The Emerald Bay Hotel

After the Coup D’etat the politicians and their families were held put on trial, they could not have ever imagine what a years hard labour involved.

The Coup D’etat took place on a Monday , virtually all the country’s politicians were in the chamber voting on some obscure new law regarding Alcohol sales after midnight in the countries liquor stores , of course tacked onto the end of the bill was a 15% pay rise for themselves. It had just passed unanimously when the chamber was stormed by the army, now under the control of a new self appointed President, General Diego Garcia.

Over forty politicians were arrested that morning, both men and women, unceremoniously , handcuffed and loaded into army trucks, they were taken to the country’s main prison and locked in individual cells scattered on various floors so no one was able to be in contact with there fellow prisoners.

” Please ,please don’t”, said Maria Perez, her voice trailed off to a whisper , she didn’t know what the three female guards that had just walked into her cell were going to do , but she sensed she was going to be hurt and in pain.

” Up cunt ” said one of the guards to Maria Perez. who was laying naked in her cell under a single sheet . The former Deputy Minister of Education had been trying to sleep when she was startled by the noise of her cell door being unlocked ,her stomach turned over as the three women guards entered the room before slamming the door behind . Maria got off of the bed trying to hold the sheet around her but only ended up standing on one end of the sheet and almost falling over. The others in the room all laughed as one of them pulled the sheet from her body . ” Time for a cavity search bitch , spread your legs and bend over ” said one of the guards grabbing hold of Maria by the hair .

Tears filled Maria Perez’s eyes as she bent over, one of the guards put her legs each side of Maria’s head. ” Give me your hands ” said the guard as she grabbed Marias wrists, pulling them violently over her back towards her head , Maria felt the woman’s thighs tighten around her head holding her in place . Maria cried out loud as the pain shot through her shoulder blades, she felt the guards hands rubbing her ass, then her fingers were at the entrance of her cunt. The guard began to push her gloved middle finger into Maria’s dry cunt, ” you tight old bitch ” said the guard laughing,” I thought you were married aren’t you ” she asked ?

Maria didn’t answer , she felt the guard who was fingering her pull her finger out of her pussy and she breathed a sigh of relief. Having her head squeezed between the guards thighs, she was unable to see that the guard who had played with her pussy remove her nightstick from her belt, Maria screamed as she felt the cold wooden intruder touch her pussy lips, she screamed even louder as the guard tried to push the first inch of the black intruder into her cunt. ” OK bitch ,you had better learn real quick, when I ask you a question you fucking answer do you understand ” said the guard in a hateful manor as she pushed the nightstick further and further into the crying Maria’s cunt.

The guard with the nightstick gave it one more hard push, Maria screamed ” YES,YES I understand Ma’am ” between sobs she begged the guard not to hurt her anymore . Because Maria’s pussy was dry or the fact she just had a tight pussy, never having had children, her screams made the three guards laugh out loud shouting at the poor woman being abused to ” shut her fucking mouth ,or they would just for fun take her to the stables and let a donkey fuck her “.

The guard who had been brutally pushing the nightstick into Marias cunt slowly pulled it out of her love tube and told the guard who was holding her head between her thighs to let her go . Maria stood up slowly and shakily, ” come here cunt ” said the guard with the night stick, Maria did as she was told, ” now on your knees said the guard pointing to the stone floor in front of her. Maria knelt down and looked up into the guards eyes, she saw nothing but hate staring back at her. ” Push my skirt up to my waist ” the guard said smiling evilly at Maria. Maria did as she was told, it wasn’t easy ,getting it over the guards butt, but eventually the dress was bunched up around her waist.
” Pull my knickers down bitch ” said the guard, Maria hesitated, for that she received a slap around her head . She pulled the guards panties down and the guard stepped out of them, Maria without thinking folded them up and handed them to her ,causing the three women watching to burst out laughing. The guard laughed and took them, she put them on Marias head like a crown. ” Kiss my cunt lips ” she said slowly, ” kiss them like you would your lovers mouth” she said throatily and as she closed her eyes she felt Marias warm lips begin to kiss her pussy .

By late afternoon on the day the Coup took place most of their immediate family of the arrested politicians had been taken into custody , the new President appeared on TV in place of the evening news that night to introduce himself, and to assure the country that the thieving, lying ,cheating ,criminals from the previous government would be held accountable for the sad condition the country was now in.

Over the following days the members of the former Government and their family were moved to the Emerald Bay Hotel on Paradise Island, which had been emptied of guests, and now appeared to be the New Governments playground and future prison for the old Government polaritions .

They were housed in rooms with their wives, or in the case of the women politicians husbands , and any children aged 14 or above. They were free to roam the premises and the hotel grounds use the pool, eat in the restaurant and enjoy themselves as best they could, but everything changed a few days later when the kangaroo court overseen by an army General named Morales started to try the arrested politicians.

The trials were very simple, the accused bank accounts were produced ,any US dollar amount deposited was assumed to be from the various funds that the American Government sent in an attempt to stabilize the county and to ensure they received cooperation in the war against drugs back home in the good old US of A.

It enabled the American forces to have several small bases , along with a radar station inside the country, which helped in the capture of several cartel leaders over the years , who were replaced immediately by someone else from inside the organisation, but to the voting public back home it appeared they were at least doing something..

If the accused could not explain and prove where the US Dollars had come from, other from the US slush fund then they and their family were sentence to a years hard labour, the theory in sentencing the family along with the perpetrator was that the family had benefited from the crime, so therefore they should do the time.

The only difference with hard labor in the 2020’s as opposed to hard labor in the 1920’s was that there was no rock splitting, no road making involved, hard labor at the Emerald Bay Hotel revolved around hard cocks, begging women amusing brutal men from the forces and the new Government, while their husbands and children were used and abused equally as much.

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