The Maybush Club (Pt1)

The Maybush Club exists for one reason. The whores are tigh OKt, but watching a woman suffer and scream in pain is what the members enjoy the most.

Daniel Morris stood looking at the first line of naked women who were chained together with thick heavy chains attached to iron collars being led from what was referred to as The Receiving Room to the basement cells where they would reside until called upon to amuse the members of the Maybush Club over the coming weeks . Looking at the fear on some of the women’s faces when they realised they may have made the wrong decision in choosing a month at the Club, instead of serving their sentence in Rochester Prison always amused him greatly.
As the last woman disappeared down the basement steps Morris turned to his side kick George and he said quizzically ” you know George it has always amazed me how our members seem to enjoy watching chubby women suffer, I really don’t understand it, do you ” ? George Tully chuckled, ” Maybe it reminds them of their Mothers Sir” he said with a smile on his face, ” I personally have always like them with a bit of meat on their bones” “You think there Mothers are all chubby do you George, do you have ” bur his voice trailed off before he said anything else, and Daniel Morris whistled softly between his teeth, ” Now what have we got here George” said Morris watching the five women in the next group leave the Receiving Room. ..
Tully looked at his sheet of paper, ” Pickpockets Sir , Mothers with young daughters everyone on their third time in court in six months, Judge Hackett sentenced Mothers and Daughters to eighteen months in Rochester Prison, but they chose to come here ,so now we have got ’em, quiet a feather in your cap Sir ” he said somewhat sarcastically.
Morris looked at him and said “do you like your job here George ” ? The man looked at his Superior Officer,stepped back and just said,” Sir”, knowing he had overstepped the mark. Morris stopped the Prison Officer who was leading the women to to basement, George Tully was right it really was a feather in his cap, the members would love these women and their daughters perform.
They had all been showered, de-liced, had their hair trimmed , nails, and most of their body hair removed ,their teenage daughters most of who only had fluff between their legs had not had it removed,they still looked like the little girls they were, all aged between Morris guessed between thirteen and fifteen.
Morris could feel his dick going hard ,he looked at each Mother and daughter in turn ,before he waved the officer on, he took the sheet of paper from Tully and read the names of the women. One of the women in the group had made Morris’s heart miss a beat, a beautiful black haired gypsy looking woman who looked at Daniel Morris with fire in her eyes ,her daughter was the spiting image of her Mother perhaps even more beautiful for one so young .
The officers in the Receiving Room had left a small triangle of jet black hair on the older womans pubes, her daughter who had not been shaved had more hair than her Mother . Daniel put a circle around the Mother and Daughters names, and put his initials by the side, they were his now, part of his reward for running the Maybush .
Morris handed back the paper to Tully, check the last group in he said as he headed towards his office. Opening the door ,he entered , closed the door, locked it and walked over to the naked woman strapped by her wrists and ankles to a large X cross on the wall. ” Well, well, well ” he said almost mockingly , “it seems your time as my plaything is almost up , have you enjoyed your stay” . ” Yes Sir she said softly ” watching him as he walked to his desk, he opened a draw and pulled out a riding crop.
She closed her eyes and started to beg him not to hurt her , ” please sir, please sir “she cried, ” I haven’t done anything wrong “, but the next noise she made was a scream as the end of the riding crop struck her right nipple. More screams followed as he first struck one breast and then the other, time after time until both her tits were bright red and covered in welts, and she hung her head so that her chin was on her chest bone, while little pools of water were beginning to form on the floor where her tears ran down her bruised and bleeding breasts before they ended up in puddles on the floor.
Morris let his pants drop to the floor,stepped out of them and moved in front of the crying girl, his large cock was as hard as it had ever been as he bent his knees and pushed his cock between the crying girls cunt lips,before starting to stand up ,his cock disappearing into the girls belly making her scream again in pain..
Fucking her hard and causing her to cry out in pain every time the crown of his cock hit her already bruised cervix, he grabbed both of her breast and squeezed them hard, causing the poor girl to feel faint and once again she screamed. ” Tomorrow cunt ” he said starting to pant and with sweat coming off his brow ,” your going back to see your friends ,will you like that” and he gave her slap around her face.
” Yesss” she cried, and then he panted hard, “tomorrow night your going to perform for our members ,would you like that,” and the girl whispered ” yes”. He laughed and then added ” tomorrow night I think you can perform with one of the dogs , would you like that, ” she said “no” but he didn’t hear her , he was shooting his load deep into her belly, screaming” maybe not a dog you cunt, but a
fucking donkey ,do you hear me bitch ” ?

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