14. Lesbians Attacked And Saved By Villagers Story

You already came to know that whenever we visit some places we face some sexual harassment. This time we first in life faced two lesbians who try to snatched my wife Antara from me during the tour of Kenya. More than 98 percent of the women there were black. The rest were also brown skinned. As you know Antara looked like an angel. Her full body was so beautiful. All the people, including the women, looked at her after reaching the country. At first we went to our hotel. On the very first day we took some rest and went near the hill after evening.

Next day I arranged for a lady car driver who took us to see the wild safari. At about 10am we came out from the hotel and sat inside her car. The car was very heavy because of the iron net on the windows. The window glass was black. Air conditioner was on. But we saw another boy type girl with her who was there in our front seat. We both sat beside the car. The driver told us the other girl was her friend. They took us inside the forest. Sometimes there were trees, sometimes there was a plateau. We found elephants, zebras, hyena, cheetah, lion and many more wild animals in the open ground. We were scared but they managed us. They both watched Antara.

However we enjoyed the day. On the return to the hotel they stopped the car beside the road. They told us to stay inside the car, they were searching for some machinery to purchase within 15 minutes. They left us. I spend 20 minutes inside the car gossiping with Antara. Again I felt aroused towards Antara. She was against my idea but I did not hear her. I started to kiss her inside the car. I unzipped my pants down and pulled down her pants also. I licked her vagina and she sat on my penis. It was like she hugged me. We kissed each other in this position while fucking her.

After some time I saw they were coming towards us. But I was not able to separate with Antara. I moved my hands on her boobs from outside of her dress. They opened the door from both sides and saw us in this situation. The driver told us ‘Carrie on…We will not disturb you… But we have to leave now from here.’ Antara did not say anything as nothing was visible to them. However they started to run their car and we continued to enjoy our fucking season in side the running car. They were watching us through looking glass. Just before reaching our hotel I ejaculated in her. The car stopped near the hotel.

Antara stood up and wore her pants. My penis was drooping. They both saw my penis and smiled at me. I wore my pants and gave them their money and thanked them for guiding us on the safari tour.

On the return day I informed them to collect us from our hotel to the airport. As usual they both came with their car near about 11 pm. We took our seats behind the car. After 1 hour they stopped the car and gave us a cup of tea. We took tea with them. Then we sat in the car but within a minute we went to sleep.

When I woke up, I saw myself tied with a chair. It looked like a godown, with some animal’s smell nearby. Only one bulb illuminated the bed, the rest were totally dark. I saw they were both injecting into Antara’s hand. It seemed Antara was senseless. After the injection they clapped their palms with each other. I requested them to leave us but they said ‘We will leave you but you have to give us your wife. We will play with her. We have decided to have a threesome with her. We are lesbians. She is so beautiful. If you don’t want to give her to us then we will make her so worse that you never want to sex with her. You will start to hate her body.’

Then they started to undress her. Within three minutes they completely made her naked. The boy type girl came to me and unzipped my pants and held out my penis. She said to me ‘We will now play with your senseless wife. Your semen will automatically come out to see us.’

Then one of them started to kiss her mouth and the other one started to lick her vagina. Then they both started to suck her both nipples and inserted their finger in her vagina hole. They sucked her face and neck. Antara got her sense back when they both tickled near her ears and rubbed her vagina but she was not able to move her own body. They put their vagina on Antara’s mouth. Then they started to scratch her body with their nails. Antara’s fair white skin turned into red. Then they belted a rubber penis on their waist. One held her both hand and others started to fuck her with this toy penis. They both one by one fucked her in this way.

Then they rolled her in doggy style. One Of them inserted rubber penis in her mouth and the other was fucking her from the behind. It was like lesbian gangbang. My semen was truly came out from my penis and dropped on my heel to see them fucking Antara. After that they opened their penis belt. One Of them came near me and smiled to see my heel molded with my cum. She asked me ‘Oh… You already cum…..What do you think? Leave her or not? You will fatigue to fuck her after cum out but we will never tired to fuck her.’ But I did not want to leave her abroad. I said no to them. Then the other one came near me and grabbed my testicles. I felt so much pain. I shouted to leave my balls for my Hernia issue. They left my balls and smiled to see my balls. They said ‘Did you feel any pain while fucking her? We targeted her to have with us when you fucked her in our car.’

However they left me but not Antara. One was moving her finger in my wife’s vagina. Then I was shocked when I saw the other girl brought a big white pig behind my wife. They aroused the pig for fucking Antara. At first they sprayed some dried fruits on her butt area and put it inside vagina and stuck it in her. That pig came and sucked it from her vagina. In this way they lubricated her vagina with this pig. After that they both positioned that pig behind her. Then his thin, long penis went inside her vagina. He fucked her for more than 15 minutes. They kept a pillow on her knees. After that he cummed inside her. Pig semen came out from her vagina. They saw me and smiled ‘Look at your wife. She has been fucked by a pig. You may not accept her now. So again we are requesting you to leave her with us. If not given, we will start torture on her.’

How can I leave my wife with them? They can understand my mind. They brought a variety of insect jars in front of her. They gave water in her mouth to drink and then closed her mouth with a tape and lied down. Then they tied her hands and legs with both side locks with ropes. She looked tired after being fucked by the pig.

They smeared some sweat liquids on Antara’s nude body including inside her vagina. Then they released a cockroach on her vagina. This one was licking her skin and slowly walking up to her navel. Then they released a lizard on her vagina again. The lizard followed the cockroach and swallowed.

After that they again took a cockroach from the jar but this time they put it inside her vagina. The insect was trying to come out from her vagina but was stuck from the backside. They put another lizard on top of her lower abdomen. This lizard smelled and found that cockroach. He came down from the groove of vagina and picked up that cockroach from her vagina. The cockroach started to fidget inside the mouth of the lizard on Antara’s vagina. Antara tried to move her body due to titillation. After the lizard eats, they put it inside the jar.

Then they put two mentis on both of her nipples. They bit on that. Her blood came out from her nipple. She started to feel pain on her nipples. Then they put 2 millipedes on her boobs. One of them followed them by a leaf. They were crossing her boobs to vagina. They inserted their half body inside her vagina but they were able to come out from there.

Then they put one leech inside her vagina and sprayed her labia skin from both sides, one on her outside vagina, one on her belly and two on both of her boobs. They all started to suck her blood from the skin. Antara started to move her lower body portion as a leech moved inside her vagina. They left her both labia, as a result the leech stayed inside her vagina. Sometimes after blood came out from her there. I was scared but they smiled as the leech burst inside her vagina pressure. They took out the others’ leeches but were unsuccessful. However they automatically died due to overdrinking of blood. Then they threw out those leeches from her body but did not clean her vagina.

Then they brought a big dog. He smelled her body. As she had no power to resist, those two girls again rolled her like doggy style. Some of the insects came out from her vagina. They inserted their finger and rounded inside her vagina in search of insects. They pull out 2-4 insects from there. After cleaning inside they smeared again on her back. This dog now tried to jump her waist and licked her back skin.

This dog succeed to fuck her with his first attempt as her vagina was already lubricated by pig cum and insects. This dog also fucked my wife more than 20 minutes. Then they untied her. But Antara had nothing to do as it was injected into her body. They did not separate even after dog’s cum in her. They said to me ‘What do you think? She already been fucked by the pig and also by this dog. You may start to hate her.’ I only asked them to leave us but they refused.

Then they put a lot of unknown insects on her nude body. They sprayed all over her body. Some bugs bite on her skin. Antara tried to bear her pain. Water came down from her eyes. But those 2 girls enjoyed this. Antara started to pee in fear. They were loudly smiling to see her urinating. Then they took a funnel and inserted it into her vagina. They put a jar full of small insects. This time salvia came out from Antara’s closed mouth. They took aside the funnel. All the insects moved inside her vagina. Her body was stuffed at that time. She could not even move or stand herself. They pushed 3-4 of these insects inside her anus. They held her in front of me and exposed her vagina. It looked like her body, especially her vagina caught rotting. Some of these insects came out from there and walked on her vagina.

They spoke with each other in their local language. They burned all of her dresses with her bags. They urinated on her body. Then they held her with hanging and put her in their car. Then they returned to me and tied my legs only. They pushed me towards their car. Before stepping into the car, they smeared some honey on my penis and scrotum. Then they tied a bag with rope in this area and pushed me inside the car. I started to feel pain as something bit on my penis and scrotum. They told me ‘How did you feel? They are bees. They bite you for the honey. Your wife bore a lot of pain, you have to bear some pains.’

It was dawn. They pushed us in the drain near a river and left us naked in the forest. Antara was senseless and I also felt an unbearable pain in my penis area. Antara didn’t have any dress to wear and did not have any money with us. They snatched all of our money. It seemed I was getting senseless before I saw some woman come towards us.

When I opened my eyes I saw a lot of black women and girls surrounding us in a mud house. They took us from there to here. They already covered our body with their clothes as there were girls of different ages. But I did not find any male there. One of them was like the main woman in this village started to talk with me. I told her the whole incident. She discussed it with other women and told me ‘Your wife is alive till now but you both have to stay here to get full fit. We will cure you both. Her body was already infected.’

I saw myself totally nude when they removed their clothes from me and my scrotum and penis were bigger than earlier by bees biting. The lady told me ‘I did not see that type of scrotum. There were a lot of bees inside the bag. I did not understand what you do with them as they did so much cruelty like this?’ I said to them ‘They wanted my wife. They said me if I did not give my wife to them, they will make my wife so dirty that I never doing sex with her.’

The lady put some liquid medicine on my penis and testis. It was like cool. My pain converted into coolness. They told me to lay down on their bed in this naked position. There was no embarrassment as all the men went to their work long days ago.

Then they left me and went to my wife. At first they sprinkled her face with water but Antara did not respond. Then they washed her full body with river water. One of them saw some insects inside her vagina. Then the lady inserted her finger into her and pulled out those insects from there. Lots of insects bite inside her vagina. They tried to clean her vagina as well as her anus to their best level. Three young girls brought water from the river. All the women saw my nude wife. They spoke with each other about Antara’s body, she looked very beautiful, nobody looked like her in their village, why some girls took revenge on her. They wanted to hear her voice.

However the lady put the same medicine on her full body. The lady came to me and said to me ‘She is not responding till now but don’t worry, she can take a breath. Within a few hours she may get her sense back. But you both do not put your clothes on. You have to stay naked for at least 2 days. She is now clean and out of danger.’ They gave their food to me. In the evening Antara regained her sense. She needed to go to the bathroom but where was the bathroom?

2 Women went with her in the open sky near the river side. Within 10 minutes they returned back. The lady with these 2 women again put their medicine on her nude body. They touched her boobs, belly, vagina, butt, back, face, neck everywhere. The lady told me ‘We will leave you after you are fully fit. They told you that you did not want to sex with your wife??? We will again make her so beauty. We want to see your sex in front of us.’ They gave their dinner to us. Antara still could not speak clearly. After dinner we went to sleep in the open sky with the net to protect us from mosquito’s biting.

In the morning my swelling of the pubic area became normal in size. The lady with those women came to us and touched my penis to check if it was working or not. She pulled back my foreskin and looked inside the hole. She was satisfied. She told me ‘It looks great to see your penis in normal. Let me show you your erection.’ One of them started to fondle my penis and scrotum. They were clapping after my erection. The lady told me ‘Nice to see your penis is working like earlier. But I think you have a hernia problem. You have to look after it with a doctor. Now we have to examine your wife’s condition.’

They came back to Antara. They laid her down on a mat. 2 Of them held her lower thigh high. The lady sat in front of her vagina and sprayed both of her labia and looked inside the hole. She inserted her finger and confirmed to all of them that she is now alright. She again put that medicine on Antara’s full body.

Within the afternoon Antara looked a little fit. The lady gave her a soft massage on her back and boobs. They arrange a soft bed before the evening. All village women and girls came here. I did not know what had happened. The lady told me ‘Now we want to see if you both can do sex or not. We will help you to do so.’

Two young girls held her legs apart. The lady was coating her vagina with some oil type liquid and rubbed her labia and clitoris. I was standing. The lady took her waist down beside the bed. I pushed my penis inside her vagina in front of them. But Antara loudly screamed due to the pain in her there. I removed my penis. These two women put thick medicine on her vagina hole.

The lady told me ‘She feels pain as she did not circumstances her vaginal labia. If you permit we will cut her labia skin.’ I said ‘No need to cut. It will be cured in a natural way’. At night we ate our dinner and went to sleep.

Next morning again all the women and girls were coming to us. Antara looked fresh. After cleaning we reached the bed. Again the lady sprayed that oil on her vagina and fingered her. Then I inserted my dick inside her. This time Antara did not feel any pain. All women started clapping. I fucked her for more than 10 minutes. Then she rolled backwards. I fucked her in doggy style. Some women and girls moved their hands on Antara’s boobs, back, butt. The lady caught her hair, Antara felt so pleased that her hand worked like combs.

The lady told me ‘It feels so great to fit both of you as earlier. One more thing I can tell you is that your wife is really so gorgeous. You have little penis size by comparison to us. Our male is two and half times more than you.’

Then I fucked her in side by side. This time all were looked at in that area. I slowly fucked her and held her waist in the open sky in front of them. The lady told me to cum inside her . She slowly moved and touched my upper penis and Antara’s vagina. Some girls touched her legs, her belly and fingered her navel. I felt so nice to fuck my wife in front of these women. After that I cummed inside her. My semen came out from her vagina. The lady took it with her finger and put it into her own mouth. She tasted it delicious.

However we got nude for the whole day. In the evening the lady gave us dresses to wire and also gave us some money to come back to our home. We stayed there naked with them for 2 days. Next day morning after taking some food, they sent us to the area from where we took a bus to the airport.

But Antara felt somewhat embarrassed while coming back from there as they did not give her bra. She travelled this long way without any bra and panty. She wore only one pic of clothes which covered her neck to knee. When she raises her hands I can see her boobs from beside.

Though that time was really a painful to both of us but it was nice felling to fuck my fair Antara in front of the whole African women and girls in their village really amazing. Even till now I am thinking that we got totally nude in front of them for 2 days. Next time we have to decide our destination very carefully.

But on that toured Antara was fucked by a pig as well as by a dog. Those two lesbians just destroyed her vagina by insects. After that our sex life hampered gradually by thinking of that incidents. I started to feel how can I fuck my wife where she already been fucked by animals.