Slut Farm 2 – Just Couldn’t Wait

Alexa is invited to a late-night threesome, but things don’t quite go right when she gets desperate.

Heya folks! Sorry that putting this out took so long… Not gonna lie, I procrastinated HARD on this. But, I made something that I’m about as proud as you can be of shitty internet erotica. So, uh, read it if you want. Or don’t, I’m not a cop.


After what feels like just minutes, Alexa feels herself jolt awake. A sound that reminds her of a school bell rings through her room. She looks to the wall, and sees a speaker. A voice speaks out through it.

“Please report to the cafeteria for dinner,” the disembodied voice says. She sits up on the edge of her bed, confused and still exhausted. The alarm eventually stops. She gets down onto the ground. The clothes she had previously knocked off the bed are still sitting there. She pulls up the pink panties. They’re less modest than they had looked, but there’s nobody around to complain to. She puts on the bra; it’s a little small, but she stuffs her boobs in. She puts on the shirt. It’s actually fairly normal; it covers her well, and almost seems a bit loose. She pulls the short leggings up to her knees, and then sits down on the bed. She pulls them up to her waist. They’re tight, and though she can’t seem to get a good look, she already knows that she has a visible panty line on her butt. She puts on the socks. They’re white, and go about halfway up her ankles. Nothing surprising there.

After a quick wake-up stretch, she approaches the door. Since she was never given a key, she keeps the door unlocked for now. Alexa looks out in the hall. There are a few women walking by in a grab bag of outfits, though it’s clear that they were all picked by men. They give her a cursory glance as they walk by, but no further acknowledgment. She decides to follow them; they’re more likely to know where to go than her. They head down the same staircase as she had gone up earlier. She follows them out to the cafeteria. The previously empty tables are now full of women of all kinds; some look like they could be freshly 18, and others seem like they would take “you don’t look a day over 40” as a compliment.

Alexa tries to scope out an empty table. Near one of the windows, there’s a table with nobody but one young black woman. She walks through the gaggle of ladies, and makes a mental note that quite a few of them look very pregnant. She finally reaches the table, and sits down. The woman looks up from her depressing meal; a sandwich, some sliced apples, and a bag of Smartfood popcorn.

“Hey, girl, what’s up?” the lady says.

“Uh… hey,” Alexa responds, nervously.

“Aw, you must be new here. What’s your name?”

“M-My name is Alexa.” The woman laughs after Alexa’s response.

“Sorry, sorry, I used to know a girl named Alexa… she was one fat bitch. You seem pretty trim, though.” Alexa remains silent, and the woman seems to pick up on her discomfort. “Yeah, they’re not fans of good first impressions around here. Look, my name’s Janisha. How about we talk for a minute? Maybe I can help you get over your funk.”

“O-okay, uh… well, how old are you? How long have you been here? How many times have they made you…” Janisha interrupts her.

“Woah, baby, hold on there. Let’s slow down for a sec. I’m 37, been here since I had just turned 20. And, uh, I think I can guess what you’re gonna ask. I’ve had 2 daughters and a son while I’ve been in here.”

“That… doesn’t seem like a lot.”

“The men would rather blast their loads in the pretty, well-endowed ladies. Now, I’d say I’m nice-looking, but these boobs are nothing to write home about, and I got a small ass. Besides, they don’t need to get every one of us pregnant whenever they can to keep their supply chain going. Most of them only get pregnant once every few years, since there’s a lot of us.”

“So, how are things going for your kids?”

“Well, they don’t usually keep boys around for long, so I never really got to meet him. My first daughter, Aisha, is old enough to be way off where they keep their ‘inventory.’ As for my second daughter, Destiny… she’s still stuck in the midst of her brainwashing.” Alexa seems shocked at this remark

“Well… did they take you off the streets like me?”

“Yeah. I don’t piss myself about it, though. My life wasn’t that great anyway.”

“So why don’t you just tell her that things can be better?” Janisha rolls her eyes.

“It’d just be false hope. I know she ain’t getting out of here. Besides, they’ve drilled it into her head that this is what’ll make her happy, and it seems to be working. On the rare occasion that I get to see her, she tells me all about how she got to learn some new position, or she moved up to the next training dildo. And… well, soon I’ll have completely lost her to it.” Janisha lightly hangs her head.

“Why’s that?” Alexa asks.

“She turned 11 about a month ago. Now, they’re trying to have her get some creep’s dick put in her for the first time.”

“They start girls that young here?”

“Well, they don’t let old men do it, if that makes you any more comfortable with it. Usually they drag in some teenage boys from town.”

Alexa doesn’t reply, and Janisha gets back to eating her meal. One of the men standing in the corner starts walking towards their table. Alexa looks, and realizes that she recognizes him; it’s Luke, from earlier that night. Alexa takes a closer look; she didn’t get a great view on him earlier. He’s young with dark skin, probably Latino based on the noticeable mild facial hair. He seems skinny; not much fat, not much muscle. He has his eyes set on Janisha. Luke reaches the table, and sits down next to her. He shifts his eyes for a moment, before putting something on the table. It looks like a large bag of chips. Janisha looks at it, and then at Luke.

“See you later then, baby,” Janisha says to him. Alexa looks at her, confused. Janisha notices this, and begins speaking to Luke again.

“Hey, babe, is it cool if I let her know what’s going on? She’s new around here.”

“Uh, sure, if you don’t think she’ll get us in trouble,” he replies.

“A’ight. This guy gets me snacks and stuff from outside the farm. In return, we fool around in my room every once in a while.”

“Wait, I never heard anything about us getting birth control. What if you get pregnant?” Alexa asks.

“Oh, don’t worry. We use condoms, and besides, he can totally get me some pills if I really needed it. He’d be in just as much trouble as I would.”

“Man, I guess you must be lucky, huh? I assume I probably won’t be getting much action unless the guys decide they need to put a baby in me.” Suddenly, Janisha seems to get an idea.

“You know… I could let you in on our arrangement, if that’s okay with Luke.” She looks towards Luke.

“U-uh, sure, I guess we could do that. You girls, uh, work that out. I’ve got stuff to do.” He gets up and walks away.

Janisha looks at him as he walks away, and then looks to Alexa. “You know, girl, I gotta say, you’re really fitting in around here.”

“What do you mean?” Alexa asks, confused.

“Well, I mean, you basically got kidnapped and put in the world’s largest brothel, and you’re hardly phased by it!”

“Huh, I… I guess you’re right. It must just be the shock of it all.”

Janisha looks at the wall behind Alexa. “Huh, looks like dinner is almost over.” She stands up. “Alright, meet me and Luke in room 203 at nine. Got it?”

Alexa nods. Janisha walks away, and puts her remaining food into a garbage bin. Alexa looks around, and notices that the room has already thinned out. She looks over at the clock on the wall behind her. It’s still only eight; what is she going to do with a whole hour? Ignoring the obvious problem, she begins walking back towards the doorway she came from. Other girls are making their way in the same direction.

She climbs up the stairs until she hits the 3rd floor. She heads down the hallway, until she hits room 306. She opens the door, and walks into her room. Noticeably, some new clothing has arrived on her bed sitting in a basket. It’s a collection of plain-but-sexy underclothes, shirts of all modesties, and various bottoms.

It occurs to her that she hadn’t gotten to clean herself in quite a while. She looks at the basket for a second, but decides to head into the bathroom without grabbing clothes; she’s only been wearing these for a little while. Despite nobody being around, she shuts the bathroom door. She undresses, throwing the clothes to the ground, and setting the bra and panties onto the counter next to the sink. She opens the shower’s glass door, and turns the dial towards hot. Immediately, water starts flowing down from above. She waits a moment for the water to heat up, and steps in.

Alexa takes a moment to let the water wash over herself as it soaks her body. The warm water flows through her scalp, running down her body over every inch of skin. It runs off her milky breasts, dripping down to the shower floor below. It runs down between her butt and thighs, passing by her sensitive areas. She looks at a shelf attached to the shower wall. There’s some generic body soap and a bottle of 2-in-1 shampoo & conditioner. She grabs the soap bottle, and opens it up. She squirts it out onto her hand. She sets the bottle back onto the shelf, closing it.

Her arms move up and down each other, coating themselves in soap, as water runs gently down like little rivers. She rubs her chest, soaping up her boobs, before moving down her stomach. She uses one hand to rub soap gently between her crotch, cleaning the outer edge of her abused slit. She lifts her legs to rub soap up and down her thighs and calves, and being sure to get soap under her foot and between her toes. She rubs her back with her hands, slightly arching to allow for more easy application of the soap. She reaches her buttocks, gently rubbing and squeezing her rear end to get herself clean. She puts a hand between them, coating the interior of her curves with soap.

Sufficiently coated in the cleansing liquid, she steps directly under the running water. She feels the warm water run over herself, as she scrubs her wet body clean. She allows the flow to run over every bit of her skin, washing away the soap, leaving her smooth flesh. She rubs between her arms, legs, and butt to make sure all the soap scrubs away.

She feels her wet skin, all the soap gone. She places her head beneath the flowing water, letting it run through her hair. Eventually, she reaches for the bottle of shampoo and conditioner. She opens it, and pours some onto her hand; like the previous soapy liquid. After setting it back on the shelf, she begins to lather it into her hair. She pulls her fingers through her hair, gently removing any tangles. She leans back on the wall of the shower, her hair thoroughly soaped. She rinses the remaining soap off her hands, and rests for a moment, allowing the soap to sit in her hair for just a moment.

Alexa begins to think, once again. This is her life now. She had been going to college, she had aspirations; though she wasn’t in a relationship. Her family had to worry about her eventually though, right? For now, though, her prospects seem different. Will she really be stuck here all her life, forced to get pregnant over and over again so that men can eventually have sex with whatever comes out? She tries to think of the positives. She’ll get free food, and chances are, plenty of free sex if she tries. Secretly, she’s always thought it would be fun to be promiscuous. What if this would be a good life for her? Maybe she could take advantage of her new opportunity, and become a full-on whore.

She feels a warmth between her legs. Her arms begin to move down her body, gently travelling to her crotch. She begins to lightly rub herself, thinking about how she could be filled up with dick whenever she wants. She could constantly orgasm, with no concern for any responsibilities. She circles her tingling clitoris with her fingers.

“Oh, fuck,” she moans. “Am I really this much of a slut?”

She takes her hands off herself, letting herself calm down. She moves beneath the stream of shower water. She moves her hands through her hair to rinse out all the soap. The water flows down through her hair, bringing wet, soapy streams down her body. The soap all rinses out, but she still takes a moment to stay in the water, letting it travel down herself for a few moments more. Finally, she shuts off the water, and sits down in the shower.

“I’m so horny,” she says. “Why am I like this?”

Refusing to give it a second thought, lest she go insane, she opens the shower door. She reaches for the towel, and begins to dry herself off. She wraps the towel around herself, and steps out of the shower. After a few more minutes of toweling herself off, she decides to get dressed – sort of. She puts on the bra and underwear, seeing as she won’t be needing any clothing rather soon. Despite still feeling a bit wet, she opens the bathroom door, and steps out. She walks out into the room, and checks the clock. It’s only 8:26, what would she do until 9? She sits on the bed, and tries to think of something to pass the time.

…but it isn’t working. She can’t calm her mind down. No matter what she tries, the burning in her loins won’t go away.

“Ugh, why did I turn myself on so much in the shower?” she thinks to herself. Even though it was a mistake, she can’t seem to undo it. Suddenly, she gets an idea; what if she were to go talk to Luke now? She stands up, and walks towards her door.

“I’m not really going to do this, am I?” She hesitates for a moment, but grabs the doorknob anyway. She opens the door, steps out, and shuts it behind her. There’s nobody around; just an empty hall. She begins walking towards the staircase that leads to the cafeteria, in hopes that she can find a staff room. She gets to the staircase, and walks down. She goes through the hallway to the cafeteria, and enters the empty room – well, except for the tables. She looks around for a moment, before seeing another door at the end of the wall that splits the building in half. She walks along the wall of the cafeteria, gazing around the room. Now that she has a moment to look at it some more, it’s a very strange room. Why is part of it carpeted? The bookshelves imply that they’ll have time to read at some point, which seems odd. Still, she doesn’t think about it much.

She reaches the door, and notices it has a window. She peers in. Inside, there’s only one person; Luke. She knocks on the door, and Luke turns around towards the door. He looks surprised, and quickly walks over. He opens the door.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” he asks.

“I was, um, wondering if we could maybe speed up our, uh, deal.” Alexa explains.

“What? No, Janisha is busy right now. That’s why we set a time.”

“Please, I’m… I’m so horny. I need this now.”

“Huh? But, you were new, and nervous. Why are you like this now?”

“I don’t know!” She yells this time, and Luke looks panicked. He steps into the room, and gestures for her to step in. He shuts the door behind her.

“Please, don’t yell! We’re trying to keep this on the down-low.” Alexa steps into the room, listening to Luke. It’s not a very interesting room. Just a table, some chairs, a carpet, and a fridge. There’s also a clock on the wall.

“Well, Janisha is busy, but maybe we could… do something now? You could just… tell her I cancelled, I don’t know!”

Luke thinks for a moment. “Uhh… if you’re really that desperate..”

Alexa throws her arms around him, and lifts a leg up to his hip. “Yes, please, fuck me!”

“Okay, okay, let’s… go in the bathroom. There’s a closet in there, so if you need to hide, you can.” Luke leads her towards a door on the other side of the room. Alexa follows him closely. He opens the door, and brings her inside. It’s a standard bathroom, albeit a little cramped. Luke locks the door, and reaches into his pocket; he pulls out a condom. Alexa quickly undresses, throwing her bra and underwear to the side. Luke looks a bit taken aback, but he still begins to slowly take off his clothes. Presumably as an effort to prepare for the original plan, he isn’t wearing much; just socks, sweatpants, and a T-shirt. He tosses all his clothes to the floor, and approaches Alexa.

“So, how do you want to do this?” he asks.

“I don’t care! Please, just fuck me,” she says. Luke takes a moment to think. He turns Alexa around, and pushes her towards the wall. He slides the condom onto his now erect cock.

“Stick your ass out,” he requests. Alexa obliges, arching her back so that her rear end sticks out towards Luke. He grabs her sides, and stands behind her for a moment, admiring her body.

“You look very nice,” he says.

“This body’s all yours,” she says, seductively. Luke brings his cock right up to her wet hole, gently rubbing it against her entrance.

“Oh god, yes, please,” she moans. Luke begins to gently thrust his tip in and out of her.

“Do you like that?” he asks, pushing his cock halfway inside her quivering cunt.

“O-oh, yes,” she groans. “More, please!”

Luke obliges, thrusting further into her, and picking up the pace. He strokes his cock on the inside of her warm pussy, causing her legs to mildly tremble. She hides her face in her arms against the wall, muffling her groans.

One of Luke’s hands wanders up Alexa’s shaking body, moving up her side gently towards her chest.

“Do you mind if I touch?” he asks.

“N-no,” she barely sputters out, between moans. “What is happening to me?” she thinks to herself. Despite her negative experiences, she’s more turned on than she’s ever been. None of it makes any sense, but her thoughts begin to fade as Luke begins gently fondling her breast while slamming in and out of her. He grips her boob with a gentle squeeze, and lightly plays with her nipple with his index finger. The arch of her back deepens, and her legs buckle further.

Luke pushes in and out of her, forcing his full length inside with each thrust. He grips her side tight, and squeezes her soft, firm breast.

“Oh fuck, I’m too close,” he grunts. Suddenly, he pulls out of her, keeping his dick just outside of her hole. Alexa pants, feeling an emptiness in her groin. Her glistening pussy aches, still slightly stretched from Luke’s powerful thrusts. He lets go of Alexa’s body, stumbling backward. He sits down on the lid of the toilet, grunting. His cock gently throbs, having been denied orgasm. Alexa leans heavily into the wall, turning towards Luke while gasping.

“Why’d you stop?” she asks, exasperated.

“I was about to cum,” he stutters, “but I want to keep going.”

The two collapse in their spots, gasping as their near-orgasmic pleasure subsides. Alexa stumbles over to Luke, and puts her hands on the toilet tank to keep her balance. She sits down on his legs, facing him, her wet cunt just inches from his still-erect cock. She plants her feet down, flat against the ground. She seems to get an idea.

“I-I’ve never done this before, but maybe I could, uh, do this,” she explains, stuttering. She lifts herself up, as Luke looks on seeming shocked. She gently brings her hole right above Luke’s crotch, and begins lowering herself down. She moans as her pussy stretches to swallow his length. Luke seems nervous for a moment, but begins moving his arms behind Alexa. He grips her back, just above her ass.

“Aah, fuck,” Alexa moans, as she begins to gyrate on Luke’s erection. She moves back and forth, gently sliding her wet slit up and down his cock. Luke flings his head back slightly, holding Alexa’s hips as she gets herself off on his groin.

“Ugh, you feel so good,” Luke grunts, gently thrusting upward.

“T-thanks,” Alexa moans, as she fucks herself on his lap. She pulls into Luke, almost leaning on his shoulder as she rides him.

“Oh, my God, I’m close already,” he grunts. Alexa shifts herself, trying to bring herself closer to orgasm. As her lower body starts to tingle, she feels Luke’s cock throb inside her. Luke begins to pant.

“Ugh, don’t stop!” Alexa loudly moans. Luke feels himself shoot ropes of cum into the condom, and struggles to stay hard as Alexa milks him dry. Finally, Alexa feels a rush of pleasure travel through her body. She drops down on him, letting his cock fill her hole as she reaches orgasm. She moans and pants, leaning hard into Luke. The two embrace, trying to breathe as their arousal washes away.

“Oh, God, I’m so fucking sore,” Alexa says, panting like a dog. Luke doesn’t reply, still exhausted. Alexa lifts herself up, and tries to stand. She stumbles into the wall, leaning on it to stay up. Luke slips off the condom, its tip ballooned with his seed. He tosses it in a trash can.

“Ugh, did I really just…” Alexa says, before stopping. “Oh, God, I’m such a slut.”

“Hey, th-that’s fine,” Luke says. “I sure don’t mind.” Alexa looks at him for a moment, before getting dressed. Even though her cunt is dripping wet, she puts on her underwear, though it quickly soaks through. She puts on the bra, and takes a quick moment to stretch.

“God, I’m tired. I’m gonna head back to my room,” she says. She exits the bathroom, and heads off towards her room. Luke sits for a moment, out of breath. He gets up, leaning on the sink at first. He grabs his clothing off the ground, and quickly gets himself dressed. He stumbles to the bathroom door, already opened from Alexa’s exit. He looks at the clock.

“Oh, shit,” Luke says, looking at the time. It’s 9:07, 7 minutes after he was supposed to be at Janisha’s room.

“Oh, fuck, did we really take that long?” He quickly runs out of the staff room, dashing through the cafeteria. He gets to the half of the building where the rooms reside, and travels up the stairs hastily. Second floor. 201, 202, 203. He knocks on the door, quietly. He hears footsteps inside the room. The door opens, revealing Janisha, who seems annoyed.

“Damn, you’re never this late!” she says. “Atleast you got here before the other chick, though.” Luke stutters for a moment, before speaking.

“She, uh, cancelled,” he says. Janisha looks at him with suspicion.

“Did you run a marathon or something before you came here?” she says, noticing his redder skin and sweat. “And when did you talk to her?” Neither of them speaks for a moment, before Janisha takes on a noticeably angrier look.

“We will talk about this,” she says, sternly. They both walk in, and sit on the bed. Luke nervously awaits her next words.

“You fucked that bitch, didn’t you?” Janisha yells, standing up.

“N-no, what?!” he says, defensively.

“Oh, come the fuck on! When would you two have been able to talk? I bet you went and told her I cancelled, or some other bullshit!”

“Okay, sure, we had sex! But she came on to me, I was in the staff room!” Despite Luke’s explanation, Janisha crosses her arms.

“Yeah, no shit! She was panicking, and jumped at the first thing that seemed like freedom! It’s not some random bullshit, it’s psychology, which I used to study before y’all put me in here!” Luke sits in silence for a moment.

“Look, well, we still have a deal. How about we get this over with?” he says. Janisha shakes her head.

“You dumb little boy. You and her already got yourselves over with, it’s my turn now.”

“Uh, what do you mean by that?”

“Lay down on that bed, and I’ll show you.” Luke obliges, laying down on the bed. Janisha throws off the little clothing she has on; just a short nightgown. She climbs up on the bed, and gets on top of him, sitting on his chest.

“So, uh, what are we gonna do?” Luke asks.

“Oh, nah, nah, shut that little mouth. It’s mine tonight,” she says, in a seductive voice. Before Luke can reply, Janisha moves up, holding her black pussy over his face. She plants her crotch on Luke’s face, and grabs the headboard of the bed.

“You better treat me nice, or I’m tellin’ someone about our deal.” Unsure of what to do, Luke reaches up and grabs her thighs as she kneels down, his face trapped between her legs. He sticks his tongue up, and begins to lick between her lips. He sticks it as far as he can, gently pleasing her folds with his tongue.

“Oh, baby, keep going,” she says, as Luke tries his best to pleasure her with his tongue. He feels Janisha’s weight sink into him as he goes. She begins to lightly grind on his face, slightly moving so that his mouth rubs over every part of her cunt. She hits his tongue with her clit, and feels a jolt run through her body.

“A-aaah,” she moans. Luke, making a realization, moves her body so that he can lick her clit. He flicks the little nerve with his tongue, causing her to shake.

“Oh, you’re so good at this,” she says, beginning to pant as Luke circles her sensitive organ. She continues to grind on his face, allowing Luke to stick his tongue inside her more. He pushes against her vaginal walls, trying to frantically stimulate her. As he pleasures Janisha, she begins to drip from her cunt, getting closer and closer to orgasm. Luke grips her thighs tighter, pressing his face into her groin. He feels her short hairs touch his face as he pulls her in.

“Oh, God, I’m so fucking close,” she moans. Luke feels her weight sink further into him, as she straddles his face trying desperately to cum. He flicks his tongue back and forth, as her cunt convulses. Suddenly, Janisha loudly moans, as she cums sitting on Luke’s face. Her wet pussy drips onto his face, as she presses herself into Luke, letting go of the headboard. She leans forward as she succumbs to the wave of pleasure surging through her body. She lifts her weight off of Luke, falling off of him to the side of the bed. She sprawls out on the blanket, the delight still engulfing her. Luke takes deep breaths, his mouth covered in her fluids.

“Oh, baby, that was so good… I think you deserve something for that,” Janisha says. Luke sits up, and looks at her. She reaches up, and grabs him between his legs.

“Lose the pants,” she says. He pulls down his pants, revealing his cock. He hovers over her on his knees, his cock standing erect. Janisha grabs his hard member, and Luke waits for her to start stroking. But she doesn’t.

“Well, what are we doing, then?” he asks.

“Hey, I’m still mad at you. I’m not jerkin’ you off, I’m just givin’ you the view,” she says. “But you can atleast fuck my hand instead of yours.” He gazes over her body. Her breasts are small, but perky. She looks nice, laying there ready for his load. He begins to thrust into her hand, thinking about one of their previous times together, imagining himself pushing his cock inside her.

With nothing to hold onto, he thrusts aimlessly into her hand, gazing down at Janisha’s figure. He drives his cock back and forth through her hand, rubbing it against his shaft. Janisha lays there, watching as he desperately tries to cum.

“I’d help you with that, but I don’t think you’ve earned it,” she says. He thinks for a moment; she’s right. He took advantage of Alexa’s poor ability to handle the situation, and used her to rub one out. Even if he wasn’t trying to, he mistreated her.

He feels his body tense up as he fucks Janisha’s hand. He feels his cock begin to throb and tingle, as he grows closer to orgasm. He thrusts wildly, trying to release his load all over Janisha. Janisha feels it throb in her hand, his fluid rushing to his tip. Suddenly, just as Luke reaches orgasm, she lets go. He still thrusts for a moment, as his cum shoots out; but the feeling in his organ dissipates. Cum leaks from his cock, just barely reaching Janisha’s stomach. He quickly grabs his erection, trying to finish himself off, but it’s too late. Luke pants on his knees, as cum dribbles from his cock. Janisha begins to laugh.

“Look at you, so desperate!” she says, as Luke begins to climb off the bed, and stand up.

“W-what did you do?” he says.

“I got you so close, and then I ruined it! Maybe you can have something nicer next time, just try to be nicer to Alexa,” she says. “Now, I’ve got to sleep, so get out.” Luke pulls up his pants, after quickly wiping off his dick with a tissue. He tosses it in the garbage, and goes to the door.

He exits the room, and makes his way back to the staff room. He reaches the table in the room, and flops down on a chair. He puts his head down in his arms, and takes a moment to think; maybe tomorrow will be better.

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