A Whore at 50 (Part two)

It’s not easy when your 50 ( only looking early 40’s) lol, and there is only a certain group of people that want an older whore, but if you can find

People outside the world of prostitution think there are two types of whores, the cheap lean her up against the wall type after the bar closes, or the hooker who strolls hooker road ,waiting for a car to stop, or the good looking Escort, or woman you find at the bar of a high class hotel, or at the airport hotel looking for the one night stay guest, and people assume that it’s only guys that want a “take out meal” lol, ………..wrong.
Of course rich men don’t need whores, they have a wife, and a secretary or whatever there called in 2020 , the wife is normally some subservient dyed blond thats along for the ride, you can fuck me Sunday morning, if your a good boy , just as long as that American Express card keeps ching chinging when I go shopping, every fucking day, and I can play cards at the Country Club 5 days a week while your working.
The secretary or whatever she is called now works hard to keep him happy, often staying after work on her knees under his desk, or on a good day over his desk , panties down around one ankle legs spread telling him not to rip her in half because he is so big and hard , lol, hoping that one day he will leave the wife and marry her, good luck on that one , don’t hold your breath.
. My experience of rich older men is they are frustrated and the pressure of work and being successful makes them cruel and thoughtless, with very few real feelings for anyone.
I am pretty good looking for 50, I think most people would think I was early forties, VERY early forties, lol, I have never had children, still pretty firm where I need to be firm, not fat , I can’t do much about the boobs, there big and sure there hanging a bit but hey what do you want a 25% discount for that ? In my profession you hear the old old story of my wife doesn’t want sex anymore now she is 45 ,lol, OK dick head, sure she does it’s just your boring ass she doesn’t want, my sex drive today at 50 is just like it was when I was 33 years old, which according to Cosmo is when I should have been at my peak . They need to take a new survey.
I sure as hell don’t want to walk the streets in the cold so I do party’s and private dinners in the wealthy areas of town, I have got in with a guy that owns a catering company and he pays me 20 bucks an hour for doing the waitress bit, and once his people clean up and leave what I do is between me and my conscience , which is pretty clear, well OK somewhat kind of clear, and the hme owner.
First party I ever did where I made extra money was in a house that when I got there I thought was City Hall , the house was huge. I was there to do the usual take the coats, serve drinks, make sure the table didn’t have empty plates on it, even keep the guy who owned the place happy by curtsying like a damn idiot every time he asked me to do something.
This old guys wife was an out and out cunt, I think she spoke to me twice the whole time she had guests there, once was to tell me where the coats of her guests were to go, and for me not to touch anything in the room because she would know if it wasn’t there when she looked in the morning, and she knew who I worked for. I wanted to say hey bitch I am not an idiot I wouldn’t steal anything from here ,but I bit my tongue and she said your sort are often tempted to take whats not yours, lol.
The second time she spoke to me was as I was closing the door when the last few guest were leaving , and she said my husband wants to talk to you when everyone has left.
I was tidying up a few things up in the room ,she came in and said leave that, the cleaning woman will do that in the morning, come with me. I followed her through the house to like his den, and he was sitting in the chair with a cigar and a drink and he thanked me for working hard, and gave me a 50 buck tip, and as I went to take it he kind of held onto it, and said there is more where that came from if you interested and let the note go.
I kind of stood up and smiled and said I am interested and he said in doing what. OOOOKKKK now what do I say, I kind of looked at his wife and she said all bored he wants you to suck his dick, and swallow the you know what, something I think is disgusting, hahahaha but I am sure “your kind “will do that for money, hahahaha.
Here we go with the your kind bit again, but I just smiled, and we kind of stood there in silence and she said well, and I said OK,yeah and she said good, follow me ,took me upstairs opened a bedroom door said there is a shower ensuite , call me when your ready to do it, and she left.
Lol, it was like being in a hotel, soaps and shampoo , conditioner ,a sponge , a razor, face flanel, lovely white towels so I made sure I scrubbed my butt so not to leave a mark on the towel , lol, just in case, it had been a long evening, lol, even a hair dryer, and when I came out of the bathroom there on the bed was “IT,” lol.
IT was a throw back nightie to the 1960’s, porn industry, one of those red baby doll things that flare out at the bottom, with fake fur around it and hardly cover you butt and are see thru. I put it on and had to hold my hand over my mouth incase they were close and could here me laughing, and when I looked in the mirror I ended up bending over I was laughing so much.
I opened the door called out Hi I am here and I heard come up the hallway, so I walked in the direction of an open door, with the lights on ,kind of knocked on the door frame and she said come in don’t stand out there.
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