Two married virgins – part 3

Knock Knock Knock! Oh lord, he’s here, so I can’t change my mind now. I ran to open the door, but I looked through the peephole and seen him standing there like he just know he has the right and deserves to be here. Like he is worth my time. All I am think is, if I did not need you, you would not even be here. Don’t get too cocky. I opened the door.

Me: Hi, welcome.

I moved aside to let him step inside. He walked in with a smirk on his face.

JT: Good evening. Smells good in here.

Me: Yeah, I cooked dinner for us.

I showed him the table I had set up with the two romantic candles and wine on it.

JT: Oh, that’s cute.

He said that with a slight giggle as if to tell me, yeah you trying but you really need to be taught how to do this shit right. I’m getting angry and thinking to myself that I’m not going to help him at all. I’m not gonna do any acting for his ass or nothing. If I don’t feel shit, he will know he not good at teaching me.

Me: Well, you can have a seat so we can eat dinner.

He sat down and I lit the candles, poured the wine and served the dinner. After dinner, I told him that we can watch a movie until our food digest. He agreed, so I popped in a tape of  a series of movies that my husband and I had been watching. It was the movie vigilante so there was nothing romantic about it. We took our wine to the sofa with us. I was trying to drink more so it can help get me through this because I really did not want to do it.

Many things went through my mind. It was mostly anger I felt for my husband for all the things he did to make me not love his touch. He tried to rape me once before we got married, he looks just like my brothers and my father is a whore so I felt like I was commiting incest. After we got married and had sex, he started arguments everyday for no reason and kept yelling that he wanted a divorce. He was a thief on any job he ever worked on and made me scared he might get caught and go to jail and he would not stop even when I beg him to stop and cried. I did not want all that stolen stuff in my house. I wanted to be perfect. All he would say is, “wasn’t I a virgin and don’t I do everything else right, why I can’t have fun like the sinners and do one thing wrong.” I would get so mad. He never cared how the things he did made me sad and worried me. He wanted to do things that made him feel free from God’s rules and me making him follow God’s rules. All I saw was him following them, which is why I knew he was the one for me. I did not know his secrets until it was too late.

I was sitting there getting tipsy so I can enjoy this night with this ugly ass boy. When the movie went off, I turned on some romantic music. He began singing and I told him I have to use the restroom. After I came out, he went in to use the restroom, than he came back out.

I told him I was going to take a shower and would love it if he did the same when I get out.

JT: How about I get in with you?

Me: Oh yeah, I forgot this was supposed to be a romantic night. I just have so much on my mind.

JT: I’m sure you do.

Me: What do you mean by that?

JT: I’m sure you really do not want to do this because of the fact that you both waited to have sex until you were married. You wanted the perfect life. I was shocked when you told me you both were virgins. You both deserve respect for that. If you do not want to do this you can change your mind at any time. I’m just honored that you chose me to be the one to help you, when I know I am not your type.

I looked into his eyes and he began to look better to me. I was happy he let me know that he knew he should not be cocky about this as if he could have talked me out of my virginity if we had met in school. I took his hand and led him to the shower with me.

I began to undress and he looked at me like, she really green. He smiled at how green I was. I did not think to take off his clothes and let him take off mine to be romantic.

JT: You really want this to be over with quick don’t you?

Me: No, we have all week. I just don’t know what to do. I’m nervous.

The mention of all week made him smile.

JT: You know what, I was just telling my friends that I was gonna try to get you as you walked in the room when you heard us laughing. I never thought I could, but they bet me I won’t get you because of how you always looked at me like you don’t like me.

I wanted to just put a stop to it all because I knew he thought he was the one who made this choice, like he a player. He was acting too smooth like he don’t know he ugly.

Me: Well, to be honest, I don’t like you. Not that you a bad person, just look at my husband and you can see the looks that I look for in a man. The only reason you’re here is because KeyKey said you are the best and I don’t want to become a whore going through every man on base to find one good enough to teach me.

JT: Fair enough. Well let me get my ugly ass to work.

He began to take off his army clothes. He took of his jacket and shirt.

I felt sorry for him when he said that. I felt like I was being rude and needed to change the tone.

Me: You’re not ugly, your just not my type as one I would open my legs for or marry. All the guys I ever dated looks just like you, but I always knew I would not marry any of them because they never learned to love themselves. They always messed up our relationship just because they did not like themselves. How can I continue to love them if they do not love themselves? They would never belive that I loved them, just because I would not go against God’s laws for them. So they would test my love by doing or saying something to hurt me or disrespect me, yet I never did that to them. So if I did not let them take my virginity, the next thing I had to do to prove that I love them was to let them cheat on me or make disrespectful jokes about me in front of people and still remain their girlfriend until they are ready to marry me later on in life. So, I’m sorry. You’re just feeling the anger I had for all of my ex-boyfriends. I only thought of them as being ugly after they hurt my feelings, to help me be strong enough to drop them instantly.

I began to cry and look to the floor in shame as I apologized to him for treating him as I did. My hands were clamped together in front of my naked body to try and cover as much as I could. He walked up to me and placed his hand under my chin to raise my head so I can look him face to face. He took a face towel from my towel rack and cleared my face.

I was becoming shy as I used to feel when I first started dating. My childhood feelings came flooding back into my soul. I’m older than him, but I felt like a child under him. He took both of my hands into his hands to uncover my body, than looked me up and down as if I was a work of art.

JT: Wow, you have the most beautiful body I have ever seen. Please don’t hide it from me. I can not see how any man could own this and not do all it takes to make sure you are fully pleased in and out of the bed.

I stood their quiet but thinking to myself, he’s right. My husband can’t please me because he don’t put in the effort. He doesn’t love sex or want to love sex like other people do. I hope I can make him love it after I learn or it will mess up our life because I refuse to live unhappy in any way. I want to be the happiest woman in the world with no complaints, no shame and no regrets.

He reached into the shower to turn on the water for me.

JT: There you go. You said you wanted to take a shower, Do your thing.

Me: You’re getting in too right?

JT: Yes. I just want to watch you first to enjoy your beauty and the beauty of your body. I have never had the pleasure of a woman of you caliber.

Me: Ooook

I stepped into the shower as he sat on the closed toilet seat to watch me shower through the see through shower curtain. He would get up every now and then to look around the curtain to see me without the blur. I giggled in shyness and would flick water on his face and try to cover my breast to hide from him. He would laugh and return to his seat. I washed my mermaid, naturally curly, copper color hair, combed it back and put a snap on it to hold it back. I washed my body to the fullest than turned my back to him to wash my private parts.  After cleaning my private parts, I looked to see that he has gotten up to look around the curtain to see me washing my private parts.

Me: Stop, you’re making me feel shy.

JT: Why is that? Why would you feel shy with a man you are about to share your body with, unless you’re changing your mind?

Me: No, it’s just that how I wash myself, I don’t want you to think I’m a freak because I’m not trying to play with myself.

JT: What do you mean?

I blew out some air, rolled my eyes and said:

Me: Ok, don’t judge me but I clean out my nunny cat by putting my finger in there to clean the discharge from my walls.

He laughed but still looked at me like what I was saying was something new to his knowledge.

JT: Nunny cat? I got to see this.

I lifted my leg onto the side of the tub wall and stuck my finger in my vigina and began to slide my finger around my walls. The shower water ran down my arm and up my finger to help clean me out. Each time I pulled my finger out I showed it to him and explained it to him why I do that. I felt like I should feel, like I’m the one who is older and I’m teaching him something now.

Me: Well as you can see, when the white discharge is not sticky any cling together as I stretch it between my fingers, it is not cum. So it’s not like I made love to my husband and about to do you with his cum inside of me. It is smooth like yogurt so it also shows that I don’t have a yeast infection. If I had a yeast infection, it would look like cottage cheese with the separated balls and a bad smell to it. It cause infections for women to douche a lot because it only push stuff up into their body. This washes my body so clean that it tightens me back up like a virgin every day. It helps me to learn how to tighten my muscles inside so I can either lock up on a dick our push it out.

JT: What you say. I got to see that.

I smiled.

Me: When I go to the ob-gyn to get my birth control pills, they would always commend me on how clean I keep myself and they would complain on how the other women would come in there with cum and other stuff in them. They said the only problem they have with me is that I clean myself too clean, so I always have to sit and wait for a few hours to get a little amount of discharge to add up in my body. They asked me to not take a shower just before I go there, take one four hours before I have to see them to save time. They said that is also the reason I always hurt because I make my vigina like a virgin every time I go see them.

JT: Wow, I never felt how it feels to have a virgin. Well since you are so perfect at cleaning, as I can see with your house and your body, maybe you should wash me to make me as clean as you want me to be.

Me: Yeah that sounds great because you men using two pieces of tissue to wipe your ass kills me. When I seen my husband do that shit, I made him wrap lots of tissue around his hand and clean himself until no more shit was left. That was the nastiest shit I ever seen yall men do, just to save on buying tissue. Oh God.

I had a stank look on my face as I told him that.

JT: No, not every man. I clean myself the right way.

Me: Yeah right.

I laughed.

JT: I do.

He assured me as he took off the remaining of his uniform and joined me in the shower. I washed his body to the fullest and when I looked down to see his package, it scared me. I was wondering if he might be too big for me since I always hurt already when I go to the ob-gyn and when my husband makes love to me.

I did my own lil measurement I do to understand the difference in what I will be dealing with. My husband reaches the bottom of his belly button and I can touch the tip of my thumb and middle finger around his penis. This man goes to the top of his belly button and I can’t touch the tip of my thumb and middle finger. Oh lord. I’m scared. I  forgot he was standing there looking at me.

JT: What are you doing, analyzing my dick?

Me: I don’t want to be in pain. I already be in pain with him. You trying to kill me.

He smiled with pride.

JT: No, you will feel no pain with me because I know what I’m doing. It might be that virgin shower you take to close yourself up that makes you always feel pain, but I know how to stop that pain too.

He begin kissing me and turned the shower off. He rubbed his hand across my vagina until it got hot and wet from my juices. When he finally slide his middle finger inside of me it felt so good.

JT: Wow, it is tight. Does that hurt?

Me: No, it feels good.

He took his finger out of me and stuck it in his mouth.

JT: Mmm, taste good too.

He slid the shower curtain back, stepped out of the shower and reached for my hand to help me out. I took a towel off the rack and he took it from my hands.

JT: You don’t need this. I want to lick the water off your body.

I looked at him in shock.

Me: I got to see this.

JT: Come on, let me show you.

I know I can’t change my mind now….

To be continued….

I know you all want to get to the juicy part because this site is all about sex, but because this is my real life story, I have to tell it all without missing a beat. I hope that’s ok with you. If you pay attention, you can find out what women really think about you and how to really please them.