1st Off Fence

There was half a board missing on the bottom behind some bushes, so you couldn’t see it.

This boy got a call on his phone, then he looked around. Suspiciously, so I got up, and followed him, to see what he was doing.

It thought he might be pissing, and I wanted to see that, but then my coat brushed the bush so it rustled, and scared him off.

“Hey,” he zipped his pants up, then he started running. “What were you doing?”

“Hey,” I saw another boy, crouch down so I could see his mask. He had a hood pulled up, and tied down under it, so all I could see were his eyes. “You’re a girl.”

I nodded, “What was he doing anyway?” He stood up, and sure enough, his fly was unzipped, but all I saw was his underwear.

“He bet me his dick was bigger, so there was only one way to compare sizes. You want to see?” He fished around in there, but I just nodded.

“Who won the bet?”

“I did.” It didn’t look that big. “If you don’t mind.” Maybe when it got hard, “Just to make sure you’re a girl, I might have to touch you.”

“Huh!” I pulled my dress up, “You can touch me to molest me, if you let me touch you, too.”

He squeezed it, and flopped it up and down, but then he stepped back, and reached through the fence to touch me.

“Huh, you ever touched a girl before?”

“Am I doing it wrong?” He just rubbed his fingertips up, and down.

“I don’t know, try in the panties.” I pulled them down, so he could feel around blindly, and held my dress up. Across the fence, I couldn’t really see either, but I kept looking over my shoulder.

Over the bushes, I couldn’t see anyone, but the boy on the phone didn’t see me sitting down to play on the ground. I forgot all about my dolls, but I wasn’t about to go back, and get them. “Tell me when it gets hard again.”

“It already is hard.” He even let go of my pussy to show me, so I dropped my dress, and rubbed it between my legs.

“Show me.” Sure enough, it stuck straight out with his thumb to hold it down. He pinched it to rub his finger under it, and squeezed it even harder.

“You ever sucked dick?”

“Huh!” I touched it, “I never even touched one before.” I ran my finger down the head, then under it to touch his finger. “Or balls,” I turned my hand over, and he let go. “Where’s your balls?” I shook my head, and even bent down to look.

“It’s a little cold, so they’re up here.” He pushed one down, and around his boner, so it swung over, and I laughed.

“I didn’t know you could do that!” I touched it, before it rolled back up, and rubbed the hairy wrinkles. So, I pushed the other one down, and felt it tuck back up.

“Okay, you got to play with them, now suck it.”

“Huh!” I rolled my eyes, “Okay, but you have to promise to lick me when you’re done.” I stuck it in my mouth, and sucked it, but I rubbed the wrinkles out, and he pushed his balls down, one by one for me to play with.

I tried fucking it in and out, but then I just rubbed the bottom with my tongue, and played with his balls. With one hand, I pinched the bottom with the other, and rubbed the top with my finger.

Honestly? I forgot all about making him do oral sex back, I had so much fun playing with his balls until it twitched, and he started cumming in my mouth.

“Mhnih! Sniff.” I swallowed it, every time until it stopped cumming, and started going soft again. “Smuip!”

“How’d you like your first blowjob?”

“Huh!” I pulled my mask up, “Thanks!” I pulled my underpants up, and ran to get my dolls. I just picked up the dishes in the bandana we were having a picnic on, but as soon as I was done, I just wanted to get out of there, before someone saw me.

I was ashamed of myself, right away, when I didn’t even think about the chance to see the first boy peeing. Then, it wasn’t until I swallowed it, I realized what I did. I just sucked off a total stranger, and I only hesitated once, so I could touch it some more.

The best part was the way his balls shriveled up, and disappeared behind his pubes. He had his hand in the way most of the time, and I was so focused on his dick too, but I didn’t know they could do that.

I went back to play behind the bushes again, until somebody replaced the board. They cut it off, or one of them did, because it wasn’t broken, but then they took the top off, and put in a whole new board.

It didn’t match, so every time I saw it, it reminded me of my first blowjob. They never came back, because I forgot to ask them for their numbers, so I could call them, and make them meet me back there again.

Even so, it’s probably the best sexual experience of my life, or at least my favorite. I know it sounds boring, I barely got turned on, and not even close to orgasming, but when I did.

That’s what I think about, sometimes I still think about it even when I’m having sex with someone else,or molesting another young boy. Not too young, but I realized that the balls drop through the inguinal ducts, instead of straight down through the pelvis. So, if you get them soon enough after their balls drop, that way isn’t healed up, but they have to have at least a little pubic hair, so I know I can make them cum.

I can’t help it, I guess it’s because I was so young.

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅