To Be Used

She tugged on the ropes half heartedly. The rough material chafed at her wrists turning them a raw red. She knew it was no use, the binds would not come undone.

She had been stuck in this small six by three foot cell for the par two months with only a cot in the corner and a tile it in the other for company. Food was slid on a tray under the door to her once a day and that was the only contact she had with the world outside her cage.

She was dirty, her normally bright blue eyes were dull and full of pain, her once muscled figure was now much slimmer and she could just see her ribs under her skin. Her blonde hair was knotted and unruly cakes in dirt and whatever grime was in the uncleaned cell.

Her name was Samantha Matthews, she was six teen years old, and she had been taken outside of school. She has been hit over the head with something hard and had woken up naked in this cell with a brand blistering on the outside of her left thigh.

The brand quickly scarred and got infected, spewing puss and burning like the hot iron was still pressed against her skin. The brand was in the shape of a rose, but it looked anything but beautiful.

Samantha was sitting with her back against the headboard of her cot, staring at the door as she waited for her daily food and glass of water. But this time was different. They came three hours late, and no food came with them.

The sound of key’s jingling and a lock turning where the only warning she had before the door was forced open and a man leading a big black dog on a leash entered the room, and the door closed and locked behind them.

The man looked to be about thirty with black hair and brown eyes. She had a day’s stubble and was pure muscle, looking as though he could snap her in two without breaking a sweat.

His dog was just as imposing. He was a big black English Mastiff that was almost a head taller than her when he stood on two legs. He could easily make her to death if he wished.

“Hello sweetness,” the man drawled in a slight southern accent. “What’s your name?”

Samantha didn’t answer him, she just pulled her knees closer to her chest protectively, aggravating the man further as he growled and pulled her by her ankle until she was spread on out on her back on the bed.

“I said, what’s your name?” The man growled, shoving his knee between her legs and dropping the leash to hold her wrists above her head.

“S-Samantha.” Samantha stuttered, trying to squirm out of the man’s grasp.

The man smiled that Cheshire Cat smile that made her feel like a piece of meat. Which was exactly what she was to him.

“Such a pretty name for such a pretty whore. I’m Ryan, and this here,” he gestured the the dog, “is Max. And we’re going to show you just how good it feels to be fucked. I’m going to take four virgin mouth, ass, and your pretty little cunt. I’m going to be the first person to ever get to feel you cum all over my cock as I spilt you open. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Samantha nodded, tears in her eyes as she squeezed them shut and looked away. “Awe, don’t be like that baby.” Ryan purred and she turned her head by her chin back to face him. “We’re gonna make you feel so good you’ll crave big dicks and dog cock for the rest of your life, girly.”

Samantha found herself face down on her cot with her hands tied behind her back and her ankles tied to the footboard with her ass in the air.

She felt the wet slide of something nudging at her opening repeatedly missing. Two paws came over her shoulders as the tip of what she now assumed was the dog’s cock found it’s target and drove home.

She screamed as the dog bottomed out inside her, tearing her hymen and forcing its way in against her dry walls. It hurt terribly as the dog started to piston his hips back and forth at a pace that shouldn’t be possible.

Samantha’s cries of pain turned to moans and groans of pleasure as Max ruthlessly fucked her into the mattress, and she loved every minute of it. She felt something bigger pushing against her opening and she screamed again as Max forced his knot inside her and manage to settle impossibly deep inside her.

Samantha felt Max’s sticky cum shooting out into her womb as his knot held them together. Samantha was panting, her hard nipples brushing gently and antagonizing slowly brushed against the rough fabric of the paper thing bedsheets.

Samantha and Max were forced apart, Samantha shouting in protest as his knot felt like it would rip her open as it was pulled out.

Samantha braced herself for the familiar pain as she felt the head of Max’s cock nudging at her ass. She took in a deep breath before screaming as Max’s whole member slid inside her followed by his knot.

Max was lodged impossibly deep inside her anus and she was crying all over again as he thrust backs ne forth at a brutal pace, Ryan laughing in the background at her pain and distress.

Max finally stopped, cumming deep inside her ass. This time Max was allowed to be stuck inside her until his knot deflated on its own and Max pulled out soon after.

Samantha laid there as the dog’s hot cum cooled and dried as it trailed down the inside of her thigh. After what felt like hours of just laying there she felt a cool hand run over the curve of her ass as the head of a human prick forced its way inside her opening.

It didn’t hurt as badly as it first did with Max a it quickly turned to pleasure with Ryan brutally pounding into her. He reached around with one hand and rubbed at her clit, bringing Samantha to her first orgasm in her life.

The same repeated with her ass. This time when Ryan pulled out, her hole was soothes by a hot tongue laving over her genitalia from her clit to her anus.

Ryan lapped at her, licking up her blood, cum, and Max’s cum. He didn’t stop no matter how long Samantha begged for it. He didn’t stop until he made her cum again.

Samantha was tugged up into a sitting position and Ryan was in front of her now. He hooked two fingers into her mouth and pulled it open, stuffing his 9’ inch member inside and down her throat.

Samantha sucked and teased the cock as best she could as it was forced down her throat, making her gag and moan, her throat raw and aching. Samantha. And untouched one last time before Ryan finally came down her throat, holding her head to the base of his cock until she was blue in the face.

Ryan stood up and untied her, leaving her boneless on the bed as he dressed and leashes Max again. Ryan turned to her a smiled a wicked grin. “Doesn’t it feel so good to be used?”

Six years and just as many abortions later Samantha was kneeling on the floor in front of men and women beside two girls that looked just like her, waiting to be used.