The Retirement Home (Part 3)

Quite a couple of weeks but all ends that ends well

Enid has settled into her suoervisory role her other role is also coming on well I have left her with Sally for a while they do terrible naughty things at least once a week.Sally has promised me an exhibition some day soon
I’ve checkedon billy He’s doing fine Apparently one of the new carers have taken a fancy to him and sucked him off every time she’s on night shift
Marge and Major have also settled in Sally is so fond of him I suggested she take him to Crufts to give an exhibition that didn’t go down well she said I was jealous
Jean had gone to the big cock in the sky something like fucked to death springs to mind
Sally and I are in are own little world sexually all these years all those different partners but we come back to each other
Any way the latest problem (there always is one)was brought to our attention more about her later she’s a very nice woman I think I mentioned her before. This time she sent in a written report regarding one of the junior nurses We thought it needed our personal attention so they were called into my office with Sally in attendance.
I was at my desk Sally in the corner armchair crossed legs showing everthing but her arse the two standing in front of the desk So from what I see from this report this young lady has shall we say
You have been caught having sex with a resident. Reason?
Well I heard about Billy so thought it was alright
No it is not alright Billy’s masturbation is his therapy you were gratifying a dirty old man and getting paid
Did you actually have sex?
No sir I just posed and danced just pictures.The Sister passed a tablet over the desk sweep right Sir
Wow thats hot!! Jim!!! Sally comes to see disgusting absolutley disgusting! has anyone else seen these just the man Sir and this is your tablet Sister? Yes Sir the sd card is in I pulled out the sd I’ll keep this now young lady and you and I have to talk in private The sister shrugged and left Your mother is disabled you are the only breadwinner how far would you go to relieve your circumstances.
Any thing Sir OK
I set up a performance it will be very hard core but very rewarding if we can set it up
Sally nd I sat she said I’ve been ringing round I’ve got Mary and Marty and Marg can lend me Major we can set up a performannceThis isn’t for fun It’s for the girl’

The invites went out one thosand pound for a display by our very own Julie and friends.Not everyone can afford,a thousand pouds but anyone who can knows its very special. The answers rolled in 30 all told
We had a rehersal then the night arrived it was late in the gym the gym was dark Ladies and Gentlemen Your very own Julie the spotlight picked her out in a carers uniform kneeling her hands held in prayer’ and friends.A muscular man and beautiful proportioned woman appeared standing naked beside her. Marty slipped a collar around her neck Mary ripped the specially prepared unifurm off her in shreds leaving her shivering and naked. Marty slipped on a leash and lead her to the wall bars, cuffing her wrists and ankles spread His immense black penis erect pulling open her buttocks he slammed into her asshole she screamed a genuine scream i’ve seen his cock then he raped her savagely
In seconds she was turned and still rigid he fucked her cunt both holes were speckled with blood as she was taken down and dragged to a kneeling position a spotlight showed mary leading in Major the audience previously quiet apart from drew a breath Mary slid under Major pulling back his sheath and sucking on his bright red penis. He then mounted and began to hump Her face was contorted as mirrors placed around the gym came into view Major jerked his loins and withdrew his cum streaming over her buttocks She was laid on her back Mary and Marty stood straddled over her body their urine streaming over her face and body

She struggled to her feet and resumed her kneeling and prayer postion now released frome her neck collar.Now ladies and gentlemen your phones will be returned to you and if you wish can file past Julie and take one photo. There was murmering before one by one after recieving their phones began to move most walked towards Julie requesting their pose the favorite being her prayer position others of course was for for open legs pulling open her cunt lips

The audience returned to their seats Now L adies an d Gentlemen as you know Julie has subjected herself to this humiliation for her disabled mom plus of course she will have to leave our employment today So we are offering an auction for Julies company for a night this will be in two days time as you can see she is very tired. Can i start at 500 ponds the bidding was frantic it reached five thousand and she broke down in tears the a lady the only one in the audience made a closing bid of seven thousand five hundred pounds

The performance broke up we thanked Mary and Marty and the person we had employed to anounce. We took her home Sally took her into the shower gently soaping her down drying her down tooked her into bed cuddling in beside her she was soon sound asleep.

Two nights later we delivered her to the lady she cuddled her come to bed child we’ll make gentle love once again she broke down in tears but the next day she returned home with thrty seven thousand five hundredpounds

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅