We were pimped out by my uncle

My uncle drove us out of town and to a pimps house who got us to shag 30 different men. But at least we got a wash.

Our next sexual encounter happened almost immediately after fucking and sucking the old drunks in the flat stairwell, Jim had given us some spare change to get some sweets from the shop so we headed straight there.

When we went in the shop we walked around looking at all the yummy sweets on the shelves and spend about ten minutes picking out what we wanted, and that we could afford, we took two chocolate bars and bag of strawberry flavored boiled sweets to the counter, it was quite high and we were only small so could only just reach.

The shopkeeper leaned over the counter, “Is that what you want?” he asked.

“Yes, please.” We said.

He rung them up on the till and we handed over our change, “What have you been up to today then?” he asked, he was really friendly.

“Just out playing in the flats.” I said.

“You’re Maggie’s little lass, aren’t you?” he asked to my friend.

“Yeah.” She replied.

“And you must be little Annabelle.” He said, directed to me, “I’ve heard about you two, you need to be careful around here. Those flats aren’t a good place for two pretty little girls like you to be playing in.” He said.

Then he rubbed his chin and cheeks and licked his lips for some reason, “I’ve got some out of date stuff in the back if you want it.” He said, he lifted up the counter door, “Come on through.” He said, then he put the closed sign up and locked the shop entrance and we followed him in to the back storage room.

He picked up a box that was full of out of date sweets and biscuits and he put it on a table in the middle of the room, “There you are.” He said, pointing to the box.

We looked inside, there was so much stuff it was like Christmas, “All for us – for free?” I asked.

“Yeah, help yourselves.” He replied, he shut the storage room door with us all still inside, “Well, there may be something you give me for them. If you want too.” He said.

We looked at each other and giggled, we knew what he wanted, everyone around here wants the same thing from us, “Okay.” We said, when he saw us pulling off our dresses he took his pants down and rubbed on his dick while walking towards us, “Here you are then.” He said, holding his cock out for us.

We both reached out and tugged on it together until it was hard then we took turns sucking on it, it was cleaner than other men we’d had before, still smelled a bit bad though, then he picked us both up and sat us on the table, he fucked my friend first and then me, he pulled his cock out of my fanny when he was about to come and he leaned us both to the side so our head were touching and he spunked all over our faces and in our open waiting mouths.

He opened the door and after we put our dresses back on he let us take the box of food with us, “You two come see me anytime. I’ll save some sweets for you.” He shouted to us as we were leaving the shop, “We will.” We shouted back.

When we reached the end of the street my uncle pulled up in his car and whistled for us to come over, “What have you got there?” he asked.

“Sweets and stuff.” I replied, then he reached his armed out of the window and opened the back passenger door, “Get in. We’re going to see someone.” He said, so we got in his car and he drove off, he drove us out of the area and eventually we stopped outside a house and we all got out, he walked us in to the house, “You two stay here, I’ll be back later, alright.” He said, then he left us, we were in a house with loads of strange men.

We just stood by the door because we didn’t know anyone or why we were there, then a big Asian man approached us, he kneeled down to our level, “How are you feeling, girls?” he asked.

“Good.” We replied.

The strange man lead us up the stairs and in to a small bedroom, it was a nice bedroom, it even had carpet, it was really clean and tidy and smelt like fruit and flowers and it had a big bed and a large TV, he walked us inside and sat us on the bed, then he handed us each a nighty and pointed to a door at the end of the room, “I need you two to go in there and clean yourselves up, alright. Make sure you get a shower and use the soap. Understand?” he said.

We both nodded, “Yeah.” We replied, and when he left we checked out the bathroom and then we got a shower together, we didn’t want to be alone in a strange place, the water was hot which was new to us we’d never had a hot shower or bath before, we showered for about half an hour and got really clean but we had to scrub each other because we were covered in dirt that was hard to get off because we hadn’t washed in so long.

The man returned to the bedroom and caught us jumping up and down on the bed like it was a trampoline but he didn’t yell at us, we just stopped and sat still, he came over and checked that we were clean and felt our hair, our hair was now clean, soft and shiny, “Perfect. They’re going to love you.” He said.

“Who?” I asked.

“There’s loads of men downstairs who are dying to meet you.” He replied, “Now, when they come up here, I need you to be really nice and do what they say. Okay?” he asked, we nodded in response and he left the bedroom.

“What do you think they want us to do?” my friend asked me, I just shrugged, “I don’t know.” I replied.

A few minutes later the door opened and two men came in and closed the door behind them, they stared at us briefly then slowly removed their clothes, we instantly knew what they wanted from us and we were both excited, “Shagging!” we shouted and we both threw our arms in to the air and fell backwards on to the bed giggling, and that’s exactly what happened, the men joined us on the bed, tore open our nighties and had really rough sex with us.

Then they left and a few minutes afterwards two different men came in and they had sex with us, for about three hours we had sex with about 30 different men, then the other man came back, “How are you doing, girls?” he asked.

We were both shagged out and our fannies and asses were really sore but we still told him we were okay, he sat on the bed next to us, “Well you did good.” He said, then he handed us a big bundle of cash, “You’re uncle will be here to pick you up in a minute, give him that.” He added.

I took it from him, “Okay.” I replied.

“Did you have a good time?” he asked.

We both nodded, “Would you like to come back and do it again?” he asked, we smiled and nodded quickly, “Yes please.” We replied, anything for sex, it’s what we lived for.

“Good girls. Get dressed and come downstairs.” He said, then he left us to get dressed, we went downstairs and my uncle was waiting, I gave him the money and he drove us back to where he picked us up from, it was really dark so we just walked back to my house and we went to sleep until the following day when we were back to being sluts again.

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