what have I done?

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