Vacation Time with my Three Stepsons (Part 1)

After my husband died ,I decided ,that’s me and my three teenage stepsons needed a vacation. I never imagined it would turn out the way it did.

It was the first time since my husband died that his three sons, my stepson’s and I could afford a vacation, having twin boys of sixteen ,and another son of fifteen who were of course all at school and every week needing new something ‘s we had struggled a little for the three years we had been married.

Bill suffered from medical problems all his life but taking medicines and various tablets meant he could live an almost normal life .The heart attack he had at work proved fatal, the hospital staff said he felt no pain it was a massive coronary and he was dead before his body hit the workshop floor.

It took the Insurance company almost three months to send me the $250,000 Life Insurance policy check ,they ummed and ahhed, about did he take his med’s, hey they were the ones that advertised they would insure anyone . After we left the lawyers office on a hot day in July I could see the boys were disappointed that none of the Insurance money was going to them directly ,the house and the $250,000, came to me his wife, that was what Bill wanted I guess ,because that what was the will said..

After dinner on the day the check arrived we sat down in the sitting room and I explained to them that the mortgage had been paid off , but the house needed repairs to the roof and I assured them that most of the remaining money was going to be invested for their future and of course mine . I had got on pretty well with the boys ever since I first met them ,there Mother left them about a year before, and almost never contacted them, and I started dating their Father more for someone to be with after I was on the rebound from a long affair that just fizzled out . Once I moved in with Bill they seemed to except me. I was always Susan, which was fine ,they were to old to call me Mom anyway. It was me that found if difficult at first, I don’t think I really loved Bill enough to marry him, he was fifteen years older than me, almost forty five, and it came as a shock when after four weeks of his divorce being final he asked me to marry him.

I kind of think he was looking for a Mother for the boys first, a wife second, and someone to suck his cock third, our sex life was pretty bland, thank God for vibrators, but I really didn’t know how to say no, so we were married at City Hall, the reception was held at our local bar and by the time we got home that night I had become ” Her at Home ” and a sort of Mother, and just to put me in my place Bill got up at 7 am on the first day of our ” honeymoon ” and went and played golf all day.

I think once I had explained to the boys that me working as an assistant manager at a Supermarket in town would just about pay pay the everyday bills, now the mortgage had been paid off by that Insurance company, but they would be looking to go to college even if it was only for two years at a local college ,and they would want cars, and in the not to distance future they would be looking to move out of the home and into their own condo’s or what ever ,and they would need deposits to get a mortgage of their own , but as a special surprise we were going to the Great Smoky Mountains for a vacation, and I would give the boys five hundred bucks each just to blow on the vacation.

Sammy the youngest said ” when are we going Susan” and I said ” how about one week from Saturday ” ,even Chris and his twin brother Kenny said ” great ,can me and Chris do the driving down there and can we use the car when we get there “, and I said ” of course, it’s my vacation as well ” so they seemed to forget for a while that they had not got the eighty plus thousand dollars they each thought they would get from their Fathers will.

The rental house in the Great Smoky Mountains was not the easiest place to find, but when we did finally find it , it proved everything the company who rented out the property said it would be in their adds.. Four bedrooms, indoor hot tub , outdoor swimming pool and wonderful views of the Great Smoky Mountains.

On the Monday after we spent Sunday relaxing , the boys went off in the car ,they wanted to explore the area which suited me fine ,I wanted to spend the day doing nothing but sitting around the pool, reading my book and sleeping . By the time they got back in the late afternoon I was more than a little happy, hell I had been drinking Margaritas all day. The boys were laughing when I got up to greet them, I kind of tripped and Kenny grabbed me and held on to me, and I swear I never felt him undo the clip on the back of my bikini top, until he let me go. I took a few steps back towards my sun lounger laughing along with them and I suddenly realized my tits were swinging free. I started to pull my bikini top over my tits and Kenny grabbed me from behind, ” no don’t do that, lets see them ” and he pulled the straps off my shoulders and before I knew what was happening my 36b’s were in full view. I turned and half screamed and half laughed and said ” Kenny give me my top ” , but he just laughed and said ” no “. I took a couple of steps towards him and he grabbed my wrists and as he did that I felt someone’s hands on my bikini bottoms, and as I said ” WHAT THE HELL ” , my bikini bottoms were down around my knees.

I said ” that’s a fucking enough guys “, and I could hear them laughing at me .” OH ” said Chris from behind me, ” Mommy swore ” (none of them ever called me Mom, Mommy, Mother) and again I could hear them laughing. ” We have a bet on ” continued Chris , I didn’t say anything , he said ” do you want to know what the bet is ” ?. I said ” I don’t care what it is, Kenny let me go, ” and as I said that Chris bent down and pulled my bikini bottoms down to my ankles and said ” step out ” . I didn’t move. ” Mom” he said in a stupid baby sounding voice , ” do as your told or else I will spank your butt ” and I felt him grab my ankle and lift my foot up, he did the same to the other foot and I was standing there naked, half drunk ,my head spinning and I had no idea of what the fuck was happening.

Kenny moved me towards the lounger I had been laying on earlier, ” get back on the bed ” he said, turning me around and pushing me backwards so the side of the damn thing touched the back of my legs, and he kept pushing until I sat down on it. ” Kenny let my hands go please I said softly, but as I said it Chris grabbed my ankles and turned me around so my back was leaning against the back of the sunbed. All three of them were standing looking at me and grinning. ” What the fuck do you think your fucking doing ” I asked to no one in particular ? ” I told you we had a bet on ” said Chris, ” I said you had a hairy pussy, Kenny said he thought it as well trimmed and Sammy said you were bald,” and they all laughed ,” but now we know your a hairy Mommy, so I win, pay up guys ” he said laughing as they each gave him ten bucks.

I said ” OK so now you know give me back my towel and swim wear “. Christopher crouched down so his face was level with mine, ” don’t you want to have some fun Susie ” he said his face a few inches from mine. ” We went shopping today in Knoxville while we were out,we got you some presents to thank you for bringing us on vacation “. He stood up and said to Sammy,” pour the lush another big glass of Margarita, a big full glass ” . ” I don’t want anything else to drink ” I said angrily, ” Christopher I want to go inside NOW ” . He completely ignored me, so I tried to get off the sunbed but he put his hand on my head , grabbed my hair and said ” sit still you haven’t seen your presents yet “. ” Get the bag put of the car Kenny ” he said. and he held me in place by my hair until Kenny came back with a large plastic bag,
” What do you want ” he said to Chris.” give me a couple of zip ties ” he said and Kenny opened a packet of black zip ties. Put one on her other wrist he said pulling my head backwards by my hair and holding me in place, when I said ” don’t you fucking dare “.

They were much too strong for me, they put zip ties on each of my wrists and another one under the one on my wrists and anchored me to ties they joined together and put around the side of the wooden sunbed frame, then laughing they did the same thing to my ankles until I was unable to move,sitting up with my back to the back of the sunbed, I sat there completely naked with my three stepsons standing looking at me and laughing , even with my eyes closed I could hear them talking about my tits and my hairy fanny.

It was obvious that me being aggressive and demanding wasn’t working so I changed 180 degrees, , and said, ” so what do you think of your step-mother now you have seen what your Father found attractive about her ? “. I think mentioning their Father made the boys stop and think for a few seconds, but it was only a few seconds before Chris said , ” here’s the deal, you drink this glass of Margarita and then we will all go inside “. I groaned Sammy bent down and held the glass to my lips,I was already pretty tipsy and he had a 12 ounce glass full of the fucking stuff. I started to drink slowly, making a noise for him to take it away before I chocked. God the kid was fucking clueless about how much anyone could drink at one time.

” Sammy ” said Kenny , ” don’t drown Susan , give me the glass “., and he knelt down next to me and touched my tit with the cold glass “.Nice ” he said smiling and tapping the glass against my nipple. I gave him THE LOOK that I thought showed my complete displeasure, but he just laughed in my face and held the glass to my lips forcing me to drink once again. For the next ten minutes I tried to swallow the drink Kenny was plying me with, like I said I was already half way to be being blotto when they got back from there day out, now I was beginning to spin a little and I wanted to pee so bad, in the end I said to Chris ” untie me,I have to pee bad NOW.” Chris knelt down next to he lent over me and pushed my belly , ” NO ” I shouted, ” don’t do that ” and he looked at me and started laughing. ” Here’s the deal, you finish the drink and pee and then you can go indoors, deal or no deal “, he said laughing in my face.

” No” I whined, ” don’t make me do that, that’s nice and it’s not fair “. He pushed my tummy hard again and then his hand slid down to the hair around my vag, ” nice ” he said pulling it gently. ” NNNOOOO, NOOO, Chris stop” I said ” don’t do that “. ” Come on Suzzie ” he said ” you haven’t been fucked for weeks, I hear you in your bedroom of an evening when were at home playing with your vibe , you must be sssooooooo frustrated since the old man died ” he said laughing in my face as his fingers open the outer lips of my pussy. He let go of me ,pushed my tummy one more time and said ” come here guys, Mommy’s going to show us how she pees “.

” I am not , I am not, I am not ” I cried out loud , and tears filled my eyes , ” why don’t you leave me alone I shouted out at the top of my voice ” Chris looked at me and he said,” your not, your not, OK then were going indoors,give us a shout when your going to go ” , and him and his two brothers all said bye, then they took it in turn to push my belly and each one grabbed my boobs and squeezed them,then they left me laying there feeling sorry for myself because I was fucking drunk in front of the three people in the world I should not have been drunk in front of. I laid there feeling sorry for myself, tears welled up in my eyes again and I called out ” Christopher ,Christopher I called out come here,come here, please come back here ”

They hadn’t really gone indoors a few seconds later the boys were standing next to me “.What “said Chris? ” I am going to go pee ” I said softly. ” Good ” he said laughing, he must have put a pair of scissors on the poolside table, because the next second he was cutting the zip ties off my wrists and ankles. Him and Kenny took my arms and slowly lifted me off the sunbed, they walked me slowly on my jelly legs to the grass around the pool, ” squat ” said Chris laughing, ” squat on the grass and pee like the naughty little bitch puppy you are “. I squatted down, with the help of the Kenny and Chris ,they held me under my arm pits and I started to pee like the proverbial race horse. I could here them laughing and I think I might even have laughed along with them. I remember seeing Sam standing in front of me laughing , he had his phone in his hand and I was going to tell him not to take my picture , but the words wouldn’t come out , and after that I don’t remember much of what happened that night.

It was well past 10 o’clock in the morning when I finally had the strength to get out of bed. Parts of what happened the night before flashed through my mind as I headed for the bathroom and then to the kitchen. The house was quiet, I had no idea where the boys were, looking out the window I could see the car was gone. I made coffee slumped into a chair, and closed my eyes , I was shivering and I felt like death warmed up. I looked for my phone, I wanted to find out where the boys were. it was in the bedroom on the dressing table .There was a note with it, which read , To Suzzie the best ” Mom ” in the world, look at the pix, you were wonderful.

Oh GOD, there was picture after picture after picture of me naked, pictures of me peeing, giving the boys beers, pictures of me kneeling in front of Sammy with his dick in my mouth, pictures of me laying on the bed with his cum all over my face . My mind was trying to focus on what I was seeing and what had happened last night ,but it couldn’t, until I saw the picture of me on my hands and knees, I was laying on my belly on the the small wooden coffee table in the sitting room and Christopher was fucking me doggy style while Kenny was standing in front of me with his cock in my mouth,oh God it flashed into my mind I remembered doing that,but I wasn’t doing it,but I was, fuck ,fuck fuck, what the fuck had I done ?

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing looking at the pix, but bits of last night kept flashing through my stupid brain as I tried to put the pieces of what happened together. I climbed onto the bed and cried myself back to sleep.

It was early evening when I heard the car pull up outside the house, the boys came into the kitchen where I was pouring myself a drink . Haha said Chris laughing ” your up and getting ready for tonight I see “. ” How do you feel ” asked Kenny ? I put on a brave face smiled and said , ” I am OK, have you had a nice day “? ” We have ” said Sammy coming over to where I stood, ” we have had a great day, and do you know what, ” I said ” no what, ” and he said ” the only thing that could be better than today, would be an even better night ” and they all laughed as they closed in on me.


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