A Best Friend’s Confession

Elizabeth admired her friend Tess as she Sauntered back towards the couch on which she sat. Even at six months pregnant, the brunette bombshell was the epitome of sexy. Her brunette hair was done up in a bun and her smokey make-up was immaculate. She wore a white silk blouse with loose sleeves and a neckline which plunged down her chest, leaving her plump cleavage exposed, tucked into a high-waisted calf length black skirt which showed every curve that the beautiful woman had to offer.

Their husbands were away on business together and Elizabeth was enjoying the time spent alone with her best friend, but she simply couldn’t stop staring at her today. It was not an altogether alien feeling, but today was somehow different. “Damn Tess! You are gorgeous!” She exclaimed playfully.

“Thank you,” The brunette chuckled. “You really do look amazing!” Elizabeth added.

“I feel like a whale” the brunette said, running her hand over the prominent slope of her belly.

Liz gave her a knowing sideways look. “Bullshit. Someone’s fishing for complements.” She responded sardonically.

Tess smirked as she took a sip of her iced tea.

“Well, what can I say? I’m a vain, shallow woman.” She retorted dryly.

Elizabeth chuckled. “Seriously though. And if I had known you were going to be so well-dressed I would have put on something better for the occasion!” She bit her lip subtly. Liz herself was thin with short blonde hair and wore a simple red floral dress which came just below her knees when she stood.

Tess’s smile became mischievous, and her eyes sparkled as she sat down beside her friend.

“I was just thinking the same thing” the brunette teased.

“Oh, is that so? So we’re both just shallow bitches, huh?” She gave a crooked smile.

“I’m just kidding Liz. You look lovely.” Tess answered with a wink.

They both laughed.

“Not like you though. You look simply…” She thought for a moment to find the right word “elegant!” Elizabeth admired the brunette’s beauty once again as she sipped her drink, “That outfit really does suit you. I’ve never seen you dressed like that before.” And indeed Elizabeth did wonder why she was dressed up in such a way for their get-together. It was certainly an unusual sight.

Tess raised an eyebrow. “And you look very cute today too!” She added with a smirk.

Elizabeth scoffed. “Cute? You mean the same as always, don’t you?”

” You say that like it’s a bad thing!” Tess chuckled, slapping her friend’s exposed knee playfully. More seriously, she added, “I was actually quite nervous about it to be honest. I was afraid I would look ridiculous.”

“Ridiculous? Tessa, you’re absolutely breathtaking! Why would you think that?” Her clear blue eyes were earnest in their sincerity.

Tess blushed. With a sigh she rolled her eyes.

“Because I’m huge Liz! I didn’t know how a tight-fitting outfit would look, especially something of a style far more refined than I usually wear!”

Now it was Elizabeth’s turn to roll her eyes and sigh. “You’re not huge. You’re pregnant and it suits you.” She stated in a tone that would tolerate no argument. “And so what? You thought that you would try it out on me to see my response before you wore it out anywhere?”

Tess looked down in slight discomfort, “Well, something like that.” She muttered as she rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

Liz was silent for a moment. “Well, I absolutely adore it.” She answered firmly, all the while resisting the desire to caress every inch of her body.

Tess’s blush deepened, but a smile was slowly returning to her face.

Elizabeth rested her chin on her closed hands, which relaxed against the side of the couch and gazed into her friends. Big honey colored eyes. “Besides, what do you need my approval for? I bet Charlie can’t keep his hands off of you.”

Tess’s smile faltered as she glanced down at her hands, playing with her wedding ring. “Actually uhm… He doesn’t want to… He won’t… Well, he won’t have sex with me anymore so…” She spoke quietly.

Elizabeth’s jaw dropped and her eyes widened. “Wait, what?” She said incredulously. “He won’t have sex with you!?” Her voice rose in anger, becoming hard edged and conveying the bewilderment she felt. “What a stupid. No good. Ungrateful. Scumbag. Sack of shit!!!!”

The brunette cleared her throat and shifted her position, sliding closer to Elizabeth. Her once somber expression cracked into a beautiful smile and she chuckled lightly. “Wow. You really are mad. You know, your adorable when you’re angry”, Tess teased.

“Don’t mock me”, Elizabeth growled.

“I’m not.” Tess said honestly, taking her hand.

“But what’s wrong with him? How could he possibly not want to have sex with you?! I don’t understand. You are an absolute goddess, and he knows it.” Elizabeth ranted.

Tess’s smile widened as she responded softly, “A goddess? Why aren’t you getting a bit too offended on my behalf?” She asked teasingly, although a note of curiosity was hidden behind her words.

“Maybe I am, but you’re worth being offended for. Seriously though, why won’t he have sex with you? Is that why you were testing your new look to see what I thought? In order to wear for him?” As she said this she couldn’t help but glance down at the full breasts which flowed from the center of Tess’s silk top.

Tess’s eyebrows arched, “he said he feels disgusted because of the baby. And no, that’s not quite the reason.” She cleared her throat. “It’s allowed me time to think…”

“About what?” Liz asked in confusion.

Tess shrugged her shoulders. “Stuff.” She said with a wink. “But anyway, how are you and Ben doing?”

Elizabeth sighed. She had to admit that she had been rather distracted by Tess’s stunning form and hadn’t really paid attention to what the brunette had just told her.

“Huh? Oh, we’re fine.”

Tess gave her an expectant look. “Really? That’s all you’re going to say? Because the last time we talked you mentioned some problems with your marriage, and we haven’t spoken about it since.”

Liz shrugged, swirling her thumb over the back of Tess’s hand. “Oh, ya know, my sex life isn’t that great either. He wants it, mind you, but all he wants is to get off and go about his business… And now… Well now he keeps trying to get me to do anal.” She grimaced.

“Anal? Really?” Tess raised an eyebrow.

“Ya. I don’t get it. He’s never even shown interest in the subject before and now all of a sudden he won’t shut up about it!” She exclaimed.

“So you’ve never done it?” Tess sounded surprised.

“No. I don’t think I would ever let a man do that to me. It’s disgusting. I wouldn’t want anyone’s dirty dick near my butthole.” She shuddered. “Have you?”

Tess nodded her head thoughtfully. “I have. It’s a lot better than you’d expect.” She squeezed Elizabeth’s hand. “So… You just wouldn’t do it with a ‘dirty dick’ or not at all?” She asked with a smirk.

Elizabeth was stunned and quickly found herself reevaluating her statement. “Well I-…That’s not what I said.” She suddenly imagined Tess pumping her fingers in and out of her asshole. She began to blush.

“But is that not what you meant?” Tess inquired somewhat smugly.

“It’s not what I meant!” The blonde retorted defensively. They had always had a certain physicality about their friendship but now Elizabeth’ became incredibly aware of just how close her friend was to her.

“So you would, if the circumstances were right?” The brunette continued to press her.

“Maybe,” Liz relented. “I mean… Not with him… I sometimes swear I think he’s gay. First he asked me to cut my hair off, so I did, and now he’s also asking me for anal as well!”

Tess ran her hand through Elizabeth’s hair, causing an imperceptible shudder to pass through the other woman. “Well, I love your hair, but… You said not with him… So there’s someone you would do it with?”

Elizabeth looked away, her cheeks growing redder. “Maybe…” She muttered.

Tess gave a playful grin, her eyes narrowing with mischief. “Hmm. That’s interesting. So there’s a particular someone.” After a pause she added, “Another man?”

Liz’s eyes darted towards the brunette. “What?” She stuttered. “No! No, I didn’t say that. Why would you assume that?” She felt a tinge of shame and a strange excitement.

“So a woman then?!” Tess let out a little laugh as she leaned back on the couch, placing her hand on her swollen belly.

“Oh shut up” Liz said, rolling her eyes.

Tess’s expression grew serious, and she reached over to brush a strand of blonde hair off of her friend’s forehead.

“Do you trust me Liz?” The brunette asked softly, taking her friend’s hand once again and laying it on her stomach. She knew that Liz could be quite difficult to open up and was more than willing to lead her down the path patiently.

The question caught her off guard, but she had no hesitation in her answer. “Of course I do. More than anyone.” She responded softly into the suddenly heavy silence.

“So… Is it someone you’ve known a long time?”

Elizabeth felt her heart race as her friend’s hand rested atop hers, guiding them onto her hard prominent stomach and resting it there.

“Yes.” She answered, barely above a whisper.

“So did these feelings develop recently or have they been present for a long time?”

“A long time. Since high school.” She was feeling dizzy as she allowed herself to be led, not really understanding what was happening or why, but somehow it felt natural, and she didn’t want to stop it.

“Why did you never say anything?”

Elizabeth sighed and averted her gaze.

“Because she was with someone.” She mumbled reluctantly.

“Ohhhhh.” Tess nodded, as if a realization was dawning upon her.

“And this girl, is she still with someone?” She asked casually, almost nonchalantly.

“Yes… She’s married.” She said reluctantly.

“Is she happy?”

Elizabeth paused for a moment, unsure how to answer the question.

“She says she is.”

Tess was silent, staring at her friend. She could tell the other woman was struggling with the questions. “You know… I’ve had similar feelings about someone.” She said after a moment.

“Really?” Elizabeth asked, turning her gaze to meet Tess’s.

“Yep. She’s married too.” The brunette answered honestly.

“She…? Why didn’t you tell me about this? Wait… What did you do?” Elizabeth leaned forward, waiting breathlessly for an answer.

Tess straightened her back and shrugged softly. “What could I do? I kept her company and I restrained my feelings. I dreamed of her and I watched and I waited…”

Elizabeth was amazed at the regal bearing return which her friend kept while admitting all of this. “Oh Tess,” She breathed. “So what happened? Do you still feel this way?”

“Yes, I do.” The brunette admitted. “But I’m only telling you this so that you won’t know that you can open up to me. Tell me about this woman who you are interested in.” She could tell that her friend was still not ready to explicitly state who her feelings were for, and that was okay because Tess was enjoying this and so glad that she had finally taken this chance.

“She’s a good friend.” The blonde began, swallowing hard. “She’s the best friend I’ve ever had. We’ve known each other a long time.”

Tess relaxed her arm on the back of the couch and began gently playing with her friend’s hair. “Well, I’d already gotten that Liz.” She smiled softly, “I meant describe her.”

Elizabeth closed her eyes as her friend’s hand brushed against her scalp. It was such a soothing feeling, and she felt so comfortable, the tension and nervousness she had previously felt draining from her body.

“She’s beautiful… Sexy… Olive skinned… High cheek bones… Honey eyes I could gaze into all day. Sweet… Caring… Regal… Really well-dressed too.” She finished as an afterthought.

Tess was grinning like a Cheshire cat. “You have no idea what you’re doing, do you?” She asked gently.

Elizabeth opened her eyes, her brow furrowing in confusion.

“I-I’m not sure what you mean.”

Tess leaned over, bringing her face inches from the other woman’s. She was pleased to notice the blush creep back across her friend’s cheeks. “I’ve always loved how oblivious you can be to the obvious.” She whispered soothingly. “Elizabeth… Are you in love with me?” She let the words hang in the air.

The blonde’s jaw dropped, her eyes widening. “W-What?” She stammered. “How-How could you even ask such a thing?” She was suddenly very aware of Tess’s presence, her hand on her stomach, her breath against her face, her scent filling her nostrils, her own ache which had been unfulfilled for so very long.

She leaned back slightly. “Elizabeth. You asked me earlier who I wore this outfit for…”

“And you said it wasn’t because of Charlie…” She said quietly.

“Yes. You are correct. So who was it for?” She continued to play with the other woman’s hair.

Elizabeth’s mind raced. It was all so much to take in, and she couldn’t seem to process the events unfolding.

“I-I don’t know.” She answered lamely.

“Yes you do. Just as I have watched the way you’ve been looking at me all day.” She saw Elizabeth’s eyes flicker down to her cleavage.

“Oh.” Elizabeth whispered.

“‘Oh’ is right. You’ve been ogling me since you got here and you know it. You’ve been admiring my belly in a not altogether innocent fashion and staring at my chest. Do you deny it?” She teased.

“N-no.” Elizabeth was breathing harder.

Tess nodded. “So I’ll ask again. Elizabeth, beautiful, sweet Elizabeth. Are you in love with me?”

The blonde was speechless. She simply stared at the brunette, unable to form a coherent response.

“You have such beautiful eyes. I’ve always loved that about you. I’ve always been able to see your emotions and feelings in them. So are you?”

Tess’s bluntness was startling. “Tess I- we’re married an-”

“And that’s irrelevant.” She cut her off, her eyes narrowing, “Don’t think about our husbands. You said it yourself, he’s an asshole. And mine is no better. For all we know, they are fucking each other considering what you told me and some of the things mine has had me do to him. You need to listen to me and focus on us right now.” She placed her hand gently on Liz’s face. “You can open up to me Elizabeth. You can be honest with me. Please don’t hide from me anymore.”

“I’m not.” The blonde insisted.

“Then answer the question.” She spoke firmly.

“Y-Yes. Yes. I-I think so.” She stuttered.

Tess’s lips curled up in a small smile, and she tilted her head, leaning forward and giving Elizabeth a tender kiss on the lips. “Mmm.” The blonde gasped, closing her eyes and letting the sensations of the other woman’s lips against hers wash over her.

Tess pulled away and gazed into the other woman’s eyes.

“Oh.” Liz whispered. “Wow. Why did I never do that before?” She asked with a hint of a laugh.

“Because you were afraid.” Tess responded, running her thumb over the other woman’s lower lip.

“That was… Incredible. And your lips are so soft.”

“Yours too.” Tess cooed.

Elizabeth sighed. “What are we going to do, Tess?” Her voice trembled.

“Right now? Or later?”

“Both.” She answered without hesitation.

Tess grinned. “Right now I am going to do something I’ve long dreamed of.” The blonde smiled, sliding her hand back onto the swell of the brunette’s stomach.

“And what is that?” She asked.

“I’m going to make love to you.” She whispered as she cupped her friend’s chin in her hand and gently pulled her towards herself.

“Ohhh” The blonde whimpered as her lips met those of the other woman, pressing firmly against her and moving her hand down the slope of her stomach. They kissed deeply and passionately, exploring each other’s mouths as they had both longed to do for years. It was as if a tidal wave had broken upon them, washing away all of their troubles and fears and doubts. Each one becoming more confident and sure of themselves than ever before.

They parted momentarily and each took in deep breaths of oxygen, smiling as they looked into the other’s eyes. Elizabeth felt dizzy. Everything seemed surreal, unreal.

Tess reached up and ran her hands through the other woman’s hair, pulling her closer to her so that she had to lean forward. She moved her hand down to the blonde’s ass, squeezing it lightly and moving her fingers across the crack underneath her dress. She found her way between the blonde’s legs, placing gentle kisses along her neck.

“Is this really happening?” Elizabeth sighed as she obeyed her friends’ every direction.

“It sure is baby.” Tess smiled. She undid the other woman’s top four buttons at the front of her dress and opened it slightly, reaching inside to run her fingers up and down the curve of the other woman’s breasts. She grasped them both and began to message them between her fingers, feeling the firm peaks beneath her palms.

“My god Tess. This feels incredible.” Liz sighed.

“Good. That’s good.” Tess moaned as she pulled one of her cups down and took a nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it.

She felt her own sex growing moist as she pleasured the blonde, watching her face grow flush with pleasure. As she sucked on her breasts and tweaked her nipples, the blonde groaned and arched her back, pressing her breasts into the brunette’s hands.

Suddenly Tess pulled away. “I need you. Now.” She said breathlessly.

“I’ve always wanted to touch you. To taste you.” Liz panted.

Tess grinned. “Well, let’s go upstairs.”

The pair rose and made their way up to the master bedroom, Tess leading the blonde by the hand. They stepped into the room and closed the door behind them. Tess turned and took Elizabeth’s face in her hands, pulling her into a kiss. “Mmm.” Elizabeth sighed as their tongues danced together.

Tess began to move her hand down the other woman’s back, sliding her fingers down the back of her dress and caressing her ass through the thin material. With the other hand she lifted the hem as she moved her fingers beneath the fabric and began to caress the other woman’s panties, feeling the warm moisture soaking the cloth.

“Mmm. I want you so badly.” Tess moaned.

“Me too.” Elizabeth breathed, running her hand along the other woman’s blouse as she continued to slide her other hand up and down her thigh.

Tess grabbed the waistband of Elizabeth’s underwear and pushed them down off the blonde’s hips, releasing the other woman’s gorgeous ass to the open air.

Her fingers immediately sought out her lover’s wet center, rubbing against her clit for a moment before sliding the dress off of her thin frame.

“You are absolutely beautiful.” Tess whispered.

Liz placed her hands on the back of the other woman’s head, pulling her closer to her, kissing her passionately as the brunette slipped her fingers inside the blonde’s wetness. “Mmmmmm” Liz groaned as Tess’s finger penetrated her.

She was surprised at how quickly her body responded to her friend’s touch, and even more surprised at how good it felt to finally allow herself to let go of her inhibitions and be with the person that she truly desired.

She ran her hands over her lover’s plump cleavage, sliding down the silk of her blouse and untucking it slowly from her skirt.

“You are gorgeous.” Liz moaned, kissing Tess’s neck and nibbling her ear lobe.

She continued to pull the blouse out from the other woman’s skirt until it was fully untucked, running her fingers along her friend’s spine and making her shiver with delight. She pulled it over Tess’s head and tossed it on the floor, hungrily eyeing the swollen mounds which strained from the white lace bra which she wore.

She quickly removed the bra, freeing her lover’s beautiful heavy breasts and taking one of the hardened nipples into her mouth, running her tongue over it and teasing it with her teeth. As she began to slide the long skirt down her swollen stomach and off of her hips.

“Mmmm… Yes.” Tess purred, pulling her back up for a kiss and grabbing the other woman’s ass.

She slid her fingers deeper into her friend’s wet pussy, curling her fingers and feeling the tightness of her walls as she pumped them in and out. “Take off your bra.” She whispered as she pulled away from her.

Liz nodded, reaching behind her back and unclasping her bra, letting it fall off and expose her small pale breasts and light pink nipples.

Tess herself was now nude for all but her panties and felt suddenly exposed with her pregnant belly on full display. “I usually look better than this.” She said sheepishly.

Elizabeth shook her head and cupped her cheek.

“No, you look perfect. You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.” She took her lover’s hand and led her over to the bed, laying her down upon the silky sheets. “Besides, it’s kinda hot.” She said with a flicker of a smile.

Tess smiled. “So you like pregnant women then?” She teased.

“Only when they are my sexy best friend.” Elizabeth said, crawling on top of her and kissing her lips.

Tess sighed happily and relaxed as the blonde straddled her and pressed her small breasts against her flesh while she kissed the other woman’s belly. “I think I’m a bit more than your best friend now, aren’t I?” Tess purred.

“Yes.” Liz smiled through her kisses.

She placed her hands on her lover’s breasts and began to massage them, running her thumbs over the hard nipples. “These are amazing.” She whispered.

Tess moaned and closed her eyes, relishing the sensation of her lover’s touch. “Come here.” She commanded softly. Tess directed her to straddle her face.

“What are you doing?” Liz asked with a smile.

“Just trust me.” The brunette replied, gently placing her hand on her lover’s lower back and guiding her down.

Elizabeth obeyed and straddled her face, lowering herself down and allowing her friend to lick along her snatch before guiding her slightly forward. Elizabeth felt the flick of a tongue on her asshole and gasped, the feeling both new and pleasant.

“Is this okay?” Tess asked from between her ass cheeks.

“Y-yes.” She moaned.

The brunette grinned and continued, lapping her tongue around the tight entrance and running her hands along her cheeks. “Mmmm… Yes…” the blonde moaned as the brunette slipped her tongue in and out, exploring her asshole and sucking on it.

Elizabeth closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations which radiated through her, her hands still on her lover’s breasts, rolling her fingers over her nipples. “T-that feels so good.” She groaned.

“I’m glad.” Tess murmured, reaching up and taking the other woman’s hand and bringing it down to her own panties.

“Touch me.” She instructed.

Elizabeth obeyed, running her hands down the swollen stomach and pulling her panties down, tossing them on the floor and spreading her friend’s legs wide.

She slid her fingers through the thick bush on her mound and between her soaked labia. “Your so wet.” She breathed.

“Mmm… You like that?” Tess whispered, plunging her tongue inside of her ass.

“Y-yes. I like it very much.”

“Touching me or my tongue in your ass?” She asked through plunges.


Tess smiled and continued to work on her lover’s asshole. She ran her tongue around the rim, then flicked the tip against her hole. She placed her fingers inside the blonde’s pussy and pumped them in and out, her palm slapping her clit for a few moments before pushing her off of her. “Well then… You said earlier that you might be willing if the situation were right… well is it?” She asked, sitting up.

Elizabeth was breathless. She could hardly believe what was happening, that this was actually going to take place. But there was no denying the fact that her ass was tingling with anticipation and her heart was pounding in her chest. As a reply, she got on all fours and put her ass in the air. Tess gave it a sharp slap and moved to her closet, pulling out a flesh-colored dildo before climbing back on the bed. “Are you sure about this?” Tess asked gently, stroking the other woman’s ass.

“Y-yes.” Liz whimpered.

“Alright. Just tell me if you want to stop.” She said as she bent down and kissed the other woman’s ass cheeks, one after the other, before putting the tip to her hole. She pushed in gently, just barely parting the hole, and then pulled it out again.

“Oohhhh!” Elizabeth gasped.

“Okay?” Tess asked.

“Yeah… Just… Surprised is all.”

Tess smiled and pushed in deeper this time, stopping once she felt resistance.

“Oh fuck!” The blonde groaned, gripping the bedsheets tightly.

Tess leaned down and kissed the other woman’s back. “It’ll feel wonderful in a few moments. I promise.” She cooed soothingly.

She continued to push the toy inside of her, watching it disappear into her ass, stretching her open and filling her. “Oooohhhhhhh!” She cried out as it finally filled her completely. She held it there while she began playing with her lover’s pussy as she waited for her body to acclimate.

“How does that feel?” Tess whispered, her fingertips grazing the blonde’s swollen clit.

“G-good.” Elizabeth panted.

“Good. So do you want me to fuck you?”

“Yes. Please.” The blonde whined.

“Well, alright then.”

Tess started to fuck her lover’s asshole slowly, pushing the toy in and out, getting her used to the feeling while she continued to message her clit. “Mmm… Yes.” Elizabeth groaned.

“How does that feel?”


“Do you like the feeling of a dick inside your ass?”

“Oh yes! It’s incredible.” She moaned as she began leaning into it with every stroke.

Tess grinned.

“Mmmm. You are so beautiful. Your ass is perfect.”

“So are you.” Elizabeth gasped.

Tess was pumping her fingers in and out of her lover’s pussy while she fucked her, getting them nice and wet. When they were covered in her juices, she pulled them out and brought them to her mouth, sucking on them while she fucked her. “Mmmm… Yes…”

After a moment, Tess stopped thrusting and slowly pulled the toy out, placing her mouth to the blonde’s asshole and giving it a gentle rimming before crawling up beside her.

“Roll over.” She commanded softly.

Elizabeth obeyed, rolling onto her side.

Tess laid next to her, kissing her lips and pressing her swollen belly against her.

“I love you Liz.” She whispered as her mouth closed on the other woman’s, sliding her thigh between her lover’s legs.

The blonde whimpered as she moved her head to the side to kiss the other woman.

“Mmhmm.” She purred as she continued to rub her slit against Liz’s thigh. Shuddering with each gyration of her hips

Tess shifted slightly so that Elizabeth could gain better leverage to grind her pussy.

She cupped Tess’s breast as she continued to grind her leg, panting louder with every movement. Her nipples hardened under the caress of the blonde’s hand and Tess arched her back in response.

She could tell that her blonde lover was close to climax. The gyrations of her hips were quickening, and she began moaning in pleasure. “Ahhh! Oh god!” She screamed, bucking hard against her one final time. Her arms wrapped around her lover’s neck and dug into her flesh as her orgasm ripped through her body, leaving her spent and exhausted but also sated. She sighed happily as her breathing slowed.

Tess lay next to her with a smug grin, her eyes focused on her lover’s. “My turn.” She said teasingly.

Liz giggled and snuggled closer, still panting from her own orgasm before kissing her breasts and working her way down her hard, swollen stomach.

When she reached her clit, she slid two fingers between her folds, gathering her juices before rubbing her tongue across it. She delighted in the distinct taste of her pregnant lover, plunging her tongue deep inside.

The brunette shuddered and squirmed as her sensitive nub was stimulated. She ran her hands through the blonde’s soft hair as she thrust her hips against her face, fucking her mouth with a rhythm matching the movements of her fingers.

Elizabeth’s tongue darted and flicked across her skin and back inside her, moving faster and faster with each thrust of her fingers. She tasted her love, taking in everything she could, reveling in the overwhelming sensation of being loved by such an amazing person.

Her breath was ragged and uneven as her lover tightened around her fingers. She felt Tess let go with a loud moan as she came, spasming with a throaty moan as she orgasmed. She pulled away and kissed her stomach before turning to rest her head on the brunette’s shoulder.

“That was… Bliss.” Liz sighed contentedly.

Tess chuckled. “It was indeed. You’re amazing babe.” She nuzzled her cheek affectionately.


“I mean it, Liz. You have no idea how much I need you. How much I love you.”

“I think I have a pretty good idea.” Liz said with a smile, her fingers tracing the swell of the other woman’s tummy.

They were silent for a moment, enjoying the peaceful quiet and the feel of the others’ skin against theirs. “So… What now? I mean… Where does a relationship between two married women go?” Liz asked after a while.

Tess sighed and thought for a moment. “I don’t know.” She responded softly.

“Do you want to keep this a secret?” Liz asked, not wanting to break the spell but also knowing that the realities of life were about to return.

“Well… It wouldn’t be hard. We are best friends after all and… So are our husbands, so… We’ll have plenty of time together. I’m sure we can come up with something.” She replied thoughtfully.

Liz nodded and placed a hand on the other woman’s belly, her fingers running along the smooth surface. “We’ll do that then.”

Tess nodded and smiled, placing her hand over the blonde’s. “So… We should get up and get some dinner… We’ll make it a first date. How about that?”

Liz giggled. “Sounds good to me.” She kissed the brunette’s shoulder.

They rose from the bed and put their clothes on, each casting the other lingering glances as they did and then went down stairs and out on their first date.