Reshma, A Russian Prison for Women

Reshma Sanatorium, ( read Prison ) was run by Director Lada Goncharov, a her staff with an iron rod.

The court was due to close at 4.30 pm, just about everyone had left, the reporters, friends and family of some of the previous accused, when at 4.29 pm, Judge Preobrazhensky ordered Annika and her daughter Zasha Vadimoff to come to the desk with their lawyer, he wanted to finish this trial before he went home for the weekend.
Their Lawyer a wishwashy looking man handling free cases for the Government for people without means to pay , gave a mild objection saying he would not have time to present his case fully, to which the Judge replied that HE the Judge would help him to present his case .
“Correct me if I am wrong” said Judge Preobrazhensky sarcastically ,” but Annika Vadimoff the wife of the deceased, one Maxim Vadimoff a city employee in the streets and sanitation department did on Friday 13th of June this year stab to death Mazim Vadimoff assisted by her daughter Zasha ,am I correct so far” he asked ?
The lawyer gave a weak smile and said “yes Your Honour”. Have you anything to say Mrs Vadimeff . Annika looked at the judge through tear filled eyes, ” my husband was drunk as usual, we had not paid the rent there was very little food in the house and he had lost most of his weekly pay drinking and gambling on the way home” .
“An argument started and my husband hit me several times, I grabbed a knife from the draining board to scare him , and my husband came across the room trying to grab my arm screaming he would show me how to stab someone, and he meant me.”
“So where did your daughter come into this situation”, asked the judge. “She heard me screaming and she ran into the kitchen, she saw my husband running towards me and she pushed him to try and push him away from me, but my husband fell over his own feet and fell towards me,” her voice trailed off and she sobbed.
Judge Preobrazhensky sat looking at the crying woman ,” Miss Zasha Vadimoff, now take your time and tell me honestly ” said the Judge doing his best Grandfather smile to put the girl at ease “,is that what really happened” ? “Yes Sir said Zasha in a small trembling voice that’s what happened”
The Judge called for a five minute recess and retired to his quarters, downing a large glass of Vodka he opened the file on the Mother and Daughter Vadimoff and looked at the naked pictures of the two that his old friend at the Moscow Police Station had sent him when the women were being booked and searched.
He rubbed his trousers around his dick looking at first the naked pictures of Annika,her large breasts and brown nipplses,the fur around her pussy excited him, then he looked at the younger Vadimoff’s picture, her breasts while nowhere near as big as her mother and the light blond hair around her pussy made his old dick go very hard and he laughed to himself.
He knew exactly what the punishment he was about to hand out would included, a nice long spell at the women’s “Sanitorium” on the River Volga near Reshma about 300 miles away and run by a Director he knew well from his three years in the army, one Lada Goncharov , a bitch faced cunt of a woman if there ever was one.
Everyone in Russia knew of the IK-14 Women’s Prison in Mordovia thanks to Miss Tolokonnikova the member of Pussy Riot and now political activist, it was know as Hell, thanks to it’s working conditions and brutal treatment of the women prisoners, but no one ever heard of the terrible things that happened at the Reshma Sanitorium mainly because anyone released from there was given some of videos and photographs of there stay at Reshma.
Everyone after looking at them put them in the trash bin in the Directors Office before leaving the prison, knowing that they were only copies and the staff at the Sanitorium had the originals, and the promise that any “news” that ever came out forcing an investigation into the workings of the Sanitorium , would result in the person being arrested and sent to IK-14 on a trumped up charge, no one ever said anything bad about the Sanitorium when they were released.
Fifteen years in prison for Annika Vadimoff, and Ten Years in prison for her daughter Zasha , had been the sentences handed out by Judge Preobrazhensky, they were returned to the the cells in the back of the court house and then loaded on a bus for a journey around Moscow’s courthouses to collect 6 other women sentenced to spend time at there new home, arriving at about 10am the following morning.
The eight women now stood in a line naked , they had been searched and showered and now stood watched over by 8 women prison guards, in a room with just a desk and a single chair in it,and they had spent the last 5 minutes listening to the guards making jokes about fresh meat, and who would fuck up first to fuck up and get to taste the whip, when the door opened and Director Lada Goncharov and her two assistants entered the room.
One of the guards gave her the prisoners files, which she nonchalantly handed to one of her
assistants, before she spoke.” Ladies” she said softly, “welcome , there are very few rules here you must obey, if you don’t you will be punished,is that understood ” ? None of the prisoners said anything, she smiled and said ,” that’s rule number one, when I or any of my staff ask you a question you answer with Yes Ma’am ,is that understood, ” and the group answered with “yes Ma’am.”
“Good ” she said laughing Rule number two ,any woman found committing a lesbian act with any other prisoner will be punished,is that understood “, and the group mouthed quietly “yes Ma’am.”
Director Goncharov looked at the naked women smiled and said ” Big Tits get on your hands and knees”. The women glanced sideways at each other and one of the guards came behind Annika and said ” honey your the only big tits in this room “, slapped her bare bottom and said ” now get on your hands and knees “.
Annika sank to her hands and knees and looked at Lada Goncharov .” Crawl over here my little puppy dog “she said laughing, nice and slow so I can see those big milkers you have got swinging everytime you move, and keep looking at me I might need you to do something else ” , and she laughed.
Slowly Annika Vadimoff began to crawl across the floor towards the Prison director, as she did she watched the Direcort slowly begin to pull up her skirt from the hem, until her naked pussy became visible. As Annika got to Lada’s feet she stopped and watched as the Director slowly opened her legs her hairless pussy only a few inches from Annika’s face.
“Now cunt I want you to kiss my pussy like you would kiss your lover’s mouth, and if you don’t then I am going to give you little girl over there to the guards tonight, and believe me when you get her back in the morning,you will spend the rest of the week trying to put her mind and body back together,now kiss me “.
Annika had never done anything like this,her stomach turned over as she slowly moved her mouth to Director Goncharov’s cunt,her mouth lips met the Director’s cunt lips and she started to kiss her gently like you would a baby’s tummy.
She felt Lada’s hand go to her head and pull her closer to her,” lick my clit ” she said softly to Annika, as she slid her tongue up Lada’s slit looking for her clit she felt the Director shiver.

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