The P-men

They moved into this empty house, and knocked down the fence, and put up a little playground in back…

Finally, my mom let me go out, and play on my own, or go over to my friends’ houses by myself. I just turned 10, and my brother had his own friends to hang out with. She was busy on the phones, so I begged her until she let me go.

“Okay,” she held it up so her workmates couldn’t listen, “But be careful.”

The Stoakes moved away, over a year ago in spring, but then these 3 men moved in, and they didn’t have any children of there own. So, it was a little weird that they bought a trampoline they never used, a swingset they were too big for, and a slide, too.

I really wanted to check that out, but when I got there, Ashe was already on a swing. She jumped, and ran over when I got to the corner of the fence. She said, “You don’t want to go in there,” and pushed me back.

“Why not?” She went in there, and she looked lonely, swinging by herself.

“There’s P-men in the house.”

“Oh,” I noticed what she was wearing then. “That’s why you’re wearing such tight clothes, you want them to yourself.”

She just giggled, and blushed, shaking her head, but she went back down the fences, and looked back before she turned the corner. To there back yard, when I got there, and peeked around. She was walking slowly, like she was on a balance beam, only she didn’t hold her hands out so she didn’t fall off.

Then, she turned around, and walked back, but she was practicing her model walk. In tight tights, without any underwear, and a teeshirt so tiny that it almost showed her belly button, but she didn’t have on any training bra, neither. If I could tell that, then the P-men could too.

That’s short for pedo-men, of course. Or Pedoman, we sometimes told stories about him. Just 1 man, like the big-bad wolf, and what he’d do if he ever caught you. I looked up at their windows, but all I could see was blue sky, and clouds.

“Are they in there?” I stepped out, and looked down at my dress. Even if I thought that, they knocked down the fence, and made a playground so kids would come, and play for them to watch. There’s no way my mom would let me go out dressed like that, even with my brother to make sure I didn’t get caught by the Pman.

Raped, and smothered, so I was still pretty enough for him to put on makeup, then sex my body. Wash it out, and dress me up again. So he could take me out, have sex with my body one last time, and leave it in a shallow grave before it started stinking. Then come and visit my grave until somebody found it, and he had to get another girl to make never grow up.

At least, that’s what I heard. “I think so, at least one. There’s always at least one with a camera.”

“So, it’s like a fashion show.” I went around her. “Let me try,” I went over to the trampoline next, since jumping up, and down on it was sure to blow my skirt up, and show off my legs. I practiced the model walk, of course. Only for my friends, playing fashion show, but never for a man. Let alone a Pman, but if he comes out, I can run.

I told myself, I’ll just tease them, and get my picture taken, but I wondered what one was in there. Taking pictures, I never got a good look, but there not old. There not boys, but if I had to guess, they must be in college, or fresh out of college, and there room-mates, but they got together to share an appreciation for young girls, and set up this playground to lure us in.

“Let me help you up.” Ashley made sure she pushed my skirt up, and I had to crawl out on the trampoline. Wiggling my panties in the air before I stood up. Then, she got on with me, and we bounced together, laughing.

“I don’t want them all to myself.” She shook her head, “I just had to warn you, so you know what you’re getting into.”

“Good idea, but were you ever molested?”

“By them?” She looked back, but that’s not what I asked her. She added that, “by them,” so I guessed that means she was, but she’s not supposed to tell.

Then, a car drove up, so we jumped down, to run around to the side. Sure enough, 2 of them were in the driveway getting out.

“Hey, is it okay if we play on your playground?”

“Yeah,” Ashley elbowed me, but not hard. “I’m pretty thirsty, so can we come in for something to drink?” She licked her lips really sexy, so I tried that, and nodded when they looked over at me, biting my lip.

“Sure,” the other man let them in the side porch, and they high-5ed when we got in there living room. “Score!”

“Guys,” Ashley took over right away. “You better do what I say, or everyone will know what sick fucks you all are.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Oh, come on, man. Like I don’t see you in there.” She pointed, “Get in there, now!” She stomped, and I just marveled at this whole nother side of her, I never even seen before. She sure acted bossy all a sudden, but I knew it was just an act. She’s not really like that, but she played the part of a Dominatrix to keep the 3 of them in line.

Sure enough, he had a camera set up on a tripod, and the TV showed the empty trampoline just standing there. “How did you see it through the windows?” Big picture windows, with no way to open them, and wood crisscrossing them to make a bunch of little ones.

“Huh, after dark, their light comes out, but there’s no light to come in. Yeah,” she turned to them, lined up against the wall. Obediently standing up like soldiers, only without boners that I could see. “I saw you too.” She pointed back, and forth, “Watching your dirty videos, and whacking off. You pedos.”

“So,” the one on the end shrugged, “What are you going to do about it?”

“You’re going to do what I say, exactly what I say, and if you’re good, maybe you’ll get to cum. If not, you have to beat off.” She pumped her hand in front of her tight shorts. I mean so tight, if she had any underwear on, you’d see it, so they can see she’s not wearing panties, or a training bra through her short top.

“Okay, deal.”

“Uh!” I raised my hand, “Any of you boys.” I shook my head, “Men, sorry, men.” I forgot what I was asking, “Oh, yeah. You have any rope around here?”

Ashe giggled, “Maybe we should send them out to get the chains off the swings.”

“Yeah, but how do you tie a knot in chains?”

“We have tape.”

“Duck tape?”

“Maybe, can you let me check?” he’s so obedient, he asked?

“Okay, but come right back. You don’t want to miss out on any of the fun.” She stepped over to the door, and whacked his butt hard on the way out.

“What’s your name?” One of the boys, I mean Pmen asked me.

“Don’t tell him!”

“Yeah, none of your business, and haven’t you ever heard boys are supposed to be seen not heard?”

“Here’s the tape.” Sure enough he came right back.

“Good,” I pointed, “Tape up his big mouth, since he doesn’t know when to keep his big mouth shut.”

“Oh, now you can’t lick my pussy.” She pointed, “Or suck his dick.” She pointed to the other, “Or his.”

“Ooh, can you make them fuck up the butt?”

“How bout it guys? Move your hands.” They all covered up their boners, until Ashley told them not to, but sure enough all this dirty talk made them good and hard. “Raise your hand if you want to buttfuck.” She turned around, looking over her shoulders, and wiggling out of her tight shorts. She had to unbutton them first.

“You, unbutton your pants.” The one with the big mouth, and his face taped shut. “You want it up the butt?”

“No, he wants to fuck my butt.” Now, she was down on the floor, pulling one leg out, and crawling around, to kick off her shorts.

“They all want you, but there’s 3 guys, and only 2 girls. So somebody’s gonna take it up the butt.”

“Huh!” She got up on her knees to take off her shirt. “First, you get down on your knees, and suck his dick.” She pointed, but the man that went to get the tape just nodded, and did what she said.

“They just circle jerked, looking at porno, or.” I thought, “They watch any bisexual porno in here?”

“Oh no. Just there softcore, filming kids on the street, and looking up skirts to see our panties. They look but they don’t touch. Isn’t that right?”

“Yeah,” the last one on the end admitted. “It’s all right to look.”

“No it’s not.” Ashley shook her head. “Seriously? You never asked us whether we wanted you taking pictures of us, and.” She pointed out the windows, “You set this whole thing up just to look at kids and whack off watching us play, so you know for sure it’s wrong.”

“I can’t help it!”

“Oh, so you just accidentally bought a house, and spent hundreds of bucks on a playground, and set up a camera to whack off with your pedo friends.”

“Ash,” I touched her shoulder, and she almost smacked me throwing it off.


“Don’t be too hard on them, I still want to have sex.” I nodded.

“With them?” She pointed, hysterical.

“With one of them, come on. Aren’t you even a little curious what it feels like, and think about it. Who else is going to do you before you turn 18, you really want to wait that long?” I looked back, and Mr. big mouth lost his boner, so the tape man had to keep sucking it soft, and it stretched out each and every time he pulled back, but big mouth was shivering, and he had his eyes closed, and he had this grossed out look on his face.

“Huh, you’re right, I’m sorry.” She looked back at me, and hugged me naked. “Thanks.”

“Okay,” I didn’t pat her shoulder, because she was naked, so I turned back to the men. “You can stop that. Big mouth, look at Ashley.” She poked me, so I remembered she said no names, but I never did anything like this before, so I forgot. “See?” I pointed. “He really likes you,” because it started pointing back. “They all like you, so don’t ruin it again just because you’re upset.”

“You like bisexual girls?”

“Ew, no. Ashley!” I hit her arm.


“We have 3 hot guys, hard, and ready, and all you can think about is gross lezzy stuff? Is that why you waited for another girl to show up, just to try and get in my pants?”

“No, I just thought it would help them get back in the mood.”

“Huh!” I just turned around. “Help me with my top.” She started on the buttons while I held up my hair. “You 2, tie up tape mouth so he doesn’t get any ideas about touching.” I let her undress me, or at least help me out of my top, and training bra. It was a test, to see if she could look, and not touch, but we barely even started puberty.

So, it takes a lot for us to loosen up, and get ready for a full grown dick, but I didn’t want to miss this chance, and the last thing I was going to do is let little Ms. Bossy mess it up, because she can’t control her mouth. I know, she must have gotten caught by the Pman, and he scared her. Maybe he even hurt her, but these guys were different.

Yeah, they set up this trap to lure in children, and make softcore childporn to circle jerk together. “So, when you circle jerk, who gets the cookie? Is it the first one to finish, or the last?”

“We don’t have a cookie.”

“Yeah, they don’t even do it together, they take turns watching them, alone.”


“You think bi guys are hot?” He looked right at me, so I blushed. Topless now, I shook my head, and turned to unzip the side of my skirt. “I don’t know what I like, but you ever give head before?”

“Not when I’m sober.” He looked over. “What? It was a party, and everyone was doing it. I’m not gay.”

“They know that, and sucking dick doesn’t make you gay. Did you like it?”

“No, of course not, but it was worth it to get sucked off.”

“Huh, well that means you won’t mind licking puss to get sucked off?” Ashley finally calmed down, and started getting turned on again. He just grinned, and nodded, excited. She reached out, and snapped her fingers. “Give me the tape.” She took it, “I’m gonna trust you to not say the wrong thing, but turn around. Hands behind you. Oohoohoohoh!” She stopped, and pinched his buns. Poked them, “You have a nice ass. Anyone ever tell you that?” He just shook his head, and kept his mouth shut.

That’s the best thing about them, I decided. They’re nice and obedient, once you promise to give them orgasms, they’ll do whatever you want, just to lick your puss. “Huh!” So I kicked off my skirt, and dropped my undies.

“You,” the tape man, “Get down on the floor, and open your mouth. Don’t say anything, just stick out your tongue, and lick it.” He nodded, so I pointed to the third one, all taped up. “You, can you take off your pants like that?”

“Mhmhm!” He nodded, and started kicking his shoes off. With his hands taped together by the wrists.

“Take off your pants, and get on the couch.” I pointed, “Bend over, and show us your butt.” I finally worked up the courage to get down, and sit on his face. “Lick it, lick it out good, uh! Get the hole really good especially.” I decided, tape man is going to be it. The one that takes it up the butt, and I can’t wait to see it. “Don’t touch it, just turn over and watch. Uh!” I humped his nose, so it bumped my pubes.

A little? I’m not totally pubeless, and I hadn’t counted them in a while, I pretty much gave up counting at all, when I got past 15, but I didn’t have enough bush to really worry about shaving it, or anything. “Uh, lick my but huH!” That surprised me, even after I told him to, when his wet tongue wiggled up, and touched my butthole. I wasn’t expecting it to feel that good! “Oh oh!”

What’s wrong with my puss? Isn’t that supposed to be sexually sensitive? I mean it is, but now that he’s really wiggling my pucker, and loosening it up, I’m starting to think. Maybe I don’t have to worry about my cherry. I know it’ll hurt, but if he does me up the butthole. “Oh, yeah.” I turned around, so I could bend over, and he could lift his head up to kiss my privates. Rub my butthole into his nose, and unzip his pants, while he unbuttoned the top.

Ironically, he was the last one with his hands free. Since he tied one up in front, and Ashley tied her guy in back, so he helped me fish it out, and tucked his waistband under his nuts, so I could scoot up, and pop his cock in my mouth. “Mh mhn!” Both hands holding it, so he didn’t shove it down my throat, gag me, and make me dry heave like some pornstars do. I don’t get that, but maybe I’ll try it, after I get my butt fucked.

“Nh, no.” I wiggled his finger out of my cut. “My butt, finger my butthole! Oh, slow, ngh! NGH!” I couldn’t help squirming, and humping his chest, with both hands holding onto his dork. Wet around the top, my finger, and thumb from sucking the end, and slipping up, so they slipped back down. “Hawk! Ptoo!” I spit a big loogie to rub that in, but really I just wanted both of us wet enough to fuck me up the butt, once he got enough fingers in to loosen me up.

“Ihn!” I felt it pucker, and kiss his fingers when I skooted up. Which pulled his fingers out, so I could get up on his dick. On my knees, but his hips were so wide, I had to stand up. Squat back down, bent over so I could see my own puss. Bright pink, and glistening with spit, but he held his boner up, and even moved it to press it right on the spot. “Uhn!” I tried to take a breath, and push harder. “UH! AH!”

“It hurt?” Ashe stopped what she was doing, and came up behind me to look. “It really looks like that must hurt, a lot.”

I shook my head, just trying to focus on my butthole, and telling myself that I’d taken bigger dumps. I think, it’s not as if I measured them, let alone his dick, but it took forever, just to stretch enough to really push it in. “Uh, ah! Hah!” It made me flutter, when I laughed!

“Ahahehihin! No, it feels good. Oh, so good.” I finally felt up my legs, and stuck my fingers in the sides, to rub them back and forth. My puss pinched, and still sticky with spit, so my tiny little clit spot started a fire that burned up my belly, and made my nipples tingle. Goosebumps pop out up my arms, and my hair stand on end.

“Uh I, ah! I’m cuminnnnnng!” that just made my buthole tighter, and squeeze him inside me.

“Oomph! Uph!” I think he blew a fart in Ashley’s puss, because she sat down in his face, but I couldn’t look back. I could barely get off his log so I didn’t fall down, and landed on my hands and knees. “Uh, huh!” I wiped my mouth. “Fu huh!” I couldn’t even say fuck, but with him out of me, I could finally settle down, and take full breaths. “Oh god, that’s amazing!”

I knew it had to be good, even the best as much as people talked about sex, but there’s no way to prepare yourself for how good it really feels to get an orgasm like that.

“UPH!” Finally, I heard grunting, and turned over to my hip. Ashley was laying back, propped up on 1 elbow, and fingering, while the two other guys buttbanged on the couch. Tape man was bent over, and the third one. The one Ashely made eat her out swinging his tapped hands over his butt. “Yeah, you like that faggot?”

“Mhn!” His eyes cracked a little, and he nodded.

“Yeah, you love it.” Then, he let go his hip, and felt up his back to hold his neck, and caress his ear with his thumb.

“Hm!” His eyes shut, and Ashley threw her head back. So, I stood up, she closed her eyes but after all that, I was hornier then ever.

“Huh!” I took her head, and squatted over it. “You know you want it.”


“No!” I pulled her hair, before she could stick out her tongue, and lick it. “Say it, tell me what you want.”

“Your cunt, I want to lick your cunt. Let me eat you out, please. I promise, I’ll lick you off, I’ll make you cum again and again.”

“No.” I stuck her nose in it. “Suck the cum out of my butt.” I didn’t pull her hair to hold her head up, I didn’t have to, she loved it.

I guess getting molested by the Pman made her gay, and that’s why she was such a bitch to men. Well, if she wants to make them do gay stuff, then she can suck the cum out of my ass.

“Yeah, swallow every last drop.”

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