1 for 1 and 3 for 3

In a clandestine overnight sport, lesbians surged into uptown Les Spirites. They converged on a single building called the ‘She Built It Gymnasium’.

They deposit their clothes at the door. Some were lithe, others with the physicality of Greek gods. They applied oil to their limbs, like ancient Greek athletes. And removed the loin clothes covering their erogenous zones.

In a circle of lesbians, two occupied the center of the room. Each applying a finger to their partner’s nether-regions. A busty lesbian clothed in white-black striped shirt signals to begin. The lights dim: and furtively, two lesbians finger each other at the center of the circle, their sex zone. Their chests heave, their breasts and thighs glistens with sweat, and their lips open and close with anticipation. They moved and shifted positions.

Finally, a lesbian bought the other to an organism; the other moan and gasps. She signals submission with a hand carefully cupped to each breast. The victor removed a thigh string tightly laced around her opponents thigh and tied it around her own.

Finally, 6 lesbians entered the sex ring. It was the finale: 3 on 3.

They go into a sex battle, very much like the first battle: 1 on 1. Except when 1 lesbian won, she watched her partners. Should 1 of them lose, she stepped and continued their battle.

For those not intimate with these lesbians, they were Trisha, Lucy, Maia, Finley, Ursula, and Lucille. Lucy and Ursula were darker skinned and exotic. Finley, Maia, and Lucy, pale, and athletic.

Trisha won 1st: her opponent passed out on the floor. Her partners Lucy and Maia seem to have the upper hand, but it was not to be the case. Maia crested first and passed out first. Trisha stepped and 3 minutes later finished out Maia’s opponent: Finley.

Lucy lost a minute later: Trisha took her place against Lucille. Trisha’s loin burned: if there was a meter that showed how close she was to an organism, it was red-hot. Just 30 seconds before she would burst, Lucille burst first. Trisha lashed two more thigh strings to her right thigh. And as victor, could proffer her loin to her defeated opponent. Lucille applied thick lips to Trisha nether-zone and went to work on Trisha: until she burst.

A year ago: a pizza was the prize. But lesbians within Les Spirites formalized their sport with a trophy cup, manufactured overseas. Trisha took the cup home: it was a gold-plated aluminum woman (figurine) on a square of marble, most likely cut in Italy. It was the symbol of her party and group: their victory. They played baseball, soccer, racket ball: a number of sports under coaches that put their labels and victory on them. But this night: in a game of 1 for 1 and 3 for 3, a small lesbian party had a game that was just their own. In that game: a lesbian always won.


Written by Lucy McGinn

Edited by Dora Baker

Concepts penned by Julie O’Dill

Derived from a collection of short-stories penned by a local lesbian writers for an LBGT creative writing group.

Not copyrighted. Free to use, share, distribute, or modify.

Some if not all names penned here are ghost names submitted by writers to protect their identity and privacy.