The Mountains retirement home Part one… Emma’s story

I had just turned eighteen and looking for my first real job… I saw an advert for careers in a retirement home… the pay looked way above average so I decided to give it a go never expecting to get an interview as I had no experience in this field…. so I was surprised when a few days later I was offered an interview in just over a week.

The interview went well but it all turned a bit strange towards the end…. some strange questions… do you have a boyfriend?…. are you on any birth control?… I answered no to both… would you mind seeing our doctor?…. again I answered no I wouldn’t mind seeing him… so they told me there and then that the job was mine after I had seen the doctor.

Before I could blink I was sitting in front of the doctor…. an elderly lady who asked me a few more question’s one of which was… would you mind being on the pill which I said that I had no objection to this and followed up by asking why I would need to to which the doctor answered that we didn’t want any of our staff getting pregnant while at the same time writing a prescription for me.

I returned back to the interview room and was given my starting date…. Monday which was only five day’s away….. I was delighted.

I was so excited when I turned up for work on Monday morning… all I knew was that I was to look after a few elderly gentlemen which sounded like a nice easy way of earning a living… I was met by Mandy…. one of the ladies who interviewed me who took me to a room where two other girls were having coffee…. Mandy introduced me to them…. Laura and Chloe…. two pretty girls a few years older than me… Chloe greeted me with “hope you enjoy your time here… I certainly have”… at that the two of them rose and went to work… both of them smiling.

Mandy sat me down and started to explain a few ground rules to me…. “the first and most important…. nothing that happens here leaves the building…. the confidentiality of our residents is so important… secondly… if a room door is closed you NEVER enter without knocking and being invited in… and third…. and this is probably the most important… you don’t do anything you are not totally happy with…. so lets get you started”.

We left the room and walked along the corridor… all the doors we passed were open until we came to one that was closed…. Mandy lightly knocked… “George” she said…. “yes…. come in”… we entered and there standing at the window in his dressing gown was a tall man with grey hair… he turned round to face us and smiled…. he was very handsome…. about seventy years old…. I later found out he was seventy six and was a retired university lecturer… Mandy introduced me…. “this is Emma…. all being well she’s going to be looking after you”…. George smiled…. “very nice” he said…. Mandy then went on to say “now let Emma see what you have”… at that George undid his dressing gown and opened it up revealing the biggest cock I had ever seen in my young life… it must have been about eight inches long and very thick…. it also had lots of loose skin covering its head… up until now I had had two boyfriend’s and both of them put together wouldn’t have been as big as this…. for the first time in my life I felt a tingling sensation in my fanny…. just the thought of this marvelous piece of manhood inside me was making my cunt feel so hot and wet…. I had had sex with both of my boyfriend’s but neither of them were anything to write home about… in all honesty so far sex was a huge disappointment.

“Come on then Emma” Mandy said…. “George has shown you what he has…. time to let him see what you have”…. I wasn’t wearing much…. just a pair of jeans and a tee shirt and they were off in no time at all…. all the while my eyes were transfixed on George’s manhood which began to grow even further and point straight at me…. by the time I had my bra and panties off his cock was pointing at the ceiling and was now over ten inches…. his veins were prominent and his cock head was now fully exposed… it was purple and I could almost see that it was throbbing… I was now feeling something I had never known before…. a tingling sensation in my fanny… I could also feel myself very wet down there probably in anticipation of what was about to come… I REALLY wanted to feel George inside me.

George got on the bed and lay on his back…. “he likes you on top riding him like a horse” Mandy said… a few seconds later I was on top of him guiding his monster cock to my cunt hole and eagerly pushing down to take him inside me… as it entered me I thought it was going to rip me open it was so thick but the pleasure was immense… I slowly lowered myself further until I had about half of it inside me…. he was touching parts of me I never even knew I had…. my young tight fanny was now on fire as I pushed down a little further and then some more before I couldn’t take any more…. I must have had about eight inches inside me… George exhaled and let out a loud moan of pleasure as I raised my body up and then thrust back down… I was now having feelings that I had never known in my young life… shock waves were running through my entire body…. for the first time I knew that I was going to have an orgasm…. oh… this was just the best moment of my life…. George then took hold of my bum and pulled me all the way down on to him…. he was now entirely inside me and then I felt myself get so wet as George emptied his balls deep inside me…. this was all to much for me as I hit my peak and had the most powerful orgasm… this was SO much better than I could ever have imagined when my ex boyfriend’s were pathetically trying to fuck me.

George lay there with the most contented smile on his face and as I felt his cock soften inside me I slowly raised my self up and eventually George’s cock fell out…. followed by what seemed like a bottle of his spunk oozing out of my well fucked cunt… I leant forward and kissed George on the lips and thanked him for making this the best moment of my life… “no Emma…. thank you for making an old man extremely happy”

I got up and there behind me was Mandy who had witnessed the whole event… she looked flushed and was trying to get her trousers up…. it was quite obvious what she had been up to.

“Well George… will Emma do for you then”….. “Oh yes”…. George replied…. Mandy then went on to say…. “ok Emma…. so you can look after George once a week if that’s alright with you”…. all right I thought…. I cant wait for the next installment.