A Virgin in The World of Cruel Lesbians

A lonely 40 year old woman’s journey into the cruel world of dominant lesbians, whoe’s only aim is to amuse themselves, no matter what.

I left school when I was 17 and went to work at Millars, it was a local factory , I wasn’t smart enough to go to college ,so I decide I would go to night school learn accounts or something, but of course I never did, I discovered boys, and then Jimmy discovered me, and three years later when I was 21 Dad walked me down the aisle and gave me to Jimmy, probably saying good riddance, I am sure I was a disappointment to him and my Mother. .
We went away for a week on our honeymoon and fucked three times a day in a bed, not in the back of his car like we had been doing for the last couple of years, and it was wonderful. I slowly worked my way up from the production line to an office job as the company got bigger, and my Jimmy landed a good job , by the time I was twenty-six, or twenty seven we had moved into a house in the burbs and we were ready to start a family.
It just never happened, but it didn’t seem to matter much, he would buy me sexy nighties ,stockings ,garter belts that sort of thing at Christmas, my Birthday, our Wedding Anniversary, the rest of the year it was a once r twice a week fuck, the art of love making has long gone. Even so when I turned forty it came as one hell of a fucking shock when he announced he had found someone else he loved more than me ,turned out to be the younger woman ,and it came as even more of a shock when he said he was going to sell the house, pay off the mortgage and split what was left fifty / fifty , if I gave him a divorce without any problems .
I ended up moving into an apartment near where I worked and dropped into a routine of going to work, coming home from work , feeding the cat, eating dinner, going to bed , and I sure as hell wasn’t going to go to the company July 4th picnic until I got involved in the damn thing . My immediate superior strolled into my office one Monday morning and announced he was going to Toronto and would not be back until late on Thursday the 3rd, so look after this damn 4th of July thing for me please, liaison with this lot who are doing the catering, call them today and tell them your the person they need to keep in contact with, the womans number is on the page and off he went into the sunset.
I called some woman called Becky Hillyard introduced myself to this bubbly sounding woman, who after I introduced myself and confessed I knew nothing about anything to do with organising parties, assured me her company would ” do it all “, and she would see me at 9 am Wednesday morning to put my mind at rest .
Wednesday morning came ,8.59 am, knock ,knock, on my office door and there was Miss Bubbly Becky Hillyard saying ” hello how are you let’s go see the site “. She was as bubbly in real life as she was on the phone she talked all the way out to the parking lot about how ” they were going to do this and how they were going to do that, and did I want this and did I want that “, and it wasn’t until she got on the phone , and was talking for 5 minutes that I really had the chance to look at her.
God she was pretty, early to mid 20’s was my guess, slim , bare sun tanned legs in 6 inch heels a fairly short skirt and a simple blouse, and she was taking three calls at the same time, and handling everything as if it was a Nasa rocket launch, this was the woman I always wanted to be, but never became.
Three big trucks arrived and Becky, a guy called Ron, and myself walked around the grounds and she told me where this was going that was going and I said ” OK”, smiled and went back to my office.
At about 4.30 that afternoon I went down ,it had rained on and off and the ground was a little muddy but we had a tent city, with chairs and tables in a huge tent and a beer tent , and there was Miss Bubbly, had no shoes on , mud all over her legs putting the finishing touches to the place,still laughing joking,giving instructions to the four guys left, she introduced me to the night guy who would be staying to look after everything, and she stood holding her shoes looking at her feet and said,” I bet I look a mess “, and we were laughing.
I have no I dear why, but I said, ” where do you have to go to” and she said ” I live in St. Charles ” which is like 30 miles from where we were , and without thinking I said ” I only live about a mile away do you want to come and get cleaned up before you drive home ” and I instantly stood there feeling like a fool, wondering why I had asked her, but she replied ” that would be great, what about your husband ” ,and I said ” I live alone”. She said ” have you got a car, “and when I answered ” yes” she smiled and said ” I will follow you , lets go”.
Becky Bubbles came out of my shower wrapped in a towel and carrying her clothes, ” that feels better ” she said smiling . Placing her clothes on the edge of the couch she stood there and took off the towel standing naked before me , and she began to dry the hair on her head, she didn’t have any anywhere else, and as she covered her head and face with the towel she started to tell me ” the weather forecast looks great for tomorrow, I heard the weather on the radio coming over here , the rain showers have finished, the ground will be nice and dry by the time the time your people get there at two in the afternoon “.
I must have looked shocked because when she took the towel off her head from rubbing it she looked at me and said ,” oops you don’t mind me being naked do you” ?
Mind, mind, shocked, red faced, looking stupid but I sure don’t mind , and I think I said “of course not ” ,but I don’t know what it came out as, probably gobbledy goog. She said ” can I ask you for a favour “, and I said ” sure ” and she said “have you got any old panties I could borrow, mine were a bit wet I stood on them getting out of the shower, ” , and I said “of course “, and she left the towel on the back of a chair around the table table and followed me into my bedroom.
I have mirrors on the sliding wardrobes on two sides of my bedroom, I could see her butt in one of them , God it was cute. I opened a packet of panties I had bought only recently and handed them to her, ” help yourself “I said and she laid the four pairs out on the bed, before holding a pair up against her and saying ” is this my color “, and laughing . I said ” there perfect” and she said ” I will buy another packet and drop them off tomorrow ” , and I said “don’t be silly, ” to which she replied ” oh your a sweetie” and she hugged me and gave me a peck on the cheek.
After she had left I had something to eat and started watching tv before I went and had a shower, got my laptop went and sat on the bed leaning against the headboard and started watching porn ,something I had started doing only a few weeks before . I like all sorts of vids , especially women taking big cocks , and recently I had been watching more and more lesbian porn. Five minutes after watching two women reach a climax doing 69, I opened my legs and my hand drifted to my pussy ,my finger rubbing my hot wet clitoris sent shivers through my body.
I kept looking for a video of a woman that had someone in it that looked like Becky, and every time I found one, long suntanned legs ,biggish boobs, light brown hair I would get near to climaxing but I would force myself to stop even if it meant pinching my thigh or pushing a fingernail in my hand and looking in the mirror I would tell myself I was being an idiot and then start touching myself again.
I found that one video I was looking for, a woman who looked similar to Becky Bubbles, she was fucking herself with vibrator and as she started to climax so did I , my finger worked my clit so fast and hard ,that even if I had wanted to stop I couldn’t have , I could feel myself lifting my butt off the bed, the computer slipped off my lap and I stuffed two fingers into my hot wet love canal, as I shook and shouted out for Becky to fuck me, my climax seemed to go on forever, my leg had a cramp and it was agony but I could not stop rubbing my clit until I rolled over onto my side buried my face in the pillow told Becky I loved her and cried myself to sleep.
I got to the BBQ about an hour early, as I got out of my car the first person to say “Happy Fourth” was Becky Bubbles, she gave me a little cuddle and a peck on the cheek, said ” I am out of here , I just dropped by to make sure everything was going well “. I almost screamed DON’T GO, and she looked at me and said what the matter. I said ,”oh I thought you would stay” and she said,” no I can’t were catering three other party’s today ,I have to go and visit them” , and I must have sounded like a stupid child when I half whispered “are you coming back” ?
She looked at me and laughed, “you can handle this , everything is done, and my guys will be here in the morning to take everything down”. I smiled weakly, “will you be here” I said feeling my eyes start to mist up, and she looked at me for what seemed like a long time, before getting close and whispering ” no “. I swear I thought I was going to cry. She asked me “whats the matter Jenny, what’s going on “, and I muttered horsley “nothing,” and she said “yes there is, what’s the matter is it something I have done “.
I did a pathetic smile and said “no, I hope to see you again sometime” and she looked at me and laughed, said “what time are you leaving here “, and I said “my bits done, once the MD has done his welcome everyone speech I am out of here the security guys will shut the thing down at 8 tonight” , and she said ” why don’t you go home ,pack a bag and come and stay at my place tonight, you can use my shower and I will find you a pair of panty’s to wear as a pay back” and we were both laughing.
My heart leapt,I could hear my heart beating in my chest, my head was spinning and I said “well aren’t you busy tonight” and she said ” honey after the week I have had I intend sitting doing nothing until Monday morning, go on , it’s 1.13 now, by the time I have finished doing the rounds it will be about 3, 3.30 at the latest , do you know where St.Charles is” and I answered yes. She grabbed my hands and said ” great as you cross the river on the 64 , take the first right which is second street and there is a park on the left side of the road about 1/2 a mile along I will see you there at say 5pm, you had better give me your cell number just in case I am running late,” and Bouncy was in her car and gone
I watched as she left our parking lt ,lent against my car and I was laughing to myself, what the hell was I doing even thinking of going to stay the night with a woman young enough to be my daughter, and hell I had not even had the sense to ask her if she had a boyfriend. A boyfriend she probably had a line of them around her house waiting for there turn to wine and dine her in the hope of getting in those undies I had loaned her, and I decide there and then I was going to see the MD’s speech and then head home to my little apartment and my cat.and settle down for a long weekend of nothingness yet again.
HI GUYS, Becky Hillyard here, she isn’t going to be able to resit coming to stay, that poor bitch needs sex like a drowning rat needs air, and she doesn’t trust men after her asshole husband walked out on her. I guarantee she will be there in the park half an hour before I told her I would get there. and she is going to get that old pussy of her’s seen to, big time .

👄This will be the best oral sex you have ever experienced.👅