The Strangest Thing part 1 to 4

Hi, Well lets start by telling you all a little about myself.
I’m 25 years young and married, his 27. We meet each other about 5 years ago, and have been married for the past 3 years, we live in England.
We both enjoy a happy healthy sexual relationship and have done lots of different things in and out of the bedroom. We have tried 3somes (both MMF and MFF) and found this to be disappointing. Have tried anal, pegging, bondage, lots of toys (I love using a wand on myself and having my man controlling my magic egg when we go out)
In the bedroom, I’m predominately the sub, my hubby loves taking charge. Outside the bedroom, I like being in control, I am a red belt in Taekwondo (flyweight) I also know basic Judo.
Writing this story has been so much fun, and been making me so wet. But the real fun starts after I stop writing and join my hubby 😉 if you know what I mean. hehe
I am dyslexic, so please bare this in mind if you notice any spelling errors or typos. I have noticed lots from the 1st 4 part that were posted before this 1. Any I’ve noticed have been corrected here, but I easily could of missed some 🙁
I did have an idea for another part. It would of included anal, toys, plus finding out my hubby had been cheating. But I’ve decided not to continue this.
My Husband made me put in the parking joke! IRL I’m a better driver then him, my licence is clean, his isn’t! 😉

On with the story.
(Although based on my real sex life, this is ultimately a work of fiction. Hope you enjoy)

Part 1

I’m in the bathroom getting ready to go on datenight, putting on my little black dress and working on my hair and make up. My lover silently comes into the room and runs his hands up my sides, raising my dress up over my butt. He then brushes my hair away from my neck and slowly starts to kiss it. I can feel his stubble brushing on my neck. “Stop” I tell him. as I’m unable to stop a little moan of pleasure escaping my lips. “I need to get ready” I add. He doesnt listen, looking in the mirror at me with his piercing eyes as he continues kissing and licking my bare neck. “you already look stunning my darling” he tells me, as his hands begin working there way over my body, pulling up my dress more as he does so. As he does this he avoids my breasts and lower region, working only on my hips and sides. I try resisting but his hands and kisses are magical. His kisses soon become little nibbles on my earlobe as he whispers how beautiful I am in my ear.

I plant my hands on the sink as I rest my head on his shoulder. He knows I can no longer resist, and how badly I want him right now. I extend my neck longing for more of his kisses. He takes the hint and quickly obelises, kissing me just behind my ear, I feel myself starting to go weak, so I spread my legs alittle to steady myself. In doing so I inevitably push my butt in his crotch. I instently feeling his arousal through his pants, so I begin to grind against him feeling his pole harden more. “Not yet my little minx” He tells me. His eyes locked on mine in the mirror, as he takes a step back letting my dress fall back into place. “We have a dinner reservation and were going to be late if we continue”. He leaves me in the bathroom alone all hot and flustered.

I stand there looking into the mirror for acouple minutes getting my breath back and wanting more. Tonight is a meal at a posh restaurants, followed to a trip to a local museum. Museums are not really my thing, but my husband works there and I’m getting to see a new exhibition that no one else has see yet.

All I need to do is put my shoes on then I’ll be really. As I exit the bathroom, I see my magic Egg on the bed, the remote isn’t with it, clearly it’s going to be a night where Jay is going to push me to my limits. I start to grin picking up my distreat but very power little toy, raise up my dress, pull my knickers to the side and insert the toy, wondering if my lover is watching me do so. I stand there and wait for him to switch the egg on. After acouple seconds, his not turned it on what I find alittle disappointing, then I hear him downstrairs, so I straighten my underwear and make myself decent, put my shoes on and go downstairs to find Jay waiting at the door. “Come on, the taxi’s waiting! You got everything?” He asks. “Yes dear”, I say with a evil little grin on my face letting him know all he needs to as we both exit the house and start an evening nether of us would of ever imagined was even posible.

The waiter comes over to take our order, this is when Jay first turns on the egg, sending what feels like a bolt of lighting through my whole body. It takes me totally by surprice as Jay normally starts this in the taxi. I almost jump outta my chair in shock. I bite my lip to prevent myself from moaning. The rush of the toy eases off and I’m able to compose myself and place my order, as I go to order a desert, Jay hits me again, this time on a much higher setting. I shake my head as if to say no thank you and look away trying with all my mite not to scream the lords name. As he turned the toy back down, I open my eyes and the old lady on the next table is looking at me with a look of disproval. I feel myself going bright red with embarriesment. Jay smiles knowing his got me good and once again I’m putty in his hands.

All through dinner Jay’s piercing sparkling eyes are locked on me as he plays with the romote. I can only imagine that his undressing me with his stunning eyes, as I fight the urge to completely embaress myself. He tells me, “I can’t believe I meet you” and how lucky he feels to be married to me. Every thing he says and each time the toy is switched on pushes me closer to the edge, til I’m on the verge of jumping him in the restaurant. He notices this in my eyes, so he comes over to my side of the table and whispers into my ear, “you’ll have to wait til we get home my special one”. His stubble tingles my ear as he says this. He gives me a sensual kiss on my neck that sends a shiver down my spine. “Tonight is going to be all about you my dear” he whispers, althou it doesnt feel like it, it’s not long before dinner is finally over and we’re on our way to the museum. I cant stop thinking about pleasing my man the second we get home. But before I can have the fun we are both craving like mad, we have to do this dull exhibition.

Part 2

We get to the museum, where the final prep work for the new exhibition is being done ready for the grand opening in the morning. There are lots of people running around moving artefacts all over the place. “These are all items on loan from the London history museum” Jay tells me. “Most have been in their underground vault since they were found, this is the first time they will be going on public display” he continues. I kind of find this all boring, so just agree and try being supportive. He promised me there was gonna be a party when everything was set up, so I’m looking forward to that and he knows it. “I know you don’t care about all this, but I didn’t bring you here to show you all this boring stuff, I want you to see 1 of the items not going on display, before it gets shipped back to London tomorrow.”

He leads me into 1 of the corridors, where the lighting isn’t that great. I can hear a waterpipe dripping as we walk down a corridor. It’s cold and damp here, I start wondering if all the artefacts are left in rooms like this cold wet corridor when not on display, and how much damage it would do to them. About halfway down the hall, Jay using a swipe card to open a door and leads me inside. This room is much better then the corridor hallway, its dry in here but still cold, that’s clearly because of the aircon in this room though. All that is inside this room is a large statue sitting on top of a pallet.

“This is believed to be older then all the items we are displaying in the gallery. And some of them artefacts date back to ancient Egypt.” He tells me. I barely hear him, as this 1 statue is absolutely stunning! It’s a life sized statue of a man and a woman holding hands with their fingers interlocked. Their other hands are both outreached as if asking you to give them a high 5 each. The stone couple are also forever locked in an eternal kiss. “Jay, it’s beautiful, may I touch it?” I ask.

Jay smiles at me and takes my hand interlocking my fingers with his, and places his hand on the males outreached hand. I look at Jay and do the same with my free hand touching the girls hand. I think I feel what I can only describe as a very mild electric shock from the statue, but my toy did also die at that moment. But guess I imagined it. Jay tilts his head towards me and before I know it, I’ve already done the same and we are kissing just like the stone statue couple are. As we kiss, I feel the statues fingers interlock with mine, but as I look it’s not the case, I’m then edged into going back to the kiss. In the words of Kid Rock, It’s like my lips are metal and Jays are a magnet, and we’re re-joined in a kiss before I know. I close my eyes and see the stone statue couple in my mind.

The couple are not only kissing but are making love, creasing each others bodies. The stone man pulls a chastity belt out of thin air, lays it on the floor in front of the stone woman to step into. He watches as she slowly raise her leg up. He slaps her ass hard. As he does so, I tense up as I feel it myself. “Move your butt girl.” He tells her. She places both feet within the belt and her man moves behind her and kisses between her shoulder blades, he slowly kisses her all the way down her spine dropping to his knees as he goes. I can feel each kiss being planted on my spine as he goes. He takes the belt in his hands and slowly starts to raise it up, kissing both her butt cheeks at the same time. By the time his kisses work there way back up her spine, till his lips are back between her shoulder blades, he has the belt in the wanted position. I feel the coldness of the metal device against my body. He wiggles it about now leaning around her checking to make sure her lady parts are within the belt, then he tighten the straps around her waist locking them into place. He walks around her now and checks and tightens the vertical plate making sure she or anyone else has access to her vag or clit.

When his happy its all secure and in the right positions, the padlocks get put into place and locked firmly. The click of them locking echo around the room. “I told you you wouldn’t touch down there without my say so”, he tells her. He pats the front of the belt in a joyful teasing and triumph manor. He pushes her onto a bed that comes out of nowhere, I feel the coldness of the belt pressing against my body as she lands on the bed. “Would you like me to remove that contraption?” He asks with a smile on his face. The image fades and me and Jay are able to brake our kiss. I instantly check to see if that chastity belt is on me, but of course there’s nothing there. Jay looks at me with a weird look and ask if I’m ok. “Yes, I’m fine, I think, did you feel all that? The couple? That love between them?” Jay looks a little stunned then says. “Whenever anyone here has touched this, they have just felt warm or horny, that was on another level though”. We chat a little describing a very similar image we felt.

On go back out to the gallery, we find the party is now in full swing. I look at my watch to discover over an hour and a half has past, but we only left the gallery 10 minutes earlier at most. I start to feel confused, wondering what’s going on. Someone calls Jay away, and his out of sight and within the crowd before I know his gone. I go get myself a drink and as I turn around, I see the stone girl in the crowd, I move towards her, and she moves behind a group of people then is gone. I then notice the stone guy, so start heading that way and he disappears just like the girl. I figure I must be imagining things, so take another sip of my drink. I close my eyes and see the stone couple now making love, suddenly someone touches my arm, what snaps me out of my daydream, and I find myself with puckered lips as if I was just trying to kiss someone. The lady holding my arm is asking me if I’m OK. I nod and mingle and look at the artefacts sent from London, a lot of it is from South America, mainly Incan or Mayan. Even though none of it is meant to be, it all seems to depict sex to me.

Needing to get away from all this sexual energy, I head to the bathroom and lock the door in a cubical, pulling my underwear down to my knees and sit on the toilet. I try relaxing, closing my eyes and again I see the couple, this time he is on top of her as the 2 of them become 1 in their love making. I become extremely aroused watching the couple make love. This dream comes to an abrupt end as I sleepwalk straight into the cubical locked door waking me up. As I step back, I have left a lipstick kiss mark on the door and notice I’ve peed all over my knickers and the floor. I clean up the mess, throwing my knickers in the waste bin. I open my handbag looking for a pair of tights I keep in there for work and put them on, before re-joining the party. For the rest of the night, I don’t see the stone couple in the gallery, or when I close my eyes, the artefacts’ have lost their sexual energy I saw in them before, so I go back to the party and started enjoying myself.

Part 3.

We finally get home, as soon as we get in the door I try kissing him, but he pushes me away. “I know how badly you want me, but you will have to wait just a little long, I need to do something up stairs, wait here till I call for you” he tells me. He goes up the stairs and I can’t help but look at his butt as he goes. I bite my lips in anticipation. His soon out of sight and I hear the bedroom door close. I sit on the edge of the sofa waiting for him to summon me to him. I think of all the arousing things he was saying to me at dinner, all the images of what the statue couple were doing, things I haven’t done before. So I gently touch myself over my dress. I start using my finger and very lightly start rubbing up and down on one side of my clit but not touching the clit itself.

I look up at the clock, I now raise up my dress, placing my hand in my tights as I gently stroke my U spot with the tip of my finger (this is the little piece of skin between the clit and urethra). I run my finger up from the side of my urethra so it’s barely touching my clit, running my finger back down to the other side of my urethra (upside down “V” motion) then back up to my clit again barely touching it, and back to where I started. I close my eyes and keep repeating this.

Opening my eyes and looking back at the clock, I start to get impatient. It seems like my man is taking forever, I watch the seconds turn into minutes. I decide it’s time to try something the statue did! Using 1 finger and very lightly and softly I glide it over the middle of my vagina and clitoris from bottom to top. listening to my body to feel which areas provide the most pleasure and stimulation when touched. I experiment with faster strokes, as well as using more or less pressure on finding new things I like, closing my eyes and working it.

I start to wonder what his doing upstairs as all has gone silent, so using my thumb and index finger I grab either side of the clitoris. Then press down and inwards so that I’m squeezing it between the folds of skin surrounding it, I start with very gentle pressure, I then quickly notice that I can squeeze it with a lot of pressure without it being uncomfortable. was the ghost images I saw real? I start to wonder as I start to play around with my clit between the folds of skin, rolling it between my index finger and thumb imagining it’s a tiny penis. I close my eyes losing myself in my own touch.

As I reopen my eyes. I am a little shocked to see my man standing in front of me. Watching me pleasure myself. “Tut tut tut” he remarks, slowly shaking his head. His eyes not braking eye contact with me. “I’ve been calling you for 5 minutes now. When I said tonight is all about you, that didn’t mean you were to please yourself without me.” I quickly remove my hand from my tights, pushing my dress back down into place and placing my hands on my lap as I blush. Was I really that lost in pleasuring myself I never heard him? That’s very unlike me, I think to myself. “Don’t touch!” He orders me, “You are not allowed to touch that area again without my say so, you know I own that part of you. Now march that cute little butt of yours up the stairs, I’ m ready for you now.” I can’t help but grin a little, as I do as his ordered. I love it when he acts all dominant like this.

As I get up stairs, I enter our bedroom, it’s now lit by candle light. I notice his changed the bedding. His put satin sheets on the bed and covered the bed and floor with fresh rose petals, I can smell incense burning but it’s not overpowering, and calm relaxing music is playing quietly. The petals on the bed are laid out in the shape of a heart with “my love” spelt out under the heart. I notice the remote to my magic egg toy in the middle of the heart. I hold my hands up to my mouth, seeing all the effort his made to make tonight so magical. He walks up behind me and runs his strong hands down from the top of my shoulders, down my arms gentle getting me to fold my arms, gripping my own elbows. He holds his arms around mine as he begins kissing my neck as he holds me close to him. His kisses start to send a tingling sensation down my spine. Still holding my arms in place in 1 hand and kissing my neck, his free hand undoes the zip on the back of my dress all the way to the bottom but his leave the dress in place.

His free hand now slowly works it’s way down my body over my tummy and working it’s way out and down my outer thigh. As he reaches the bottom of my dress he raises it up til has hand find the top of my tights. He twists his hand so the palm of his hand is facing away from me, he slips his fingers into the top of the tights, then quickly twists has hand so his got a good grip of the tights. He now pulls them up as high as he can so they are pressed firmly against my wetness and rubbing against it as he pulls them tighter. As they start to ladder he lets them go pinging back into place releasing the pressure on my lower lady bits.

Without warning, he lets me go and quickly spins me around and pushing me so I’m siting on the very edge of the bed. I put my arms out behind me on the bed to stop myself falling backwards. Before I know what’s happening, his already on his knees in front of me with 1 of my feet in his hands, as he starting kissing his way up my leg. He gets to my knee then goes back down, he stops at my ankle and looks up at me with his stunning piercing eyes and he undoes the ankle strap of my shoe and removes it. He then repeats the same on my other leg, but on remove this shoe he goes straight back to kissing my ankle, going back up my leg working his way to my inner thigh all the way up to my pubic bone. He continues to kiss me here as his hands find the ladder in the crotch of my tight, he slips his fingers in and pulls his hands away from each other, ripping the tights wide open exposing me. “Shhh” he tells me, “we can always buy new tights” as I now feel his stubble on my bare skin.

His kisses now become licks as he very slowly works his way lower down to my swollen clit, very lightly kissing and sucking on it. He uses his index fingers barely touching my outer labia running them up to my clit and back down to just above my anus then going back up, after a couple passes, his middle fingers are added to the mix, running his fingers slowly up and down up and down. Suddenly he pushes my lower lips firmly together, as he sucks harder on my clit licking it as it’s in his mouth. In the corner of his eyes he catches my hand moving towards his head, so he suddenly stops and looks up at me so I back off letting him continue. He gentle pulls your lips apart with 1 hand and slowly pulls my magic egg out. He looks puzzled at the toy on noticing the battery is completely dead, it should easily last 8 hours, but has died after less then 4. He just tosses it across the room for now and removes his finger, letting go of my lips and stands and takes a small step back to admire my beauty. He places his hands out in front of him, palms down for me to take them. He helps me back to my feet. “It’s time for you to slip that dress down. I want to see more of that stunning body of yours, but don’t move from that spot”

As I lower the dress off my shoulders trying to be seductive, over my breasts letting it fall around me onto the floor, I’m surprised my man isn’t even watching me as he sits on the bed. So I move and sit on his lap facing him, I instantly feel his stiffness through his trousers. He moves his hands up in the air, so I quickly put my hands up against his, interlocking our fingers just like the statue. I start to feel that same strange electrical current run up my left arm, it runs across my shoulder blades and down my right arm, Jay then looks at me looking shocked. After a couple seconds I feel the electrical current flow through me again, it feels stronger this time, and that same magnetic pulse comes over me, making me pucker up my lips and pushes me towards jays lips. I try fighting it, but it’s just too strong and before I can stop it, we are kissing, this sends the electrical pulse flowing around us into overdrive, each time it leaves me, it re-enters my other side within a second, each pulse feeling more intense. The candles suddenly blow out and the music stops playing. All my strength starts fading fast, and I can tell the same is happening to Jay. We both soon pass out.

I wake up and it’s morning, I can hear birds singing and sunlight is shining into the room, I have one of the worst headaches ever. I sit up in bed and look over to Jay’s side of the bed, noticing there is now a naked girl where Jay sleeps. What happened last night? I start wondering. I then notice this girl has the same heart tattoo as I do in the same place on her shoulder, “Jay? Jay?” I call out towards the bathroom, not taking my eyes off this girl in my bed. As I call, the girl starts to move, she looks around at me, she then jumps back falling straight off the edge of the bed and down to the floor. I gasp covering my mouth with my hands as she has my face, as I do this, I feel stubble against my hands. I look over at the mirror and see Jay looking back at me with his hands covering his mouth in the reflection. “Jay is that you on the floor?” To what I hear a whimpering… Yes.

Part 4.

3 days after awaking in the wrong bodies.
So, the day we awoke, it wasn’t the day after party as we thought, but the day after that, meaning the statue has already gone back to London. Jay has emailed the Museum in London to get the statue sent back, We’re waiting on the reply.
Jay isn’t in a good way, his having my period. Men think they’re stronger then us, but he so can’t deal with the cramps! His necking pain killers like there’s no tomorrow. I’ve had to show him how to use tampons, then tried to kiss and comfort him, that freaked him out so bad.
After he cut himself on my nails, he cut then right back, it took me ages to grow them and cost so much in manicures! So I got out the wax and Veet in a rage, now this male body of his is hairless from the neck down. His balls look like little chicken giblets without hair on them. But it feels so much less irritating. A strange part about this swap is our diets. I’m a vegan, and this body is craving meat. Each time I smell bacon I cry as I want it soo badly! Just I can’t let myself eat it though. Seeing an Ad on TV about food start the cravings too. Jay has told me when he does eat meat with my body, It tasted horrid.

2 weeks have past since the body swap.
Well, the statue is gone. The reply from London simply said they will not be sending it back to us, and that that artefact was sent by mistake in the first place. So we’re looking into other ways to get close to it, or other ways we mite be able to switch back. I’ve been unable to get close to Jay, so we’ve not had sex since the change. We are both working from home, this is a good thing as we’re teaching the other how to be the opposite sex, so far with mixed results. I can no longer moan about guys missing the toilet. Standing up to pee isn’t as easy as it looks. I can now reverse park with ease, and weirdly Jay now can’t. I’m so struggling not to walk without wiggling my butt, especially as I now have balls between my legs. I’m trying to teach Jay how to use make-up, and it’s a nightmare! Each time he does it, he makes my face look like someone’s using clown’s face paint. I’m not even going to attempt to show him the eyelash curler yet. He was surprisingly good at walking in heels, I thought he would struggle at that. I said women are stronger, well we are, he so couldn’t deal with my monthly cramps etc, but I’ll admit this body is so much more physically stronger them mine! I can lift things with so much more ease, like I can now lift the vacuum above my head like its a feather, it was so bulky and heavy in my female body. But I do feel bad and guilty about something, I caved in and eat some bacon. It was like an orgasm in my mouth, so good! I have noticed Jay has all but given up eating meat himself now, I’ve noticed he is eating so much more fruit and veg then he ever did in his own body.

3 weeks since the swap.
Well, not much has changed on trying to switch back. Jay is clearly ovulating. His been so horny the last couple days. Seduction time! I’ve been wanting to see what it’s like to fuck as a guy since we switched, but Jays not let me get close. I know my body, and he won’t be able to resist me!

I wait for him to get out of the shower, I suddenly think this is the key to change bodies back, this all started by him seducing me in the bathroom, so as he steps out, I go and start my assault. My kisses work there way slowly up his spine as I takes his hips in my hands pressing against him. He now feel the full spender of my massive cock pressed against his bare butt, I lead him into the bedroom, he can feel just how stiff I am as he starts to wiggle his ass a little, but as he does I press his crouch up against the bed to stop him moving. His hands work their way around my lower body as he tenderly runs them up and down my inner thighs. I gently nibbles his earlobe. He turns his head to face me. I takes full advantage of him turning his head and our lips meet in a passionate long kiss, I’ve been longing for a kiss for what seems like forever, it does seem a little strange kissing my own body with someone else in it, but I push that thought out of my mind. During the kiss, 1 of my hands moves onto his crotch as I slip a finger along his lower lips. My other hand works its work up his body and cups his breasts. He lean back embracing me in my strong but gentle arms and my loving kiss.

This kiss seems to be a never-ending eternal bliss, but I suddenly brakes lip contact, giving him a saucy grin. “If you want to be show how much fun being a woman is, first you’re gonna get on your knees, then you’re gonna taste me.” I steps back giving him room to turn and drop to his knees what he does without saying a word. On his knees looking up into my soul piercing eyes, I release the button of my pants and lower the zipper. “Pull them down” I order, he takes a solid hold of my pants in his small hands and starts pulling them down, still looking deep into my eyes as he does. As he lower my pants, my big stiff penis suddenly springs up out of the pants hitting his chin on it’s way and stands at attention. My eyes light up as this is the first time I’ve seen a erect dick as a man. The precum on the tip glittering in the candle light waiting to be licked off.

“I can’t do this” he says, “You can and you will, you did this to me by showing me that stupid statue, but as I’m trapped in your body, I’m gonna find out what a blow job feels like for a man, and you’re gonna give me it. Afterwards, I’ll show you why making me wait so long for this was a mistake on your behalf.” He gives in without even trying to angue with me.

Starting with my balls, kissing and licking them not breaking eye contact as he does. He work his way onto the base of my hard shaft, he gently cups my balls in his fingers, slowly making a wave-like motion with them, so that my balls quickly and gently run through his fingers. He licks and kisses his way up my long shift to the tip. he open his mouth. “I love it when you do this” he saids, taking it inside and gently closing his moist mouth around it. He takes the base of my manhood in his free hand, massaging it as he starts to suck on it sliding his mouth all the way down to his hand and slowly backing up still playing with my balls. I’m shocked on how great this feels, no wonder guys love getting their dicks sucked.

I can start to sense a tingling in my balls, I guess I’m almost ready to fill his un eager mouth with my seed, but I stop as I know he won’t be able to handle me doing so. Instead I lifts him up locking lips with him once more. I take his ass in my hands pressing his crotch tight to me. I slip my tongue into his mouth massaging his with mine tasting the precum. I have him turn around facing away from me, but somehow manage this without braking lip contact with him. My hand start exploring his torso running them both up and down his body over his breasts. I treat his belly button like a golf ball whooping into the hole as I explore him. My light tingling touch drives his lust through the roof. Just as he can’t take anymore I pull away and grab a blindfold carefully covering his eyes and taking him by the hand leading you onto the bed.
“Lay down on your back my darling”. I smile to his reaction as he feels the soft and silky satin sheets on his bare skin as he lays down as asked. “stay as you are my daring, i shall be right back, and don’t even think about removing your blindfold or touching yourself, I’m to show you a good time”.

I exit the room leaving him alone, and go into the kitchen and quietly go back into the bedroom and just watch him. After a couple moments, he starts playing with his nipples. I Let him continue briefly. “And what do you think your doing young lady?!?” he quickly puts his arms back by his sides, “I told you I’ll give you a good time” He tenses up as a cold and wet drop, drips onto his chest. He goes to brush it away but I grabs his hand. “Stay still darling” I commands in a sexy gentle voice. He puts his hand back by his side, then I use a soft feather and barely touch him. Again he go to brush this new feeling away but I stops him again. “Still!” I command. He relaxes his arm as I gently glides the feather over his breasts circling his nipples. Going down his body to his tummy around his belly button, back up between his tits and back to his nipple. I continues circling his nipple, then I let him suddenly feel something very cold, hard and wet. This new coldness goes straight to his other nipple circling it again and again, “is the coldness of the ice sending a shiver down your spine?” I ask, and he nods. Now I tingle him with the feather gliding it over his body and follow its movements with the ice. Over his breasts, around his nipples, down to his belly button, up to his lips, down his arms, over the back of his hands, across to his inner thighs where the last tiny piece of ice melts. I now kisses and licks his body following the path of where the ice and feather just went. As I gets to his thighs, I slowly crawls on top of him. “I can no longer wait, I want you now, I want you so badly” I tell him as I let him feel my hand on his already drenched pussy as my fingers enters him. I cross them and uncross my fingers a couple times inside him then pull my now wet fingers out, rubbing my wet finger over my hard swollen throbbing manhood lubbing it up ready to go.

My fingers go back inside him repeating my crossed finger trick, as I pulls my fingers out, I start licking and sucking them, I can’t believe how insanely great it tastes now I’m stuck in this male body. I have tasted myself when it was my body, but it was no where near as good as it tastes right now! I fight the urge to go down on him, as I move to his side raising his leg up and finally very slowly entering him with the tip of my hardness. My hand brushing up his body, over his breast circling his nipple making its way up to his neck. I lightly choke him but just to have him turn his head to the side to face me, so my lips can touch his in a passionate kiss. My hand leaves his neck as I brush his soft hair from his face. I start to thrust the tip of my penis ever so slowly in and out. He tilts his head back, and my kisses glide onto his exposed neck, kissing and licking it just under his chin and working to the side. Still brushing his hair with my hand, massaging his earlobe and I work on his neck.

I repositions myself slightly so I’m able to thrust deeper into him, but so I can still kiss his neck. My hand travels slowly down his side over his hips and around to his mound. I stops my hand here and makes a circular movement on the small amount of neatly shaved public hair he has here, wrapping them around my index finger, after a couple minutes of doing this, my hand travels slightly lower onto his clit. With the lightest touch I repeat this action on and around his clit as I hold my throbbing cock inside.

“kiss me” I request, my voice is so soft I barely hear myself say this, but he still turns his head back towards my lips for a loving kiss. As our lips lock together, I begins to pump my stiffness into him with abit more speed. My hand still working it’s magic on his clit ever so lightly. Without saying a word, I have him move onto his side so the 2 of us are spooning. Not braking the kiss and still thrusting gently inside of him. My hand starts to rub down his vagina touching my cock sliding in and out of him and back to his clit. My fingers splitting running along his outer lip walls then together onto his clit. I suddenly without warning thrusts all the way inside, my cock pushing firmly up against his g spot. I hold my manhood deep inside him as I work his clit knowing this will instantly send shockwaves up his spine and I watch him begin to shake. I holds him firm by the hand on his pussy so he cant pull away, and kiss his earlobe knowing it will only add to this new intensity.

I pull out, moving my head away, now I remove the blindfold. He cant help but move in for another kiss of my sweet lips as my piecing eyes are once more locked onto his. I smiles and lets him kiss me. Without warning I turn onto my back so Jays sitting on top of me with his back to me. “Fuck me like the animal you are” I command. He leans forwards placing his hands on my knees and start to ride me slowly. “I know you can do better than that” I moan as I smacks his ass. He start bouncing up and down faster on my prize. I takes his hips in my strong hands as I starts thrusting upward. Matching his speed and rhythm clinching my butt cheek as I rammed my hardon up into him to go that little bit deeper. He raises himself up off me staying on his knees and fingers his soaked pussy. “really?” I ask. He goes to lower himself back down but I put my hand under him, stopping him from getting back on my pole. “No, turn around and face me as you fuck me now.” I move my hand away. He gets a devilish look on his face and sit straight back down on my cock, then still with it inside him, he turns his whole body around keeping me inside him. “Wow, very good!” I tell him looking a little shocked, but with a big grin on my face. He begin to bounce up and down like his possessed resting his hands on my pecks, I motion he in for a kiss so he slows right down and move in and our tongues meet in a French kiss. As we kiss I slowly grind my shift back and forth deeply.

After kissing for a couple minutes, I ask him to switch into doggy position, He does so very slowly trying to seduce me farther. My lust for him takes over, and I help put him into position faster, and once again I enters him. I start to drill my big throbbing cock inside a lot faster then before. I order him to start rubbing his finger from side to side over his clit. But tell him to barely touch it as he does, I tell him to try different speeds, then to run the palm of his hand across his clit as he go from side to side. I then tell him to press down on his clit as he does this. I tell him I want him to experiment a little here till he finds a mix of speed and pressure he likes. As Jay does that, I thrust harder into him sliding my big boy deep into him. The 2 of us soon reach our climax together. He cums all over my hard member as I do 1 last pump deep inside of him and start to moan filling him deeply with my warm seed.

We both collapse onto the bed, before he can relax, I order him to go use the bathroom, what he does without question. He climbs back into bed with me afterwards, where I take him into my arms as we face each other. He looks at me with those sparkling eyes of his, “I love you so much” he tells me and kisses my nose. “Sleep my dear” I tell him, He turns onto his back having me rest my head on his breast, I can feel his heartbeat pumping into my ear what has always relaxed me. It’s not long before we drift off into la la land knowing we are both truly in love.

5 weeks since we switched bodies.
Well, Love making didn’t work, and we’ve gone back to no sex what totally sucks. Maybe I should of gone down on him after all? That night was so much fun and I want a round 2 and more so badly. We both are starting to get used to being the opposite sex. My toilet aim is getting a lot better. I left the seat up the other night by mistake, and Jay didn’t notice. OK I admit, that’s funny from this male point of view!
We both are trying all we can to switch back.
I do miss my body. Never thought I’d say this, but I’m missing the cat calls and guys looking at me in that way.
On to the bad news… I got my dates mixed up, we must of had sex couple days before ovulation. Jay’s period is now late. The chat we had about that…
“What did you do in the bathroom after we had sex?” I asked, “Whenever you’ve asked me to go to the bathroom, you’ve wanted me to brush my teeth, wash my hands, dick and balls, so I just wash my hands and brushed my teeth as I no longer have a dick and balls”, I lost my shit at him on hearing this! I do all I can to prevent myself getting pregnant when I use the bathroom after sex. I then realized, we never talked about the birth control pills in the bathroom cabinet. So now I’m on my way to get a pregnancy test.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅